DATE: April 19, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Joyce Stevens, Don Bass, Linda Colton, Ray Colton, Joe Fuster, Greg Russ - WRP
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 Pittsfield Crafts on the Green; OB #6 Buyout Properties – Phase I Environmental Assessment; OB #7 Tweed River Open Space Loss Control
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/29/2016 & 4/12/2016; Special Meeting 4/5/16
Public Present: Greg Russ - White River Partnership
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: April 26, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Mona seconded; the meeting was called to order at 5:58 p.m.
Minutes Approval: Mona motioned to approve the March 29, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Mona motioned to approve April 5, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Mona motioned to approve the April 19, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 Pittsfield Crafts on the Green; OB #6 Buyout Properties – Phase I Environmental Assessment; OB #7 Tweed River Open Space Loss Control
Public Present: Greg Russ - White River Partnership (WRP): Mr. Russ explained the WRP Culvert and Bridge Assessment project. It was funded by grants from VT Fish & Wildlife and Fish Passage. WRP assessed 200 plus structures in the Upper White River and Tweed River that create barriers for fish and/or are prone to flooding. The grant requires WRP to share the information with towns. The report helps determine priorities for addressing the barriers. The town of Rochester has corrected some and has others in the process. WRP will help obtain funding. WRP would like to coordinate with the town in the fall to address any structures the town wants to pursue so it can be included in the budget. The data is mapped on the state’s Natural Resources Atlas on-line.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: April 26, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Mona seconded; motion carried.
Approved: May 3, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
David Larkin
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Joyce Stevens, Don Bass, Linda Colton, Ray Colton, Joe Fuster, Greg Russ - WRP
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 Pittsfield Crafts on the Green; OB #6 Buyout Properties – Phase I Environmental Assessment; OB #7 Tweed River Open Space Loss Control
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/29/2016 & 4/12/2016; Special Meeting 4/5/16
Public Present: Greg Russ - White River Partnership
- Puschel wastewater application
Old Business:
- White River Partnership Culvert and Bridge Assessment
- LEOP Adoption
- Bridge #11
- 2016 Budget
- Pittsfield Crafts on the Green
- Buyout Properties – Phase I Environmental Assessment
- Tweed River Open Space Loss Control
New Business:
- Certificate of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards and Network Inventory
Next Meeting Date: April 26, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Mona seconded; the meeting was called to order at 5:58 p.m.
Minutes Approval: Mona motioned to approve the March 29, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Mona motioned to approve April 5, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Mona motioned to approve the April 19, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 Pittsfield Crafts on the Green; OB #6 Buyout Properties – Phase I Environmental Assessment; OB #7 Tweed River Open Space Loss Control
Public Present: Greg Russ - White River Partnership (WRP): Mr. Russ explained the WRP Culvert and Bridge Assessment project. It was funded by grants from VT Fish & Wildlife and Fish Passage. WRP assessed 200 plus structures in the Upper White River and Tweed River that create barriers for fish and/or are prone to flooding. The grant requires WRP to share the information with towns. The report helps determine priorities for addressing the barriers. The town of Rochester has corrected some and has others in the process. WRP will help obtain funding. WRP would like to coordinate with the town in the fall to address any structures the town wants to pursue so it can be included in the budget. The data is mapped on the state’s Natural Resources Atlas on-line.
- Puschel wastewater application: Notification from the Dept. of Environmental Conservation for application to construct 4-bedroom structure on Route 100, Parcel #99.0620-000, Application #WW-3-2533.
Old Business:
- White River Partnership Culvert and Bridge Assessment: see Public Present
- LEOP Adoption: Matt motioned to adopt the LEOP with changes; Mona seconded; LEOP adopted. Patty will forward to TRORC.
- Bridge #11: George spoke to VTrans concerning Standards referred to in the bids. Wayne Symonds, Structure Engineer from VTrans confirmed all three bidders are reputable contractors. Mr. Symonds also confirmed this project does not require engineering and he highly recommends the bridge membrane with asphalt overlay. George would like to award to Daniels Construction, the lowest bid. Mona motioned to approve awarding the bid to Daniels changing the phrase from “alternate” to “additional” for the membrane and asphalt; Matt seconded; bid awarded to Daniels Construction providing grant from the state comes through.
- 2016 Budget: WRVA membership is required by the State and the Pittsfield FAST squad is licensed through WRVA. Mona will research Regional for an alternative for 2017. Sheriff budget canceled; Board Secretary will send formal cancellation letter. Town Office Building Maintenance lowered from $4,000 to $3,000. Town Hall Maintenance budget only the basics for $2,500. Board will research possible grants; investigate issues that need to be addressed and obtain bids; contact Eric Lantiege the town Energy Coordinator for advice on lighting. Discussed wages line by line, taking public comments into consideration. In general keep increases to a minimum; Patty’s research found COLA was 0% for this year so Board opted for 3% merit raises for some positions; concern raised over newly hired personnel getting an increase; questioned using state averages; possible use of interns. Patty provided Board with sample for presenting a budget narrative to voters in the mailing. Mona will fill in the details. Board will complete at April 26, 2016 meeting so materials will be ready to mail April 30, 2016.
- Pittsfield Crafts on the Green: Event scheduled for May 28th has been canceled due to not meeting minimum of 10 participants.
- Buyout Properties – Phase I Environmental Assessment: Mona reported Chuck Colton confirms the 1959 Ford used for septic was not removed from the property by Mel Colton Excavating. Matt will contact Kevin Geiger at TRORC with information and to find out the next steps. Matt will also notify Mary Russ – WRP, Matt Murawski and Jeff Tucker of DuBois & King.
- Tweed River Open Space Loss Control: Matt did not have time to pursue from last week’s meeting. Tabled for a future meeting.
New Business:
- Certificate of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards and Network Inventory: George has the document to review as it is a new format. Tabled for next meeting.
Next Meeting Date: April 26, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Mona seconded; motion carried.
Approved: May 3, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
David Larkin