DATE: July 5, 2016
PRESENT: Mona Colton, Dave Larkin,, Patty Haskins, Kelly Ziegler, Henry Hotchkiss, Susie Martin, Connie Martin, Mary Lee Stevens, Mary Russ from White River Partnership
Agenda Modifications: New Business #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 6/21/16
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
B. Financial Management Questionnaire
7. Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Next Meeting Date: August 2, 2016
Mona motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. The agenda was modified to include: New Business #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering.
Minutes Approval: Dave motioned to approve the June 21, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
New Business:
b.Financial Management Questionnaire – Dave motioned to approve the questionnaire as presented by Patty; Mona seconded; motion carried. This is an annual survey to help ensure proper financial procedures are being used.
7. Vermont Farms Catering Request to Cater Malt, Vinous, and/or Spirituous Liquors on the following dates: 7/19/16, 7/20/16 and 7/21/16 for a wedding. All events will be done by 10:00 p.m. Mona motioned to approve the request; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Date: August 2, 2016
Adjournment: Mona motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: Sept. 6, 2016
Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Mona Colton
Dave Larkin
PRESENT: Mona Colton, Dave Larkin,, Patty Haskins, Kelly Ziegler, Henry Hotchkiss, Susie Martin, Connie Martin, Mary Lee Stevens, Mary Russ from White River Partnership
Agenda Modifications: New Business #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 6/21/16
Public Present:
- Trustees of Public Funds, Cemetery Commissioners at 6:00 p.m.
- Mary Russ, White River Partnership at 6:30 p.m.
- Revisions to Act No. 130
- General Permit Public Notice – VT Flood Hazard Area & River Corridor Rule
Old Business:
- Town Hall projects
- Tweed River open space
New Business:
- Fire Alarm Test
- CV Oil Pre-buy
- Municipal Park and Ride Grant Program
- Cemetery Funding
- Set 2016 Tax Rate
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
B. Financial Management Questionnaire
7. Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Next Meeting Date: August 2, 2016
Mona motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. The agenda was modified to include: New Business #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering.
Minutes Approval: Dave motioned to approve the June 21, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
- VT Public Service Board memo dated 6/23/16 regarding Act 130 Telecommunications Facilities. Request to revise Third Amendment Standards & Procedures Order to clarify time period for filing comments, motions and hearing requests concerning applications filed. No action.
- Agency of Natural Resources General Permit Public Notice – VT Flood Hazard Area & River Corridor Rule: There will be a public meeting Wednesday, July 27, from 5 to 7 pm, at the ANR Annex regarding the revised ANR General Permit which provides for the authorization of activities exempt from municipal regulation located in Flood Hazard Areas and River Corridors. Public Notice to be posted in the Town offices July 5 through August 5, 2016. No other action.
- Town Hall projects – Reviewed painting estimates from Don Marshall. Dave will clarify what is included for the interior project. Flag pole painting will be handled by the Pittsfield Historical Society. Dave will get stain for outside projects so this can get underway.
- Tweed River open space – Mary Russ of White River Partnership reported the release letter took a year however there are no archaeological, historical or brownfield assessments to address. Dubois & King can move forward with construction elements, Mona will contact them. A finalized plan and construction RFP’s will be needed. Patty will verify D&K will handle any contractors that require compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act. The deadline can be extended beyond September 2016. Willow stakes can be harvested and planted in October 2016.
New Business:
- Fire Alarm Test – Dave motioned to approve the annual agreement from Marshall’s Alarm Service in the amount of $350; Mona seconded; motion carried.
- CV Oil Pre-buy – Mona motioned to purchase 500 gallons of propane for Highway; 1500 gallons of propane for the Town Office; and 550 gallons of oil for the Town Hall; Dave seconded; motion carried. Total cost $4,612 less credit of $1,887.32 for a net of $2,724.68.
- Municipal Park and Ride Grant Program – 2017 grants available for small park & ride facilities. No action.
- Cemetery Funding – Trustees of Public Funds, Cemetery Commissioners and Select Board discussed the history and current processes for the perpetual cemetery funds. Currently these funds are in a checking account and should be invested. Projects such as road repairs and tree removal should be budgeted items so the town can vote on them. Patty will draft a policy and distribute to the members for review and feedback. Patty passed out information on the Open Meeting Law. Patty briefly explained that whenever they have meetings the agenda needs to be posted in advance and minutes need to be taken at the meeting then recorded with the Town Office.
- Set 2016 Tax Rate – Dave motioned to approve a municipal tax rate of 0.4785; Mona seconded; motion carried. This is less than last year.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
b.Financial Management Questionnaire – Dave motioned to approve the questionnaire as presented by Patty; Mona seconded; motion carried. This is an annual survey to help ensure proper financial procedures are being used.
7. Vermont Farms Catering Request to Cater Malt, Vinous, and/or Spirituous Liquors on the following dates: 7/19/16, 7/20/16 and 7/21/16 for a wedding. All events will be done by 10:00 p.m. Mona motioned to approve the request; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Date: August 2, 2016
Adjournment: Mona motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: Sept. 6, 2016
Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Mona Colton
Dave Larkin