DATE: February 23, 2016
PRESENT: Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Matt Corron
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 Green-Up Coordinator; NB #5 Buyout Administrator change; and NB #6 FY18 Transportation Prioritization
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/2/2016
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date:
Wendy motioned to open the meeting; Matt seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 - Green-Up Coordinator; NB #5- Buyout Administrator change; and NB #6 - FY18 Transportation Prioritization
Minutes Approval: Wendy motioned to approve the February 2, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
Approved: March 8, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Wendy Reese
Dave Larkin not in attendance
DATE: February 23, 2016
PRESENT: Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Matt Corron
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 Green-Up Coordinator; NB #5 Buyout Administrator change; and NB #6 FY18 Transportation Prioritization
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/2/2016
Public Present:
- Heart of Vermont Productions
- VLCT Spring Select Board Institute
- VLCT News
- VLCT VERB Trust program offering
- Bob Ennis: FEMA Buyout
- Agency of Natural Resources PILOT changes
- White River Alliance
Old Business:
- TH #15: update (Patty)
- Proposed Calendar for 2016 Select Board
- Update on Town Hall: roof and Efficiency Vermont
- Speed Limit Request – Route 100
- Green-Up Coordinator appointment
New Business:
- Planning Commission appointment
- Grand List – no suits pending
- 2016 Liquor License Renewals - Clear River Tavern and Casa Bella
- Review Town Report and preparation for Town Meeting
- Buyout Administrator change
- FY18 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
Next Meeting Date:
- TOWN MEETING March 1, 2016
- (Proposed regular meeting date change) March 8, 2016
Wendy motioned to open the meeting; Matt seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Modifications: OB #5 - Green-Up Coordinator; NB #5- Buyout Administrator change; and NB #6 - FY18 Transportation Prioritization
Minutes Approval: Wendy motioned to approve the February 2, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
- Heart of Vermont Productions – 100x100 Relay race requesting permission to pass through Pittsfield on August 13, 2016. Board approved. Patty will return form.
- VLCT Spring Select Board Institute is scheduled for March 12, 2016. Matt will check into alternative for getting information as he is unable to attend.
- VLCT News – February issue received. No action.
- VLCT VERB Trust program offering – VLCT Employment Resource and Benefits program is new and provides customized consultative support and services for health insurance related issues for a fee. No action.
- Bob Ennis: FEMA Buyout – HMGP Administrator for 113 Park Place buyout. No action.
- Agency of Natural Resources PILOT changes – Review pending changes for Payment In Lieu of Taxes plan. A new rate structure is to take effect in 2017. Full report available at http://tinyurl.com/grx5e52 No action.
- White River Alliance – Implementation Plan for Solid Waste over 5 years to meet requirements of Act 148 received. One copy will be posted at Town Office. There will be public meetings in the near future.
- TH #15 – Patty updated board on town attorney Marylou Scofield’s research. The Brown’s already have an easement for the driveway. Marylou recommends discontinuing that portion of the road; accept the survey provided by Mr. & Mrs. Kuendig’s surveyor; Marylou can write up description for discontinuance; and town can update next highway map. Marylou suggested the town provide labor to gravel the remainder of Mr. & Mrs. Kuendig’s driveway if the Kuendig’s provide the gravel. Wendy motioned to accept the survey and authorize Marylou to draw up description for paperwork; Matt seconded; motion carried. Patty will contact Marylou. Matt will ask George to estimate the cost of gravel for the Kuendig’s.
- Proposed Calendar for 2016 Select Board – Wendy prepared a chart with standard Action items to help next Board. She will forward chart so new Board can update as needed.
- Update on Town Hall: Roof and Efficiency Vermont (EV) – Corey will complete final touches before Town Meeting. Shaping Energies now has paperwork to request EV rebates.
- Speed Limit Request for Route 100 – VTrans verified speeders through town and they have forwarded their recommendations to the VT Traffic Committee for the March 7, 2016 meeting. VTrans recommends using electronic speed detector signs on each end of town. Patty will contact TRORC about borrowing small speed warning signs.
- Green-Up Coordinator appointment – Wendy motioned to appoint Zev Ruben; Matt seconded; motion carried. Board Secretary will send appointment letter.
- Planning Commission appointment – Wendy motioned to appoint Emily Jarecki to the vacant position; Matt seconded; motion carried. Board secretary will send appointment letter with a 3-year term ending 2019.
- Grand List – no suits pending: Wendy motioned to sign the Grand List that there were no suits pending; Matt seconded; board members signed Grand List.
- 2016 Liquor License Renewal - Clear River Tavern and Casa Bella: Clear River Tavern submitted renewals for a 1st Class Restaurant and Bar license and Outside Consumption license. Wendy motioned to approve both renewals; Matt seconded; motion carried. Casa Bella submitted renewals for a 1st Class Restaurant and Bar license and Outside Consumption license. Wendy motioned to approve both renewals; Matt seconded; motion carried. Casa Bella’s licenses are pending due to required re-certification for enforcement.
- Review Town Report and preparation for Town Meeting – Board members reviewed materials for upcoming Town Meeting.
- Buyout Administrator change – Bob Ennis is no longer with TRORC. Kevin Geiger is now the administrator of record for 113 Park Place FEMA buyout project.
- FY18 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization – TAC committee from TRORC provided the Fiscal Year 2018 list. Total of 24 projects and are requesting input on the priorities. Paving Route 100 from Killington to Stockbridge is #7; replacement of bridge at Lower Michigan is #16. No action.
- TOWN MEETING March 1, 2016
- (Proposed regular meeting date change) March 8, 2016 – Possibly move to March 3, 2016 and second meeting on March 22, 2016. Matt will check his schedule.
Approved: March 8, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Wendy Reese
Dave Larkin not in attendance