To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3SR99ub
DATE: October 6, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
1. Tree Cutting – NB#4
2. Fire Warden appointment – NB#5
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 15, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. MRGP Grants in Aid.
1. Town Hall Emergency Shelter Project – Scope of Work update
2. Speed Sign – permit
3. Sand Shed – update
4. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – projects
5. Art in the Heart – follow up
1. Town Hall – usage policies
2. Town Office – front light timers
3. Independent Contractor – Paquette Plumbing’s paperwork
4. Tree Cutting – Liberty Hill
5. Appointments – Fire Warden
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 @5pm Town Office
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2002 @6pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented Agenda Modifications (see above). Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the September 15, 2022 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Ann introduced Suzanne Ellis and had her speak about her recent Art in the Heart experience.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
October 6, 2022
1. MRGP Grants in Aid. Ann said that some things need to be done for the closeout of fiscal year 2022 Grants in Aid. Construction has been completed on Liberty Hill. Final photos have been taken and updated the segment status in the portal to be done on Liberty Hill Road regarding construction. Ann said she spoke with George, and he said Pete Fellows at TRORC has collected the information needed and submitted it. Ann said she also reached out to Pete to ensure that nothing else was needed. She also would like to sit down with George and Pete and go over the Grants in Aid for 2023.
1. Town Hall Emergency Shelter Project – Scope of Work update. Ann updated the Board on the following:
a. Town Hall/Town Office Generator: BrookField Services installed
b. Generator hook-up to propane: CV Oil complete
c. Media Blasting: V-Blast completed
d. Dumpster – Able delivered
e. Drywall materials & installation: Cal’s Custom Drywall To be scheduled
f. Sealing wood & painting steel/ductwork: Don Marshall completed
g. Demo & replace electrical: Peterson demo completed; basement Joyce was told October 17
h. Framing materials: LaValley’s delivered
i. Studs & Plumbing: Home Depot
J. Windows: LaValley’s ordered
k. Framing Labor: Gary Christen demos & walls completed
l. Ductwork: CV Oil proposal coming
m. Replace oil tank: CV Oil TBA
n. Insta-Hot Water Heater (propane): Paquette Plumbing scheduled Oct 11
o. Heat Pumps: Paquette Plumbing scheduled
Ann made a motion to approve the invoices of $1292 for framing materials and plumbing materials for the shelter project that will come from the Undesignated Fund. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Projects & Materials still needing bids:
a. gas hookup for water heater & stoves
b. basement floor-cracks sealed & painted
c. kitchen cabinets, countertops & movable serving island
d. sliding hanging doors for storage area
e. prime & paint walls
f. 3-bay stainless steel sink
g. sink hookup
h. 16 hanging light fixture & bulbs
2. Speed Sign – permit. Ann said the Town has received the permit but that there are stipulations. Ann mentioned just a few of them: a preconstruction meeting to discuss the
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
October 6, 2022
work to be completed must be held prior to beginning work; George’s worker’s compensation and the Town’s general liability and property damage and name the State for this project. There was some discussion on whether the cost of the signs has increased. AJ made a motion to approve the purchase if the total cost isn’t over $700. Ann seconded. All in favor. Joyce will obtain the current cost and delivery date.
3. Sand Shed – update. Ann said that the construction has been completed and 20-30 truckloads of sand have been delivered. A copy of the final payment to G&N has been received and Ann said she noticed a third Change Order for $10,941. This Change Order was never received or approved. It was for extra concrete or additional unit of crushed stone. Discussion. It was felt that the Town shouldn’t pay this, that it should have been noticed by the contractor or design company and is prepared to contest it. She said she is also questioning an invoice from Dubois & King regarding hours worked when the construction was shut down.
TRORC needs additional time to complete the Municipal Project Manager’s Contract. Joyce moved to approve an extension to December 31, 2022. Seconded by Ann. All in favor.
4. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – projects. Ann asked if the Board wanted to look into other projects such as testing the water/septic systems on Town properties. Joyce said that Connie’s lawnmower broke down. She said she asked Connie to get an estimate. It could be put in the Capital Budget but purchased with money from the Undesignated Fund now. These are on backorder and should be ordered now for spring. The barrier between the Fire Station and Swiss Farm Market was discussed and it was decided to invite Greg Martin to the next meeting. The fencing, water assessment, and lawnmower will be followed up on. The project spreadsheet was reviewed as to what has been completed and what more could possibly be done with the money available.
5. Art in the Heart – follow up. Suzanne said that they had a small group of five artists with thirty people expressing interest from both Pittsfield and Stockbridge. She said that the enthusiasm was awesome. She said they talked about learning and creativity and community involvement. She expressed to the Board that she is only the leader, and the event needs to be marketed if future meetings are approved. She added that everyone showed respect for the building, and they also cleaned up after the event. Ann said that she told Suzanne that a policy would be discussed tonight. She cited what some other towns have in their policy. There are so many areas that need to be considered including the types of events, alcohol, deposits, maintenance, resident/non-resident, insurance, etc. Ann asked if an online calendar for Town Hall events should be created and available through the Town’s website and include a copy of the contract and other information making sure everything is uniform and fair for every group. Someone would be needed to manage the calendar. AJ moved to allow Suzanne to continue with the event for free until a policy is developed. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
October 6, 2022
1. Town Hall – Usage policies. Ann brought up the question of insurance. A Certificate of Insurance was formerly required but other towns don’t ask for it. Discussion on the use of alcohol. Ann said that historically this was decided by the 1986 Select Board with a note in their Minutes that there would be no alcohol permitted in town buildings. If caterers are used for a function, they must have a permit or license. The types of users and events and what the fee schedules might be were discussed. The fees would need to take into consideration cleaning, heat/AC, and electricity used. The three items the Board needs to compose are: an alcohol policy; fee schedule; and usage agreement. AJ was asked to draft a useage agreement. A calendar of events and someone to manage it was discussed. It was felt it should be available on the Town’s website with a link to the rental agreement. All of this will be discussed more in subsequent meetings. AJ will draft language for hold hsrmless paragraphs.
2. Town Office – front light timers. Discussion. It was felt the cost was unnecessary as the side entrance which has a timer is the primary entrance. The Board will speak with the concerned party about parking closer to the side entrance of the building.
3. Independent Contractor – Paquette Plumbing paperwork. This pertains to the installation of the heat pumps and water heater. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Tree Cutting – Liberty Hill. An invoice was received from George for $3,250. It was agreed that more of this canopy work needs to be done. This was an unbudgeted item. The Board reviewed the Highway budget line items for possible funds to use. Discussion. Ann moved to approve the contract for tree cutting in the amount of $3,250 to be taken out the of Highway budget. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Appointment – Fire Warden. Notification was received from the State that Ray Colton has agreed to serve as Fire Warden with a term expiring June 30, 2027. Ann moved to approve Ray’s appointment. Joyce seconded. All in favor. A form needs completion and signing by the Board. This was done. This appointment will be added to the Tickler File.
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 @5pm Town Office
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 @6pm Town Office
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann adjourned the meeting at 7:51pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted:
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: ________________________
_________________________/__________________________/ _________________________
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens AJ Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3SR99ub
DATE: October 6, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
1. Tree Cutting – NB#4
2. Fire Warden appointment – NB#5
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 15, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. MRGP Grants in Aid.
1. Town Hall Emergency Shelter Project – Scope of Work update
2. Speed Sign – permit
3. Sand Shed – update
4. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – projects
5. Art in the Heart – follow up
1. Town Hall – usage policies
2. Town Office – front light timers
3. Independent Contractor – Paquette Plumbing’s paperwork
4. Tree Cutting – Liberty Hill
5. Appointments – Fire Warden
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 @5pm Town Office
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2002 @6pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented Agenda Modifications (see above). Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the September 15, 2022 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Ann introduced Suzanne Ellis and had her speak about her recent Art in the Heart experience.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
October 6, 2022
1. MRGP Grants in Aid. Ann said that some things need to be done for the closeout of fiscal year 2022 Grants in Aid. Construction has been completed on Liberty Hill. Final photos have been taken and updated the segment status in the portal to be done on Liberty Hill Road regarding construction. Ann said she spoke with George, and he said Pete Fellows at TRORC has collected the information needed and submitted it. Ann said she also reached out to Pete to ensure that nothing else was needed. She also would like to sit down with George and Pete and go over the Grants in Aid for 2023.
1. Town Hall Emergency Shelter Project – Scope of Work update. Ann updated the Board on the following:
a. Town Hall/Town Office Generator: BrookField Services installed
b. Generator hook-up to propane: CV Oil complete
c. Media Blasting: V-Blast completed
d. Dumpster – Able delivered
e. Drywall materials & installation: Cal’s Custom Drywall To be scheduled
f. Sealing wood & painting steel/ductwork: Don Marshall completed
g. Demo & replace electrical: Peterson demo completed; basement Joyce was told October 17
h. Framing materials: LaValley’s delivered
i. Studs & Plumbing: Home Depot
J. Windows: LaValley’s ordered
k. Framing Labor: Gary Christen demos & walls completed
l. Ductwork: CV Oil proposal coming
m. Replace oil tank: CV Oil TBA
n. Insta-Hot Water Heater (propane): Paquette Plumbing scheduled Oct 11
o. Heat Pumps: Paquette Plumbing scheduled
Ann made a motion to approve the invoices of $1292 for framing materials and plumbing materials for the shelter project that will come from the Undesignated Fund. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Projects & Materials still needing bids:
a. gas hookup for water heater & stoves
b. basement floor-cracks sealed & painted
c. kitchen cabinets, countertops & movable serving island
d. sliding hanging doors for storage area
e. prime & paint walls
f. 3-bay stainless steel sink
g. sink hookup
h. 16 hanging light fixture & bulbs
2. Speed Sign – permit. Ann said the Town has received the permit but that there are stipulations. Ann mentioned just a few of them: a preconstruction meeting to discuss the
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
October 6, 2022
work to be completed must be held prior to beginning work; George’s worker’s compensation and the Town’s general liability and property damage and name the State for this project. There was some discussion on whether the cost of the signs has increased. AJ made a motion to approve the purchase if the total cost isn’t over $700. Ann seconded. All in favor. Joyce will obtain the current cost and delivery date.
3. Sand Shed – update. Ann said that the construction has been completed and 20-30 truckloads of sand have been delivered. A copy of the final payment to G&N has been received and Ann said she noticed a third Change Order for $10,941. This Change Order was never received or approved. It was for extra concrete or additional unit of crushed stone. Discussion. It was felt that the Town shouldn’t pay this, that it should have been noticed by the contractor or design company and is prepared to contest it. She said she is also questioning an invoice from Dubois & King regarding hours worked when the construction was shut down.
TRORC needs additional time to complete the Municipal Project Manager’s Contract. Joyce moved to approve an extension to December 31, 2022. Seconded by Ann. All in favor.
4. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – projects. Ann asked if the Board wanted to look into other projects such as testing the water/septic systems on Town properties. Joyce said that Connie’s lawnmower broke down. She said she asked Connie to get an estimate. It could be put in the Capital Budget but purchased with money from the Undesignated Fund now. These are on backorder and should be ordered now for spring. The barrier between the Fire Station and Swiss Farm Market was discussed and it was decided to invite Greg Martin to the next meeting. The fencing, water assessment, and lawnmower will be followed up on. The project spreadsheet was reviewed as to what has been completed and what more could possibly be done with the money available.
5. Art in the Heart – follow up. Suzanne said that they had a small group of five artists with thirty people expressing interest from both Pittsfield and Stockbridge. She said that the enthusiasm was awesome. She said they talked about learning and creativity and community involvement. She expressed to the Board that she is only the leader, and the event needs to be marketed if future meetings are approved. She added that everyone showed respect for the building, and they also cleaned up after the event. Ann said that she told Suzanne that a policy would be discussed tonight. She cited what some other towns have in their policy. There are so many areas that need to be considered including the types of events, alcohol, deposits, maintenance, resident/non-resident, insurance, etc. Ann asked if an online calendar for Town Hall events should be created and available through the Town’s website and include a copy of the contract and other information making sure everything is uniform and fair for every group. Someone would be needed to manage the calendar. AJ moved to allow Suzanne to continue with the event for free until a policy is developed. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
October 6, 2022
1. Town Hall – Usage policies. Ann brought up the question of insurance. A Certificate of Insurance was formerly required but other towns don’t ask for it. Discussion on the use of alcohol. Ann said that historically this was decided by the 1986 Select Board with a note in their Minutes that there would be no alcohol permitted in town buildings. If caterers are used for a function, they must have a permit or license. The types of users and events and what the fee schedules might be were discussed. The fees would need to take into consideration cleaning, heat/AC, and electricity used. The three items the Board needs to compose are: an alcohol policy; fee schedule; and usage agreement. AJ was asked to draft a useage agreement. A calendar of events and someone to manage it was discussed. It was felt it should be available on the Town’s website with a link to the rental agreement. All of this will be discussed more in subsequent meetings. AJ will draft language for hold hsrmless paragraphs.
2. Town Office – front light timers. Discussion. It was felt the cost was unnecessary as the side entrance which has a timer is the primary entrance. The Board will speak with the concerned party about parking closer to the side entrance of the building.
3. Independent Contractor – Paquette Plumbing paperwork. This pertains to the installation of the heat pumps and water heater. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Tree Cutting – Liberty Hill. An invoice was received from George for $3,250. It was agreed that more of this canopy work needs to be done. This was an unbudgeted item. The Board reviewed the Highway budget line items for possible funds to use. Discussion. Ann moved to approve the contract for tree cutting in the amount of $3,250 to be taken out the of Highway budget. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Appointment – Fire Warden. Notification was received from the State that Ray Colton has agreed to serve as Fire Warden with a term expiring June 30, 2027. Ann moved to approve Ray’s appointment. Joyce seconded. All in favor. A form needs completion and signing by the Board. This was done. This appointment will be added to the Tickler File.
NEXT SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 @5pm Town Office
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 @6pm Town Office
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann adjourned the meeting at 7:51pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted:
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: ________________________
_________________________/__________________________/ _________________________
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens AJ Ruben