DATE: Tuesday, March 8, 2016
PRESENT: Mona Colton, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Joe Rivers, Don Bass, Vern Haskins, Clairetta Corron,
Dave Larkin
Agenda Modifications: NB #5 Procurement Workshops & FEMA Grants
Select Board Re-organization:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/23/2016 and Emergency Meeting 2/25/2016
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date:
Select Board Re-organization
In the absence of a Select Board chairperson Patty opened the meeting at 6:02 p.m. with the first order of business to re-organize the Select Board by dividing the duties among members. Dave suggested having a 5 member board to spread out duties; he also suggested hiring a clerk to help. Patty distributed copies of the Open Meeting Law to each member. Following some discussion the duties are:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/23/2016 and Emergency Meeting 2/25/2016: Matt signed both sets of minutes. Patty verified this was acceptable through VLCT. Wendy can also send a letter stating minutes are a fair and accurate depiction of the meeting to file for the records.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Regular meeting March 29, 2016; special budget discussion meeting April 5, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:10 p.m.; Mona seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: March 29, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
David Larkin
PRESENT: Mona Colton, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Joe Rivers, Don Bass, Vern Haskins, Clairetta Corron,
Dave Larkin
Agenda Modifications: NB #5 Procurement Workshops & FEMA Grants
Select Board Re-organization:
- Divide Duties
a. Chair – Chair Select Board Meetings
b. Vice Chair – Chair Select Board Meetings in Chairs absence
c. Authorize Board Member to write and sign weekly Select Board Orders
d. Buildings Person - Adopt Select Board Rules of Procedure
- Adopt Conflict of Interest Policy
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/23/2016 and Emergency Meeting 2/25/2016
- VLCT – Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop
- Enman-Kesselring Consulting Engineers
- Staying Connected Northern Appalachians
- VLCT News
- Weekly Legislative Report
- Vermont Walk/Bike Summit
Old Business:
- Spring Select Board Institute
- Tweed River Open Space
- Town Highway #15 - update
- Speed Limit Route 100 in village – update
- 113 Park Place (Peyton) - update
New Business:
- Authorize S.B. Member to write orders while other members away or unable to serve
- Authorize S.B. Member to act on behalf of the Select Board in an emergency while other members away or unable to serve
- 2016 Budget – process for moving forward: Establish budget committee? Budget meetings?
- Review appointed positions – plan for appointments at next meeting.
- Procurement Workshops & FEMA Grants
Next Meeting Date:
Select Board Re-organization
In the absence of a Select Board chairperson Patty opened the meeting at 6:02 p.m. with the first order of business to re-organize the Select Board by dividing the duties among members. Dave suggested having a 5 member board to spread out duties; he also suggested hiring a clerk to help. Patty distributed copies of the Open Meeting Law to each member. Following some discussion the duties are:
- Divide Duties
a. Chair – Chair Select Board Meetings: Matt offered to chair; Mona seconded.
b. Vice Chair – Chair Select Board Meetings in Chairs absence: Matt nominated Mona; Dave seconded.
c. Authorize Board Member to write and sign weekly Select Board Orders: Matt nominated Mona; Dave seconded.
d. Buildings Person: Matt nominated Dave; Mona seconded - Adopt Select Board Rules of Procedure: Matt motioned to adopt the Rules of Procedure; Mona seconded; motion carried.
- Adopt Conflict of Interest Policy: Matt motioned to adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy; Mona seconded; motion carried.
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/23/2016 and Emergency Meeting 2/25/2016: Matt signed both sets of minutes. Patty verified this was acceptable through VLCT. Wendy can also send a letter stating minutes are a fair and accurate depiction of the meeting to file for the records.
- VLCT – Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop: April 26, 2016; Janice receives this information directly.
- Enman-Kesselring Consulting Engineers: Solicitation for bridge, culverts, etc. consultation, no action.
- Staying Connected Northern Appalachians: VNRC hosting meeting March 10 in Bethel at 6:30 pm on importance of forest blocks to connect wildlife habitat. No action.
- VLCT News: March 2016 issue received; no action.
- Weekly Legislative Report: VLCT reps follow legislative issues that impact towns and share information and update through this report. Patty suggests board members scan their issue for topics that may need to be addressed.
- Vermont Walk/Bike Summit: TRORC workshops and speakers at Paramount Theatre April 1 & 2 to discuss importance of paths/access for traveling by foot or bicycle. No action.
Old Business:
- Spring Select Board Institute: March 12th – Matt is attending; materials are available a week after the Institute for a reduced fee and Mona will get the information to review.
- Tweed River Open Space - Results of the non-binding vote on the gray infrastructure:
Gravel Parking for up to three cars 95 Yes 90 No
Gravel walkway for pedestrian circulation 88 Yes 97 No
Two sitting stones with views of the river 116 Yes 69 No
Sign commemorating the former residences 78 Yes 107 No
Tropical Storm Irene high water marker 119 Yes 66 No
Matt motioned to include the gravel parking lot, two sitting stones and the high water marker in the plan; Dave seconded; motioned carried. Mona will inform DuBois & King. - Town Highway #15 – update: Ann and Herb Kuendig letter dated 3/8/16 reviewed. They are still concerned about potential liability with water line under driveway and want town to provide labor and half the cost of gravel to complete their driveway. Matt will follow-up with George on gravel pricing; and with Marylou regarding liability and contract. Table until more information is gathered.
- Speed Limit Route 100 in village – update: TRORC does not have small speed signs to loan; suggest contacting VTrans District 3 to borrow their speed cart. Table until results of Traffic Meeting are received.
- 113 Park Place (Peyton) – update: Closing delayed while attorney Frank Urso representing the Water System Association gets affirmative consents from all parcel owners to allow the buyout. Marylou will update town once Frank gives her a time frame.
New Business:
- Authorize S.B. Member to write orders while other members away or unable to serve – Matt motioned he will do orders if Mona is unable and Dave will do orders if both Mona and Matt are unable; Dave seconded; motion carried.
- Authorize S.B. Member to act on behalf of the Select Board in an emergency while other members away or unable to serve – Matt motioned to allow one member to act on behalf of the Board in an emergency; Mona seconded; motion carried.
- 2016 Budget – process for moving forward: Establish budget committee? Budget meetings? – Board will have a special budget discussion meeting so that town residents can participate in revising the proposed 2016 budget. Patty consulted VLCT on procedure for operating without a budget. Garrett Baxter responded that towns technically operate without a budget from January 1st until town meeting; and Select Board can decide what level of spending is allowed until a budget is approved. Matt will contact Rutland County Sheriff to hold off on providing services until budget is resolved. Warning for Budget Vote must be not less than 30 days and no more than 40 days. Special discussion meeting set for April 5, 2016.
- Review appointed positions – plan for appointments at next meeting. List distributed and reviewed. Members will discuss and make appointments at next meeting.
- Procurement Workshops & FEMA Grants – VT Dept of Public Safety is hosting half-day workshops to identify and avoid potential violations of Federal procurement requirements as required by FEMA. Matt will forward to Peter Borden to possibly attend 4/27/16 workshop in Mendon.
Next Meeting Date: Regular meeting March 29, 2016; special budget discussion meeting April 5, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:10 p.m.; Mona seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: March 29, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
David Larkin