Present: Martha Beyersdorf, Erica Hurd and Patty Haskins.
Meeting Called to order @ 9:14 AM.
Approved Minutes - No minutes to report.
Agenda Modifications –Worked full day to finalize report on 2/1.
New Business
1. Town Report
a. Review & Over all thoughts – Good Readability. We notice a number of pages out of focus-may have been the result of copying PDFs into the report then changing document to PDF. We will consult Spaulding Press.
b. Ideas for next year - Explore Google Docs to save steps in sharing, creating and converting documents. -Involve Local Photographers & Artists for cover & pictures, -Gravestones from Civil War, -What makes Pittsfield Pittsfield? -Historical buildings-Brown House, Casa Bella, CV Oil, Wilson/Cook House,Village Green Apartments. Colton Farm (Erica to contact Tammy or Ron Colton), Hawk House, Bonins, Oldest House, House next to Garaffalos. -Diary Entries -Angeline Morrill born in late 1800s, woman who lived in Haskins house (Erica called Susie Martin to borrow from Historical Society), -Old Barns. Decided to go with Diary entries and Historical Buildings.
c. Label & Stamp town reports – Completed. We each took a pile to hand deliver by 2/20. We saved almost $300 in postage. Postage was $2.08 a piece.
d. Other Concerns- Use less paper. Utilize notebook with hard copies to edit 3x before adding to mockup.
2. Review of financial audits procedure
a. Note to include check books with Financials for review.
b. Other Concerns- Need an Auditor position filled. Martha will call Sue Wuerthele, Anne/Steve Bourgerson and Karen Waterworth.
Next meeting – TBD. Adjourn – 11:45 PM
Recorded by Erica Hurd
Approved by:
Martha L. Beyersdorf Date 2/23/16
EJ Hurd Date 2/23/16
Present: Martha Beyersdorf, Erica Hurd and Patty Haskins.
Meeting Called to order @ 9:14 AM.
Approved Minutes - No minutes to report.
Agenda Modifications –Worked full day to finalize report on 2/1.
New Business
1. Town Report
a. Review & Over all thoughts – Good Readability. We notice a number of pages out of focus-may have been the result of copying PDFs into the report then changing document to PDF. We will consult Spaulding Press.
b. Ideas for next year - Explore Google Docs to save steps in sharing, creating and converting documents. -Involve Local Photographers & Artists for cover & pictures, -Gravestones from Civil War, -What makes Pittsfield Pittsfield? -Historical buildings-Brown House, Casa Bella, CV Oil, Wilson/Cook House,Village Green Apartments. Colton Farm (Erica to contact Tammy or Ron Colton), Hawk House, Bonins, Oldest House, House next to Garaffalos. -Diary Entries -Angeline Morrill born in late 1800s, woman who lived in Haskins house (Erica called Susie Martin to borrow from Historical Society), -Old Barns. Decided to go with Diary entries and Historical Buildings.
c. Label & Stamp town reports – Completed. We each took a pile to hand deliver by 2/20. We saved almost $300 in postage. Postage was $2.08 a piece.
d. Other Concerns- Use less paper. Utilize notebook with hard copies to edit 3x before adding to mockup.
2. Review of financial audits procedure
a. Note to include check books with Financials for review.
b. Other Concerns- Need an Auditor position filled. Martha will call Sue Wuerthele, Anne/Steve Bourgerson and Karen Waterworth.
Next meeting – TBD. Adjourn – 11:45 PM
Recorded by Erica Hurd
Approved by:
Martha L. Beyersdorf Date 2/23/16
EJ Hurd Date 2/23/16