“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here”: https://fccdl.in/nPTyV7B4mA
DATE: May 20, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben (unable to attend)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Driveway Permit – NB#7; Village Green Landscape Expenditure – NB#8
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 6, 2021 Regular Meeting
NEXT MEETINTG DATE: Thursday, June 3, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Joyce seconded. Ann presented Agenda Modifications (see above). Joyce made a motion to accept the Minutes of the May 6, 2021 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. Ann motioned to take C#1 and NB#3 out of order. Joyce seconded.
Old Business:
1. Town Office – Security Locks. Joyce purchased the locks for the two doors for a cost of $140.00. Carl Oertel will install them. The brass will be exchanged for polished nickel. Ann moved to authorize the expenditure of $140.00 for the two locks to have it on the record. Seconded by Joyce.
2. Public Meeting – Recording Procedures. Ann said she checked Staples for an inexpensive laptop and found one for $359.00. She said she sent the specs to Brian Davis and asked how to program it so the Town’s network is secure, and it can utilize the Teams app through Microsoft 365. The Town Clerk can then schedule the Teams meetings and the organizer of the meeting can pick up the laptop from the Town Clerk and hit the “record” button.
3. Culvert #33 project – update. A permit extension has been obtained. Ann completed the permit for the Army Corps of Engineers but had some questions she needed help with. She forwarded it to Neal at Champlain Construction for help and when it was returned sent it to Josh for his review. Once Josh returns it, it will be sent on with all accompanying documentation. Ann said she spoke with George and asked if he could obtain a commitment date from Champlain. The project can’t begin until July 1stanyway.
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 6:00pm in the basement of the Town Office Building, both in person and virtually.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:51pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: June 3, 2021
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s/ Ann Kuendig s/ Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here”: https://fccdl.in/nPTyV7B4mA
DATE: May 20, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben (unable to attend)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Driveway Permit – NB#7; Village Green Landscape Expenditure – NB#8
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 6, 2021 Regular Meeting
- Citizen Concern/Complaint – Sullivan Dog Ordinance complaint
- Town Office – Security Locks
- Public Meeting – Recording Procedures
- Culvert #33 project - update
- Internal Controls Checklist
- Treasurer’s Report – April financials
- Dog Ordinance
- Transition to .Gov domain
- Listers’ Surge Protector purchase
- Summer meeting schedule
- Driveway Permit
- Village Green Landscape Expenditure
NEXT MEETINTG DATE: Thursday, June 3, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Joyce seconded. Ann presented Agenda Modifications (see above). Joyce made a motion to accept the Minutes of the May 6, 2021 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. Ann motioned to take C#1 and NB#3 out of order. Joyce seconded.
- Citizen Concern/Complaint – Sullivan Dog Ordinance complaint. Mr. Sullivan’s complaint concerned the Town’s late/penalty fees. His feeling was that the Board was imposing late fees higher than what the State sets forth under 20 VSA Section 3581. However, there is another statute, 20 VSA section 3550 that gives a legislative body the authority to impose up to a $500 civil fine. The Board explained how the current fees were determined. The issue with the dog ordinance amendments may simply need a change in wording. It was decided to table further discussion until the next meeting when A.J. can be present.
Old Business:
1. Town Office – Security Locks. Joyce purchased the locks for the two doors for a cost of $140.00. Carl Oertel will install them. The brass will be exchanged for polished nickel. Ann moved to authorize the expenditure of $140.00 for the two locks to have it on the record. Seconded by Joyce.
2. Public Meeting – Recording Procedures. Ann said she checked Staples for an inexpensive laptop and found one for $359.00. She said she sent the specs to Brian Davis and asked how to program it so the Town’s network is secure, and it can utilize the Teams app through Microsoft 365. The Town Clerk can then schedule the Teams meetings and the organizer of the meeting can pick up the laptop from the Town Clerk and hit the “record” button.
3. Culvert #33 project – update. A permit extension has been obtained. Ann completed the permit for the Army Corps of Engineers but had some questions she needed help with. She forwarded it to Neal at Champlain Construction for help and when it was returned sent it to Josh for his review. Once Josh returns it, it will be sent on with all accompanying documentation. Ann said she spoke with George and asked if he could obtain a commitment date from Champlain. The project can’t begin until July 1stanyway.
New Business:
- Internal Controls Checklist. Every year the Town Clerk is required to fill out a checklist for municipalities. Ann moved to acknowledge that the checklist has been received from the Town Clerk and reviewed. Joyce seconded.
- Treasurer’s Report – April financials. Joyce said that when doing the weekly Orders, she noticed that the fuel bill for the Town Hall was over the pre-buy. But when she looked at the financial report there was no money noted for the Town Hall. She and Ann wanted to know where in the budget it would show. She will speak with Trish about this. George’s bill from Earle’s was over by $1,100.00. George said that more rust was uncovered, and new shocks were needed. The money was taken out of the Equipment Fund.
- Dog Ordinance. See C#1
- Transition to .Gov domain. The State has offered a proposal through the Secretary of State’s Office. It would be free for the first year, then a yearly fee thereafter. Currently the Town is paying $40 yearly. The Board wondered if the .gov would strengthen security and would the Town want to have its cyber security with the government? Joyce motioned to table this for another discussion if Trish was interested in doing this, but the money situation needs to be looked at as well. Ann seconded.
- Listers’ Surge Protector purchase. Ann said that the Board had already authorized $124.99 for a battery backup and surge protector as the Listers had some recent computer issues. She wanted this put on record. Joyce seconded.
- Summer meeting schedule. Ann said that typically the Board meets once in July and once in August. She asked members to check vacation schedules. Dates were discussed. If necessary, an emergency meeting could be called to set the tax rate if the regular meeting is held mid-month. July 8thand 15thwere suggested. The summer schedule will be finalized at the next meeting.
- Driveway Permit. George met with the property owner of 380 Forsha Road, reviewed the permit, and accepted it. Ann moved to approve the driveway permit. Seconded by Joyce.
- Village Green Landscape Expenditure. Ann said that Patty sent an email saying that Connie plans to dig out and refill the flower beds. Patty Haskins would like to purchase plants at Griff’s Greenhouse with budgeted funds. The Board felt $100 would cover both areas and Patty and Sarah Gallagher can work out the plantings. Ann motioned to approve an expenditure of $100 for garden plants. Joyce seconded.
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 6:00pm in the basement of the Town Office Building, both in person and virtually.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:51pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: June 3, 2021
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s/ Ann Kuendig s/ Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben