DATE: March 18, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually) Betty Warner
1.Cemetery bid request – NB#5.
2.Portable radios at Town Office – NB#6.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 4, 2021 Regular Meeting
1.Isabelle Green – RCSWD
2.New Truck – George Deblon
3.Prevent Child Abuse VT - flyer
4.VT Homestead/Property Tax Credit - flyer
5.Resolution Request – Betty Warner
1.Legislative Report – Rep. Kirk White
2.Rules of Procedure – Adoption
3.Dog License – Penalty Deferral
4.Appointed Town Officials – Update
5.Rutland County Solid Waste District – Admission Update/Ordinance Amendment
1.Historical Society – Offices
2.Local Emergency Management Plan 2021 – Update
3.Liquor License Renewal – Clear River Inn and Tavern
4.Treasurer’s Report – February Financials
5.Cemetery bid request – George Deblon
6.Portable radio at Town Office.
NEXT MEETING DATE: April 1, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented the first agenda modification and Joyce the second (see above). Ann asked to hear a motion. Joyce motioned to accept the two Agenda Modifications. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann presented the Minutes of the March 4th regular meeting for approval. AJ seconded. All approved.
1. Isabelle Green – RCSWD. Ann said that she responded to Isabelle’s letter requesting information on the timeline for the use of the Rutland County Solid Waste District in Rutland. Ann said early April and would have more information under NB#5. No action on that.
2. New Truck – George Deblon. Ann said that she put this on the agenda for the record. George informed the Board that the new truck had been delivered and upon inspection, he found holes in the chain bed that need to be fixed and feels the need to sand blast the body and frame and have it painted as a rust preventative. He obtained an estimate from Earle’s for $8,076.07. He is requesting permission to take funds from the Equipment Fund and then replace them when the current truck is sold. He is expecting to ask a minimum of $10,000.00. Ann noted that the truck was purchased from Sheldon Motors as it was used as a trade-in by Braintree. Discussion about the repairs. They agreed to have George get a current estimate of work and go to Sheldon Motors and see what they have to say. AJ made a motion to accept George’s request but breakout the cost of the repairs. Ann seconded. All in favor.
3. Prevent Child Abuse VT – flyer. This organization is asking communities and businesses to purchase pinwheels (at $1.00/) and plant a “garden” to honor Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. It was suggested this might be something for the Pittsfield Community Connections (PCC). Betty said she would approach members of the group. Joyce suggested planting them by the two cemetery entrances. Questions were asked as to whether the Town should purchase them (100 suggested), whether PCC should be approached (not enough time for outreach), and whether the Cemetery Commissioners would need to be contacted (which they would). Ann said she would have Trish forward the flyer to both Betty and Joyce. Joyce said the Swiss Farm Inn could purchase 150 and donate 100 of them to the Town.
4. VT Homestead/Property Tax Credit -flyer. Discussion. The Board will direct the Town Clerk to post the flyer for the public in both cases and bulletin boards. Betty will add it to the Listers page on the Town’s website. Ann suggested also adding it to the Town’s website homepage.
5. Resolution Request – Betty Warner. Her request pertains to the removal of the Black Lives Matter sign by a vandal that was outside the Swiss Farm Market. She requests that the Select Board sponsor a community discussion on race, etc. and create an official statement. Discussion. Ann deferred to Joyce who said the sign removal was very upsetting. She said that some people do not understand it. Since then, the sign has been replaced, but she added that some people would not come in the store because of the sign being there. AJ suggested a statement in the Minutes stating that the Select Board does not condone racially based vandalism or harassment. Ann felt it was appropriate to write and sign a resolution. It is entirely within the Select Board’s responsibility to immediately respond. Ann proposed a resolution now versus a community forum. There was discussion as to the wording and what it would encompass. Perhaps a forum could be held in the future. Betty referenced a page in the Pittsfield history book pertaining to the schoolhouse and an event that happened on February 10, 1881. AJ said the Town Clerk should be directed to post the resolution as a separate document and reference the statement in the Pittsfield History book, page 32. Ann asked AJ if he would be willing to draft a resolution. He said he would. Ann made a motion to draft a resolution and direct the Town Clerk to post on the website and bulletin boards and that Betty work on a forum on racial injustice. Joyce seconded.
1. Legislative Report – Rep. Kirk White. He was not available this evening. Ann will invite him to the next meeting.
2. Rules of Procedure – Adoption. As a vote needs to be taken on this, Ann motioned to approve and adopt the Rules of Procedure. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Dog License – Penalty Deferral. Ann said that she heard from VLCT and drafted a notice for the Town Clerk to post stating that late fines and penalties will be deferred from April 1st to May 1st. After that, a late fee of $25 per dog will be imposed and after June 1st, a penalty of $15 per month will be imposed. Ann motioned to accept this notice. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
4. Appointed Town Officials – Update. A change in wording for the delegates to EC Fibernet will be changed to Delegate to EC Fibernet Governing Board. As for the alternate to the Rutland County Solid Waste District Board of Supervisors, Ann will contact Suana Rubin to see if she will be willing to take on that position. AJ said that Tim Carter has agreed to serve as one of the Emergency Management Co-Directors. Ann suggested approaching Doug and Tim about taking a seminar on Emergency Preparedness. She would also be interested. The Town Hall Building Committee has set up a five-member appointed Pittsfield Building Advisory Board as a permanent committee to meet on a quarterly basis with the Select Board’s building rep to address issues with all Town-owned buildings. The committee will consist of Herb Kuendig, Jeremy Rayner, Tim Carter, Mike Moran, and Glenn Reinauer. AJ said that Marsha Hopkins has consented to serve another term on the Planning & Zoning Commission but may resign before her three years are up. Ryan Thompson has expressed an interest in serving. Discussion. The Board decided to ask Ryan to sit in on meetings and assume Marsha’s position in the event she does resign. He will act as her alternate. Ann motioned to approve and update the above-mentioned positions and appointees. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Secretary was asked to send out letters of appointment to those needing them. She was also asked to contact Sarah Gallagher and apprise her as to Ryan Thompson’s role on the commission.
5. Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) – Admission Update/Ordinance Amendment. Ann attended their recent meeting and said that Pittsfield has officially been accepted. They next hold a public meeting to update their State agreement. Once the agreement is approved by the State, we can get the word out. Ann said she also requested the Board of Supervisors consider some sort of rebate. They said they would take it under advisement at their next meeting, which Ann said she would attend. For Pittsfield residents to apply for a pass, they will need to present their Vermont automobile registration showing a Pittsfield address. Second homeowners and residents without Vermont plates will not be able to purchase permits at the district rate. Ann stated that Article Five of the Town’s Solid Waste Ordinance needs to be updated to “Rutland County Solid Waste District” and she proposed approving the update. Joyce seconded. All were in favor. Following ordinance procedures, this will be sent to Trish who will need to advertise in the Randolph Herald and post in public for 60 days.
1. Historical Society – Offices. Ann said she was unable to reach out the Chuck Colton regarding the historical society effects in the Town Hall. They need to be cleared out to allow for the tables and chairs from downstairs to be stored on the stage. The Board would like to discuss with them how they can be helped to move and support them as a Town organization. The Town needs to have an Historical Society. Joyce said that she proposed that the basement of the Town Office Building
be used as a display and meeting space for the Historical Society. With past leadership having stepped down, Ann will contact Chuck and invite him to the next meeting. Ann proposed that the Board extend an invitation to the society to meet and discuss their home and plans for the future. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) 2021 – Update. Ann said that basically there are only a few pages that need to be updated. These include the contact page and who will organize and review the document. Dave Colton should review the list of those who need to be checked on in the event of an emergency. She will have Victoria Littlefield send copies to AJ and Joyce and will speak with Trish about reconsidering the admin position as this is an important part of the plan.
3. Liquor License Renewal – Clear River Inn and Tavern. Ann motioned to approve all four of the following license applications. Joyce seconded. All in favor. They are: 1) First Class, 2) Second Class, 3) Outside Consumption, and 4) Third Class.
4. Treasurer’s Report – February Financials. Ann had a question about the payment to Saguaro Technologies. Joyce said it was the monthly maintenance fee. It was brought up that the Listers should be paying 1/3 of the monthly fee for their computer. Ann said she would have Trish check to see if the bill was split 1/3-2/3. There was also a question on the CV Oil fuel bill for the town hall. Joyce Will talk with Trish about this.
5. Cemetery Bid request – George Deblon. George would like to have Harvey’s do the work and not put the job out to bid. He obtained a cost of $14,200 for the project. FEMA funds (75% of total estimated costs $15,500) are already in hand. Right now, the Town is waiting for the State to Pay its share (17.5%). The town clerk has been told the state will not pay until all the disaster mitigation projects have been completed. This means until the Box Culvert on Upper Michigan Road is completed (which can not start until July 1 and end no later than October 1), the State will not release their payment to Pittsfield. Discussion. The Board agreed that the cemetery project did not qualify for an exemption from the towns procurement policy which states that projects $10k have to be formally bid. There was concern that Not following it could jeopardize payments by FEMA and the State. Ann felt that reaching out to Mosher’s and Casella would not be a problem. AJ made a motion to have the project put out to bid. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. George will be asked to prepare a bid and present it to the Select Board to approve.
6. Portable radio at Town Office. Joyce said that the Fire Department had asked about the whereabouts of the three new radios. They would like to give them to George. They also would like to get one from Doug Minelli and give that one to the office. It was felt that George and Dave could each have one when plowing to aid in communication. In the event of an emergency, one could be brought back and given to Trish. There was also talk of perhaps purchasing another radio for Tim Carter.
Next Meeting Date: April 1, 2021 at 6pm virtually.
As there was no other business to discuss, Ann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52pm. Joyce seconded all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: April 1, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
DATE: March 18, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually) Betty Warner
1.Cemetery bid request – NB#5.
2.Portable radios at Town Office – NB#6.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 4, 2021 Regular Meeting
1.Isabelle Green – RCSWD
2.New Truck – George Deblon
3.Prevent Child Abuse VT - flyer
4.VT Homestead/Property Tax Credit - flyer
5.Resolution Request – Betty Warner
1.Legislative Report – Rep. Kirk White
2.Rules of Procedure – Adoption
3.Dog License – Penalty Deferral
4.Appointed Town Officials – Update
5.Rutland County Solid Waste District – Admission Update/Ordinance Amendment
1.Historical Society – Offices
2.Local Emergency Management Plan 2021 – Update
3.Liquor License Renewal – Clear River Inn and Tavern
4.Treasurer’s Report – February Financials
5.Cemetery bid request – George Deblon
6.Portable radio at Town Office.
NEXT MEETING DATE: April 1, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented the first agenda modification and Joyce the second (see above). Ann asked to hear a motion. Joyce motioned to accept the two Agenda Modifications. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann presented the Minutes of the March 4th regular meeting for approval. AJ seconded. All approved.
1. Isabelle Green – RCSWD. Ann said that she responded to Isabelle’s letter requesting information on the timeline for the use of the Rutland County Solid Waste District in Rutland. Ann said early April and would have more information under NB#5. No action on that.
2. New Truck – George Deblon. Ann said that she put this on the agenda for the record. George informed the Board that the new truck had been delivered and upon inspection, he found holes in the chain bed that need to be fixed and feels the need to sand blast the body and frame and have it painted as a rust preventative. He obtained an estimate from Earle’s for $8,076.07. He is requesting permission to take funds from the Equipment Fund and then replace them when the current truck is sold. He is expecting to ask a minimum of $10,000.00. Ann noted that the truck was purchased from Sheldon Motors as it was used as a trade-in by Braintree. Discussion about the repairs. They agreed to have George get a current estimate of work and go to Sheldon Motors and see what they have to say. AJ made a motion to accept George’s request but breakout the cost of the repairs. Ann seconded. All in favor.
3. Prevent Child Abuse VT – flyer. This organization is asking communities and businesses to purchase pinwheels (at $1.00/) and plant a “garden” to honor Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. It was suggested this might be something for the Pittsfield Community Connections (PCC). Betty said she would approach members of the group. Joyce suggested planting them by the two cemetery entrances. Questions were asked as to whether the Town should purchase them (100 suggested), whether PCC should be approached (not enough time for outreach), and whether the Cemetery Commissioners would need to be contacted (which they would). Ann said she would have Trish forward the flyer to both Betty and Joyce. Joyce said the Swiss Farm Inn could purchase 150 and donate 100 of them to the Town.
4. VT Homestead/Property Tax Credit -flyer. Discussion. The Board will direct the Town Clerk to post the flyer for the public in both cases and bulletin boards. Betty will add it to the Listers page on the Town’s website. Ann suggested also adding it to the Town’s website homepage.
5. Resolution Request – Betty Warner. Her request pertains to the removal of the Black Lives Matter sign by a vandal that was outside the Swiss Farm Market. She requests that the Select Board sponsor a community discussion on race, etc. and create an official statement. Discussion. Ann deferred to Joyce who said the sign removal was very upsetting. She said that some people do not understand it. Since then, the sign has been replaced, but she added that some people would not come in the store because of the sign being there. AJ suggested a statement in the Minutes stating that the Select Board does not condone racially based vandalism or harassment. Ann felt it was appropriate to write and sign a resolution. It is entirely within the Select Board’s responsibility to immediately respond. Ann proposed a resolution now versus a community forum. There was discussion as to the wording and what it would encompass. Perhaps a forum could be held in the future. Betty referenced a page in the Pittsfield history book pertaining to the schoolhouse and an event that happened on February 10, 1881. AJ said the Town Clerk should be directed to post the resolution as a separate document and reference the statement in the Pittsfield History book, page 32. Ann asked AJ if he would be willing to draft a resolution. He said he would. Ann made a motion to draft a resolution and direct the Town Clerk to post on the website and bulletin boards and that Betty work on a forum on racial injustice. Joyce seconded.
1. Legislative Report – Rep. Kirk White. He was not available this evening. Ann will invite him to the next meeting.
2. Rules of Procedure – Adoption. As a vote needs to be taken on this, Ann motioned to approve and adopt the Rules of Procedure. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Dog License – Penalty Deferral. Ann said that she heard from VLCT and drafted a notice for the Town Clerk to post stating that late fines and penalties will be deferred from April 1st to May 1st. After that, a late fee of $25 per dog will be imposed and after June 1st, a penalty of $15 per month will be imposed. Ann motioned to accept this notice. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
4. Appointed Town Officials – Update. A change in wording for the delegates to EC Fibernet will be changed to Delegate to EC Fibernet Governing Board. As for the alternate to the Rutland County Solid Waste District Board of Supervisors, Ann will contact Suana Rubin to see if she will be willing to take on that position. AJ said that Tim Carter has agreed to serve as one of the Emergency Management Co-Directors. Ann suggested approaching Doug and Tim about taking a seminar on Emergency Preparedness. She would also be interested. The Town Hall Building Committee has set up a five-member appointed Pittsfield Building Advisory Board as a permanent committee to meet on a quarterly basis with the Select Board’s building rep to address issues with all Town-owned buildings. The committee will consist of Herb Kuendig, Jeremy Rayner, Tim Carter, Mike Moran, and Glenn Reinauer. AJ said that Marsha Hopkins has consented to serve another term on the Planning & Zoning Commission but may resign before her three years are up. Ryan Thompson has expressed an interest in serving. Discussion. The Board decided to ask Ryan to sit in on meetings and assume Marsha’s position in the event she does resign. He will act as her alternate. Ann motioned to approve and update the above-mentioned positions and appointees. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Secretary was asked to send out letters of appointment to those needing them. She was also asked to contact Sarah Gallagher and apprise her as to Ryan Thompson’s role on the commission.
5. Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) – Admission Update/Ordinance Amendment. Ann attended their recent meeting and said that Pittsfield has officially been accepted. They next hold a public meeting to update their State agreement. Once the agreement is approved by the State, we can get the word out. Ann said she also requested the Board of Supervisors consider some sort of rebate. They said they would take it under advisement at their next meeting, which Ann said she would attend. For Pittsfield residents to apply for a pass, they will need to present their Vermont automobile registration showing a Pittsfield address. Second homeowners and residents without Vermont plates will not be able to purchase permits at the district rate. Ann stated that Article Five of the Town’s Solid Waste Ordinance needs to be updated to “Rutland County Solid Waste District” and she proposed approving the update. Joyce seconded. All were in favor. Following ordinance procedures, this will be sent to Trish who will need to advertise in the Randolph Herald and post in public for 60 days.
1. Historical Society – Offices. Ann said she was unable to reach out the Chuck Colton regarding the historical society effects in the Town Hall. They need to be cleared out to allow for the tables and chairs from downstairs to be stored on the stage. The Board would like to discuss with them how they can be helped to move and support them as a Town organization. The Town needs to have an Historical Society. Joyce said that she proposed that the basement of the Town Office Building
be used as a display and meeting space for the Historical Society. With past leadership having stepped down, Ann will contact Chuck and invite him to the next meeting. Ann proposed that the Board extend an invitation to the society to meet and discuss their home and plans for the future. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) 2021 – Update. Ann said that basically there are only a few pages that need to be updated. These include the contact page and who will organize and review the document. Dave Colton should review the list of those who need to be checked on in the event of an emergency. She will have Victoria Littlefield send copies to AJ and Joyce and will speak with Trish about reconsidering the admin position as this is an important part of the plan.
3. Liquor License Renewal – Clear River Inn and Tavern. Ann motioned to approve all four of the following license applications. Joyce seconded. All in favor. They are: 1) First Class, 2) Second Class, 3) Outside Consumption, and 4) Third Class.
4. Treasurer’s Report – February Financials. Ann had a question about the payment to Saguaro Technologies. Joyce said it was the monthly maintenance fee. It was brought up that the Listers should be paying 1/3 of the monthly fee for their computer. Ann said she would have Trish check to see if the bill was split 1/3-2/3. There was also a question on the CV Oil fuel bill for the town hall. Joyce Will talk with Trish about this.
5. Cemetery Bid request – George Deblon. George would like to have Harvey’s do the work and not put the job out to bid. He obtained a cost of $14,200 for the project. FEMA funds (75% of total estimated costs $15,500) are already in hand. Right now, the Town is waiting for the State to Pay its share (17.5%). The town clerk has been told the state will not pay until all the disaster mitigation projects have been completed. This means until the Box Culvert on Upper Michigan Road is completed (which can not start until July 1 and end no later than October 1), the State will not release their payment to Pittsfield. Discussion. The Board agreed that the cemetery project did not qualify for an exemption from the towns procurement policy which states that projects $10k have to be formally bid. There was concern that Not following it could jeopardize payments by FEMA and the State. Ann felt that reaching out to Mosher’s and Casella would not be a problem. AJ made a motion to have the project put out to bid. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. George will be asked to prepare a bid and present it to the Select Board to approve.
6. Portable radio at Town Office. Joyce said that the Fire Department had asked about the whereabouts of the three new radios. They would like to give them to George. They also would like to get one from Doug Minelli and give that one to the office. It was felt that George and Dave could each have one when plowing to aid in communication. In the event of an emergency, one could be brought back and given to Trish. There was also talk of perhaps purchasing another radio for Tim Carter.
Next Meeting Date: April 1, 2021 at 6pm virtually.
As there was no other business to discuss, Ann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52pm. Joyce seconded all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: April 1, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben