To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3LosAXw
DATE: April 21, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben; via Teams: Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT: Via Teams: Brett Yates
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Dog Ordinance Hearing – Matt Corron NB8
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 7, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. LEMP – Approval of updated plan
2. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies: RCSWD Board of Supervisors and others
3. Sand Shed – Amendment to Construction Management Contract
1. Treasurer’s Report – March Financials
2. Route 100 – Village speed limit
3. Regional Dispatch Center – discussion
4. Route 100 – repaving timeline
5. Town Truck – truck repair
6. Parks & Grounds – tractor sweeper
7. Executive Session – 1-V.S.A. § 313 (10) – Security Measure
8. Dog Ordinance – Matt Corron
- Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Town Meeting 6pm Town Hall
- Thursday May 5, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:11pm. Ann moved to accept the Agenda Modifications (see above). Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the April 7, 2022 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
April 21, 2022
1. Rutland Town Select Board – Regional Dispatch Center. This letter is in response to the Vermont State Police’s intent to discontinue dispatching for municipal agencies. The effective date of discontinuance is planned for June 30, 2024. The newly formed advisory board wants to determine which towns will be participating. Ann wanted to accept this letter but defer discussion to NB3.
2 VTrans – Grants for bike/pedestrian improvements. The Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) has issued a grant solicitation for new infrastructure projects that improve access and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. In 2020, awards totaled $3 million for construction and planning projects throughout the state. AJ asked for the grant information for the ARPA committee.
3 Resignation – Auditor Martha Beyersdorf. Ann moved to accept Martha’s resignation. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. LEMP – Approval of updated plan. Ann noted that between the last meeting and tonight Doug has stepped down as a co-coordinator. She said that three names are needed to sign the adoption page. Discussion. It was felt that Trish would be a logical party and Ann said she would speak with her. The other two /signers would be Ann and Ryan Thompson. The Fire Department was asked to also review this list but have not responded. Ann moved to adopt this updated 2022 LEMP plan. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies: RCSWD Board of Supervisors and others. Suana has accepted the position as the Town’s representative. Ann will serve as Alternate. Ann moved to accept these appointments. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann went on to say that the latest Auditor position can be announced at Town Meeting.
3. Sand Shed – Amendment to Construction Management Contract. This is for DuBois & King’s proposal to the Town for construction observation services for the replacement of the sand shed. It outlines their scope of services, professional fees, and schedule. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Treasurer’s Report – March Financials. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Route 100 – Village speed limit. Representative Harrison stated at the last meeting that he would look into the speed limit issue at the Board’s request. The Select Board would have to request a study and send a letter to the VTrans Traffic Office Engineer with their concerns for Route 100. There is a committee that meets three times a year and they are the ones who set the speed limits on the state roads. The Board would need to testify before this committee. An engineering study would be required but it’s not clear who pays for it. The Town could request a study or request a speed limit feed-back sign. Ann suggested reaching out to the state traffic engineer for our district and find out what is involved in this study before proceeding. The Secretary was also asked to do a search through previous years’ Minutes for information and send it to Ann.
3. Regional Dispatch Center – discussion. The history and current status were presented. In response to the Town of Rutland Select Board’s letter, it didn’t appear to Ann that Pittsfield needed to join the group now. AJ suggested that they continue to receive information but wait for now. Joyce thought the Board should keep all this in mind for future budgeting. Ann asked the Secretary to draft a letter to the Town of Rutland Select Board saying that they are interested
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
April 21, 2022
in learning more about their plans and to continue to provide information about the functions of the advisory group and whether towns would be required to send a representative to the group.
4. Route 100 – repaving timeline. Ann said that the timeline, which was provided by Rep. Harrison, states that the construction schedule is Spring 2023 and Fall 2024. Preliminary plans were started in 2018. This needs to be kept in the Tickler File for future budgeting and Capital Improvements. She also noted that money has been set aside for the north end of Village Green. The cost of this project needs to be looked at. The south end of the Village Green was repaved when he Park ‘n’ Ride was constructed. Ann said she would like to contact the VTrans Project Manager and get an update on the Route 100 project.
5. Town Truck – truck repair. Ann said that the sander “exploded,” according to George. The cost to repair comes to $5,930.00. George said he would like to defer the repair until the fall. Fairfield, however, intents to increase their pricing 3% by the end of May. George requests that the Town purchase the parts now for a cost of $3,130.79. AJ moved that the Town purchase the parts to repair the sander now. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Parks & Grounds – tractor sweeper. George rented from Ron Colton a sweeper for the Town Garage area. Discussion pertaining the Village Green and whether to purchase a sweeper for the tractor or rent from Ron Colton. Connie and George both felt that a sweeper should not be purchased now. Also, there is no guarantee it would fit if a new tractor were purchased in a few years. Connie has a power sweeper and doesn’t feel that there is any more sand this year over previous years. Joyce said she thought that Eric (Vision Builders) had a broom on his truck and could be hired to sweep the Village Green. Ann said she would check with him. Ann said that a new tractor and sweeper should be added to the Parks & Grounds budget for next year. Connie will get an estimate for these.
7. Executive Session – 1-V.S.A. § 313 (10) – Security Measure. Ann moved to enter Executive Session to discuss a security measure at 6:54pm (approx.). AJ seconded. All in favor. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:13pm on the Chair’s motion to reopen the regular meeting. AJ seconded. All in favor.
8. Dog Ordinance Hearing – Matt Corron. Matt was not present. No action taken.
1. Sand Shed – sand removal. Joyce asked if George has a place to remove the sand to? Ann replied that it has been removed and is on the property adjacent to the other garage. Future sand purchases won’t be made until after the new sand shed is hopefully completed.
- Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Town Meeting 6pm Town Hall
- Thursday May 5, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting
As there was no further business to discuss, AJ moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:14pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
April 21, 2022
Approved: May 5,2022
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3LosAXw
DATE: April 21, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben; via Teams: Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT: Via Teams: Brett Yates
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Dog Ordinance Hearing – Matt Corron NB8
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 7, 2022 Regular Meeting
- Rutland Town Select Board – Regional Dispatch Center
- VTrans – Grants for bike/pedestrian improvements
- Resignation – Auditor Martha Beyersdorf
1. LEMP – Approval of updated plan
2. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies: RCSWD Board of Supervisors and others
3. Sand Shed – Amendment to Construction Management Contract
1. Treasurer’s Report – March Financials
2. Route 100 – Village speed limit
3. Regional Dispatch Center – discussion
4. Route 100 – repaving timeline
5. Town Truck – truck repair
6. Parks & Grounds – tractor sweeper
7. Executive Session – 1-V.S.A. § 313 (10) – Security Measure
8. Dog Ordinance – Matt Corron
- Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Town Meeting 6pm Town Hall
- Thursday May 5, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:11pm. Ann moved to accept the Agenda Modifications (see above). Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the April 7, 2022 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
April 21, 2022
1. Rutland Town Select Board – Regional Dispatch Center. This letter is in response to the Vermont State Police’s intent to discontinue dispatching for municipal agencies. The effective date of discontinuance is planned for June 30, 2024. The newly formed advisory board wants to determine which towns will be participating. Ann wanted to accept this letter but defer discussion to NB3.
2 VTrans – Grants for bike/pedestrian improvements. The Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) has issued a grant solicitation for new infrastructure projects that improve access and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. In 2020, awards totaled $3 million for construction and planning projects throughout the state. AJ asked for the grant information for the ARPA committee.
3 Resignation – Auditor Martha Beyersdorf. Ann moved to accept Martha’s resignation. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. LEMP – Approval of updated plan. Ann noted that between the last meeting and tonight Doug has stepped down as a co-coordinator. She said that three names are needed to sign the adoption page. Discussion. It was felt that Trish would be a logical party and Ann said she would speak with her. The other two /signers would be Ann and Ryan Thompson. The Fire Department was asked to also review this list but have not responded. Ann moved to adopt this updated 2022 LEMP plan. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies: RCSWD Board of Supervisors and others. Suana has accepted the position as the Town’s representative. Ann will serve as Alternate. Ann moved to accept these appointments. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann went on to say that the latest Auditor position can be announced at Town Meeting.
3. Sand Shed – Amendment to Construction Management Contract. This is for DuBois & King’s proposal to the Town for construction observation services for the replacement of the sand shed. It outlines their scope of services, professional fees, and schedule. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Treasurer’s Report – March Financials. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Route 100 – Village speed limit. Representative Harrison stated at the last meeting that he would look into the speed limit issue at the Board’s request. The Select Board would have to request a study and send a letter to the VTrans Traffic Office Engineer with their concerns for Route 100. There is a committee that meets three times a year and they are the ones who set the speed limits on the state roads. The Board would need to testify before this committee. An engineering study would be required but it’s not clear who pays for it. The Town could request a study or request a speed limit feed-back sign. Ann suggested reaching out to the state traffic engineer for our district and find out what is involved in this study before proceeding. The Secretary was also asked to do a search through previous years’ Minutes for information and send it to Ann.
3. Regional Dispatch Center – discussion. The history and current status were presented. In response to the Town of Rutland Select Board’s letter, it didn’t appear to Ann that Pittsfield needed to join the group now. AJ suggested that they continue to receive information but wait for now. Joyce thought the Board should keep all this in mind for future budgeting. Ann asked the Secretary to draft a letter to the Town of Rutland Select Board saying that they are interested
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
April 21, 2022
in learning more about their plans and to continue to provide information about the functions of the advisory group and whether towns would be required to send a representative to the group.
4. Route 100 – repaving timeline. Ann said that the timeline, which was provided by Rep. Harrison, states that the construction schedule is Spring 2023 and Fall 2024. Preliminary plans were started in 2018. This needs to be kept in the Tickler File for future budgeting and Capital Improvements. She also noted that money has been set aside for the north end of Village Green. The cost of this project needs to be looked at. The south end of the Village Green was repaved when he Park ‘n’ Ride was constructed. Ann said she would like to contact the VTrans Project Manager and get an update on the Route 100 project.
5. Town Truck – truck repair. Ann said that the sander “exploded,” according to George. The cost to repair comes to $5,930.00. George said he would like to defer the repair until the fall. Fairfield, however, intents to increase their pricing 3% by the end of May. George requests that the Town purchase the parts now for a cost of $3,130.79. AJ moved that the Town purchase the parts to repair the sander now. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Parks & Grounds – tractor sweeper. George rented from Ron Colton a sweeper for the Town Garage area. Discussion pertaining the Village Green and whether to purchase a sweeper for the tractor or rent from Ron Colton. Connie and George both felt that a sweeper should not be purchased now. Also, there is no guarantee it would fit if a new tractor were purchased in a few years. Connie has a power sweeper and doesn’t feel that there is any more sand this year over previous years. Joyce said she thought that Eric (Vision Builders) had a broom on his truck and could be hired to sweep the Village Green. Ann said she would check with him. Ann said that a new tractor and sweeper should be added to the Parks & Grounds budget for next year. Connie will get an estimate for these.
7. Executive Session – 1-V.S.A. § 313 (10) – Security Measure. Ann moved to enter Executive Session to discuss a security measure at 6:54pm (approx.). AJ seconded. All in favor. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:13pm on the Chair’s motion to reopen the regular meeting. AJ seconded. All in favor.
8. Dog Ordinance Hearing – Matt Corron. Matt was not present. No action taken.
1. Sand Shed – sand removal. Joyce asked if George has a place to remove the sand to? Ann replied that it has been removed and is on the property adjacent to the other garage. Future sand purchases won’t be made until after the new sand shed is hopefully completed.
- Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Town Meeting 6pm Town Hall
- Thursday May 5, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting
As there was no further business to discuss, AJ moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:14pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
April 21, 2022
Approved: May 5,2022
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben