Present: Martha Beyersdorf, Erica Hurd, Sue Wuerthele and Patty Haskins.
Meeting Called to order @ 10:03 AM.
Approved Minutes – Erica read the last approved minutes from 2/15/16 to bring Sue up to speed with where we left off after completing the Town Report.
Agenda Modifications – We welcomed Sue Wuerthele as the new Auditor.
Auditor Duties for Pittsfield – Patty walked us through the process, bank accounts and forms that the School Board, Highway, Cemetery and General Fund use to receive funds and pay bills. She made us aware that the School Board works within a fiscal year starting July 1, as opposed the town working within a calendar year starting January 1.
Review discuss materials from workshop to see what best serves Pittsfield - On March 29, we all attended an Auditor workshop in Montpelier to educate us on laws, responsibilities and duties of an Auditor. At that time, it became clear that we are responsible to meet more than just one day in January, as done previously. We are responsible to audit accounts on an ongoing basis, present the results in the Town report and create the Town Report.
We felt it was best to meet for approximately two hours quarterly to audit accounts. We will also gather information pertaining to the theme of the Town Report throughout the year so not to create undo stress at the end of the year, which had been the case in the past. We voted to incorporate the use of a Town Auditors Stamp and continue to use red ink to reflect our work. Martha will create and purchase this item with a company used in the past for such items.
Audit 1st Quarter Financials – Martha audited Cemetery and all General Fund accounts. Sue and Erica audited School and Highway accounts. We will switch accounts next quarter so we are all familiar will all accounts.
Town Report 2016 follow up
-continue with ideas to incorporate in report – Time did not permit
-look at town reports from other towns – Time did not permit
Schedule next meeting – July 12, 2016 at 10 am.
Other Business- Currently the Auditors budget is $1500. As of 4/18/16, we have exhausted $1444.80. This budget will be reviewed at years’ end.
Adjourn – 12:10 PM
Recorded by Erica Hurd
Approved on July 12, 2016 by Sue N. Wuerthele and Martha L. Beyersdorf
Present: Martha Beyersdorf, Erica Hurd, Sue Wuerthele and Patty Haskins.
Meeting Called to order @ 10:03 AM.
Approved Minutes – Erica read the last approved minutes from 2/15/16 to bring Sue up to speed with where we left off after completing the Town Report.
Agenda Modifications – We welcomed Sue Wuerthele as the new Auditor.
Auditor Duties for Pittsfield – Patty walked us through the process, bank accounts and forms that the School Board, Highway, Cemetery and General Fund use to receive funds and pay bills. She made us aware that the School Board works within a fiscal year starting July 1, as opposed the town working within a calendar year starting January 1.
Review discuss materials from workshop to see what best serves Pittsfield - On March 29, we all attended an Auditor workshop in Montpelier to educate us on laws, responsibilities and duties of an Auditor. At that time, it became clear that we are responsible to meet more than just one day in January, as done previously. We are responsible to audit accounts on an ongoing basis, present the results in the Town report and create the Town Report.
We felt it was best to meet for approximately two hours quarterly to audit accounts. We will also gather information pertaining to the theme of the Town Report throughout the year so not to create undo stress at the end of the year, which had been the case in the past. We voted to incorporate the use of a Town Auditors Stamp and continue to use red ink to reflect our work. Martha will create and purchase this item with a company used in the past for such items.
Audit 1st Quarter Financials – Martha audited Cemetery and all General Fund accounts. Sue and Erica audited School and Highway accounts. We will switch accounts next quarter so we are all familiar will all accounts.
Town Report 2016 follow up
-continue with ideas to incorporate in report – Time did not permit
-look at town reports from other towns – Time did not permit
Schedule next meeting – July 12, 2016 at 10 am.
Other Business- Currently the Auditors budget is $1500. As of 4/18/16, we have exhausted $1444.80. This budget will be reviewed at years’ end.
Adjourn – 12:10 PM
Recorded by Erica Hurd
Approved on July 12, 2016 by Sue N. Wuerthele and Martha L. Beyersdorf