“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here”: https://fccdl.in/NT1usApeiJ
DATE: June 17, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Janice Stumpf, Victoria Hone
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 3, 2021, Regular Meeting
NEXT MEETINTG DATE: Thursday, July 15, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:07pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann presented Agenda Modifications (see above). A.J. made a motion to accept the Minutes of the Jun 3, 2021 Regular Meeting, accept the Agenda Modifications and take NB#1 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, July 15, 2021, at 6:00pm in the basement of the Town Office Building, both in person and virtually.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm. Seconded by A.J. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here”: https://fccdl.in/NT1usApeiJ
DATE: June 17, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Janice Stumpf, Victoria Hone
- VLCT – Local Fiscal Recovery Funding – C#6
- Fuel Prebuy – NB#7
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 3, 2021, Regular Meeting
- VTrans Road Grants Program
- Park-n-Ride Grant Program
- VT Community Foundation Spark Grants
- Citizen Concern/Complaint - Jones dog complaint
- Citizen concern/Complaint – Lothrop dog complaint
- VLCT – Local Fiscal Recovery Funding
- Public Meeting Recording Purchases
- Delinquent dog list
- Recreation Purchases
- Police Response
- Town Hall project - update
- Delinquent Tax properties
- Municipal Roads Grants Participation
- Treasurer’s Financial Report - May
- Dog Complaints
- Town Office Painting Project - Update
- MacKenzie Contractor Paperwork
- Fuel Prebuy
NEXT MEETINTG DATE: Thursday, July 15, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:07pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann presented Agenda Modifications (see above). A.J. made a motion to accept the Minutes of the Jun 3, 2021 Regular Meeting, accept the Agenda Modifications and take NB#1 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
- VTrans Road Grants Program. This press release invites participants. See NB#2.
- Park-n-Ride Grant Program. As the Town already has one, no action was taken.
- VT Community Foundation Spark Grants. This email announces a funding opportunity for creative placemaking efforts. The Vermont Community Foundation is currently accepting applications to its Spark Connecting Community grant program. The program aims to support grassroots work that builds social capital and can be used for a variety of project types. The deadline to apply is August 9, 2021. It was decided by the Board to pass this on to Betty Warner and the PCC group.
- Citizen Concern/Complaint - Jones dog complaint. This has been an ongoing concern of Mr. Jones and neighbors who walk their dog off-leash and allow the dog to access the Jones’ property. See NB#4.
- Citizen concern/Complaint – Lothrop dog complaint. This complaint concerns a neighbor’s dog being off-leash and killing chickens and causing other disturbing acts. She also has a complaint against another neighbor who walk their dog off-leash. See NB#4.
- VLCT – Local Fiscal Recovery Funding. This information explains that there is a portal for the Town’s to access to apply for their portion of these recovery funds. The Board said that the Town’s portion is $28,946 but that time will have to be spent looking at the COVID’s impact has been to residents and businesses. There will also be a similar share of the money in 2022. Ann said that there are questions such as who is going to be the person to access the portal, write up reports, etc. while the Select Board research infrastructure projects. This was tabled until the next meeting.
- Public Meeting Recording Purchases. Brian from Saguaro Technology provided Ann with the specs for a small tablet and speaker/microphone. The cost would be $405.26 for the laptop and $300 for the microphone/speaker. She also provided some comparable devices and their costs. Discussion. A.J. made a motion to accept Brian’s offer. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
- Delinquent dog list. Ann announced that certified letters were sent to eleven of the twelve delinquent dog owners. The twelfth has been a mail return in the past, so was not attempted again. A letter to the Board was sent by Dana Decker explaining that her dog was sick and not expected to live, so she was asking for an exemption from licensing her dog. Discussion. The Board felt that the dog ordinance needed to be uniformly applied to everyone. Ann said she has not heard from anyone else. They are given twenty-one days to request a hearing if they would like.
- Recreation Purchases. A.J. said he felt Trish can proceed and buy the clips needed to the equipment but said he would wait to hear from Ann and Joyce as to what they are able to find out about having these clips sourced locally. There was concern expressed over what the shipping time might be. Ann motioned to have the clips ordered unless there is extended shipping time. Joyce seconded. All favor. The teeter-totter was discussed. Ann said she is looking into different models for different age groups. Joyce made a motion to buy both teeter-totters (for 2–5-year-old and older children) for $1,235 plus installation. Ann seconded. All in favor. The basketball
- Police Response. Joyce said that she spoke with a trooper who lives in Hawk, and it was agreed that it takes a while for anyone to respond if called. He said that they are short staffed and currently only have six troopers assigned to Rutland County. At present the State Police are being asked to check within their districts to see what the community needs are, etc. It was decided to send an invitation to the Rutland Barracks to have a trooper attend a meeting in person or virtually. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to the Rutland troopers inviting them to attend a meeting either in person or virtually. The dates of the summer meetings will be included.
- Town Hall project – update. Ann said that some necessary emergency repairs need to be done and asked the Board to approve the expenditure of $5,376. There was also a $450 charge for Carl Oertel who was hired by the committee to shore up the walls so the mason could remove the deteriorated front blocks. She made a motion to approve the Town Hall Building Committee unexpected expenditures total $5,826.00. A.J. seconded. All in favor.
- Delinquent Tax properties. Delinquent Tax Collector Janice Stumpf and Town Attorney Victoria Hone presented the Board with a summary of the three delinquent tax properties that have been on the list for many years, a few with several unsuccessful tax sales. The properties discussed included:
- Watkins property on Cahill Road. This property has been delinquent since 2006, is landlocked and not suitable for building. There was much discussion as to whether the property could be sold for less than the taxes owed. Also, what would be involved if the Town purchased it vs a private bidder? The latter would be the preferred choice as the Town would have to pay the full taxes, interest, penalty, attorney fee, and other costs. The Town would also need to have a resolution and other acts should they wish to try and buy it. There was also much discussion about how the funds received would be disbursed should the property sell. Joyce made a motion to start the bidding at one quarter of what is owed plus fees at the time the ad is placed. Ann seconded. All in favor. Janice will move forward with the sale and add it to a date she already has set for three other properties on August 11th.
- Tiffany property on Hawk Mountain Road is a corner lot and very steep. None of the abutting landowners have shown an interest in the past. It has been delinquent since 2009. Discussion. Janice said that she would contact the Hawk Mountain Homeowners Association and abutting landowners to see if there is interest if the price is reduced. It had previously been put up for tax sale twice with no interest. Janice said she was not willing to pursue a tax sale if there is no interest shown.
- BHH Property on The Commons was a piece of property that was subdivided and sold as lots. The abutting parties have a right of way to access their properties. Discussion. If the Town were to purchase the property it could be subdivided so that each of the abutters has an equal share of what is basically their road. If the Town were to purchase the land, it would be expensive and time consuming and probably cost more that the taxes that are owed. The legal firm has recommended that the Town write off the property. Joyce moved to add this property to the list of properties going up for tax sale with a minimum bid of 25%. Ann seconded. All in Favor. The Board inquired about HOA’s/covenants. Victoria said that a title search would need to be done and this has not been performed on any of these properties.
- Municipal Roads Grants Participation. Ann said that a Letter of Intent had been signed by Trish. She said that she spoke with George and Rita. The Town has participated in this grant in the past, and it is an easy one to maintain. She noted that 20% match for the grant can be “in kind.”
- Treasurer’s Financial Report – May. This was tabled to the next meeting to allow the members to review it.
- Dog Complaints. After discussion concerning Todd Jones’ complaint it was decided to proceed with the process and send the DBois’ a first fine notice of violation of the leash law. Ann motioned to have the Town Clerk issue this Notice. A.J. seconded. All in favor. Ann also made a motion to have the Constable investigate Wendy Lothrop’s complaint and speak with all the parties involved. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
- Town Office Painting Project – Update. A bid was received from Don Marshall to prep and paint all windowsills, prep and paint the two front doors and door trim, and prep and paint the cupola. His bid totaled $3,350. A lift would need to be rented to get to the cupola and that cost would be additional. Eric Schambach at Vision Builders has offered to prep and paint the cupola at no charge to the Town. Ann moved to accept his offer and hire Don Marshall to complete the other paint work, windowsills, doors and trim at $1,600. Joyce seconded. All in Favor.
- MacKenzie Contractor Paperwork. Ann moved to approve the Independent Contractor paperwork. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
- Fuel Prebuy. The Board reviewed the previous year’s purchase and usage. Discussion. It was decided to prebuy the following:
- Town Hall – 450 gallons of #1 heating fuel at $2.90/gallon
- Town Garage – 550 gallons of LP at $1.99/gallon
- Town Office Building – 1200 gallons of LP at $1.99/gallon
- PVF&R – 800 gallons of LP at $1.99/gallon
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, July 15, 2021, at 6:00pm in the basement of the Town Office Building, both in person and virtually.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm. Seconded by A.J. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben