To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3dAdEJU
DATE: September 15, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, (AJ Ruben, absent)
PUBLIC PRESENT: Susie Martin – Historical Society; (via Teams: Brett Yates)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Treasurer’s Report - August
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 1, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Criminal Justice Council – Constable Certification
2. TRORC – Dues payment
1. PRPC – project expenditure consideration & approvals:
a. V-Blasting – TH basement ceiling - $9,299.94 deposit & contract
b. Cal’s Drywall – TH basement walls - $5,623.92 deposit & contract
c. Paquette Plumbing – TH heat pumps - $11,073.64
d. BrookField Services – generator – Town Hall & Office - $25,380.00
e. CV Oil – generator to tank connection - $2,050.00
f. Paquette Plumbing – TH on-demand water heater - $4,482.75
g. PVF&R – Skidoo - $13,298.00
TOTAL: $71,208.25
h. Able 15 yd dumpster - $250.00 drop & return/$150.00 1-ton dump
i. CV Oil – replace TH oil tank - $2,054.73
J. VT Electrical Services – demo & replace TH basement electric - $5,895.00
TOTAL: $8,349.73
2. Town Hall – Emergency Shelter Project Scope of Work
3. Speed Sign – Update
4. Sand Shed – Update
5. WRVC – alternate delegate appointment
1. Historical Society – Invoice
2. Garage – lighting upgrade
3. Independent Contractor – Marshall paperwork
4. Independent Contractor – BrookField Services paperwork
5. Town Hall – rental request “Art in our Heart Pittsfield”
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
September 15, 2022
6. Treasurer’s Report – August
7. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. § 313(d) – Employee Grievance
1. Special Budget Meeting: Thursday, October 6, 2022 5pm Town Hall
2. Regular Meeting: Thursday, October 6, 2022 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann added an Agenda Modification (see above) and it was seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the September 1st meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Ann welcomed Susie Martin representing the Historical Society to the meeting and NB1 was taken out of order.
1. Criminal Justice Council – Constable Certification: This correspondence is an effort by the Vermont Police Academy to bring municipalities into line. Ann said she completed the compliance tracking form for Tim Hunt and Doug Mianulli and will return it. This form needs to be sent in after their election at Town Meeting in the future.
2. TRORC – Dues Payment. This is a thank you note for the record.
1. PRPC – project expenditure consideration & approvals:
a. V-Blasting – TH basement ceiling - $9,299.94 deposit & contract
b. Cal’s Drywall – TH basement walls - $5,623.92 deposit & contract
c. Paquette Plumbing – TH heat pumps - $11,073.64
d. BrookField Services – generator – Town Hall & Office - $25,380.00
e. CV Oil – generator to tank connection - $2,050.00
f. Paquette Plumbing – TH on-demand water heater - $4,482.75
g. PVF&R – Skidoo - $13,298.00
TOTAL: $71,208.25
h. Able 15 yd dumpster - $250.00 drop & return/$150.00 1-ton dump
i. CV Oil – replace TH oil tank - $2,054.73
J. VT Electrical Services – demo & replace TH basement electric - $5,895.00
TOTAL: $8,349.73
Ann said she listed the above in order on the Warning. Items “a – g” were approved at the last meeting. Joyce moved to approve “a – g” for payment from our Undesignated Surplus Fund for $71,208.25. Ann seconded. All in favor. Item “h” for the dumpster was not included in their estimate however Ann said it was known that a Request for Order would be needed.
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September 15, 2022
Joyce felt the money should come from the Town Hall funds and not from the Undesignated Surplus Fund. Joyce said she would like to Town Hall Committee to present a total for everything that is needed for the building and not present items piecemeal. Ann explained that they couldn’t present hard figures as the costs keep changing.
Item “I” is for the pumping out and removal of the single wall oil tank and replacing it with a double wall tank not to exceed $2,054.73. Joyce asked about the pumping out of the oil and whether it would be pumped back in. CV Oil will be asked.
Item “j” represents the replacement of the electric in the basement and the lighting. The demolition has been done. They have not been paid yet. Their figure does not include sixteen lighting fixtures at approximately $29.97 apiece.
Ann said the project is moving along. The electrical demo has been done; the media blasting is underway. Don Marshall will come and present options for painting/sealing but at this time we only have an old estimate from Don. Lighting and ductwork will be done next, then framing. The committee is still looking for framers. Joyce asked about the drywall. Joyce made a motion to approve h, I, and j and would like a more comprehensive list from the committee clarifying things. Ann seconded. All in favor.
2. Town Hall – Emergency Shelter Project Scope of Work. Ann said that the generator has been installed and the permit inspection is tomorrow. Ann provided a handout listing the scope of the projects and this was reviewed. This was for discussion and no action was taken. New windows will be needed. Five will be needed and they are about $300.00 apiece. The heat pumps have been scheduled for October 11-12. Gas hookups will be done by CV Oil, but the location of the stove hasn’t been determined. Concern about the size of the tank for the heat pumps, water heater, stove, and generator. Cracks in the basement floor need sealing and painting will need to be done. Prime and paint the walls maybe something the committee can do. Sink unit and plumbing. Kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and moveable serving island. Sliding hanging doors for the storage area. Sixteen hanging light fixtures and new tables and chairs. Joyce hesitated on the tables and chairs. No action. Submitted for discussion.
3. Speed Sign – Update. Ann said that the permit application is still being processed. The State has asked for more information about the location of the signs and how they will be posted on the speed limit signs north and south of the village. Their last question was about whether the solar panel would be left on the speed limit pole when the sign’s location changed. Joyce clarified with the manufacturer that they are one unit and can be moved. The State questioned the battery being portable and the solar panel remaining on the pole and would this all be maintained by the Town. The whole unit: the sign, solar battery, and portable. Once the permit is approved, the Board can discuss funding. As a side note, Joyce suggested hanging flags on the phone poles as an additional deterrent. This has been observed when coming into other towns and the result is drivers tend to slow down.
4. Sand Shed – Update. Ann said that Denis Veilleux is doing well and moving along. She noted that any work unfinished by October 1st the contractor can be docked $1900.00 per day. The siding, bracing, and roofing should be completed by October 1st. The electrician will be installing two lights. There are a few other projects will need to be done including
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September 15, 2022
cement spraying, site restoration, final inspections and final payments submitted. A second Change Order was submitted to add six sheets of 2” blueboard to prevent frost from moving the front sill. Ann moved to approve the second Change Order to the sand shed project in the amount $663.00 for blueboard at the shed entrance which will help with the maintenance of the cement. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Change Order will be included in the next invoice from G&N. Some additional financial issues were discussed. Ann had an issue with one of the invoices in that the contractor had put in for 29 hours when the project was shut down. She spoke with the auditor. This needs some research.
5. WRVC - alternate delegate appointment. Ann moved to appoint Dana Decker to the position of Alternate Delegate to the White River Valley Consortium. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Secretary was asked to send Dana an appointment letter.
1. Historical Society – Invoice. Susie explained that they had called the Royal Group about getting an estimate for the lock and evidently there was some miscommunication. Susie said the locksmith was supposed to evaluate the issue and provide an estimate, but he said he wasn’t told that. Susie said she spoke with Trish and said there was money available for the invoice and the Select Board had previously said they would cover it. The invoice was much greater than what they had been told. Joyce provided some history about the lock, whether to leave it alone or remove all the lock mechanism. Ann said she felt the Board had been responsive to the Historical Society’s needs. A fund for maintenance had been created. Joyce offered a split. Ann suggested paying the estimate of $300.00. Joyce moved to split the bill 50/50 and have the Board pay $322.50. Ann seconded. All in favor. Ann asked that going forward, the Historical Society needs to present information on these types of situations to the Board. She was thanked for attending tonight.
2. Garage - lighting upgrade. Louis Donnet updated his invoice for changing out six of the nine lights in the Town Garage. He is adapting the units in lieu of total replacement. The invoice was for $1080.00. Joyce said she asked Trish to make a new line item called Electrical Maintenance in the Highway Fund. This will create a negative, but it was felt there was money that can be used. Joyce made a motion to approve $1080.00 for new lights for the garage. Ann seconded. All in favor.
3. Independent Contractor - Marshall paperwork. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor. This will be kept on file at the Town Office.
4. Independent Contractor - Brookfield paperwork. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor. This will be kept on file at the Town Office.
5. Town Hall – rental request “Art in our Heart Pittsfield”. Ann said that Betty Warner received a request from Suzanne Ellis for use of the Town Hall on an ongoing basis. She wants to have a 2-hour seminar and the event would happen once a month preferably on a Wednesday when people can get together. The meetings would be open to any kind of art. She would like to use the 1st Wednesday of the month beginning October 5. Ann said this is what we’d like to see in Pittsfield. She felt that the Board needs to come up with some
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September 15, 2022
parameters such as insurance, rental agreement, or at least a policy on types of groups. Joyce brought up the thought that previous groups of this type would go through the library for insurance reasons. Joyce said parameters need to include whether it’s a community event open to anyone, who is in charge, etc. Discussion. Ann made a motion to allow Suzanne Ellis to use the upper floor of Town Hall on October 5 until we have more information about the event and get contact information. This will be treated as a one-time event. Ann seconded. All in favor. Joyce will contact Susanne.
6. Treasurer’s Financial Report – August. Ann had a question regarding the fuel credit and where it should be applied. She said she would like to see the original paperwork. Ann moved to approve the report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
7. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. § 313(D) - Employee Grievance. The Board has been made aware of an employee “grievance” regarding their employment and she moved to enter Executive Session under the above Statute. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Board entered Executive Session at 7:33pm. The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:10pm.
1. Special Budget Meeting: Thursday October 6, 2022 5pm Town Hall
2. Regular Meeting: Thursday October 6, 2022 6pm Town Hall
As there was no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11pm was made by Ann and seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 6, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3dAdEJU
DATE: September 15, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, (AJ Ruben, absent)
PUBLIC PRESENT: Susie Martin – Historical Society; (via Teams: Brett Yates)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Treasurer’s Report - August
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 1, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Criminal Justice Council – Constable Certification
2. TRORC – Dues payment
1. PRPC – project expenditure consideration & approvals:
a. V-Blasting – TH basement ceiling - $9,299.94 deposit & contract
b. Cal’s Drywall – TH basement walls - $5,623.92 deposit & contract
c. Paquette Plumbing – TH heat pumps - $11,073.64
d. BrookField Services – generator – Town Hall & Office - $25,380.00
e. CV Oil – generator to tank connection - $2,050.00
f. Paquette Plumbing – TH on-demand water heater - $4,482.75
g. PVF&R – Skidoo - $13,298.00
TOTAL: $71,208.25
h. Able 15 yd dumpster - $250.00 drop & return/$150.00 1-ton dump
i. CV Oil – replace TH oil tank - $2,054.73
J. VT Electrical Services – demo & replace TH basement electric - $5,895.00
TOTAL: $8,349.73
2. Town Hall – Emergency Shelter Project Scope of Work
3. Speed Sign – Update
4. Sand Shed – Update
5. WRVC – alternate delegate appointment
1. Historical Society – Invoice
2. Garage – lighting upgrade
3. Independent Contractor – Marshall paperwork
4. Independent Contractor – BrookField Services paperwork
5. Town Hall – rental request “Art in our Heart Pittsfield”
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
September 15, 2022
6. Treasurer’s Report – August
7. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. § 313(d) – Employee Grievance
1. Special Budget Meeting: Thursday, October 6, 2022 5pm Town Hall
2. Regular Meeting: Thursday, October 6, 2022 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann added an Agenda Modification (see above) and it was seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the September 1st meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Ann welcomed Susie Martin representing the Historical Society to the meeting and NB1 was taken out of order.
1. Criminal Justice Council – Constable Certification: This correspondence is an effort by the Vermont Police Academy to bring municipalities into line. Ann said she completed the compliance tracking form for Tim Hunt and Doug Mianulli and will return it. This form needs to be sent in after their election at Town Meeting in the future.
2. TRORC – Dues Payment. This is a thank you note for the record.
1. PRPC – project expenditure consideration & approvals:
a. V-Blasting – TH basement ceiling - $9,299.94 deposit & contract
b. Cal’s Drywall – TH basement walls - $5,623.92 deposit & contract
c. Paquette Plumbing – TH heat pumps - $11,073.64
d. BrookField Services – generator – Town Hall & Office - $25,380.00
e. CV Oil – generator to tank connection - $2,050.00
f. Paquette Plumbing – TH on-demand water heater - $4,482.75
g. PVF&R – Skidoo - $13,298.00
TOTAL: $71,208.25
h. Able 15 yd dumpster - $250.00 drop & return/$150.00 1-ton dump
i. CV Oil – replace TH oil tank - $2,054.73
J. VT Electrical Services – demo & replace TH basement electric - $5,895.00
TOTAL: $8,349.73
Ann said she listed the above in order on the Warning. Items “a – g” were approved at the last meeting. Joyce moved to approve “a – g” for payment from our Undesignated Surplus Fund for $71,208.25. Ann seconded. All in favor. Item “h” for the dumpster was not included in their estimate however Ann said it was known that a Request for Order would be needed.
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September 15, 2022
Joyce felt the money should come from the Town Hall funds and not from the Undesignated Surplus Fund. Joyce said she would like to Town Hall Committee to present a total for everything that is needed for the building and not present items piecemeal. Ann explained that they couldn’t present hard figures as the costs keep changing.
Item “I” is for the pumping out and removal of the single wall oil tank and replacing it with a double wall tank not to exceed $2,054.73. Joyce asked about the pumping out of the oil and whether it would be pumped back in. CV Oil will be asked.
Item “j” represents the replacement of the electric in the basement and the lighting. The demolition has been done. They have not been paid yet. Their figure does not include sixteen lighting fixtures at approximately $29.97 apiece.
Ann said the project is moving along. The electrical demo has been done; the media blasting is underway. Don Marshall will come and present options for painting/sealing but at this time we only have an old estimate from Don. Lighting and ductwork will be done next, then framing. The committee is still looking for framers. Joyce asked about the drywall. Joyce made a motion to approve h, I, and j and would like a more comprehensive list from the committee clarifying things. Ann seconded. All in favor.
2. Town Hall – Emergency Shelter Project Scope of Work. Ann said that the generator has been installed and the permit inspection is tomorrow. Ann provided a handout listing the scope of the projects and this was reviewed. This was for discussion and no action was taken. New windows will be needed. Five will be needed and they are about $300.00 apiece. The heat pumps have been scheduled for October 11-12. Gas hookups will be done by CV Oil, but the location of the stove hasn’t been determined. Concern about the size of the tank for the heat pumps, water heater, stove, and generator. Cracks in the basement floor need sealing and painting will need to be done. Prime and paint the walls maybe something the committee can do. Sink unit and plumbing. Kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and moveable serving island. Sliding hanging doors for the storage area. Sixteen hanging light fixtures and new tables and chairs. Joyce hesitated on the tables and chairs. No action. Submitted for discussion.
3. Speed Sign – Update. Ann said that the permit application is still being processed. The State has asked for more information about the location of the signs and how they will be posted on the speed limit signs north and south of the village. Their last question was about whether the solar panel would be left on the speed limit pole when the sign’s location changed. Joyce clarified with the manufacturer that they are one unit and can be moved. The State questioned the battery being portable and the solar panel remaining on the pole and would this all be maintained by the Town. The whole unit: the sign, solar battery, and portable. Once the permit is approved, the Board can discuss funding. As a side note, Joyce suggested hanging flags on the phone poles as an additional deterrent. This has been observed when coming into other towns and the result is drivers tend to slow down.
4. Sand Shed – Update. Ann said that Denis Veilleux is doing well and moving along. She noted that any work unfinished by October 1st the contractor can be docked $1900.00 per day. The siding, bracing, and roofing should be completed by October 1st. The electrician will be installing two lights. There are a few other projects will need to be done including
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
September 15, 2022
cement spraying, site restoration, final inspections and final payments submitted. A second Change Order was submitted to add six sheets of 2” blueboard to prevent frost from moving the front sill. Ann moved to approve the second Change Order to the sand shed project in the amount $663.00 for blueboard at the shed entrance which will help with the maintenance of the cement. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Change Order will be included in the next invoice from G&N. Some additional financial issues were discussed. Ann had an issue with one of the invoices in that the contractor had put in for 29 hours when the project was shut down. She spoke with the auditor. This needs some research.
5. WRVC - alternate delegate appointment. Ann moved to appoint Dana Decker to the position of Alternate Delegate to the White River Valley Consortium. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Secretary was asked to send Dana an appointment letter.
1. Historical Society – Invoice. Susie explained that they had called the Royal Group about getting an estimate for the lock and evidently there was some miscommunication. Susie said the locksmith was supposed to evaluate the issue and provide an estimate, but he said he wasn’t told that. Susie said she spoke with Trish and said there was money available for the invoice and the Select Board had previously said they would cover it. The invoice was much greater than what they had been told. Joyce provided some history about the lock, whether to leave it alone or remove all the lock mechanism. Ann said she felt the Board had been responsive to the Historical Society’s needs. A fund for maintenance had been created. Joyce offered a split. Ann suggested paying the estimate of $300.00. Joyce moved to split the bill 50/50 and have the Board pay $322.50. Ann seconded. All in favor. Ann asked that going forward, the Historical Society needs to present information on these types of situations to the Board. She was thanked for attending tonight.
2. Garage - lighting upgrade. Louis Donnet updated his invoice for changing out six of the nine lights in the Town Garage. He is adapting the units in lieu of total replacement. The invoice was for $1080.00. Joyce said she asked Trish to make a new line item called Electrical Maintenance in the Highway Fund. This will create a negative, but it was felt there was money that can be used. Joyce made a motion to approve $1080.00 for new lights for the garage. Ann seconded. All in favor.
3. Independent Contractor - Marshall paperwork. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor. This will be kept on file at the Town Office.
4. Independent Contractor - Brookfield paperwork. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor. This will be kept on file at the Town Office.
5. Town Hall – rental request “Art in our Heart Pittsfield”. Ann said that Betty Warner received a request from Suzanne Ellis for use of the Town Hall on an ongoing basis. She wants to have a 2-hour seminar and the event would happen once a month preferably on a Wednesday when people can get together. The meetings would be open to any kind of art. She would like to use the 1st Wednesday of the month beginning October 5. Ann said this is what we’d like to see in Pittsfield. She felt that the Board needs to come up with some
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 5
September 15, 2022
parameters such as insurance, rental agreement, or at least a policy on types of groups. Joyce brought up the thought that previous groups of this type would go through the library for insurance reasons. Joyce said parameters need to include whether it’s a community event open to anyone, who is in charge, etc. Discussion. Ann made a motion to allow Suzanne Ellis to use the upper floor of Town Hall on October 5 until we have more information about the event and get contact information. This will be treated as a one-time event. Ann seconded. All in favor. Joyce will contact Susanne.
6. Treasurer’s Financial Report – August. Ann had a question regarding the fuel credit and where it should be applied. She said she would like to see the original paperwork. Ann moved to approve the report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
7. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. § 313(D) - Employee Grievance. The Board has been made aware of an employee “grievance” regarding their employment and she moved to enter Executive Session under the above Statute. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Board entered Executive Session at 7:33pm. The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:10pm.
1. Special Budget Meeting: Thursday October 6, 2022 5pm Town Hall
2. Regular Meeting: Thursday October 6, 2022 6pm Town Hall
As there was no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11pm was made by Ann and seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 6, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben