To listen to a recording of the meeting click: https://bit.ly/3mpD6TM
DATE: December 16, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Sandy Begin; Brett Yates (remote)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Rutland Solid Waste – NB6; 6-month budget – NB7
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 2, 2021, Regular Meeting
1.Green Mountain Conservation Camp
2.Regional Emergency Meeting – Committee
1.Capital Plans - Departmental
1.Direct Technical Assistance MOU
2.Town Meeting Warning – Draft March
3.Town Meeting – Select Board annual report
4.Town Office – Vacancies
5.Treasurers Report – November Financials
1.Budget MeetingDecember 21, 2021 @ 5:00pm at the Town Hall
2.Regular Meeting January 6. 2022 @ 6:00pm at the Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. A motion to accept the Minutes of December 2, 2021 Regular Meeting was made by Ann and seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
1. Green Mountain Conservation Camp. This camp offers hands-on learning experiences about fish, wildlife, ecology, botany, forestry, hunter firearm safety, outdoor first aid and more. It focuses on cultivating a caring attitude among the youth for Vermont’s fish and
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December 16, 2021
wildlife resources. This flyer will be forwarded to the RCML. It is also posted at the Swiss Farm Market.
2. Regional Emergency Meeting – Committee. Ann said that the State has been reorganizing and wants to make regional committees to include an Emergency Management Director from each Town as a voting member. Their first meeting will be held March 17, 2022. Ann proposed Ryan Thompson to this committee and made a motion to name Doug Mianulli as an alternate. Joyce seconded this motion. All in favor. Ann said she would contact Victoria Littlefield to notify nominations as well as Ryan and Doug and would also update the job description to include this new responsibility.
1. Capital Plans – Departmental.
a. Highway – George is looking for another contribution to eventually replace the 27-year-old grader. Information on what is currently in the fund was not known. The goal is $200,000.00 to purchase a used one in 2023. Ann suggested $67,000.00 tentatively until current balance is known.
b. RCML – The Library is looking to replace the metal bookshelves with wooden ones and put money away towards a computer. They are asking for $5,000.00 for the shelving and $2,500.00 towards the computer. It was decided to fund $3,800.00
c. PVF&R – The Fire Department is asking for $65,000 in the Truck Fund to replace vehicles in 2026, $4,500.00 in the Equipment Fund for turnout gear& thermal camera, and $30,000.00 in the Firehouse Fund for paving the parking area and building an addition. These were discussed. Joyce asked if there might be grants available. AJ suggested communicating with the fire department and explain that the Town Building Committee and local volunteers can provide architectural plans and cost estimates so that they can come back next year with a 5-year plan. Tenative action. $65K for truck; $4,500 for equipment;$20K for firehouse fund.
d. Listers – The Listers have requested $1,000 to replace hardware and furnishings. Ann expressed concern and wanted to know more details. Joyce suggested looking at what is in their Capital Budget now and readdress this at the next budget meeting.
1. Direct Technical Assistance MOU. Ann reported that Pittsfield was one of eight communities awarded this direct assistance grant from FEMA. Sarah is heading up this grant which will provide technical assistance from initially two professionals - a community planner and a grant writer. Ann moved to have authorization to complete and send needed information to FEMA. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
2. Town Meeting Warning – Draft March. Ann said that Trish is currently working on the March Warning-elected officials. She said that she met with the Building Committee and what to request for next year. It was thought that $38,000.00 would be needed for electrical, sheetrock, and ceiling work in the basement to obtain a Certificate of
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Occupancy. The type of ceiling was discussed. AJ suggested asking the voters in January what their opinions were of a
dropped vs non dropped ceiling. The currently $29,000 would cover new front stairs, re-siding the front including plastic soffits would be one of the first things to work on outside. The addition of possible Articles was noted: 1) Building Committee, 2) RCML, 3) Fire Department, and 4) Highway, and 5) Listers. Ann felt that there should be more discussion. It was agreed to put this in the budget and highlight it.
3. Town Meeting – Select Board annual report. She said she would draft the report. Ann said she would like to emphasize fiscal reform and highlight community projects.
4. Town Office – Vacancies. The Health Officer position has been vacant since Rebecca Steward resigned. Sandy was asked if she was interested in assuming the position. She said she was. Ann moved to appoint Sandy as Health Officer until the term expires September 30, 2022. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann said she would bring the form that needs completion as well as any materials pertaining to the position to Sandy. The Town is still looking for a Custodian. Several names were mentioned. Ann said she has been reaching out and the hope is to hire someone soon.
5. Treasurers Report – November Financials. Ann had a question regarding the Mascoma note and what $6,900.00 was for. Prebuy fuel figures for the Town Hall were also discussed. It was determined that the Town Hall was overbudget due to construction and being open to the elements.
6. Rutland Solid Waste. A letter was received regarding the application for a grant. The Board will sign and send a letter of support to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
7. 6-month budget. It was noted that this was what Trish was putting together as a handout at the January Special Town Meeting. The Board decided to look closer at this on Tuesday at their Special Budget meeting. It was agreed that if it could not be finalized Tuesday, that it should be posted on the website as a DRAFT. Joyce said that the Board needs to see the Undesignated Fund Balances and Miscellaneous Funds detail. This was tabled until Tuesday.
1.Budget MeetingDecember 21, 2021 @ 5:00pm at the Town Hall
2.Regular Meeting January 6. 2022 @ 6:00pm at the Town Hall
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December 16, 2021
As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:37pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting click: https://bit.ly/3mpD6TM
DATE: December 16, 2021
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Sandy Begin; Brett Yates (remote)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Rutland Solid Waste – NB6; 6-month budget – NB7
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 2, 2021, Regular Meeting
1.Green Mountain Conservation Camp
2.Regional Emergency Meeting – Committee
1.Capital Plans - Departmental
1.Direct Technical Assistance MOU
2.Town Meeting Warning – Draft March
3.Town Meeting – Select Board annual report
4.Town Office – Vacancies
5.Treasurers Report – November Financials
1.Budget MeetingDecember 21, 2021 @ 5:00pm at the Town Hall
2.Regular Meeting January 6. 2022 @ 6:00pm at the Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. A motion to accept the Minutes of December 2, 2021 Regular Meeting was made by Ann and seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
1. Green Mountain Conservation Camp. This camp offers hands-on learning experiences about fish, wildlife, ecology, botany, forestry, hunter firearm safety, outdoor first aid and more. It focuses on cultivating a caring attitude among the youth for Vermont’s fish and
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 16, 2021
wildlife resources. This flyer will be forwarded to the RCML. It is also posted at the Swiss Farm Market.
2. Regional Emergency Meeting – Committee. Ann said that the State has been reorganizing and wants to make regional committees to include an Emergency Management Director from each Town as a voting member. Their first meeting will be held March 17, 2022. Ann proposed Ryan Thompson to this committee and made a motion to name Doug Mianulli as an alternate. Joyce seconded this motion. All in favor. Ann said she would contact Victoria Littlefield to notify nominations as well as Ryan and Doug and would also update the job description to include this new responsibility.
1. Capital Plans – Departmental.
a. Highway – George is looking for another contribution to eventually replace the 27-year-old grader. Information on what is currently in the fund was not known. The goal is $200,000.00 to purchase a used one in 2023. Ann suggested $67,000.00 tentatively until current balance is known.
b. RCML – The Library is looking to replace the metal bookshelves with wooden ones and put money away towards a computer. They are asking for $5,000.00 for the shelving and $2,500.00 towards the computer. It was decided to fund $3,800.00
c. PVF&R – The Fire Department is asking for $65,000 in the Truck Fund to replace vehicles in 2026, $4,500.00 in the Equipment Fund for turnout gear& thermal camera, and $30,000.00 in the Firehouse Fund for paving the parking area and building an addition. These were discussed. Joyce asked if there might be grants available. AJ suggested communicating with the fire department and explain that the Town Building Committee and local volunteers can provide architectural plans and cost estimates so that they can come back next year with a 5-year plan. Tenative action. $65K for truck; $4,500 for equipment;$20K for firehouse fund.
d. Listers – The Listers have requested $1,000 to replace hardware and furnishings. Ann expressed concern and wanted to know more details. Joyce suggested looking at what is in their Capital Budget now and readdress this at the next budget meeting.
1. Direct Technical Assistance MOU. Ann reported that Pittsfield was one of eight communities awarded this direct assistance grant from FEMA. Sarah is heading up this grant which will provide technical assistance from initially two professionals - a community planner and a grant writer. Ann moved to have authorization to complete and send needed information to FEMA. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
2. Town Meeting Warning – Draft March. Ann said that Trish is currently working on the March Warning-elected officials. She said that she met with the Building Committee and what to request for next year. It was thought that $38,000.00 would be needed for electrical, sheetrock, and ceiling work in the basement to obtain a Certificate of
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
December 16, 2021
Occupancy. The type of ceiling was discussed. AJ suggested asking the voters in January what their opinions were of a
dropped vs non dropped ceiling. The currently $29,000 would cover new front stairs, re-siding the front including plastic soffits would be one of the first things to work on outside. The addition of possible Articles was noted: 1) Building Committee, 2) RCML, 3) Fire Department, and 4) Highway, and 5) Listers. Ann felt that there should be more discussion. It was agreed to put this in the budget and highlight it.
3. Town Meeting – Select Board annual report. She said she would draft the report. Ann said she would like to emphasize fiscal reform and highlight community projects.
4. Town Office – Vacancies. The Health Officer position has been vacant since Rebecca Steward resigned. Sandy was asked if she was interested in assuming the position. She said she was. Ann moved to appoint Sandy as Health Officer until the term expires September 30, 2022. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann said she would bring the form that needs completion as well as any materials pertaining to the position to Sandy. The Town is still looking for a Custodian. Several names were mentioned. Ann said she has been reaching out and the hope is to hire someone soon.
5. Treasurers Report – November Financials. Ann had a question regarding the Mascoma note and what $6,900.00 was for. Prebuy fuel figures for the Town Hall were also discussed. It was determined that the Town Hall was overbudget due to construction and being open to the elements.
6. Rutland Solid Waste. A letter was received regarding the application for a grant. The Board will sign and send a letter of support to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
7. 6-month budget. It was noted that this was what Trish was putting together as a handout at the January Special Town Meeting. The Board decided to look closer at this on Tuesday at their Special Budget meeting. It was agreed that if it could not be finalized Tuesday, that it should be posted on the website as a DRAFT. Joyce said that the Board needs to see the Undesignated Fund Balances and Miscellaneous Funds detail. This was tabled until Tuesday.
1.Budget MeetingDecember 21, 2021 @ 5:00pm at the Town Hall
2.Regular Meeting January 6. 2022 @ 6:00pm at the Town Hall
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
December 16, 2021
As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:37pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben