“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/LbEV9MC0Kr
DATE: March 4, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, February 27, 2021 Town Meeting Informational Meeting
1. Select Board re-organization
2. Rules of Procedure
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Appointed Officials
5. Dog licensing deadlines & Ordinance
6. Town Office Elevator Repair
NEXT MEETING DATE: March 18, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:59pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion made by Joyce to approve the Minutes of February 18, 2021 Regular Meeting and February 27, 2021 Town Meeting Informational Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All approved.
1. Select Board re-organization. Ann welcomed A.J. as the newest member. Ann asked for nominations for Chair. Joyce nominated Ann, seconded by A.J. Motion passed. Ann accepted. Ann asked Joyce if she was interested in the position of Vice Chair. Joyce said she would prefer to do the orders. A.J. said he would take Vice Chair as he felt procedurals was something, he was good at. Ann reviewed the duties of Vice Chair. Ann replied that the Vice chair backs up the Chair, assumes the chair duties in their absence, makes up the agenda, runs the meetings and on occasion, deals with the media. Joyce was nominated to do the Orders by A.J., seconded by Ann. Motion passed. Ann asked A.J. if he would be Vice Chair. A.J. accepted. Ann said that at some
point she would like all members to learn how to do orders. Ann would like to see the Building committee position be a bit more pro-active. She used the recent elevator repair issue as an example and how hard it is to find services when needed and then being subject to whatever they charge. Joyce said that the Town Hall Building Committee had been approached about serving as an advisory committee to the Select Board about maintenance and repair work on all town properties. Since Ann is the administrator and Board liaison for the Town Hall Committee she agreed to handle Buildings for the Board. Ann said she would ask the chair of the building committee to propose expanding the committees charge to include all town properties and report back to the board about making the committee a standing advisory board.
2. Rules of Procedure. Ann reviewed these for informational purposes. It will be posted in the Town Office entryway for signatures.
3. Conflict of Interest. This is another item that needs signatures. Ann went on to say that this document as well as the Procedure Upon Receipt of a Complaint apply to all elected and appointed town officials, and that the documents should be posted under ordinances and policies on the town website.
4. Appointed Officials. The Board reviewed the Appointed Officials listing and made their choices except for Emergency Management Co-Directors. Four names were suggested for the vacant emergency management co-director position. A.J. will contact each and report back to the Board. A few additional names for some other positions such as the planning commission were suggested in case some appointees opted to decline. The addition of a Delegate to the Rutland County Solid Waste District Board of Supervisors was made to the listing. Ann said she would like to accept that position as she has been working with Mark Shea and has been asked to attend the meeting in which the Board will vote on admitting Pittsfield to the district. Resident Suana Rubin had written to the Select Board with a question. It was suggested she be asked to serve as an Alternate, but this will be discussed later. Ann made a motion to accept the appointees and position updates and have the Secretary send letters to them. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Joyce made a motion to pay the Secretary the sum of $25 for this extra duty. Ann seconded. All in favor. (A listing of newly appointed officials is added at the end of these Minutes.)
5. Dog licensing deadlines & Ordinance. The Board discussed whether to defer the penalty for not licensing dogs until May 1st due to COVID restrictions, the same as last year. Ann said she reached out to VLCT to see if the Board still had the authority to do this or did the executive order expire the first of the year, but has not heard from them. Ann said that last year the Board adopted some changes to the ordinance regarding lowering, but accruing penalties for those who continue to disregard the licensing law. A.J. disagreed with some of the penalties. He moved to reopen the issue. A.J. urged the use of peoplepower in reaching out instead of threatening owners with fines, etc. Ann said she would ask the Town Clerk to post any changes to the penalty deadline on the town website once she hears from VLCT.
6. Town Office Elevator Repair. Ann wanted to put on the record that the Board approved paying $300+ for the repair, but agreed with Tricia’s suggestion to wait until the button breaks again before hiring the company to do the costlier permanent repair. Discussion of cost of repair and lack of authorized repair companies. Ann motioned to approve the payment for the repair. Seconded by A.J. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: March 18, 2021 at 6:00p remotely.
1. It was noted that Joyce will be away for the next meeting, however she said she would call in. Coverage for the Orders was going to be needed for the weeks of 3/22 and 3/29. Ann said she would do them.
2. Joyce asked when the Board might be able to meet in person. This was discussed regarding vaccinations by members and if a computer could be available at the meetings. Joyce thought maybe Trish would start attending meetings again. Ann said that Trish listens to the Minutes, reads the agenda and brings things to the Boards attention. Ann felt the only time it might be helpful to attend would be to present the Treasurer’s Report in the event of a question and not having to wait for an answer.
3. Trish will be obtaining the Select Board Handbook for A.J. when she gets it from Mona. If Trish cannot obtain it, one will be ordered from VLCT.
4. The results of Town Meeting Day voting are on the Town’s website.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:16pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 18 2021
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Rube
March 4, 2021
On March 4, 2021, the following appointments were made by the Pittsfield Select Board:
Name Position Term
David Colton Civil Defense one year AL
Greg Martin Civil Defense one year AL
Michelle Hunt E911 Coordinator one year AL
Elizabeth Warner EC Fibernet Delegate one year AL
Herb Kuendig EC Fibernet Delegate, Alternate one year AL
Doug Mianulli Emergency Management Co-Director one year AL
Vacant Emergency Management Co-Director one year
Matt Corron Energy Coordinator Three year (2023)
Joyce Stevens Energy Coordinator Alternate Three year (2023)
Rebecca Steward Green Up Coordinator one year AL
Maggie Rice Green Up Coordinator one year AL
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year AL
Jennifer Howard Planning & Zoning Commission Three year AL
Marsha Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission Three year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year AL
Ann Kuendig Rutland County Solid Waste District one year
Vacant RCSWD Alternate one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year AL
Jeremy Rayner Tree Warden one year AL
Sarah Gallagher TRORC Representative one year AL
Tricia Fryer Unemployment Compensation Rep one year AL
Martha Beyersdorf WRVA Representative one year
A.J. Ruben Zoning Administrator one year AL
Herb Kuendig Zoning Board of Adjustment three years AL
Vacant Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
AL=appointment letter
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/LbEV9MC0Kr
DATE: March 4, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, February 27, 2021 Town Meeting Informational Meeting
1. Select Board re-organization
2. Rules of Procedure
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Appointed Officials
5. Dog licensing deadlines & Ordinance
6. Town Office Elevator Repair
NEXT MEETING DATE: March 18, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:59pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion made by Joyce to approve the Minutes of February 18, 2021 Regular Meeting and February 27, 2021 Town Meeting Informational Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All approved.
1. Select Board re-organization. Ann welcomed A.J. as the newest member. Ann asked for nominations for Chair. Joyce nominated Ann, seconded by A.J. Motion passed. Ann accepted. Ann asked Joyce if she was interested in the position of Vice Chair. Joyce said she would prefer to do the orders. A.J. said he would take Vice Chair as he felt procedurals was something, he was good at. Ann reviewed the duties of Vice Chair. Ann replied that the Vice chair backs up the Chair, assumes the chair duties in their absence, makes up the agenda, runs the meetings and on occasion, deals with the media. Joyce was nominated to do the Orders by A.J., seconded by Ann. Motion passed. Ann asked A.J. if he would be Vice Chair. A.J. accepted. Ann said that at some
point she would like all members to learn how to do orders. Ann would like to see the Building committee position be a bit more pro-active. She used the recent elevator repair issue as an example and how hard it is to find services when needed and then being subject to whatever they charge. Joyce said that the Town Hall Building Committee had been approached about serving as an advisory committee to the Select Board about maintenance and repair work on all town properties. Since Ann is the administrator and Board liaison for the Town Hall Committee she agreed to handle Buildings for the Board. Ann said she would ask the chair of the building committee to propose expanding the committees charge to include all town properties and report back to the board about making the committee a standing advisory board.
2. Rules of Procedure. Ann reviewed these for informational purposes. It will be posted in the Town Office entryway for signatures.
3. Conflict of Interest. This is another item that needs signatures. Ann went on to say that this document as well as the Procedure Upon Receipt of a Complaint apply to all elected and appointed town officials, and that the documents should be posted under ordinances and policies on the town website.
4. Appointed Officials. The Board reviewed the Appointed Officials listing and made their choices except for Emergency Management Co-Directors. Four names were suggested for the vacant emergency management co-director position. A.J. will contact each and report back to the Board. A few additional names for some other positions such as the planning commission were suggested in case some appointees opted to decline. The addition of a Delegate to the Rutland County Solid Waste District Board of Supervisors was made to the listing. Ann said she would like to accept that position as she has been working with Mark Shea and has been asked to attend the meeting in which the Board will vote on admitting Pittsfield to the district. Resident Suana Rubin had written to the Select Board with a question. It was suggested she be asked to serve as an Alternate, but this will be discussed later. Ann made a motion to accept the appointees and position updates and have the Secretary send letters to them. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Joyce made a motion to pay the Secretary the sum of $25 for this extra duty. Ann seconded. All in favor. (A listing of newly appointed officials is added at the end of these Minutes.)
5. Dog licensing deadlines & Ordinance. The Board discussed whether to defer the penalty for not licensing dogs until May 1st due to COVID restrictions, the same as last year. Ann said she reached out to VLCT to see if the Board still had the authority to do this or did the executive order expire the first of the year, but has not heard from them. Ann said that last year the Board adopted some changes to the ordinance regarding lowering, but accruing penalties for those who continue to disregard the licensing law. A.J. disagreed with some of the penalties. He moved to reopen the issue. A.J. urged the use of peoplepower in reaching out instead of threatening owners with fines, etc. Ann said she would ask the Town Clerk to post any changes to the penalty deadline on the town website once she hears from VLCT.
6. Town Office Elevator Repair. Ann wanted to put on the record that the Board approved paying $300+ for the repair, but agreed with Tricia’s suggestion to wait until the button breaks again before hiring the company to do the costlier permanent repair. Discussion of cost of repair and lack of authorized repair companies. Ann motioned to approve the payment for the repair. Seconded by A.J. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: March 18, 2021 at 6:00p remotely.
1. It was noted that Joyce will be away for the next meeting, however she said she would call in. Coverage for the Orders was going to be needed for the weeks of 3/22 and 3/29. Ann said she would do them.
2. Joyce asked when the Board might be able to meet in person. This was discussed regarding vaccinations by members and if a computer could be available at the meetings. Joyce thought maybe Trish would start attending meetings again. Ann said that Trish listens to the Minutes, reads the agenda and brings things to the Boards attention. Ann felt the only time it might be helpful to attend would be to present the Treasurer’s Report in the event of a question and not having to wait for an answer.
3. Trish will be obtaining the Select Board Handbook for A.J. when she gets it from Mona. If Trish cannot obtain it, one will be ordered from VLCT.
4. The results of Town Meeting Day voting are on the Town’s website.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:16pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 18 2021
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Rube
March 4, 2021
On March 4, 2021, the following appointments were made by the Pittsfield Select Board:
Name Position Term
David Colton Civil Defense one year AL
Greg Martin Civil Defense one year AL
Michelle Hunt E911 Coordinator one year AL
Elizabeth Warner EC Fibernet Delegate one year AL
Herb Kuendig EC Fibernet Delegate, Alternate one year AL
Doug Mianulli Emergency Management Co-Director one year AL
Vacant Emergency Management Co-Director one year
Matt Corron Energy Coordinator Three year (2023)
Joyce Stevens Energy Coordinator Alternate Three year (2023)
Rebecca Steward Green Up Coordinator one year AL
Maggie Rice Green Up Coordinator one year AL
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year AL
Jennifer Howard Planning & Zoning Commission Three year AL
Marsha Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission Three year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year AL
Ann Kuendig Rutland County Solid Waste District one year
Vacant RCSWD Alternate one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year AL
Jeremy Rayner Tree Warden one year AL
Sarah Gallagher TRORC Representative one year AL
Tricia Fryer Unemployment Compensation Rep one year AL
Martha Beyersdorf WRVA Representative one year
A.J. Ruben Zoning Administrator one year AL
Herb Kuendig Zoning Board of Adjustment three years AL
Vacant Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
AL=appointment letter