“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3DMP53J
DATE: December 7, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben (all attendees were attending remotely)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 23, 2021 Special Budget Meeting Minutes
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, December 16, 2021 @ 6pm at the Town Hall
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 @ 5pm at the Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:21pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the November 23, 2021 Special Budget Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
December 7, 2021
to monitor this for a month. Ann felt that too much was being requested for Library Materials, Patron Services. She thought there were other ways (fundraising, grants, etc.) of getting this money. There was also concern that items listed as a Capital Improvement should be in the Budget instead. Joyce suggested clarification on budgeting parameters be discussed with the library trustees and agreed to attend the next Trustee meeting to discuss this issue. Ann said she would also like to attend. Trish was asked how she disburses monies throughout the year. The Board agreed on an annual budget of $9,780 for the library and $16,484 for an annual salary for the Librarian. It was also decided to include an Article in the March Warning setting up a Reserve Fund with an initial deposit of $3,800.00 for bookshelves and/or other capital improvements. An article for the salary will also be included in March.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, December 16, 2021 @ 6pm at the Town Hall
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 @ 5pm at the Town Office
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:43pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Pittsfield Select Board Special Budget Meeting Minutes page 3
December 7, 2021
Approved: December 21. 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3DMP53J
DATE: December 7, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben (all attendees were attending remotely)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 23, 2021 Special Budget Meeting Minutes
- General Fund, Highway, Cemetery Expenditures
- Capital Improvements - proposals
- Special Town Meeting – finalize Warrant
- Treasurer – Reserve Fund proposal
- Sand Shed – January bid approval
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, December 16, 2021 @ 6pm at the Town Hall
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 @ 5pm at the Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:21pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the November 23, 2021 Special Budget Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
- General Fund, Highway, Cemetery Expenditures. General Fund: Trish said that more Contribution requests have come in. The Listers’ NEMRC Support was corrected to $1149.06 for the year. Library: The Librarian Salary was discussed. There was a discrepancy between what was voted on at last year’s Town Meeting which was a yearly salary and what the Library Trustees have requested, which is an hourly rate. The Board felt that they should go by the annual salary, which would adjust the hours the librarian would work. There is the option of adding an Article to the Warning asking for an increase, however Ann did not see how they could increase this position without increasing others. Trish suggested that the Article could be written requesting the difference between what the Trustees are asking and what was previously voted on. Joyce wanted to know how many patrons use the library each week. They will be asked
December 7, 2021
to monitor this for a month. Ann felt that too much was being requested for Library Materials, Patron Services. She thought there were other ways (fundraising, grants, etc.) of getting this money. There was also concern that items listed as a Capital Improvement should be in the Budget instead. Joyce suggested clarification on budgeting parameters be discussed with the library trustees and agreed to attend the next Trustee meeting to discuss this issue. Ann said she would also like to attend. Trish was asked how she disburses monies throughout the year. The Board agreed on an annual budget of $9,780 for the library and $16,484 for an annual salary for the Librarian. It was also decided to include an Article in the March Warning setting up a Reserve Fund with an initial deposit of $3,800.00 for bookshelves and/or other capital improvements. An article for the salary will also be included in March.
- Capital Improvements – proposals. This was not addressed tonight.
- Special Town Meeting – finalize Warrant. Two changes were made, and the Warning was finalized. Ann said she made the corrections and will send it to Trish for posting Thursday. Board members will stop by the Town Office and sign it before then.
- Treasurer – Reserve Fund proposal. Trish asked if some of the smaller funds could be redistributed to other existing funds. The Robert S. Dumas Fund was in question as to what it was used for. Trish said she will find out. There was a question about adding some money to the Computer Fund, although no new ones are currently needed. There was a question on what the history of the Bridge Fund was.
- Sand Shed – January bid. Ann said that TRORC would like the Board’s approval to put the project out to bid in January. She said that what the Town will have to pay in matching grants now is $84,250.00 to build a $421,250.00 sand shed. The Town has applied for a TAP Grant of $25,894.00 but will not know if we will be awarded it until late February/early March. There was discussion about adding money to the Contingency Fund in the event the Town is not awarded the grant. Ann also said she heard from TRORC about pre-authorizing contractors. Joyce asked if the bids are prepared. Ann said they need to be updated but we can move forward with them without knowing the results of the grant. Joyce moved to go ahead with the bidding process. Ann seconded. All in favor.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, December 16, 2021 @ 6pm at the Town Hall
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 @ 5pm at the Town Office
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:43pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Pittsfield Select Board Special Budget Meeting Minutes page 3
December 7, 2021
Approved: December 21. 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben