“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here:” https://bit.ly/3FCYbSM
DATE: October 7, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben. Joyce Stevens via TEAMS
PUBLIC PRESENT: Carolyn Stockwell. Sarah Gallagher, Caroline Massa, Robert Leitch, and Brett Yates via TEAMS
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 16, 2021, Regular Meeting
1.Citizen Concern/Complaint – follow-up letter from Robert Leitch re: Forsha Road
2.Citizen Concern/Complaint – letter from Stockwell/Leimgruber re: rooster noise issue
a.Health Officer
4.Community Solar
5.GMNF – Schedule of Proposed Actions
6.Transportation Alternatives Grant Program
7.ARPA Reporting Timeline
8.Flood Resilient Communities Fund
9.National Opioid Settlement
1.Citizen Concern/Complaint – further discussion on Steward noise complaint
2.Box Culvert Project – update
3.Land Records Online - update
4.Sand Shed Grant Application – update
5.Unemployment Charges – update
6.Town Hall project – donations update
7.August Financials – Treasurer’s Report
1.Town Highway Truck sale
2.Halloween Events in Quin-Town Valley
3.Permits – Class 4 Road Work
4.BRIC Technical Assistance Program Worksheet
1.Budget MeetingOctober 12, 2021 @5:00pm
2.Regular Meeting October 21, 2021 @ 6:00pm
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Regular Minutes of the September 16, 2021 meeting. Seconded by Ann. All I favor. Ann moved to take two items out of order due to public present and via TEAMS. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – follow-up letter from Robert Leitch re: Forsha Road. Ann reviewed the letter that Robert had sent to the Board. It was noted that the logging company has been working with George. It was unsure if the road would be narrowed. Stones have been put back onto Bob’s property and soil is being pushed around trees, however tree replacement will not happen. Work will continue on the road to widen it allowing for the access of trucks and George will be monitoring this closely. George has a responsibility to maintain roads for travel by property owners, but as Class 4 roads, they do not require the same maintenance as other classes of roads. The plan is to repair all the damage. Joyce noted that George has said that it will look worse before it is better.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – letter from Stockwell/Leimgruber re: rooster noise issue. See OB1.
3. Resignations. Rebecca Steward resigned from both positions. Ann said that the Select Board has an obligation to appoint a replacement to serve until Town Meeting Day in March. Suggestions were made for the positions and Ann said she would contact the people to see if they were interested.
c. Health Officer
d. Auditor
4. Community Solar. This is a new program where municipally owned electric accounts can save money and protect the environment. Discussion. This will be forwarded to Energy Coordinator Matt Corron and the Planning Commission.
5. GMNF – Schedule of Proposed Actions. Ann said there was nothing in this that dealt with Pittsfield. No action taken.
6. Transportation Alternatives Grant Program. Ann said that this is the second grant program that the Town are going to apply for Sand Shed funding. She said that she reached out to Pete Fellows at TRORC to see if this grant could be applied for before knowing whether approval for the first grant was received or not.
7. ARPA Reporting Timeline. Ann said that she received notification that the first report that was due October 31st, has been postponed to March 31, 2022. This was sent to Trish for her files.
8. Flood Resilient Communities Fund. Vermont Emergency Management has received approval to being soliciting application under this new fund (FRCF). The focus of this funding is for flood-vulnerable structure and buyout projects and natural resource projects. Deadlines are October 29, 2021 and January 31, 2022. This will be kept on file in the Town Office for possible future funding.
9. National Opioid Settlement. This correspondence outlines proposed settlements in response to litigation brought by states and local political subdivisions against the three largest distributors. Ann said she would like to contact VLCT for their comments. Pittsfield’s participation could help get more funding for the state.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – further discussion on Steward noise complaint. Carolyn read from a prepared statement addressing their first encounter with Rebecca Steward and read from a letter to the Board dated September 18, 2021 hoping for a resolution. She noted that they have had chickens for the last three years. She also wanted to address some misinformation that appeared in The Mountain Times. Carolyn left her phone number with the Board and encouraged Rebecca to contact her in a friendly manner in the future.
2. Box Culvert Project – update. Ann said that rip rap has been put out to deter erosion. Champlain Construction repaired the culvert at the entrance to Dagg Road. There has been no resolution to the missing section of culvert. Champlain Construction offered to sell it to the Town. George however offered to split the culvert with Champlain Construction and pick up one of the sections. Champlain can keep the other. Joyce moved to act on George’s plan. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Land Records Online – update. Trish said that Louis will be doing the scanning later in the Fall on Wednesday afternoons. There will be no increase in the budget for his time as it falls within the 18hrs/week already budgeted. The initial module has already been approved. Future purchases will be addressed later. Forty years of scanned documents needs to be completed before a subscription would need to be purchased if that is what is decided.
4. Sand Shed Grant Application – update. The application has been filed. Bidding will have to wait until word is received on the grant.
5. Unemployment Charges – update. Ann said she attended a VERB meeting and noted that when the rates are set, they will not include any claims for 2020. She will speak with Trish again on this and see if she has heard from the Department of Labor.
6. Town Hall project – donations update. The current donations total $8,383.00. Ann said she applied to the Mascoma Foundation for Capital Grant funding for $50,000.00. We should know by December 10th.
7. August Financials – Treasurer’s Report. AJ moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Town Highway Truck sale. George sent an email saying that Ray Harvey has offered $40,000.00 for the truck. There has been other interest, but George wanted to recommend selling to Harveys. Ann made a motion to accept Ray’s offer. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The money will be put into the Highway Maintenance Reserve Fund.
2. Halloween Events in Quin-Town Valley. Ann and Betty Warner met with Quin-Town via Zoom regarding a joint Halloween event: a pumpkin decorating contest. Joyce said she would contact parents regarding getting pumpkins and handling the contest. Ann offered to decorate the Band Stand. She also asked what the Board thought about the community supporting these events. Trick or treating around the Green was also discussed. Another Zoom meeting is scheduled, and a notice will be prepared and posted on the Town’s website.
3. Permits – Class 4 Road Work. This was tabled to the next meeting.
4. BRIC Technical Assistance Program Worksheet. Sarah from the Planning Commission had submitted a worksheet for the FY20 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance Grant (BRIC Grant). Caroline Massa, the State’s Hazard Mitigation Planner, was asked to review it. Four deliverables were noted and discussed: 1) Engineering and planning analysis to identify priority flood mitigation projects; 2) Communication support (talking point development and materials); 3) Priority project development for further scoping; and 4) Application preparation. Technical assistance could be used to help in identifying areas prone to flooding. George could also be involved in this. Help in identifying future projects that funding could be applied for as well as communication could use their assistance as well. This technical assistance is available until 2023. Caroline said that an agreement with FEMA would be available to the Board ahead of the November 4thSelect Board meeting and Ann will place it on the agenda.
1. Motion activated lighting. Martha suggested that motion activated lighting be added to the parking lot side of the Town Building. This was thought to be a good idea and at least 2-3 locations will be looked at.
2. Clapboard damage by Town Office side door. It was suggested that a rain guard for the area by the door be added and that the damaged clapboards be replaced.
1. Budget Meeting October 12, 2021 @5:00pm
2. Regular Meeting October 21, 2021 @ 6:00pm
As there was not further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm. Joyce seconded the motion. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 21, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here:” https://bit.ly/3FCYbSM
DATE: October 7, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben. Joyce Stevens via TEAMS
PUBLIC PRESENT: Carolyn Stockwell. Sarah Gallagher, Caroline Massa, Robert Leitch, and Brett Yates via TEAMS
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 16, 2021, Regular Meeting
1.Citizen Concern/Complaint – follow-up letter from Robert Leitch re: Forsha Road
2.Citizen Concern/Complaint – letter from Stockwell/Leimgruber re: rooster noise issue
a.Health Officer
4.Community Solar
5.GMNF – Schedule of Proposed Actions
6.Transportation Alternatives Grant Program
7.ARPA Reporting Timeline
8.Flood Resilient Communities Fund
9.National Opioid Settlement
1.Citizen Concern/Complaint – further discussion on Steward noise complaint
2.Box Culvert Project – update
3.Land Records Online - update
4.Sand Shed Grant Application – update
5.Unemployment Charges – update
6.Town Hall project – donations update
7.August Financials – Treasurer’s Report
1.Town Highway Truck sale
2.Halloween Events in Quin-Town Valley
3.Permits – Class 4 Road Work
4.BRIC Technical Assistance Program Worksheet
1.Budget MeetingOctober 12, 2021 @5:00pm
2.Regular Meeting October 21, 2021 @ 6:00pm
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Regular Minutes of the September 16, 2021 meeting. Seconded by Ann. All I favor. Ann moved to take two items out of order due to public present and via TEAMS. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – follow-up letter from Robert Leitch re: Forsha Road. Ann reviewed the letter that Robert had sent to the Board. It was noted that the logging company has been working with George. It was unsure if the road would be narrowed. Stones have been put back onto Bob’s property and soil is being pushed around trees, however tree replacement will not happen. Work will continue on the road to widen it allowing for the access of trucks and George will be monitoring this closely. George has a responsibility to maintain roads for travel by property owners, but as Class 4 roads, they do not require the same maintenance as other classes of roads. The plan is to repair all the damage. Joyce noted that George has said that it will look worse before it is better.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – letter from Stockwell/Leimgruber re: rooster noise issue. See OB1.
3. Resignations. Rebecca Steward resigned from both positions. Ann said that the Select Board has an obligation to appoint a replacement to serve until Town Meeting Day in March. Suggestions were made for the positions and Ann said she would contact the people to see if they were interested.
c. Health Officer
d. Auditor
4. Community Solar. This is a new program where municipally owned electric accounts can save money and protect the environment. Discussion. This will be forwarded to Energy Coordinator Matt Corron and the Planning Commission.
5. GMNF – Schedule of Proposed Actions. Ann said there was nothing in this that dealt with Pittsfield. No action taken.
6. Transportation Alternatives Grant Program. Ann said that this is the second grant program that the Town are going to apply for Sand Shed funding. She said that she reached out to Pete Fellows at TRORC to see if this grant could be applied for before knowing whether approval for the first grant was received or not.
7. ARPA Reporting Timeline. Ann said that she received notification that the first report that was due October 31st, has been postponed to March 31, 2022. This was sent to Trish for her files.
8. Flood Resilient Communities Fund. Vermont Emergency Management has received approval to being soliciting application under this new fund (FRCF). The focus of this funding is for flood-vulnerable structure and buyout projects and natural resource projects. Deadlines are October 29, 2021 and January 31, 2022. This will be kept on file in the Town Office for possible future funding.
9. National Opioid Settlement. This correspondence outlines proposed settlements in response to litigation brought by states and local political subdivisions against the three largest distributors. Ann said she would like to contact VLCT for their comments. Pittsfield’s participation could help get more funding for the state.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – further discussion on Steward noise complaint. Carolyn read from a prepared statement addressing their first encounter with Rebecca Steward and read from a letter to the Board dated September 18, 2021 hoping for a resolution. She noted that they have had chickens for the last three years. She also wanted to address some misinformation that appeared in The Mountain Times. Carolyn left her phone number with the Board and encouraged Rebecca to contact her in a friendly manner in the future.
2. Box Culvert Project – update. Ann said that rip rap has been put out to deter erosion. Champlain Construction repaired the culvert at the entrance to Dagg Road. There has been no resolution to the missing section of culvert. Champlain Construction offered to sell it to the Town. George however offered to split the culvert with Champlain Construction and pick up one of the sections. Champlain can keep the other. Joyce moved to act on George’s plan. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Land Records Online – update. Trish said that Louis will be doing the scanning later in the Fall on Wednesday afternoons. There will be no increase in the budget for his time as it falls within the 18hrs/week already budgeted. The initial module has already been approved. Future purchases will be addressed later. Forty years of scanned documents needs to be completed before a subscription would need to be purchased if that is what is decided.
4. Sand Shed Grant Application – update. The application has been filed. Bidding will have to wait until word is received on the grant.
5. Unemployment Charges – update. Ann said she attended a VERB meeting and noted that when the rates are set, they will not include any claims for 2020. She will speak with Trish again on this and see if she has heard from the Department of Labor.
6. Town Hall project – donations update. The current donations total $8,383.00. Ann said she applied to the Mascoma Foundation for Capital Grant funding for $50,000.00. We should know by December 10th.
7. August Financials – Treasurer’s Report. AJ moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Town Highway Truck sale. George sent an email saying that Ray Harvey has offered $40,000.00 for the truck. There has been other interest, but George wanted to recommend selling to Harveys. Ann made a motion to accept Ray’s offer. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The money will be put into the Highway Maintenance Reserve Fund.
2. Halloween Events in Quin-Town Valley. Ann and Betty Warner met with Quin-Town via Zoom regarding a joint Halloween event: a pumpkin decorating contest. Joyce said she would contact parents regarding getting pumpkins and handling the contest. Ann offered to decorate the Band Stand. She also asked what the Board thought about the community supporting these events. Trick or treating around the Green was also discussed. Another Zoom meeting is scheduled, and a notice will be prepared and posted on the Town’s website.
3. Permits – Class 4 Road Work. This was tabled to the next meeting.
4. BRIC Technical Assistance Program Worksheet. Sarah from the Planning Commission had submitted a worksheet for the FY20 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance Grant (BRIC Grant). Caroline Massa, the State’s Hazard Mitigation Planner, was asked to review it. Four deliverables were noted and discussed: 1) Engineering and planning analysis to identify priority flood mitigation projects; 2) Communication support (talking point development and materials); 3) Priority project development for further scoping; and 4) Application preparation. Technical assistance could be used to help in identifying areas prone to flooding. George could also be involved in this. Help in identifying future projects that funding could be applied for as well as communication could use their assistance as well. This technical assistance is available until 2023. Caroline said that an agreement with FEMA would be available to the Board ahead of the November 4thSelect Board meeting and Ann will place it on the agenda.
1. Motion activated lighting. Martha suggested that motion activated lighting be added to the parking lot side of the Town Building. This was thought to be a good idea and at least 2-3 locations will be looked at.
2. Clapboard damage by Town Office side door. It was suggested that a rain guard for the area by the door be added and that the damaged clapboards be replaced.
1. Budget Meeting October 12, 2021 @5:00pm
2. Regular Meeting October 21, 2021 @ 6:00pm
As there was not further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm. Joyce seconded the motion. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 21, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben