To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3gVL3Ri
DATE: December 1, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Robert Leitch re: Forsha Road
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer Job Description – NB#2; Town Plan – NB#3; Green Up Day Appointments – NB#4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 17, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Buildings and General Services – Energy Resilience Program
2. Legislative Report – Solid Waste
1. Grants – Grader update
2. Town Hall – Useage/Rental Policy
3. Forsha Road – update
4. Speed Signs – installation
5. Treasurer’s Report – October Financials
1. Events – Holiday Tree Lighting
2. Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer – job description
3. Town Plan – review
4. Appointments – Green Up Day
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1) (E) probable civil litigation
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann presented the Agenda Modifications (see above). AJ moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the November 17, 2022 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann moved to take NB#2 out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
1. Buildings and General Services – Energy Resilience Program. This is a new program that offers municipalities free energy resilience assessments. Grants would also be available. There will be a seminar on December 5th from 2-4pm in Rutland.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 1, 2022
2. Legislative Report – Solid Waste. This correspondence reports on what is being done with the Universal Recycling Law and the varied aspects of it. It will help legislators focus on what should be addressed in their sessions.
1. Grants – Grader update. It was determined that the grader didn’t qualify for the grant. It has only been used 240 hrs/year. Ann checked with the State about other options that might be available. George will be looking into leasing options also. There is the possibility that a down payment with a lease/payment option or an Article at Town Meeting for a contribution to the HW Equipment Fund. Joyce proposed putting $135,000 down and $49,000/year for 3 years. The Board felt that George could get a better trade-in on the current grader.
2. Town Hall – Useage/Rental Policy. Ann said she rewrote the front page and did some research on the alcohol issue. The rental policy item #7 was revised. Item #2 had the biggest number of changes. An item under the Rules was removed.
3. Forsha Road – update. Ann said that she spoke with George who had inspected the road. He saw that the culvert had been removed and spoke with the contractor. The culvert will be replaced soon. George felt the road met with the Town’s road standards. Bob would like to have a permit process so that property owners can see who is doing the work, what’s being done and when and where it’s being done. He expressed concern about work done outside of the Town’s right-of-way causing erosion and other issues and letters being sent to property owners. Ann explained what George has been doing and allowing. Joyce explained why a permit would not work or help. There wouldn’t be any way of knowing when the work would be done or what would being done. Bob said he felt no one knew what was going on. Ann said the Board would discuss its concern with George regarding the implementation of a permit and what it would entail. Bob said that letters were sent to property owners about the work being done, but that he did not have a copy himself. The Board asked for some names of neighbors who received the letter. Joyce will speak with one of them and get a copy of the letter.
4. Speed Signs – installation. George spoke with the District 4 manager. They will be the ones to install the posts.
5. Treasurer’s Report – October Financials. Ann moved to accept the report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Events – Holiday Tree Lighting. This event will be held on Sunday, December 11 at 5pm and will feature Santa and his helper arriving on a fire truck, a fire pit, cookies, hot chocolate, and a sing-along.
2. Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer – job description. The Board reviewed the job description that Trish had prepared and handed out. Items reviewed included: hours, wage, raises, holidays (if applicable), vacation time (this was removed), sick/personal time (this could be increased, but not accrued). Some changes were made. Ann moved to approve the changes. AJ seconded. All in favor. Trish said she would update the job description and provide copies to the Board members.
3. Town Plan – review. Tabled
4. Appointments – Green Up Day. Ann made a motion to re-appoint Rebecca Seward and Olivia Grasso. Joyce seconded the motion. All in favor. The Secretary will send out appointment letters.
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1) (E) probable civil litigation. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 7:11pm to discuss probable civil litigation. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:23pm.
Ann moved to authorize the Town Attorney to begin settlement talks in the Sand Shed dispute. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
December 1, 2022
Special Budget Meeting – Thursday, December 15, 2022 @5pm, Town Office
Regular Meeting – Thursday, December 15, 2022 @6pm, Town Office
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:24pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: December 15, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3gVL3Ri
DATE: December 1, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Robert Leitch re: Forsha Road
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer Job Description – NB#2; Town Plan – NB#3; Green Up Day Appointments – NB#4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 17, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Buildings and General Services – Energy Resilience Program
2. Legislative Report – Solid Waste
1. Grants – Grader update
2. Town Hall – Useage/Rental Policy
3. Forsha Road – update
4. Speed Signs – installation
5. Treasurer’s Report – October Financials
1. Events – Holiday Tree Lighting
2. Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer – job description
3. Town Plan – review
4. Appointments – Green Up Day
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1) (E) probable civil litigation
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann presented the Agenda Modifications (see above). AJ moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the November 17, 2022 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann moved to take NB#2 out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
1. Buildings and General Services – Energy Resilience Program. This is a new program that offers municipalities free energy resilience assessments. Grants would also be available. There will be a seminar on December 5th from 2-4pm in Rutland.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 1, 2022
2. Legislative Report – Solid Waste. This correspondence reports on what is being done with the Universal Recycling Law and the varied aspects of it. It will help legislators focus on what should be addressed in their sessions.
1. Grants – Grader update. It was determined that the grader didn’t qualify for the grant. It has only been used 240 hrs/year. Ann checked with the State about other options that might be available. George will be looking into leasing options also. There is the possibility that a down payment with a lease/payment option or an Article at Town Meeting for a contribution to the HW Equipment Fund. Joyce proposed putting $135,000 down and $49,000/year for 3 years. The Board felt that George could get a better trade-in on the current grader.
2. Town Hall – Useage/Rental Policy. Ann said she rewrote the front page and did some research on the alcohol issue. The rental policy item #7 was revised. Item #2 had the biggest number of changes. An item under the Rules was removed.
3. Forsha Road – update. Ann said that she spoke with George who had inspected the road. He saw that the culvert had been removed and spoke with the contractor. The culvert will be replaced soon. George felt the road met with the Town’s road standards. Bob would like to have a permit process so that property owners can see who is doing the work, what’s being done and when and where it’s being done. He expressed concern about work done outside of the Town’s right-of-way causing erosion and other issues and letters being sent to property owners. Ann explained what George has been doing and allowing. Joyce explained why a permit would not work or help. There wouldn’t be any way of knowing when the work would be done or what would being done. Bob said he felt no one knew what was going on. Ann said the Board would discuss its concern with George regarding the implementation of a permit and what it would entail. Bob said that letters were sent to property owners about the work being done, but that he did not have a copy himself. The Board asked for some names of neighbors who received the letter. Joyce will speak with one of them and get a copy of the letter.
4. Speed Signs – installation. George spoke with the District 4 manager. They will be the ones to install the posts.
5. Treasurer’s Report – October Financials. Ann moved to accept the report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Events – Holiday Tree Lighting. This event will be held on Sunday, December 11 at 5pm and will feature Santa and his helper arriving on a fire truck, a fire pit, cookies, hot chocolate, and a sing-along.
2. Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer – job description. The Board reviewed the job description that Trish had prepared and handed out. Items reviewed included: hours, wage, raises, holidays (if applicable), vacation time (this was removed), sick/personal time (this could be increased, but not accrued). Some changes were made. Ann moved to approve the changes. AJ seconded. All in favor. Trish said she would update the job description and provide copies to the Board members.
3. Town Plan – review. Tabled
4. Appointments – Green Up Day. Ann made a motion to re-appoint Rebecca Seward and Olivia Grasso. Joyce seconded the motion. All in favor. The Secretary will send out appointment letters.
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1) (E) probable civil litigation. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 7:11pm to discuss probable civil litigation. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:23pm.
Ann moved to authorize the Town Attorney to begin settlement talks in the Sand Shed dispute. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
December 1, 2022
Special Budget Meeting – Thursday, December 15, 2022 @5pm, Town Office
Regular Meeting – Thursday, December 15, 2022 @6pm, Town Office
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:24pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: December 15, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben