To listen to and view a video of this meeting please go to www.pittsfieldvt.com and click on the link to the meeting
DATE: February 27, 2021
SELECT BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (via Teams) Ann Kuendig (Chair), Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (via Teams)Kris Sperber (Chair), Ray Rice, Peter Dubois (not present)
OTHERS PRESENT: Trish Fryer (Town Clerk & Treasurer), George Deblon (Moderator), Jordan Stevens (IT Moderator)
PARTICIPATING VIA TEAMS: 20-25 residents and observers
1. Review and discuss Article 3: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted?
2. Review and discuss Article 4: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm?
3. Review and discuss Article 5: Will the voters of Pittsfield reallocate the Pittsfield Volunteer Fire & Rescue SCBA Reserve Fund for Equipment and deposit $2,100 from general fund surplus in this Equipment Reserve Fund?
4. Review and discuss Article 6: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $90,400 from general fund surplus in the PVF&R Truck Reserve Fund?
5. Review and discuss Article 7: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $25,000 from general fund surplus in the Town Hall Reserve Fund to complete Phase One and Phase Two repairs?
6. Review and discuss Article 8: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $67,000 from general fund surplus in the Highway Equipment Reserve Fund for a grader?
7. Review and discuss Article 9: Will the voters of Pittsfield establish a reserve fund to be called Town Office Maintenance and deposit $7,500 from general fund surplus in the fund for repairs and maintenance?
8. Review and discuss Article 10: Shall the voters of Pittsfield withdraw from the White River Alliance Solid Waste program and approve the terms and conditions of an agreement to join the union municipal district known as the Rutland County Solid Waste District?
9. Review and discuss Article 11: Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town?
10. Review and discuss Article 12: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate?
Discussion of other non-binding business
Motion to Adjourn
Call to order
New Business:
1. Article 2: To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the Town.
2. Article 3: Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of $1,014,329 for the 2021-22 school year? It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education spending of $14,649 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 11% lower than spending for the current year.
3. Article 4: To elect a School Director for a three-year term.
Discussion of other non-binding business
Motion to Adjourn
Ann welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00am. Joyce seconded. All In favor. Ann proceeded to introduce A.J. Ruben as the newest Select Board member replacing Mona Colton. A.J. has served the Town for years and we thank him for his service.
COVID-19 has made it so that towns are not able to meet in person due to distancing, etc. The State Legislature, last year, enacted Act 162 which gives towns the ability to hold Town Meeting and vote via Australian ballot for this year only. Both the Select Board and School Board voted to do this. This allows all registered voters to elect town officers, vote on Articles and the budget by preprinted ballot. These ballots have been available since February 10thfor early/absentee voting. The Town Office Building will be open on Tuesday, March 2ndfor in-person voting as well. By law, this informational meeting must be held before Town Meeting Day to allow us to meet and discuss Articles on the Warning. No decisions or changes can be made, however.
Ann proceeded to go over how the Moderator can recognize someone who is using devices such as computers, tables, smart phones, and regular telephones.
Ann made a motion to turn the meeting over to the School Board. Seconded by A.J. All in favor. A motion was made and seconded by Joyce to adjourn the Town Meeting at 10:07am. All in favor. The Town will reconvene following the School’s meeting.
Kris Sperber called the School Meeting to order (at 10:07am) and asked if anyone had any questions regarding their Warning. She added that this had been a great year and was happy that Ray Rice was here today. The other Board member is Peter Dubois, and he is working today, but hopes to call in. She said that the School Board Report and budget were straight-forward, and she would entertain questions. She went on to say that she would be willing to run again for a 3-year term.
Jennifer Wall Howard: asked if when someone is named on the ballot for a position is it assumed they want to be re-elected? Response: It was felt that it was safe to assume that the current officer would be running again and just had not confirmed that fact.
Ray Rice wanted to acknowledge Killington’s School Board members, particularly Jennifer Iannantuoni who is retiring after many years of service.
As there were no further questions, Kris motioned to turn the meeting back over to the Town.
Ann made a motion, seconded by A.J., to reconvene the Town Meeting at 10:13am. Ann then turned the meeting over to the Moderator to introduce the Articles for discussion.
1. Review and discuss Article 3:Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted?
George said that this Article is on the Warning each year and is more of a housekeeping article. There were no questions.
2. Review and discuss Article 4: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm.
George said that this was also more of a housekeeping article. There were no questions.
3. Review and discuss Article 5:Will the voters of Pittsfield reallocate the Pittsfield Volunteer Fire & Rescue SCBA Reserve Fund for Equipment and deposit $2,100 from general fund surplus in this Equipment Reserve Fund?
Jennifer Wall Howard: indicated that there are a number of articles moving monies from the General Fund surplus. Can anyone explain the General Fund surplus? Is this money that has already been raised. Response: Yes.
Ann provided an explanation as to how the surplus originated.
Charles Piso: wanted to know if the fire department got the SCBAs and are all set, and this money is being put towards equipment in the future? Response: Ann responded, what this article does is rename the reserve fund the Fire department used to purchase new tanks last year for their self-contained breathing apparatus. Currently, that fund which will be renamed the PVF&R Equipment Fund, contains $4,892. The Fire Department realized this savings because it was awarded a grant to buy some tanks. The Article requests voters to approve depositing $2,100 to fund the first year of a five-year capital improvement plan that the fire department submitted to the Select Board. This Equipment Reserve Fund would go towards the future purchase of turn-out gear, a pump trailer and thermal camera. This first-year deposit will come from surplus funds in the General Fund.
There were no other questions.
4. Review and discuss Article 6:Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $90,400 from general fund surplus in the PVF&R Truck Reserve Fund?
Ann provided an overview of the Article. Over the last two years, voters have approved depositing $7,500 into the fire departments truck reserve fund. This year, upon request of the Select Board, the fire department submitted a comprehensive capital improvement plan to replace outdated fire engines and rescue vehicles, two vehicles within five years and the third within 12 years. Replacement costs for the first two vehicles were estimated at $370,000 and $400,00 for the third. During budget deliberations, the
Select Board adjusted for money that was already in the fund and the 2024 payoff of the truck note and came up with this year’s $90,400 contribution. Since there was such a large budget surplus this year, the Select Board decided to put it towards one time spending on each department’s capital budget requests as well as offer tax relief.
There were no questions.
5. Review and discuss Article 7: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $25,000 from general fund surplus in the Town Hall Reserve Fund to complete Phase One and Phase Two repairs?
Ann gave an overview of the Article and project. Phase one to install an additional support system for the first floor has been completed under budget. With just over $10,000 left in the reserve account for repairs, the Committee is focused on cleaning up the downstairs to restore the kitchen area and drop-ceiling which had to be dismantled during construction, update the wiring and lighting and sheetrock several walls. This winter, Committee members are monitoring the basement for flooding which will help decide in the spring how to stop or divert any water from getting into the building. The Committee will soon be calling for the final inspection as required by the State permit in order to get an occupancy permit and officially reopen Town Hall. The Committee is ready to complete phase one and tackle phase two which is insulating and residing the exterior walls. By employing the same barn-raising style of project management, putting work parties together with volunteers, the committee believes they can bring phase two in successfully and is requesting $25,000 for the work.
Charles Piso: wanted to know if Phase One had been completed? Response: Ann said that one remaining task cannot be completed until spring. There were no further questions.
6. Review and discuss Article 8:Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $67,000 from general fund surplus in the Highway Equipment Reserve Fund for a grader?
Dave Larkin: wanted to know if this money is dedicated to the purchase of a grader? Response: George said that he had no plans to purchase a grader at this time. The Town’s grader is 26 years old and has 12,000 hours and some day will have to be replaced. The money will be put aside for when we do. There were no other questions.
7. Review and discuss Article 9: Will the voters of Pittsfield establish a reserve fund to be called Town Office Maintenance and deposit $7,500 from general fund surplus in the fund for repairs and maintenance?
Charles Piso: stated that the Planning Commission is working to obtain a grant for the purchase of a generator for Town Hall. Is this money going towards capital planning? Response: Ann said that no, it wasn’t. It was more for deferred maintenance such as dry rot, painting, and work on the cupola. These jobs have been estimated to cost approximately $5,000. The money in the newly established fund was more for Town property inspections on a regular basis, so that things could be addressed and repaired before they became major repairs.
Charles Piso: With the Town Hall reopening, he’d like to see some consideration put towards the emergency management perspective for the Town, such as an emergency shelter. Response: Ann agreed and added that the Planning Commission is currently looking for a grant that could help with this issue. There were no further questions.
8. Review and discuss Article 10:Shall the voters of Pittsfield withdraw from the White River Alliance
Solid Waste program and approve the terms and conditions of an agreement to join the union municipal district known as the Rutland County Solid Waste District?
Ann presented an overview of this Article. If approved, the Rutland facility district manager will formally bring this before their Board of Directors. She explained how this change would affect the Town and its residents. The town will not have to pay any membership fee. Residents would pay $15 for the Rutland District permit and then $2 to $5 per bag depending on the size, recyclables are free. The Transfer station is open six days a week from 7 to 3pm. If voters decide to stay with White River, the Town will have to pay the annual membership fee which is $6,300 this year. Residents pay $3 to $8 per bag depending on the size, recyclables are $3 a visit and the Facility is open four days a week from 7 to 1pm.
Dave Larkin: had a question about the recycling. He thought it was supposed to be free. The South Royalton facility is charging for recycling. Response: George said the recycling is still free, but their charge is for a visit.
Jennifer Wall Howard: The Casella drop off has been very convenient. Can we have a drop off like they have in Stockbridge? Response: Ann said that the drop off was expensive, but the Select Board can revisit the issue if there is enough interest. Charles Piso as a former Select Board member provided some history on this. There were no further questions.
9. Review and discuss Article 11:Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town?
Kim Harris: asked if someone could speak to the surplus in the budget. Response: Ann explained that the Select board scrutinized every budget line item to reduce spending in labor, office supplies, transition and training, town officer education, town officer mileage. The Select board did not make annual contributions to several reserve accounts like recreation and computer so the Select Board can develop plans to utilize the funding to which it was intended instead of just left sitting for years.
The Select Board funded the Contingency fund bringing it almost back to where it was before the April 2019 flooding event.
In discussions with the Town Treasurer, the Select Board reviewed and lowered funds held in reserve to pay bills between January and August before first tax revenue is received.
The money that was remaining was then disbursed to the various funds as surplus. These would be one-time expenditures and not built into the budget.
Charles Piso: had a concern about the proposed paving of Route 100 in 2021 not being addressed and where the remainder of the money would come from. Response: George said that he knew of no immediate plans for this project. Caleb Hawley indicated the project was now slated for Summer, 2022.
Vern Haskins: asked if someone could speak to the line-item Ford F550 in the Highway budget not appearing as an Article? Response: Ann explained that most of the money for a new small dump truck was already in the Highway budget as surplus and so the Board opted to leave this as a highway budget line item. Last year, George spent nearly $8,000 on repairs to the Ford F-550 and believes the time is right to replace the ten-year old truck while the town can still sell it for a decent price, somewhere between $35 to $40. There were no further questions.
10. Review and discuss Article 12: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and
sell real estate?
The question was asked how residents know if there is property for sale? Is it listed on the website? Response: George said that this deals mostly with tax sales and buy-outs. Dave Larkin spoke about the Watkins property and thought it might be offered to the Green Mountain National Forest where at least the Town could receive a small monetary amount per acre. Ann added that the Delinquent Tax Collector is working with the Town Attorney looking for ways to remove properties from the delinquent tax list. This is ongoing. There were no further questions.
Discussion of other non-binding business:
1. Joyce wanted to encourage everyone to be sure to file a Homestead Exemption form, even if they
do not file Income Taxes.
2. George thanked everyone and reminded everyone to fill out their ballot and drop it off in the
secure box outside the Town Office Building. He also wanted to recognize Jordan, Trish, and the
Select Board members.
Motion to Adjourn: Ann thanked George and motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:00am. Seconded by A.J. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: (date)
Pittsfield Select Board
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
Approved: (date)
Pittsfield School Board of Directors
/ /
Kris Sperber Ray Rice Peter Dubois
To listen to and view a video of this meeting please go to www.pittsfieldvt.com and click on the link to the meeting
DATE: February 27, 2021
SELECT BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (via Teams) Ann Kuendig (Chair), Joyce Stevens, A.J. Ruben
SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (via Teams)Kris Sperber (Chair), Ray Rice, Peter Dubois (not present)
OTHERS PRESENT: Trish Fryer (Town Clerk & Treasurer), George Deblon (Moderator), Jordan Stevens (IT Moderator)
PARTICIPATING VIA TEAMS: 20-25 residents and observers
1. Review and discuss Article 3: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted?
2. Review and discuss Article 4: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm?
3. Review and discuss Article 5: Will the voters of Pittsfield reallocate the Pittsfield Volunteer Fire & Rescue SCBA Reserve Fund for Equipment and deposit $2,100 from general fund surplus in this Equipment Reserve Fund?
4. Review and discuss Article 6: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $90,400 from general fund surplus in the PVF&R Truck Reserve Fund?
5. Review and discuss Article 7: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $25,000 from general fund surplus in the Town Hall Reserve Fund to complete Phase One and Phase Two repairs?
6. Review and discuss Article 8: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $67,000 from general fund surplus in the Highway Equipment Reserve Fund for a grader?
7. Review and discuss Article 9: Will the voters of Pittsfield establish a reserve fund to be called Town Office Maintenance and deposit $7,500 from general fund surplus in the fund for repairs and maintenance?
8. Review and discuss Article 10: Shall the voters of Pittsfield withdraw from the White River Alliance Solid Waste program and approve the terms and conditions of an agreement to join the union municipal district known as the Rutland County Solid Waste District?
9. Review and discuss Article 11: Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town?
10. Review and discuss Article 12: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate?
Discussion of other non-binding business
Motion to Adjourn
Call to order
New Business:
1. Article 2: To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the Town.
2. Article 3: Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of $1,014,329 for the 2021-22 school year? It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education spending of $14,649 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 11% lower than spending for the current year.
3. Article 4: To elect a School Director for a three-year term.
Discussion of other non-binding business
Motion to Adjourn
Ann welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00am. Joyce seconded. All In favor. Ann proceeded to introduce A.J. Ruben as the newest Select Board member replacing Mona Colton. A.J. has served the Town for years and we thank him for his service.
COVID-19 has made it so that towns are not able to meet in person due to distancing, etc. The State Legislature, last year, enacted Act 162 which gives towns the ability to hold Town Meeting and vote via Australian ballot for this year only. Both the Select Board and School Board voted to do this. This allows all registered voters to elect town officers, vote on Articles and the budget by preprinted ballot. These ballots have been available since February 10thfor early/absentee voting. The Town Office Building will be open on Tuesday, March 2ndfor in-person voting as well. By law, this informational meeting must be held before Town Meeting Day to allow us to meet and discuss Articles on the Warning. No decisions or changes can be made, however.
Ann proceeded to go over how the Moderator can recognize someone who is using devices such as computers, tables, smart phones, and regular telephones.
Ann made a motion to turn the meeting over to the School Board. Seconded by A.J. All in favor. A motion was made and seconded by Joyce to adjourn the Town Meeting at 10:07am. All in favor. The Town will reconvene following the School’s meeting.
Kris Sperber called the School Meeting to order (at 10:07am) and asked if anyone had any questions regarding their Warning. She added that this had been a great year and was happy that Ray Rice was here today. The other Board member is Peter Dubois, and he is working today, but hopes to call in. She said that the School Board Report and budget were straight-forward, and she would entertain questions. She went on to say that she would be willing to run again for a 3-year term.
Jennifer Wall Howard: asked if when someone is named on the ballot for a position is it assumed they want to be re-elected? Response: It was felt that it was safe to assume that the current officer would be running again and just had not confirmed that fact.
Ray Rice wanted to acknowledge Killington’s School Board members, particularly Jennifer Iannantuoni who is retiring after many years of service.
As there were no further questions, Kris motioned to turn the meeting back over to the Town.
Ann made a motion, seconded by A.J., to reconvene the Town Meeting at 10:13am. Ann then turned the meeting over to the Moderator to introduce the Articles for discussion.
1. Review and discuss Article 3:Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted?
George said that this Article is on the Warning each year and is more of a housekeeping article. There were no questions.
2. Review and discuss Article 4: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm.
George said that this was also more of a housekeeping article. There were no questions.
3. Review and discuss Article 5:Will the voters of Pittsfield reallocate the Pittsfield Volunteer Fire & Rescue SCBA Reserve Fund for Equipment and deposit $2,100 from general fund surplus in this Equipment Reserve Fund?
Jennifer Wall Howard: indicated that there are a number of articles moving monies from the General Fund surplus. Can anyone explain the General Fund surplus? Is this money that has already been raised. Response: Yes.
Ann provided an explanation as to how the surplus originated.
Charles Piso: wanted to know if the fire department got the SCBAs and are all set, and this money is being put towards equipment in the future? Response: Ann responded, what this article does is rename the reserve fund the Fire department used to purchase new tanks last year for their self-contained breathing apparatus. Currently, that fund which will be renamed the PVF&R Equipment Fund, contains $4,892. The Fire Department realized this savings because it was awarded a grant to buy some tanks. The Article requests voters to approve depositing $2,100 to fund the first year of a five-year capital improvement plan that the fire department submitted to the Select Board. This Equipment Reserve Fund would go towards the future purchase of turn-out gear, a pump trailer and thermal camera. This first-year deposit will come from surplus funds in the General Fund.
There were no other questions.
4. Review and discuss Article 6:Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $90,400 from general fund surplus in the PVF&R Truck Reserve Fund?
Ann provided an overview of the Article. Over the last two years, voters have approved depositing $7,500 into the fire departments truck reserve fund. This year, upon request of the Select Board, the fire department submitted a comprehensive capital improvement plan to replace outdated fire engines and rescue vehicles, two vehicles within five years and the third within 12 years. Replacement costs for the first two vehicles were estimated at $370,000 and $400,00 for the third. During budget deliberations, the
Select Board adjusted for money that was already in the fund and the 2024 payoff of the truck note and came up with this year’s $90,400 contribution. Since there was such a large budget surplus this year, the Select Board decided to put it towards one time spending on each department’s capital budget requests as well as offer tax relief.
There were no questions.
5. Review and discuss Article 7: Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $25,000 from general fund surplus in the Town Hall Reserve Fund to complete Phase One and Phase Two repairs?
Ann gave an overview of the Article and project. Phase one to install an additional support system for the first floor has been completed under budget. With just over $10,000 left in the reserve account for repairs, the Committee is focused on cleaning up the downstairs to restore the kitchen area and drop-ceiling which had to be dismantled during construction, update the wiring and lighting and sheetrock several walls. This winter, Committee members are monitoring the basement for flooding which will help decide in the spring how to stop or divert any water from getting into the building. The Committee will soon be calling for the final inspection as required by the State permit in order to get an occupancy permit and officially reopen Town Hall. The Committee is ready to complete phase one and tackle phase two which is insulating and residing the exterior walls. By employing the same barn-raising style of project management, putting work parties together with volunteers, the committee believes they can bring phase two in successfully and is requesting $25,000 for the work.
Charles Piso: wanted to know if Phase One had been completed? Response: Ann said that one remaining task cannot be completed until spring. There were no further questions.
6. Review and discuss Article 8:Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $67,000 from general fund surplus in the Highway Equipment Reserve Fund for a grader?
Dave Larkin: wanted to know if this money is dedicated to the purchase of a grader? Response: George said that he had no plans to purchase a grader at this time. The Town’s grader is 26 years old and has 12,000 hours and some day will have to be replaced. The money will be put aside for when we do. There were no other questions.
7. Review and discuss Article 9: Will the voters of Pittsfield establish a reserve fund to be called Town Office Maintenance and deposit $7,500 from general fund surplus in the fund for repairs and maintenance?
Charles Piso: stated that the Planning Commission is working to obtain a grant for the purchase of a generator for Town Hall. Is this money going towards capital planning? Response: Ann said that no, it wasn’t. It was more for deferred maintenance such as dry rot, painting, and work on the cupola. These jobs have been estimated to cost approximately $5,000. The money in the newly established fund was more for Town property inspections on a regular basis, so that things could be addressed and repaired before they became major repairs.
Charles Piso: With the Town Hall reopening, he’d like to see some consideration put towards the emergency management perspective for the Town, such as an emergency shelter. Response: Ann agreed and added that the Planning Commission is currently looking for a grant that could help with this issue. There were no further questions.
8. Review and discuss Article 10:Shall the voters of Pittsfield withdraw from the White River Alliance
Solid Waste program and approve the terms and conditions of an agreement to join the union municipal district known as the Rutland County Solid Waste District?
Ann presented an overview of this Article. If approved, the Rutland facility district manager will formally bring this before their Board of Directors. She explained how this change would affect the Town and its residents. The town will not have to pay any membership fee. Residents would pay $15 for the Rutland District permit and then $2 to $5 per bag depending on the size, recyclables are free. The Transfer station is open six days a week from 7 to 3pm. If voters decide to stay with White River, the Town will have to pay the annual membership fee which is $6,300 this year. Residents pay $3 to $8 per bag depending on the size, recyclables are $3 a visit and the Facility is open four days a week from 7 to 1pm.
Dave Larkin: had a question about the recycling. He thought it was supposed to be free. The South Royalton facility is charging for recycling. Response: George said the recycling is still free, but their charge is for a visit.
Jennifer Wall Howard: The Casella drop off has been very convenient. Can we have a drop off like they have in Stockbridge? Response: Ann said that the drop off was expensive, but the Select Board can revisit the issue if there is enough interest. Charles Piso as a former Select Board member provided some history on this. There were no further questions.
9. Review and discuss Article 11:Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town?
Kim Harris: asked if someone could speak to the surplus in the budget. Response: Ann explained that the Select board scrutinized every budget line item to reduce spending in labor, office supplies, transition and training, town officer education, town officer mileage. The Select board did not make annual contributions to several reserve accounts like recreation and computer so the Select Board can develop plans to utilize the funding to which it was intended instead of just left sitting for years.
The Select Board funded the Contingency fund bringing it almost back to where it was before the April 2019 flooding event.
In discussions with the Town Treasurer, the Select Board reviewed and lowered funds held in reserve to pay bills between January and August before first tax revenue is received.
The money that was remaining was then disbursed to the various funds as surplus. These would be one-time expenditures and not built into the budget.
Charles Piso: had a concern about the proposed paving of Route 100 in 2021 not being addressed and where the remainder of the money would come from. Response: George said that he knew of no immediate plans for this project. Caleb Hawley indicated the project was now slated for Summer, 2022.
Vern Haskins: asked if someone could speak to the line-item Ford F550 in the Highway budget not appearing as an Article? Response: Ann explained that most of the money for a new small dump truck was already in the Highway budget as surplus and so the Board opted to leave this as a highway budget line item. Last year, George spent nearly $8,000 on repairs to the Ford F-550 and believes the time is right to replace the ten-year old truck while the town can still sell it for a decent price, somewhere between $35 to $40. There were no further questions.
10. Review and discuss Article 12: Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and
sell real estate?
The question was asked how residents know if there is property for sale? Is it listed on the website? Response: George said that this deals mostly with tax sales and buy-outs. Dave Larkin spoke about the Watkins property and thought it might be offered to the Green Mountain National Forest where at least the Town could receive a small monetary amount per acre. Ann added that the Delinquent Tax Collector is working with the Town Attorney looking for ways to remove properties from the delinquent tax list. This is ongoing. There were no further questions.
Discussion of other non-binding business:
1. Joyce wanted to encourage everyone to be sure to file a Homestead Exemption form, even if they
do not file Income Taxes.
2. George thanked everyone and reminded everyone to fill out their ballot and drop it off in the
secure box outside the Town Office Building. He also wanted to recognize Jordan, Trish, and the
Select Board members.
Motion to Adjourn: Ann thanked George and motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:00am. Seconded by A.J. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: (date)
Pittsfield Select Board
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
Approved: (date)
Pittsfield School Board of Directors
/ /
Kris Sperber Ray Rice Peter Dubois