“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/8nx7bHM7Yj
DATE: February 18, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Lyle Jepson, Exec-Director, Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 4, 2021 Regular Meeting
1.Town Report/Informational Meeting
1. Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region
2.Original General Store – Liquor License
3.Grand List Certification
4.Treasurer’s Report – January Financials
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 27, 2021 at 10:00AM. Remote Informational Meeting on Town Meeting Warrant (Board Members, Moderator, IT Moderator, and Town Clerk at Town Office)
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Seconded by Joyce. Ann introduced Lyle Jepson and moved to take NB#1 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 4, 2021 Regular Meeting. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes. Ann seconded. Approved.
1. Town Report/Informational Meeting. Ann encouraged everyone to look over this informational
meeting plan. She also felt that the School Board should be a part of the meeting and will speak with Kris Sperber. She noted that Town Report had been mailed out and the Board indicated they were pleased with it and the job the Auditors did. The Board also discussed with Martha the best way to deal with taking the Minutes. Martha said she hoped to follow up with some other towns that might have their Minutes posted prior to our meeting to see how they were done. No major problems were anticipated.
1. Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region. Lyle Jepson, Executive Director of the Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region, had contacted the Town last December and sent information about the organization’s marketing initiative and funding request. It was noted that the Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce and the Rutland Economic Development Corporation had merged. They serve the entire county and would like to work with Pittsfield if appropriate. Recently they distributed masks to various businesses in the area. He said they strongly feel they need more people to become involved and COVID has helped. The tax base needs to grow. Currently they are sending out emails to parties showing interest. They have a concierge program to match with people interested in the area. He said that Pittsfield has a page on their website and wanted to know what information the Town would like to add. They would also like to take photos to include on the page. Biking trails now are a draw to Pittsfield. The Board noted that it was late for funding for this year but would like to talk later in the year. Ann turned the conversation over to Joyce, as a local business owner. Joyce asked if the KPAA had joined with Rutland to share resources. She also asked what the organization is doing for downtown Rutland as it looks a bit barren. He responded that the downtown needs to be an “experience” that will take a long time. Rutland needs to work to entice retail businesses and they are working closely with the Rutland Partnership. There needs to be access to affordable housing and that is being worked on, ex. short term vs long term rentals. Draws to Rutland currently include the Friday night movies in the summer, Center Street Marketplace, the Farmers Market, radio station, etc. Ann asked how their marketing could help Pittsfield. The costs of membership and dues were discussed. Lyle concluded the discussion by saying that their video on Rutland County and their website link would be forwarded to the Town for inclusion in our website. The Board thanked him for attending.
2. Original General Store – Liquor License Renewal. Ann made a motion to accept and sign this Second-Class Liquor License. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
3. Grand List Certification. The Board will sign this and have it recorded. It was decided to review past years to see if their certifications were approved and signed.
4. Treasurer’s Report – January Financials. AJ questioned one of the items and Ann said she would ask Trish about it. Ann added that Trish is receptive to feedback from the Board. AJ saw no reason why the financials could not be approved at this time. Ann moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
OTHER BUSINESS: Joyce said that she had heard that all street signs are being replaced statewide and that in one town someone had collected their signs and was selling them. She felt that if this information was correct, that Pittsfield should collect the signs and perhaps auction them at the Bazaar, etc. Ann noted that old Town Office windows had been found during renovation as well as old chairs. These could also be sold/auctioned.
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 27, 2021 at 10:00AM. Remote Informational Meeting on Town Meeting Warrant (Board Members, Moderator, IT Moderator, and Town Clerk at Town Office)
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:09pm. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 4, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/8nx7bHM7Yj
DATE: February 18, 2021
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually)Lyle Jepson, Exec-Director, Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 4, 2021 Regular Meeting
1.Town Report/Informational Meeting
1. Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region
2.Original General Store – Liquor License
3.Grand List Certification
4.Treasurer’s Report – January Financials
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 27, 2021 at 10:00AM. Remote Informational Meeting on Town Meeting Warrant (Board Members, Moderator, IT Moderator, and Town Clerk at Town Office)
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Seconded by Joyce. Ann introduced Lyle Jepson and moved to take NB#1 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 4, 2021 Regular Meeting. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes. Ann seconded. Approved.
1. Town Report/Informational Meeting. Ann encouraged everyone to look over this informational
meeting plan. She also felt that the School Board should be a part of the meeting and will speak with Kris Sperber. She noted that Town Report had been mailed out and the Board indicated they were pleased with it and the job the Auditors did. The Board also discussed with Martha the best way to deal with taking the Minutes. Martha said she hoped to follow up with some other towns that might have their Minutes posted prior to our meeting to see how they were done. No major problems were anticipated.
1. Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region. Lyle Jepson, Executive Director of the Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region, had contacted the Town last December and sent information about the organization’s marketing initiative and funding request. It was noted that the Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce and the Rutland Economic Development Corporation had merged. They serve the entire county and would like to work with Pittsfield if appropriate. Recently they distributed masks to various businesses in the area. He said they strongly feel they need more people to become involved and COVID has helped. The tax base needs to grow. Currently they are sending out emails to parties showing interest. They have a concierge program to match with people interested in the area. He said that Pittsfield has a page on their website and wanted to know what information the Town would like to add. They would also like to take photos to include on the page. Biking trails now are a draw to Pittsfield. The Board noted that it was late for funding for this year but would like to talk later in the year. Ann turned the conversation over to Joyce, as a local business owner. Joyce asked if the KPAA had joined with Rutland to share resources. She also asked what the organization is doing for downtown Rutland as it looks a bit barren. He responded that the downtown needs to be an “experience” that will take a long time. Rutland needs to work to entice retail businesses and they are working closely with the Rutland Partnership. There needs to be access to affordable housing and that is being worked on, ex. short term vs long term rentals. Draws to Rutland currently include the Friday night movies in the summer, Center Street Marketplace, the Farmers Market, radio station, etc. Ann asked how their marketing could help Pittsfield. The costs of membership and dues were discussed. Lyle concluded the discussion by saying that their video on Rutland County and their website link would be forwarded to the Town for inclusion in our website. The Board thanked him for attending.
2. Original General Store – Liquor License Renewal. Ann made a motion to accept and sign this Second-Class Liquor License. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
3. Grand List Certification. The Board will sign this and have it recorded. It was decided to review past years to see if their certifications were approved and signed.
4. Treasurer’s Report – January Financials. AJ questioned one of the items and Ann said she would ask Trish about it. Ann added that Trish is receptive to feedback from the Board. AJ saw no reason why the financials could not be approved at this time. Ann moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
OTHER BUSINESS: Joyce said that she had heard that all street signs are being replaced statewide and that in one town someone had collected their signs and was selling them. She felt that if this information was correct, that Pittsfield should collect the signs and perhaps auction them at the Bazaar, etc. Ann noted that old Town Office windows had been found during renovation as well as old chairs. These could also be sold/auctioned.
NEXT MEETING DATE: February 27, 2021 at 10:00AM. Remote Informational Meeting on Town Meeting Warrant (Board Members, Moderator, IT Moderator, and Town Clerk at Town Office)
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:09pm. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 4, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben