DATE: December 6, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Don Bass, Tim Hunt, Dot Williamson, Ray and Lynda Colton, Jack and Margaret Conboy, Joyce Stevens, Jennifer Howard
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4 Wendy Reese letter; Old Business #10 Window Cleaning, #11 Kayla Stevens v. Town Clerk of Pittsfield; New Business #6 CDBG Re-Use Design Amendment
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 11/15/16
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 Wendy Reese letter; Old Business #10 Window Cleaning, #11 Kayla Stevens v. Town Clerk of Pittsfield; New Business #6 CDBG Re-Use Design Amendment
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the November 15, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
Old Business:
Next Meeting Date: December 20, 2016
Adjournment: Mona left the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: December 20, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Don Bass, Tim Hunt, Dot Williamson, Ray and Lynda Colton, Jack and Margaret Conboy, Joyce Stevens, Jennifer Howard
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4 Wendy Reese letter; Old Business #10 Window Cleaning, #11 Kayla Stevens v. Town Clerk of Pittsfield; New Business #6 CDBG Re-Use Design Amendment
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 11/15/16
Public Present:
- VTrans & DHCD Grant
- Rutland Economic Development Corp.
- Dimmick Services
- Wendy Reese letter
Old Business:
- Snowmobile Trail Tweed River Drive
- Snow Removal: Town Buildings
- Highwood Homeowners Association Concerns about Parking on Tweed River Drive
- Peyton House Demolition
- FairPoint Pole Placement - Silver Spring Road
- Garofalo Property Request for EWP Repair
- Delinquent Tax Properties
- Thermostat Update
- Budgets - General Fund
- Window cleaning – Town Office and Town Hall
- Kayla Stevens v. Town Clerk of Pittsfield
New Business:
- Town Report “Budget Narrative”
- Trustee Appointment Roger Clark Memorial Library
- Village Green – water runoff
- Paint at Town Hall
- Town Clerk/ Treasurer Report A. November Financials
- CDBG Re-Use Design Amendment
Next Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 Wendy Reese letter; Old Business #10 Window Cleaning, #11 Kayla Stevens v. Town Clerk of Pittsfield; New Business #6 CDBG Re-Use Design Amendment
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the November 15, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
- VTrans & DHCD Grant – Announcement for $200,000 available for planning of expanded transportation options to foster economic vitality. Applications due 1/13/17. No action.
- Rutland Economic Development Corp. – Annual report, no action.
- Dimmick Services – Flyer about available septic services. No action.
- Wendy Reese - Letter of support regarding pay and benefits for the Road Commissioner and Town Clerk dated 12/5/16.
Old Business:
- Snowmobile Trail Tweed River Drive – Tim Hunt, President of the snowmobile club, reviewed proposed alternate route for the trail that use to cross Tweed River Drive and Joe Desena’s property. The new route comes out on Lower Michigan Road by the Nubers, crosses Route 100 and down Parmenter Place.. The club has obtained written permission from the landowners where the route crosses their property and also obtained signatures of residents along the route acknowledging they are aware of the new route and are in favor of it. The trail will have a 10:00 p.m. curfew and it will be posted. George, the Road Commissioner and Greg Martin, the grooming machine driver discussed expectations in regards to town roadways and are in agreement. Mona motioned to allow the alternate snowmobile route and sign the Landowner Permission Form for town property; Matt seconded; motion carried and permission form signed.
- Snow Removal: Town Buildings – David Pezzeti submitted quote for snow removal at the Town Office and Town Hall. Pricing is per event based on eight exits and a minimum of 3 inches of snow. If they have to shovel through snow banks there will be an additional fee. He did not include paths across the lawn which would also be extra. Ray Colton questions why the Road Commissioner isn’t shoveling the snow. Dave explained George is busy plowing the roads. Jack suggests getting a flat fee from Mr. Pezzeti. Matt will check into this.
- Highwood Homeowners Association Concerns about Parking on Tweed River Drive – Michael Shor thanked the Board for their consideration even though it was not the answer they were looking for.
- Peyton House Demolition – Kevin Geiger, TRORC, contacted the engineers at the Agency of Natural Resources regarding Highwood Association’s inquiry about leaving the foundation in place. Josh Carvajal, P.E. CFM visited the site and responded, “The foundation should be removed since the angle of repose (visually observed) for that slope ends about midway into the house and the slope will eventually erode that far back. I’d also recommend removing as much soil as possible since there is a stone retaining wall on the stream side of the parcel that appears to be associated with fill in that site.” A letter will be sent to Herb Kuendig and the Fazzouli’s informing them of the decision. TRORC is working on the RFP for the demolition and December 15, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. is the tentative pre-bid meeting. Bidders will have 30 days from the pre-bid meeting to submit their proposals and then the Board will review and award the project.
- FairPoint Pole Placement - Silver Spring Road: Matt reviewed with George and the new pole placement is fine. Matt moved to sign the agreement; Dave seconded; vote of 3 in favor and 0 not in favor; motion carried.
- Garofalo Property Request for EWP Repair – Dave spoke to Mr. Garofalo and conducted a site visit. Dave shared photos with the Board and they could not identify any issues that would be considered outside of “Operations and Maintenance” of property. A letter will be sent to Mr. Garofalo with the Board’s decision.
- Delinquent Tax Properties – Janice Stumpf will plan to list the Watkins, BFF and Tiffany properties as uncollectible debt in the town report. The town is not interested in purchasing any of the properties. Dave will look into what it takes to donate land to the Forest Service and if the town can ‘foreclose’ on properties.
- Thermostat Update – The technician for Alerton determined the thermostat needed to be reset. He showed Patty how to do this. No charge for the service visit.
- Budgets - General Fund: Don Bass feels the minutes reflected more positive comments regarding town employee wages/benefits compared to negative comments that were expressed. Joyce does not believe their voices were heard. Mona believes more townspeople are against full benefits and wage increases; Dave believes more townspeople were for full benefits and wage increases. Matt stated comments from both views were considered. Mona states health benefit allowance can be changed retroactively. Ray suggests having a separate article to vote on benefits so the issue doesn’t affect the rest of the budget vote. Board is budgeting for routine maintenance of town buildings and is considering an article to set aside monies for larger projects. Line by line review of General Fund continued. Mona is not motivated to pursue alternate ambulance service to save the town money, feels the Board will just spend any savings. Dave will follow-up on ambulance services and costs as it could be a significant difference between WRVA and Regional. Joyce has volunteered to take down the peeling wallpaper downstairs in the Town Hall as well as patch and paint this area. Budget discussion will start with salaries at the next meeting. Patty distributed wage information for the Board to review.
- Window cleaning – Town Office and Town Hall: Dave has a quote from Robert Franks to use for budgeting purposes.
- Kayla Stevens v. Town Clerk of Pittsfield – Motion for the Service of the Summons and Complaint and Bi-Lateral Non-Waiver – Discussing litigation strategy in public places the Town at a substantial disadvantage. Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss this legal matter. Moved: Matt Corron. Seconded: Dave Larkin. Motion carried. Board entered at 8:22 p.m. Motion to exit Executive Session. Moved: Matt Corron. Seconded: Dave Larkin. Motion Carried. Board exited at 8:45 p.m.
- Town Report “Budget Narrative” – Board will provide a narrative to clarify various budget items so townspeople have more information on what is included. Why some line items increase, why some decrease.
- Trustee Appointment Roger Clark Memorial Library – Sharon Mayer has resigned her position as a trustee. Matt motioned to appoint Coral Hawley as a trustee for the library until Town Meeting; Dave seconded the motion; motion carried to appoint Coral.
- Village Green – water runoff: Topic tabled for another meeting.
- Paint at Town Hall – On a volunteer basis Don Marshall patched and painted inside the Town Hall. The town will reimburse Don for materials and will request an invoice.
- Town Clerk/ Treasurer Report A. November Financials – Matt and Dave reviewed, no action.
- CDBG Re-Use Design Amendment – TRORC provided an amendment to the Re-Use Design Contract for the Parmenter Place open space project. The 10% match amount increased due to the re-designs required to adhere to the environmental clearance process. Matt motioned to sign the amendment agreement; Dave seconded; motion carried to sign amendment.
Next Meeting Date: December 20, 2016
Adjournment: Mona left the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: December 20, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton