To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3TaLRP3 (Budget & Regular Meeting)
DATE: November 3, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 20, 2022 Regular Meeting
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: October 20, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
1. Grants – Diesel Emissions Reduction Grants from VT Department of Environmental Conservation
1. Sand Shed – Update; Review of contracts
2. Budget: Agenda Items (if needed)
3. Town Hall – Usage/Rental Policy
4. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Update on Warner complaint
1. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. §313 (3) Employment/evaluation of public officer/employee
1. Special Budget Meeting: Thursday, November 17, 2022 @5pm Town Office
2. Regular Meeting: Thursday, November 17, 2022 @6pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:17pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann presented an Agenda Modification (see above) and moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of October 20. 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. They will be signed at the next meeting.
1. Grants – Diesel Emissions Reduction Grants from VT Department of Environmental Conservation. The DEC has developed the Vermont Diesel Emissions Reduction Financial Assistance Program which provides technical assistance and incentive funding for projects that reduce emissions from diesel-powered vehicles, engines, and nonroad equipment. $294,000 is currently available in the program. There will be a Microsoft Teams meeting on November 14th to go over the application process and answer questions. The application deadline is November 29, 2022. Ann will forward this to George. Joyce made a motion that the Board send this to George and the grant-writer, so they have it by Monday. If George wishes to do this, then the Board will commission the grant-writer. Ann seconded.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
November 3, 2022
1. Sand Shed – Update; Review of contracts. Ann said that she has reviewed everything including the invoices. She obtained an itemized accounting of the 29 hours questioned. A.J. reviewed the contracts as well. The Board discussed that the concrete and gravel overages appeared to be both the fault and responsibility of either the Contractor or our project overseer (Dubois and King). The Board concluded that in both situations (gravel and concrete) the contract required that the Town be notified in advance before increased costs above and beyond the approved project plans would be borne by the Town. The Board concluded no such prior notification or request was properly submitted and that the overages appeared to result from errors that could have been detected by oversight and timely review. A.J. moved to continue to withhold payment of $10,657.50 for overages in crushed stone and concrete previously discussed. Ann said she would like to submit to VTrans for reimbursement, however the figure includes the two D&K invoices being withheld. The Town will reevaluate paying the two invoices once it is determined who will pay the overage charges or the amount of the overage is deducted. Ann seconded. All in favor. Ann said she would draft a letter for the Board to review.
2. Budget: Agenda Items (if needed).
a. All the letters/emails have been sent out. Ann said she would like an addendum to the letter sent out saying that the report can include January to December instead of January to June. Bids will be sent out when the Auditors have an idea of how big the report will be. A cover was discussed. Ann suggested a picture of the sand shed and invite the town for a “photo shoot.” Discussion. Ann moved to accept the Auditors’ Timeline for Town Report. AJ seconded. All in favor.
b. Health Insurance. Ann moved to change the MVP health insurance policy for employees to Standard Gold and increase the Health Reimbursement Account for each employee by $250. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Town Hall – Usage/Rental Policy. Ann cited information about how some other towns are managing their town halls. Tabled for further discussion.
4. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Update on Warner complaint. Joyce said it was felt the Board facilitated the issue very well. The Board agreed that a lack of communication between the groups occurred, and all concerned condemned any bullying and threatening behavior that occurred. The Board urged leadership of the fire department to discuss the content and resolution of the discussion with their team. It was also noted that Betty reached out to the fire chief and invited a member to come and serve on their planning of next year’s event.
1. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. §313 (3) Employment/evaluation of public officer/employee. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 7:01pm to discuss employment/evaluation of two public employees. Seconded by AJ. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:42pm.
Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:43pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: November 17, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben