DATE: February 4, 2021
To listen to a recording of this meeting please click https://fccdl.in/n2o4Kteu81
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Rep. Kirk White
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: 1.C#3: U.S. Census Bureau: 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey; 2. NB#5: Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage; 3. NB#6: Swiss Farm Market Liquor License Renewal; 4. NB#7: Auditors’ Printing Quotes
1.Resignation: Mona Colton
2.Green Mountain National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan
3. U.S. Census Bureau: 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 21, 2021 Regular Meeting
1.Final Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
2.Town Hall Update
1.Municipal Roads General Permit – Implementation & Schedule
2.Town Road/Bridge Grant Program
3.FEMA Technical Assistance Program
4.Rep. Kirk White
5.Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage
6.Swiss Farm Market Liquor License Renewal
7.Auditors’ Printing Quotes
1.Informational Meeting Run-through
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann presented the Agenda Modifications, and they were seconded by Joyce and added to the agenda. A motion to approve the Minutes of the January 21, 2021 Regular Meeting was made by Ann and seconded by Joyce.
Ann recognized the newest Select Board member AJ Ruben. She noted that he has served the Town as a member of the School Board as well as other positions and said she was anxious to work with him. He is replacing Mona Colton, who has resigned, until Town Meeting.
1. Resignation: Mona Colton. This resignation was received on January 14th. It was hoped that she would stay on until Town Meeting but that did not happen. AJ Ruben has consented to assume the position until Town Meeting. Ann made a motion to accept Mona’s resignation. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
2. Green Mountain National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. This correspondence announces a review of the Forest Plan associated with new information or changed circumstances relative to roads management. No action taken.
3. U.S. Census Bureau: 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey. The BAS is a voluntary survey. This correspondence outlines the reasons the survey should be completed. Trish has made no changes to the survey and this will be kept on file at the Town Office.
1. Final Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. This 2020 plan has been adopted as an official plan of the Town and took effect on January 27, 2021. This will be in effect for five years. Ann suggested it be added to a tickler file so that it can be worked on beginning a year prior to its expiration. A copy will be forwarded to the Planning Commission. Ann moved that the Town Clerk post this to the Town’s website under Ordinance and Policies. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Town Hall Update. Ann brought everyone up to date with what has been done. Two steel beams have been lifted into place today. The installation should be completed by tomorrow. The final topcoat needs to be applied to the footings by the concrete contractors. The Building Committee meets on Monday to address what is left. Most of the project has been completed. There has even been coverage by three local newspapers.
1. Municipal Roads General Permit – Implementation & Schedule. The VT Department of Environmental Conservation announces a new State program addressing stormwater runoff from municipal roads. Every town much comply. A survey of all our roads much be carried out and roads identified as not complying must be tended to. A deadline of no later than December 31, 2036 must demonstrate that all hydrologically connected municipal roads meet the standards listed in the MRGP General Permit. George has indicated that TRORC is handling this. Ann said that Pete may be invited to a future meeting to provide more information.
2. Town Road/Bridge Grant Program. Ann said she has checked with Peter Fellows at TRORC to see what deadlines, etc are needed. She would like more information of previous grant proposals to see if there are any that may help with the MRGP requirements. She said that we can help George with the paperwork and financing so he can focus on what he needs to do.
3. FEMA Technical Assistance Program. This letter indicates that because Pittsfield has completed its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, it is now eligible to apply to Vermont Emergency Management for mitigation grants administered by FEMA. A Letter of Interest has been requested by the Planning Commission and has been written and signed. Ann proposed that a Letter of Interest be written. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. She noted that this is after the fact as the deadline has passed but wanted this on the record.
4. Rep. Kirk White. This is the first monthly attendance by Rep. White. His intent is to bring the latest information regarding legislation and anything else that might impact the Town. He stated that this job has a huge learning curve added to by COVID-19. He said he has chosen to serve on many committees are serving as a Liaison for the Commerce Committee and is part of caucus’ with special purposes and has signed up for them all. He said that his focus is on small communities. He noted that inadequate childcare seems to be a common issue among many groups. Rep. White also presented information on jobs that are available but unfilled due to a lack of qualifications. The State is trying to coordinate with local colleges regarding training. Broadband is also a bit topic of conversation. The education tax was discussed and appears to be less than anticipated due to an unexpected increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue. Ann presented Pittsfield’s financial situation and expressed concern about the education tax rate and its possible effect by the municipal rate. Grants and loans available to small business owners was also discussed. Rep. White stated that he adds links to his Facebook page as he gets information on various programs, etc. The Board thanked him for attending tonight and presenting his update and sharing of information. Next month’s meeting date was briefly discussed, and he will be notified when it is set.
5. Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage. There have been no changes in the last few years. It has been 19.593 miles of Town highways. Ann approved the acceptance and sign this document. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Swiss Farm Market Liquor License Renewal. Ann motioned to accept and sign this Second Class Liquor License. Seconded by AJ. Joyce recused herself.
7. Auditors’ Printing Quotes. Martha was asked to present the three quotes 1) Spaulding Press: $1,647; 2) Minuteman Press in Colchester: $1,571.73; and Springfield Printing: $1,678). Ann made a motion to accept the bids and select Spaulding Press as requested by the Board of Auditors. Joyce seconded the motion. All in favor. Ann noted that this is after the fact as the printer has been working with the Auditors recently.
1.Informational Meeting Run-through. Ann said she is trying to set up a run-through for this Monday to assist with logistics and iron out any potential issues prior to the meeting on February 27th.
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 at 6pm via online meeting.
As there was no further business, Joyce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:06pm. Ann seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: February 18, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
DATE: February 4, 2021
To listen to a recording of this meeting please click https://fccdl.in/n2o4Kteu81
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Rep. Kirk White
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: 1.C#3: U.S. Census Bureau: 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey; 2. NB#5: Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage; 3. NB#6: Swiss Farm Market Liquor License Renewal; 4. NB#7: Auditors’ Printing Quotes
1.Resignation: Mona Colton
2.Green Mountain National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan
3. U.S. Census Bureau: 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 21, 2021 Regular Meeting
1.Final Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
2.Town Hall Update
1.Municipal Roads General Permit – Implementation & Schedule
2.Town Road/Bridge Grant Program
3.FEMA Technical Assistance Program
4.Rep. Kirk White
5.Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage
6.Swiss Farm Market Liquor License Renewal
7.Auditors’ Printing Quotes
1.Informational Meeting Run-through
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann presented the Agenda Modifications, and they were seconded by Joyce and added to the agenda. A motion to approve the Minutes of the January 21, 2021 Regular Meeting was made by Ann and seconded by Joyce.
Ann recognized the newest Select Board member AJ Ruben. She noted that he has served the Town as a member of the School Board as well as other positions and said she was anxious to work with him. He is replacing Mona Colton, who has resigned, until Town Meeting.
1. Resignation: Mona Colton. This resignation was received on January 14th. It was hoped that she would stay on until Town Meeting but that did not happen. AJ Ruben has consented to assume the position until Town Meeting. Ann made a motion to accept Mona’s resignation. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
2. Green Mountain National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. This correspondence announces a review of the Forest Plan associated with new information or changed circumstances relative to roads management. No action taken.
3. U.S. Census Bureau: 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey. The BAS is a voluntary survey. This correspondence outlines the reasons the survey should be completed. Trish has made no changes to the survey and this will be kept on file at the Town Office.
1. Final Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. This 2020 plan has been adopted as an official plan of the Town and took effect on January 27, 2021. This will be in effect for five years. Ann suggested it be added to a tickler file so that it can be worked on beginning a year prior to its expiration. A copy will be forwarded to the Planning Commission. Ann moved that the Town Clerk post this to the Town’s website under Ordinance and Policies. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Town Hall Update. Ann brought everyone up to date with what has been done. Two steel beams have been lifted into place today. The installation should be completed by tomorrow. The final topcoat needs to be applied to the footings by the concrete contractors. The Building Committee meets on Monday to address what is left. Most of the project has been completed. There has even been coverage by three local newspapers.
1. Municipal Roads General Permit – Implementation & Schedule. The VT Department of Environmental Conservation announces a new State program addressing stormwater runoff from municipal roads. Every town much comply. A survey of all our roads much be carried out and roads identified as not complying must be tended to. A deadline of no later than December 31, 2036 must demonstrate that all hydrologically connected municipal roads meet the standards listed in the MRGP General Permit. George has indicated that TRORC is handling this. Ann said that Pete may be invited to a future meeting to provide more information.
2. Town Road/Bridge Grant Program. Ann said she has checked with Peter Fellows at TRORC to see what deadlines, etc are needed. She would like more information of previous grant proposals to see if there are any that may help with the MRGP requirements. She said that we can help George with the paperwork and financing so he can focus on what he needs to do.
3. FEMA Technical Assistance Program. This letter indicates that because Pittsfield has completed its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, it is now eligible to apply to Vermont Emergency Management for mitigation grants administered by FEMA. A Letter of Interest has been requested by the Planning Commission and has been written and signed. Ann proposed that a Letter of Interest be written. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. She noted that this is after the fact as the deadline has passed but wanted this on the record.
4. Rep. Kirk White. This is the first monthly attendance by Rep. White. His intent is to bring the latest information regarding legislation and anything else that might impact the Town. He stated that this job has a huge learning curve added to by COVID-19. He said he has chosen to serve on many committees are serving as a Liaison for the Commerce Committee and is part of caucus’ with special purposes and has signed up for them all. He said that his focus is on small communities. He noted that inadequate childcare seems to be a common issue among many groups. Rep. White also presented information on jobs that are available but unfilled due to a lack of qualifications. The State is trying to coordinate with local colleges regarding training. Broadband is also a bit topic of conversation. The education tax was discussed and appears to be less than anticipated due to an unexpected increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue. Ann presented Pittsfield’s financial situation and expressed concern about the education tax rate and its possible effect by the municipal rate. Grants and loans available to small business owners was also discussed. Rep. White stated that he adds links to his Facebook page as he gets information on various programs, etc. The Board thanked him for attending tonight and presenting his update and sharing of information. Next month’s meeting date was briefly discussed, and he will be notified when it is set.
5. Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage. There have been no changes in the last few years. It has been 19.593 miles of Town highways. Ann approved the acceptance and sign this document. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Swiss Farm Market Liquor License Renewal. Ann motioned to accept and sign this Second Class Liquor License. Seconded by AJ. Joyce recused herself.
7. Auditors’ Printing Quotes. Martha was asked to present the three quotes 1) Spaulding Press: $1,647; 2) Minuteman Press in Colchester: $1,571.73; and Springfield Printing: $1,678). Ann made a motion to accept the bids and select Spaulding Press as requested by the Board of Auditors. Joyce seconded the motion. All in favor. Ann noted that this is after the fact as the printer has been working with the Auditors recently.
1.Informational Meeting Run-through. Ann said she is trying to set up a run-through for this Monday to assist with logistics and iron out any potential issues prior to the meeting on February 27th.
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 at 6pm via online meeting.
As there was no further business, Joyce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:06pm. Ann seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: February 18, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben