DATE: August 2, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield, Rick Schirm, Jon Readnour, Herb Kuendig, Anne Kuendig, Korrine Rodrigue
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #4 – Delinquent Dog Fine; New Business #5 – Pittsfield Picnic; #6 – August Primary; and #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 7/5/16
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 6, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. The agenda was modified to include: Old Business #4 – Delinquent Dog Fine; New Business #5 – Pittsfield Picnic;
#6 – August Primary; and #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Minutes Approval: July 5, 2016 minutes approval tabled until both Mona and Dave are present to sign.
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 6, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: September 6, 2016
Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
DATE: August 2, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield, Rick Schirm, Jon Readnour, Herb Kuendig, Anne Kuendig, Korrine Rodrigue
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #4 – Delinquent Dog Fine; New Business #5 – Pittsfield Picnic; #6 – August Primary; and #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 7/5/16
Public Present:
- Marylou Scofield, town attorney
- Korrine Rodrigue, candidate for Rutland County Senate
- 2017 Municipal Planning Grants
- 2017 Education Tax Rates
- VLCT News Rule
Old Business:
- Our World Water System
- TH #15
- Cemetery Perpetual Care Donations Policy
- Delinquent Dog Fine Letter re: Durney
New Business:
- Delinquent Taxes
- Independent Contractor Documentation
- Bridge 127 Work
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Pittsfield Picnic – tables, chairs and town hall
- August Primary – BCA availability
- Request to Cater Malt – Vermont Farms Catering
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 6, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. The agenda was modified to include: Old Business #4 – Delinquent Dog Fine; New Business #5 – Pittsfield Picnic;
#6 – August Primary; and #7 – Request to Cater from Vermont Farms Catering
Minutes Approval: July 5, 2016 minutes approval tabled until both Mona and Dave are present to sign.
Public Present:
- Marylou Scofield, town attorney – present to discuss Our World Water System proxy, TH #15 resolution, and options for delinquent tax properties
- Korrine Rodrigue, candidate for Rutland County Senate – visiting every town in the county to share her experience and her primary focus which is dealing with substance abuse. This issue is shifting from city environments into rural areas.
- 2017 Municipal Planning Grants information received and forwarded to the Planning Commission.
- 2017 Education Tax Rates received via e-mail.
- VLCT July 2016 Newsletter received.
Old Business:
- Our World Water System – Marylou explained the Proxy is to remove the McAdams and Peyton properties from the water system. It gives Mr. Schirm the ability to vote on behalf of the town for the former McAdams property on August 4, 2016. Mr. Peyton will vote for his property. Matt motioned to sign the Proxy; Dave seconded; motion carried.
- TH #15 – Matt confirmed with George the cost estimate for gravel is okay. Town will perform labor and the Kuendigs will pay for the gravel. Matt will ask George to schedule the work. When the work is complete the town will write up a description of road section to be thrown up. The Kuendigs will pursue easement with the Browns. Herb Kuendig indicated he would be interested in serving on one of the town’s boards.
- Perpetual Care Donations Policy – The Commission is meeting this week and will get back to Patty with input. Kelly Ziegler gave her okay on policy as written. Select Board will re-visit at next meeting.
- Delinquent Dog Fine Letter re: Durney – Doug Mianulli will hand deliver letter to the Durney home on August 3, 2016. They have 14 days to respond. Matt signed letter.
New Business:
- Delinquent Taxes – No one responded to the July 27, 2016 sale. One property paid up their taxes; another property is under contract to be sold; Tiffany property is not a desirable parcel and did not sell last year either. Patty will find out who abuts the Tiffany property. 300 Cahill Road is a 16 acre lot and has $23,584 in past due taxes thus making it difficult to find a buyer. It is valued at $41,700 on the Grand List. Patty will send out an invite to the Listers to attend the next Select Board meeting to discuss strategies.
- Independent Contractor Documentation – Dave Colton submitted the first one. It is valid for three years. Matt motioned to approve; Dave seconded; motion carried.
- Bridge 127 Work – VTrans Grant of Temporary Rights for an easement at Guernsey Brook for work in 2011 is valued at $250. TS Irene postponed the completion of this work which is now done. VTrans is required to offer compensation for work done on properties outside of the highway right of way. Matt motioned to sign off on the Grant of Temporary Rights as a donation; Dave seconded; motion carried.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report – Tax payments are coming in; no unusual expenses.
- Pittsfield Picnic – tables, chairs and town hall: Erica Hurd has requested 8-10 tables, chairs and use of the Town Hall as an alternate location for the August 28, 2016 Annual Picnic. Dave will take care of this.
- August Primary – BCA availability: Matt will be available; Dave probably not available.
- Vermont Farms Catering Request to Cater Malt, Vinous, and/or Spirituous Liquors on the following dates at Riverside Farm: 9/3-9/5/16; 9/9-9/11/16; 9/23-9/26/16; 9/30-10/1/16; 10/14-10/15/16; 10/21-10/22/16; 10/28-10/29/16; and 11/4-11/5/16; and at Amee Farm: 9/16-9/18/16; 10/7-10/8/16; 10/14-10/15/16; 11/10-11/11/16. All events and will be done by 10:00 p.m. Matt motioned to approve the request; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 6, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: September 6, 2016
Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin