DATE: November 15, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Don Bass, Sue and Mike Wuerthele, Wendy Reese, Herb Kuendig, Sarah Gallagher
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #1 additions – Dana Decker, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Jennifer Burch, George Deblon; Old Business #11 – Town Hall Cleaning; New Business #3 – Quintown Senior Center relocation request, #4 – Control Technologies thermostat proposal, #5 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report, #6 – Garofalo property request for EWP repair
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 11/1/16
Public Present: Herb Kuendig – Highwood Homeowners Association
Next Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Mona seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence #1 additions – Dana Decker, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Jennifer Burch, George Deblon; Old Business #11 – Town Hall Cleaning; New Business #3 – Quin-town Senior Center relocation request, #4 – Control Technologies thermostat proposal, #5 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report, #6 – Garofalo property request for EWP repair
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the November 1, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: 12/6/2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Don Bass, Sue and Mike Wuerthele, Wendy Reese, Herb Kuendig, Sarah Gallagher
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #1 additions – Dana Decker, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Jennifer Burch, George Deblon; Old Business #11 – Town Hall Cleaning; New Business #3 – Quintown Senior Center relocation request, #4 – Control Technologies thermostat proposal, #5 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report, #6 – Garofalo property request for EWP repair
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 11/1/16
Public Present: Herb Kuendig – Highwood Homeowners Association
- Letters from Annabelle Williams, Dana Decker, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Jennifer Burch, George Deblon
- VLCT News November 2016
- Vermont Health Connect 2017 plan Comparison Tool
- Act 250 Onsite Mitigation Layer
- Griffin & Griffin Bid for Open Space
- Public Input on TS4 General Permit
- Public Forum “Securing Vermont’s Economic Future”
- Riverside Farm Neighbors Update / Notice of Alleged Violation from Natural Resources Board
- Notice of Lawsuit and request to waiver service of a summons
- Town Employee Blue Cross Blue Shield
- HRA/FSA Renewal Due
- Snowmobile Trail Tweed River Drive
- Snow Removal: Town Buildings
- Highwood Homeowners Association Concerns about Parking on Tweed River Drive
- Mutual Waiver of Rents, Taxes, Assessments and Liability and Release of Covenants 173 Park Place
- Town Facilities User/Rental Agreement
- Peyton House Demolition
- Town Hall Cleaning
- Fairpoint Pole Placement - Silver Spring Road
- Budgets - General Fund
- Quin-town Senior Center relocation request
- Control Technologies thermostat proposal
- Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Garofalo property request for EWP repair
Next Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Mona seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence #1 additions – Dana Decker, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Jennifer Burch, George Deblon; Old Business #11 – Town Hall Cleaning; New Business #3 – Quin-town Senior Center relocation request, #4 – Control Technologies thermostat proposal, #5 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report, #6 – Garofalo property request for EWP repair
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the November 1, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
- Letters from Annabelle Williams, Dana Decker, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Jennifer Burch, George Deblon – Letters supporting wages and health benefits for town employees at least meet the state averages.
- VLCT News November 2016 – Received, no action
- Vermont Health Connect 2017 plan Comparison Tool – New online tool available for consumers to compare the various health plans that are available. No action.
- Act 250 Onsite Mitigation Layer – Vermont Dept. of Agriculture provided a link to view the Onsite Mitigation Program. The purpose of the program is to preserve the best soils in Vermont specifically for present and future agricultural endeavors. No action.
- Griffin & Griffin Bid for Open Space – The town received a bid after the deadline and it was significantly higher than Harvey’s bid. No action.
- Public Input on TS4 General Permit – Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation is holding a public meeting on December 6, 2016 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the ANR Annex in Berlin VT on the draft of General Permit 3-9007 for Stormwater Discharges from Transportation Separate Storm Sewer System (TS4 General Permit). No action.
- Public Forum “Securing Vermont’s Economic Future” – Green Mountain Economic Development is hosting a forum on November 17, 2016 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Quechee Club. No action.
Old Business:
- Riverside Farm Neighbors Update / Notice of Alleged Violation from Natural Resources Board – Alleged violations are related to Conditions 1, 7 and 18 of Land Use Permit WW-3-0763-1. No action.
- Notice of Lawsuit and request to waiver service of a summons – Discussing litigation strategy in public places the Town at a substantial disadvantage. Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss this legal matter. Moved: Matt Corron. Seconded: Mona Colton. Motion Carried. Board entered at 7:45 p.m. Motion to exit Executive Session. Moved: Matt Corron. Seconded: Mona Colton. Motion Carried. Board exited at 7:50 pm.
- Town Employee Blue Cross Blue Shield – The Board opened the floor for comments from attendees. Mike, Sue, Wendy and Sarah were all in favor of the paying 100% of the premium. The Board discussed their preferences which ranged from paying 100% to setting cap on the amount the Town would contribute. Matt motioned for a vote on continuing with the Platinum Plan at 100% coverage. Motion approved by vote, 2 to 1.
- HRA/FSA Renewal Due – Discussion included keeping the HRA at $1,250 per employee and replenish each year to keep at that level; and continue to rollover any unused funds. The fund balance can be reviewed yearly and changes made if necessary. Any unused funds stay with the town, not the employee. Matt motioned for a vote on rolling over the $1,250 per employee each year. Motion approved by vote, 2 to 1.
- Snowmobile Trail Tweed River Drive – The Road Commissioner shared his concerns about snowmobiles traveling on town roads via e-mail. The Board will invite Dot Williamson to the next meeting to discuss further. The letter to Dot will request that she obtain written agreement from affected landowners and/or residents along the new route to aid the Board in making a final decision.
- Snow Removal: Town Buildings – Patty contacted David Pezetti about giving the town a quote on snow removal. In general he shovels when there is 3 inches or more snow. He is contracted with Wintergreen and could do the town buildings at the same time. The town has not yet received a cost proposal from David. Matt will do snow removal until this is resolved.
- Highwood Homeowners Association Concerns about Parking on Tweed River Drive – The Road Commissioner addressed this concern via e-mail with the Board and does not have any issues with the occasional parking that occurs in this location. A follow-up will be sent to Mr. Shor.
- Mutual Waiver of Rents, Taxes, Assessments and Liability and Release of Covenants 173 Park Place – Marylou Scofield forwarded this to the town to finalize. It is for the McAdams property and should have been completed at the closing. Motion to sign waiver. Moved: Matt Corron. Seconded: Mona Colton. Motion carried, document signed, witnessed and notarized.
- Town Facilities User/Rental Agreement – Patty shared a draft with the Board to review. Revised agreement approved.
- Peyton House Demolition – Herb Kuendig on behalf of the Highwood Homeowners Association requests the foundation remain in place to help stabilize the embankment. They are concerned the land in this area will erode, thus creating other issues in the development. Matt will contact Kevin Geiger at TRORC on the matter.
- Town Hall Cleaning – Kerry Gilbert has agreed to clean the Town Office twice a month and will do the initial cleaning of the Town Hall if she can have someone help her. The Board approved the request. The Town Hall will be cleaned quarterly after the initial cleaning.
New Business:
- FairPoint Pole Placement on Silver Spring Road – Petition and Approval of Orders for Right-of-Way for utility work. Matt will look at the location and contact George if necessary to determine how to proceed with this request.
- Budgets - General Fund – Patty will provide more information after November bills are received. Discussed possible building repairs, obtaining estimates and information; articles to warn for town meeting. Patty suggested an Audit as it has been three years. Motion to not include an audit in the upcoming budget. Moved: Dave Larkin. Seconded: Mona Colton. Motion carried.
- Quin-town Senior Center relocation request – They are seeking a temporary location for January and February 2017 for their office and cooking activities. The facility needs to be handicapped accessible. Patty will forward the User/Rental Agreement form for their review.
- Control Technologies (CT) thermostat proposal – The thermostat is not controlling the heat in the basement. A possible solution costs $396 and contractor is not sure it will work. CT would like to bring in a specific technician to troubleshoot the issue. Patty will find out if there is a fee.
- Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – Reviewed October financials.
- Garofalo property request for EWP repair – Requesting the town to sponsor him so EWP can address a possible sinkhole. Tate Jeffrey, Civil Engineer with USDA Natural Resources Conservation suggests the town meet with Rich and look at area of concern. The EWP program does not cover Operations and Maintenance of property. Dave and George will go meet with Rich and visit the site for photos. Then the Board can review and discuss a course of action.
Next Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: 12/6/2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton