“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/EJyhCCvLAy
DATE: January 14, 2021
PRESENT:(virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (not present)
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Tricia Fryer
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: resignation of Mona Colton from the Select Board
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Special Budget Meetings for January 6 and 7, 2021
1. Warrant Articles
1. Solid Waste issue.
2. Education Rate.
3. Wording of Articles.
Ann called the meeting to order at 11:03am. Joyce seconded.
Agenda Modifications: Ann brought up the resignation of Mona Colton. Joyce asked if this could be discussed at a future meeting. Joyce said Mona was willing to remain until Town Meeting but might not be able to attend meetings. Discussion. Felt it was good to have her available for signing documents, etc. Ann rescinded the agenda modification.
Approval of Minutes: not addressed
Old Business:
1. Warrant Articles. Ann asked Trish to explain the undesignated fund balance for each account. Trish said that these are surplus monies that can be used and suggested what should be left to cover expenses from January through August 2021. The Board approved the use of undesignated funds to lower the tax rate and for the following:
Other Business:
1. Solid Waste District Article. Ann said she is meeting with Mark Shea at Rutland County regarding the Terms & Conditions and other things that need to be reviewed and possibly changed (ex. Ordinance). Ann said she would run everything by the Town’s attorney and the Town would also need to appoint someone to their Board of Directors.
2. Education Rate. Do not anticipate an increase, but the state has not set the tax rate as yet. The school District is preparing its budget
3. Wording of Articles. Discuss wording. Ann will draft and send out to members for review
Adjourn: As there was no further business at this time, Ann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:25pm. Seconded by Joyce.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: January 21, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/EJyhCCvLAy
DATE: January 14, 2021
PRESENT:(virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (not present)
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Tricia Fryer
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: resignation of Mona Colton from the Select Board
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Special Budget Meetings for January 6 and 7, 2021
1. Warrant Articles
1. Solid Waste issue.
2. Education Rate.
3. Wording of Articles.
Ann called the meeting to order at 11:03am. Joyce seconded.
Agenda Modifications: Ann brought up the resignation of Mona Colton. Joyce asked if this could be discussed at a future meeting. Joyce said Mona was willing to remain until Town Meeting but might not be able to attend meetings. Discussion. Felt it was good to have her available for signing documents, etc. Ann rescinded the agenda modification.
Approval of Minutes: not addressed
Old Business:
1. Warrant Articles. Ann asked Trish to explain the undesignated fund balance for each account. Trish said that these are surplus monies that can be used and suggested what should be left to cover expenses from January through August 2021. The Board approved the use of undesignated funds to lower the tax rate and for the following:
- Warned Item PVFR Equipment Fund: $2,150
- Warned Item PVFR Truck Fund: $90,400
- Warned Item Town Hall Phase 2: $25,000
- Warned Item HW Equipment Fund: $67,000 (Grader)
- Warned Item Village Green Paving Fund: Item removed from Warning for this year.
- Warned Item Town Office Building: $7,500 (trim paint, sill, cupola repair). This item newly added.
- Budget Line Items:
- New Truck and equipment-dump body, plow, sander etc (HW): $103,388 for Ford F-550 (HW Undesignated Funds $92,000 & HW Equipment Reserve Fund $11,388)
- Contingency Fund-deposit $43,184.10 in GF undesignated funds to fully capitalize the fund.
Other Business:
1. Solid Waste District Article. Ann said she is meeting with Mark Shea at Rutland County regarding the Terms & Conditions and other things that need to be reviewed and possibly changed (ex. Ordinance). Ann said she would run everything by the Town’s attorney and the Town would also need to appoint someone to their Board of Directors.
2. Education Rate. Do not anticipate an increase, but the state has not set the tax rate as yet. The school District is preparing its budget
3. Wording of Articles. Discuss wording. Ann will draft and send out to members for review
Adjourn: As there was no further business at this time, Ann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:25pm. Seconded by Joyce.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: January 21, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton