DATE: January 21, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Gary Marcy, Bob Ennis, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifications: NB#4 Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads & Bridge Standards
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 1/5/2016; Emergency Meeting 12/23/15
Public Present:
Old Business:
1. CTI Service agreement
2. 113 Park Place Buyout
3. Town Health Plan – Health Reimbursement Account
4. Proposed Park
5 . Town Clerk/ Treasurer
a. Continue 2016 Budgeting
b. 2016 Town Meeting Warning
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: February 2, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Modifications: New Business 4. Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads & Bridge Standards.
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the January 5, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded; minutes approved. Matt motioned to approve the December 23, 2015 Emergency Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
Old Business:
b. 2016 Town Meeting Warning – final review; minor corrections made. Wendy motioned to approve warning for 2016 Town Meeting; Matt seconded; warning signed by the Board.
New Business:
Other: Matt purchased and installed weather strip/sweep for front outside door of Town Office which Dave Larkin had agreed at the January 5, 2016 meeting to complete the following day.
Meeting Schedule: Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 2, 2016.
Adjournment: Wendy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: Feb. 2, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Wendy Reese
Dave Larkin not in attendance
DATE: January 21, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Gary Marcy, Bob Ennis, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifications: NB#4 Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads & Bridge Standards
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 1/5/2016; Emergency Meeting 12/23/15
Public Present:
- Gary Marcy - Control Technologies (CTI) HVAC Contract
- Marylou Scofield and Bob Ennis - 113 Park Place Buyout and Grant Extension
- 250 Tweed River Drive CO
Old Business:
1. CTI Service agreement
2. 113 Park Place Buyout
3. Town Health Plan – Health Reimbursement Account
4. Proposed Park
5 . Town Clerk/ Treasurer
a. Continue 2016 Budgeting
b. 2016 Town Meeting Warning
New Business:
- Certificate of Highway Mileage
- Town Auditor Position Listing
- Install Fire Extinguisher in Machine Room
- Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads & Bridge Standards
Next Meeting Date: February 2, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Modifications: New Business 4. Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads & Bridge Standards.
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the January 5, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded; minutes approved. Matt motioned to approve the December 23, 2015 Emergency Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
- Gary Marcy from Control Technologies (CTI) explained how a minimal HVAC Contract works. Includes two visits a year and he recommends one in the spring for air conditioning and one in the fall for heating. Filters and belts are changed annually as part of the contract. Any other repair/service calls are charged as time and materials. As a contract customer the town would have preferred status in response to a call and reduced rates. Contract fee is $1,472 and serviceperson would spend approximately 14 hours on-site during the two visits. Matt motioned to sign the contract for one year; Wendy seconded; contract signed.
- Marylou Scofield, town attorney, and Bob Ennis from TRORC reviewed Mutual Waiver of Rents, Taxes, Assessments and Liability and Release of Covenants for property located at 113 Park Place in Highwood. The Town as the owner would not be bound to covenants of the association. The Water, Sewer and Homeowner’s Association all need to hold meetings to vote on accepting the release. This could take 30-40 days to complete. The Association already hired Ralph Michaels as the engineer as they want the water and sewer lines capped off properly. The lines run under this property. The Association wants the Town or Peyton’s to pay for their attorney fees of $2,120 plus engineering fees and any outstanding landowner fees. Bob explained the Town will incur the usual fees related to real estate transfer which are wrapped into the grant expenses. Bob will look into grant information to find out if any of the engineering can be covered. Marylou will make necessary changes to the waiver. Closing on this property has been delayed due to the association’s involvement. CDBG funds the Town has received for this property in the amount of $61,250 will be transferred Marylou’s Client Trust Account while this matter gets settled. Patty will follow through.
- 250 Tweed River Drive – Certificate of Occupancy request via e-mail from Daniel Keith. He states Ann Kuendig is living there full-time and the structure does not have a CO. Patty responded that Pittsfield does not have traditional zoning and Pittsfield does not require a CO. Patty asked Mr. Keith to forward the Vermont Statute citation that is being broken so that it can be addressed by the Select Board if necessary. Mr. Keith never responded.
Old Business:
- CTI Service agreement – see Public Present #1
- 113 Park Place Buyout - see Public Present #2
- Town health plan Reimbursement Account (HRA) – Board approved rollover of the funds at a previous meeting. Paperwork requires a signature from the Select Board. Matt signed form.
- Proposed Park – Tweed River Open Space: Matt motioned to approve gray infrastructure to be voted on by Australian ballot during the Presidential Primary Vote; Wendy seconded; motion carried. Reviewed draft ballot and Matt motioned to use ballot with five features; Wendy seconded; motion carried. Reviewed draft letter regarding the Tweed River Open Space for mailing to residents. Matt motioned to approve letter revisions to be sent to residents; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
- Town Clerk/ Treasurer
b. 2016 Town Meeting Warning – final review; minor corrections made. Wendy motioned to approve warning for 2016 Town Meeting; Matt seconded; warning signed by the Board.
New Business:
- Certificate of Highway Mileage – Matt motioned to approve with no changes and the Board will continue to investigate the .03 miles of road in question on TH15; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
- Town Auditor – Board would like to wait to fill open position and let it go to vote at Town Meeting.
- Install Fire Extinguisher in Machine Room – required by code. Patty purchased from inspection service. Matt will install bracket to wall mount it.
- Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads & Bridge Standards – George reviewed and verified the Town is in compliance. The Board signed the annual certification.
Other: Matt purchased and installed weather strip/sweep for front outside door of Town Office which Dave Larkin had agreed at the January 5, 2016 meeting to complete the following day.
Meeting Schedule: Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 2, 2016.
Adjournment: Wendy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: Feb. 2, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Wendy Reese
Dave Larkin not in attendance