“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/Qk3wFC4fZ8
This recording also includes the Special Budget Meeting Minutes which preceeded the Regular meeting.
DATE: January 7, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually)Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (not present)
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Trish Fryer
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB3: Vermont Farms Catering – 2 liquor license renewals for Vermont Farms Catering; NB4: Vermont Concrete Cutting – independent contractor paperwork. Motion to add made by Ann, seconded by Joyce.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 17, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes.
1. Czaplicki Communication
2. Kushner Communication
3. Decker Communication
4. Green Communication
5. VT Department of Taxes Equalization Study
1. Town Meeting Preparations
2. November Financial Report
3. Warrant, Articles
1. Assistant Clerk New Computer
2. 2021 Goals
3. Vermont Farms Catering liquor license renewals (2)
4. Vermont Concrete Cutting independent contractor paperwork
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, January 21, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. Seconded by Joyce.
A motion to accept the December 17thMinutes was made by Joyce. Seconded by Ann.
1. Czaplicki Communication. Ann said that this and the following 3 items referenced the fee increase at
the Solid Waste Facility in South Royalton. The facility is charging for recycling now. Ann drafted a
letter to be sent to anyone with questions related to this facility indicating that the Town is interested
in joining the Rutland Solid Waste facility as there is no cost to join saving the Town $6700/year. Joyce
approved the draft and Ann will send out the letter and post it on the bulletin board.
2. Kushner Communication – see C1
3. Decker Communication – see C1
4. Green Communication – see C1
5. VT Department of Taxes Equalization Study. Ann wanted this noted on the record as the figure is used
to calculate the Rutland County Tax.
Old Business:
1. Town Meeting Preparations. Ann said that postcards to the voters explaining the changes this year
and to request an absentee ballot have been sent out. This information will also be posted on the
website and social media. The incumbent officers have been contacted to see if they plan to run or
not. Ann reviewed the list of elected officials and went through the list of available positions.
2. November Financial Report. Joyce motioned to accept. Seconded by Ann.
3. Warrant, Articles. Ann said she would look at last years Town Report and draft the new articles for this
year. She also said that she sent an email to Mark Sheaat the Rutland Solid Waste facility for his review.
It was decided it would be best to get something in writing from the South Royalton facility noting
what, if anything, is needed to withdraw from their program. The deadline for the Warning to
be posted is January 31, but it needs to be completed by January 21. Ann said she is planning to meet
with the IT company regarding the set up for the informational meeting and establish a protocol for
people to join the meeting virtually. The list of Capital Improvements requested by the Fire
Department, the Library, and the Highway Department was reviewed. There was discussion about whether to use Undesignated Funds or request the money in a Warning Article. No decisions were
New Business:
1. Assistant Clerk New Computer. Ann made a motion to approve the purchase of a new computer for $754.99 with the cost coming from the Computer Fund. Seconded by Joyce.
2. 2021 Goals. Tabled until Mona can attend meeting.
3. Vermont Farms Catering. First Class Restaurant/Bar License to Sell Malt and Vinous Beverages and
Third Class Restaurant/Bar License to Sell Spirituous Liquors. These need approval and signatures.
Motions made by Ann to approve both applications. Seconded by Joyce.
4. Vermont Concrete Cutting. independent contractor paperwork. This needs signatures of the Select
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 6:00pm virtually, unless a Special Meeting is needed.
Adjourn: As there was no further business to discuss, Ann adjourned the meeting at 7:07pm. Seconded by Joyce.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: January 21, 2021
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/Qk3wFC4fZ8
This recording also includes the Special Budget Meeting Minutes which preceeded the Regular meeting.
DATE: January 7, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually)Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (not present)
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Trish Fryer
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB3: Vermont Farms Catering – 2 liquor license renewals for Vermont Farms Catering; NB4: Vermont Concrete Cutting – independent contractor paperwork. Motion to add made by Ann, seconded by Joyce.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 17, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes.
1. Czaplicki Communication
2. Kushner Communication
3. Decker Communication
4. Green Communication
5. VT Department of Taxes Equalization Study
1. Town Meeting Preparations
2. November Financial Report
3. Warrant, Articles
1. Assistant Clerk New Computer
2. 2021 Goals
3. Vermont Farms Catering liquor license renewals (2)
4. Vermont Concrete Cutting independent contractor paperwork
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, January 21, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. Seconded by Joyce.
A motion to accept the December 17thMinutes was made by Joyce. Seconded by Ann.
1. Czaplicki Communication. Ann said that this and the following 3 items referenced the fee increase at
the Solid Waste Facility in South Royalton. The facility is charging for recycling now. Ann drafted a
letter to be sent to anyone with questions related to this facility indicating that the Town is interested
in joining the Rutland Solid Waste facility as there is no cost to join saving the Town $6700/year. Joyce
approved the draft and Ann will send out the letter and post it on the bulletin board.
2. Kushner Communication – see C1
3. Decker Communication – see C1
4. Green Communication – see C1
5. VT Department of Taxes Equalization Study. Ann wanted this noted on the record as the figure is used
to calculate the Rutland County Tax.
Old Business:
1. Town Meeting Preparations. Ann said that postcards to the voters explaining the changes this year
and to request an absentee ballot have been sent out. This information will also be posted on the
website and social media. The incumbent officers have been contacted to see if they plan to run or
not. Ann reviewed the list of elected officials and went through the list of available positions.
2. November Financial Report. Joyce motioned to accept. Seconded by Ann.
3. Warrant, Articles. Ann said she would look at last years Town Report and draft the new articles for this
year. She also said that she sent an email to Mark Sheaat the Rutland Solid Waste facility for his review.
It was decided it would be best to get something in writing from the South Royalton facility noting
what, if anything, is needed to withdraw from their program. The deadline for the Warning to
be posted is January 31, but it needs to be completed by January 21. Ann said she is planning to meet
with the IT company regarding the set up for the informational meeting and establish a protocol for
people to join the meeting virtually. The list of Capital Improvements requested by the Fire
Department, the Library, and the Highway Department was reviewed. There was discussion about whether to use Undesignated Funds or request the money in a Warning Article. No decisions were
New Business:
1. Assistant Clerk New Computer. Ann made a motion to approve the purchase of a new computer for $754.99 with the cost coming from the Computer Fund. Seconded by Joyce.
2. 2021 Goals. Tabled until Mona can attend meeting.
3. Vermont Farms Catering. First Class Restaurant/Bar License to Sell Malt and Vinous Beverages and
Third Class Restaurant/Bar License to Sell Spirituous Liquors. These need approval and signatures.
Motions made by Ann to approve both applications. Seconded by Joyce.
4. Vermont Concrete Cutting. independent contractor paperwork. This needs signatures of the Select
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 6:00pm virtually, unless a Special Meeting is needed.
Adjourn: As there was no further business to discuss, Ann adjourned the meeting at 7:07pm. Seconded by Joyce.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: January 21, 2021
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton