Board of Auditors
Pittsfield Town Office
November 22, 2016 10:00 AM
Present: Martha Beyersdorf, Sue Wuerthele
Call to Order: 10:00 AM
Approved Minutes from 11/14/16 Meeting
Agenda Modifications:
How to set up reports (fonts, justifying, etc.): We tentatively set standards for the report to use Arial 12 point justified for the text and use Arial 14 point bold for headings. The headings will be centered unless a logo is included, in which case they will be left justified.
TOC: Sue will start to work on revising the Table of Contents once Martha sends her an electronic copy of last year’s report.
Proposals from Spaulding: Patty has received emails from Dave Smedy at Spaulding Press and Sue called him to understand the pricing quotes. If we just use a colored cover and all black and white content in the report, it will cost $1209.52 (same as last year’s price). If we use colored pictures in the content, the price will be $1399.00 for the estimated 28 pages that we told him. Note that this is not based on the number of colored pictures. If there is any color on a page, even one line, it is considered colored. If we have more than 28 colored pages, the cost will increase and it will decrease if we have less than 28 colored pages. Spaulding has also offered to do a two year contract for the same price and will generate a more formal document if we decide to do that. This topic will be discussed at a future meeting.
Letters requesting reports: Martha reported that letters have gone to town organizations requesting their annual, financial and property reports. The due dates are 12/15 for annual and property reports and 1/12/17 for financial reports.
Organizing documents: Martha created two new folders in the Auditors’ Google drive for Minutes and Agendas from the Auditors’ Meetings. She will work on transferring these documents from her drive to these folders.
Checklist for Town Report Documents: We reviewed the checklist that Sue had created to keep track of entries for the town report and whether they have been received. Several changes were noted and Sue will make these for the next meeting.
Town Report/Town Meeting Timeline: We reviewed the 2016 Town Report/Town Meeting timeline with Patty and made changes for this year’s Report and Meeting. Patty will update the document.
School Board Reports: Martha will contact Kris Sperber regarding the reports needed for the School Board entries in the Town Report.
Town Report Working Sessions: We agreed that we will produce a list of the sessions we are holding to work on the Town Report but will not do agendas or minutes for these sessions.
Town Report 2016:
Google issues: We are still working on the best way to move documents from one folder to another and will continue to discuss this at the next meeting. We did decide to leave the extensions on documents when we move them (.doc, .docx, etc.)
What works/what doesn’t: We are still working on this (see above).
Email issues: None at this time.
Add new material: The VT Department of Health report was added to the drafts folder.
Historical Society photos: Tabled for the next meeting.
Budget 2017: We discussed the budget and looked at the hours reported by Martha and Erica for last year’s Town Report generation. Based on the fact that there are three auditors working on the Report this year and the increase in wages, we will submit a budget of $2500.00 for wages in 2017. The figure for printing the Town Report will be discussed at the next meeting. Sue will write up notes for justification of the salary increase.
Annual Statement (of the Auditors): Sue will revise the Statement of the Auditors to change the font, justify the text and remove the parentheses from around the years after each of our names.
Next Meetings:
December 6 at 10:00 am
December 12 at 10:00 am (if needed)
December 19 at 7:00 pm
January 16 or 17 (TBD)
Adjourn: 11:40 AM
Recorded by Sue Wuerthele
Approved by Martha L. Beyersdorf, Erica J. Hurd Date: December 6, 2016
Pittsfield Town Office
November 22, 2016 10:00 AM
Present: Martha Beyersdorf, Sue Wuerthele
Call to Order: 10:00 AM
Approved Minutes from 11/14/16 Meeting
Agenda Modifications:
How to set up reports (fonts, justifying, etc.): We tentatively set standards for the report to use Arial 12 point justified for the text and use Arial 14 point bold for headings. The headings will be centered unless a logo is included, in which case they will be left justified.
TOC: Sue will start to work on revising the Table of Contents once Martha sends her an electronic copy of last year’s report.
Proposals from Spaulding: Patty has received emails from Dave Smedy at Spaulding Press and Sue called him to understand the pricing quotes. If we just use a colored cover and all black and white content in the report, it will cost $1209.52 (same as last year’s price). If we use colored pictures in the content, the price will be $1399.00 for the estimated 28 pages that we told him. Note that this is not based on the number of colored pictures. If there is any color on a page, even one line, it is considered colored. If we have more than 28 colored pages, the cost will increase and it will decrease if we have less than 28 colored pages. Spaulding has also offered to do a two year contract for the same price and will generate a more formal document if we decide to do that. This topic will be discussed at a future meeting.
Letters requesting reports: Martha reported that letters have gone to town organizations requesting their annual, financial and property reports. The due dates are 12/15 for annual and property reports and 1/12/17 for financial reports.
Organizing documents: Martha created two new folders in the Auditors’ Google drive for Minutes and Agendas from the Auditors’ Meetings. She will work on transferring these documents from her drive to these folders.
Checklist for Town Report Documents: We reviewed the checklist that Sue had created to keep track of entries for the town report and whether they have been received. Several changes were noted and Sue will make these for the next meeting.
Town Report/Town Meeting Timeline: We reviewed the 2016 Town Report/Town Meeting timeline with Patty and made changes for this year’s Report and Meeting. Patty will update the document.
School Board Reports: Martha will contact Kris Sperber regarding the reports needed for the School Board entries in the Town Report.
Town Report Working Sessions: We agreed that we will produce a list of the sessions we are holding to work on the Town Report but will not do agendas or minutes for these sessions.
Town Report 2016:
Google issues: We are still working on the best way to move documents from one folder to another and will continue to discuss this at the next meeting. We did decide to leave the extensions on documents when we move them (.doc, .docx, etc.)
What works/what doesn’t: We are still working on this (see above).
Email issues: None at this time.
Add new material: The VT Department of Health report was added to the drafts folder.
Historical Society photos: Tabled for the next meeting.
Budget 2017: We discussed the budget and looked at the hours reported by Martha and Erica for last year’s Town Report generation. Based on the fact that there are three auditors working on the Report this year and the increase in wages, we will submit a budget of $2500.00 for wages in 2017. The figure for printing the Town Report will be discussed at the next meeting. Sue will write up notes for justification of the salary increase.
Annual Statement (of the Auditors): Sue will revise the Statement of the Auditors to change the font, justify the text and remove the parentheses from around the years after each of our names.
Next Meetings:
December 6 at 10:00 am
December 12 at 10:00 am (if needed)
December 19 at 7:00 pm
January 16 or 17 (TBD)
Adjourn: 11:40 AM
Recorded by Sue Wuerthele
Approved by Martha L. Beyersdorf, Erica J. Hurd Date: December 6, 2016