To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3eZEPPl (Budget & Regular meeting)
DATE: October 20, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Betty Warner; via Teams: Michele Gaberiau of G & N Construction & Brett Yates-Mountain Times
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Treasurer’s Report: September NB#5
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 6, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Grants – Transportation Alternatives Grant
2. White River Valley Consortium – Housing Events
3. Rutland County Solid Waste District – Notice of Public Hearing
4. FEMA – White River Risk Mapping
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Meghan Charlesbois
1. Sand Shed – Certificate of Substantial Completion
2. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – Projects for discussion and/or approval
a. Speed Signs
b. Emergency Shelter – windows and framing labor
c. Parks & Grounds – tractor
d. Fire Station – fence
3. Town Hall – Usage Policies
4. E-911 – Update address discrepancies
5. Grants – Municipal Roads Grant Project (MRGP) update
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Warner letter of concern
2. Vital Communities – Listserv
3. Recreation – Plan
4. Contractors – Gary Christen Home Improvements Independent Contractor paperwork
5. Treasurer’s Report – September financials
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, November 3, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting 6pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Ann moved to accept the Agenda Modification (see above). Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the October 6, 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor. The Board took NB#1 and NB#2 out of order and Betty presented her concerns.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
October 20, 2022
1. Grants – Transportation Alternatives Grant. VTrans announced SFY2023 Transportation Alternatives Program. An informational webinar will be held November 19th. Applications due December 14, 2022.
2. White River Valley Consortium – Housing Events. An email from Sarah Danly with follow-up from the Working Communities Challenge workshop. It included information regarding the future of the organization. This will be forwarded to Pittsfield’s representative Jordan Stevens.
3. Rutland County Solid Waste District – Notice of Public Hearing. This hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, 2022 @6:35pm to review items approved but not included in the Rutland County Solid Waste Districts’ 2021-2025 Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP).
4. FEMA – White River Risk Mapping. This letter explains and provides a link to the White River Watershed Discovery Report, which collects information from varied sources regarding the rivers. They will be embarking on a study of the White River and its branches for future revised flood maps. Areas currently being studied include the Tweed.
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Meghan Charlesbois. This email inquires as to whether Pittsfield is considering adapting rental law/registration and fees like Killington and Woodstock have? Ann said she would respond to Meghan’s email. Pittsfield has no plans at this time. The topic is very controversial but may be open for discussion in the future.
1. Sand Shed – Certificate of Substantial Completion. Construction has been completed, however there are a few outstanding issues to resolve. One is the third Change Order. Ann asked Michele Gaberiau to explain the increase in crushed stone and concrete. Ann said she didn’t feel that this was a Town problem, and that the Town shouldn’t pay for the increase since a third Change Order was never received. These two issues will be addressed to the construction inspector DuBois & King. Michele asked where this left G & N as far as payment. Ann said she might need to consult with the Town’s attorney as to how to proceed. Joyce said that they didn’t have any issue with G & N, but the Board would withhold the payment for the increases. AJ moved to pay G & N everything except the contested amount of $10, 416 and moved to contact Dubois & King and include in the next meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Ann moved to sign the Certification of Substantial Completion. ….. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – Projects for discussion and/or approval. Joyce provided a handout which listed
items involved in the renovation noting what was estimated, what was spent, and what still needs to be purchased. She explained that the Board has allocated nearly all the undesignated surplus money received so far. Ann questioned the hold-up on the 3rd ARPA payment which was supposed to be received by October. Trish will be asked to recheck the state account fund for the final deposit.
a. Speed Signs. AJ moved to authorize George to install the posts for the speed signs. Ann seconded. All in favor. Joyce said there is a 2–4-week lead time in receiving the signs.
b. Emergency Shelter – windows ($1,380) and framing labor ($2,025). Ann moved
c. Parks & Grounds – tractor. Joyce said the tractor was repaired instead of just preparing an estimate of the repair. Discussion of financing a new tractor and paying for the old. It was felt that it would be a good investment to have two mowers and make Parks & Grounds more efficient. Ann moved to approve the payment of $1,900 to repair the current 2006 tractor to be taken from the parks and rec equipment reserve account and take another $2,000 from the reserve account towards purchase of
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
October 20, 2022
a 2022 John Deere 750 w/deck, hitch, and rotary broom. $14,274.00 of the purchase will come from undesignated surplus funds Joyce seconded. All in favor.
d. Fire Station – fence. Not discussed.
3. Town Hall – Usage Policies. Tabled to November 3rd meeting.
4. E-911 – Update address discrepancies. Joyce spoke with Ray Colton and explained that he needed a 911 address. Ray said he would speak with his brother regarding a road name and let the Board know. E911 Representative Michelle Hunt provided an update on changes discussed at the September 1st meeting. She has contacted residents involved on Wilcox Peak Road. #345 will change to #146, the new driveway will be #324, and #129 will change to #325. Ann moved to accept the changes to Wilcox Peak Road. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
5. Grants – Municipal Roads Grant Project (MRGP) update. FY ’22 has been closed out and just waiting for payment. Ann said she brought Rita @ TRORC up to date on what has been done, etc.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Warner letter of concern. Betty had two letters she wanted to read into the record. As PCC Chair, Betty presented a concern of conflict which occurred at the September 24th event between members of the fire department and a food vendor. She felt this went against the State’s Declaration of Inclusion which the Town has adopted. Discussion. Several options to help resolve this issue were presented and Ann said she wanted them included in the record. These included: encourage and facilitate cooperation between organizations as a first step in setting up a face to face meeting; give opportunity for all to be heard; create a safe place for people to speak of their concerns about and hopes for Pittsfield; encourage dialog and cooperation between old-timers and newcomers young and old, workers of all types, singles and families, business owners and residents. It would give us an opportunity to review this Declaration of Inclusion and what it means. It was decided to have a meeting with the Fire Dept’s Dave Colton and Caleb Hawley and PCCVT’s Betty Warner and Ryan Thompson. Joyce said she would contact Caleb and offer the dates of November 2nd or 7th at 6:30pm. AJ has offered to facilitate the meeting. Joyce made a motion to include in the budget a line item for inclusivity training and investigate what kind of dollar amount should be included. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
2. Vital Communities – Listserv. Betty said that she felt it would be a good thing for Pittsfield to have a Listserv. She explained what it is to the Board and that it is different from Facebook and Front Porch Forum. Betty called Vital Communities as they provide this service. Privacy issues were expressed about using peoples’ emails and legal consequences. Betty explained that Pittsfield has a resource in a resident that will help with this enterprise. Discussion. The Board thanked Betty for her presentations.
3. Recreation – Plan. Ann announced that Pittsfield received the Building Communities Grant for $12,217 to resurface the basketball court, add the net equipment and make the court multifunctional. Also replace the fencing. Ann said she would sit with Trish to complete the follow up paperwork. Going forward in the grant process there will be follow-up paperwork. She questioned whether the Board should consider having someone other than Trish take on this role. Discussion. Trish could be the contact person but designate someone else to complete the forms. Joyce inquired about hiring someone to do this. Ann said she wants to book the fencing and paving companies for next spring. They briefly discussed what the skating rink would need.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
October 20, 2022
4. Contractors – Gary Christen Home Improvements Independent Contractor paperwork. Joyce moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Treasurer’s Report – September financials. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, November 3, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting 6pm Town Office
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:59pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: November 3, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3eZEPPl (Budget & Regular meeting)
DATE: October 20, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Betty Warner; via Teams: Michele Gaberiau of G & N Construction & Brett Yates-Mountain Times
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Treasurer’s Report: September NB#5
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 6, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Grants – Transportation Alternatives Grant
2. White River Valley Consortium – Housing Events
3. Rutland County Solid Waste District – Notice of Public Hearing
4. FEMA – White River Risk Mapping
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Meghan Charlesbois
1. Sand Shed – Certificate of Substantial Completion
2. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – Projects for discussion and/or approval
a. Speed Signs
b. Emergency Shelter – windows and framing labor
c. Parks & Grounds – tractor
d. Fire Station – fence
3. Town Hall – Usage Policies
4. E-911 – Update address discrepancies
5. Grants – Municipal Roads Grant Project (MRGP) update
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Warner letter of concern
2. Vital Communities – Listserv
3. Recreation – Plan
4. Contractors – Gary Christen Home Improvements Independent Contractor paperwork
5. Treasurer’s Report – September financials
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, November 3, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting 6pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Ann moved to accept the Agenda Modification (see above). Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the October 6, 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor. The Board took NB#1 and NB#2 out of order and Betty presented her concerns.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
October 20, 2022
1. Grants – Transportation Alternatives Grant. VTrans announced SFY2023 Transportation Alternatives Program. An informational webinar will be held November 19th. Applications due December 14, 2022.
2. White River Valley Consortium – Housing Events. An email from Sarah Danly with follow-up from the Working Communities Challenge workshop. It included information regarding the future of the organization. This will be forwarded to Pittsfield’s representative Jordan Stevens.
3. Rutland County Solid Waste District – Notice of Public Hearing. This hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, 2022 @6:35pm to review items approved but not included in the Rutland County Solid Waste Districts’ 2021-2025 Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP).
4. FEMA – White River Risk Mapping. This letter explains and provides a link to the White River Watershed Discovery Report, which collects information from varied sources regarding the rivers. They will be embarking on a study of the White River and its branches for future revised flood maps. Areas currently being studied include the Tweed.
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Meghan Charlesbois. This email inquires as to whether Pittsfield is considering adapting rental law/registration and fees like Killington and Woodstock have? Ann said she would respond to Meghan’s email. Pittsfield has no plans at this time. The topic is very controversial but may be open for discussion in the future.
1. Sand Shed – Certificate of Substantial Completion. Construction has been completed, however there are a few outstanding issues to resolve. One is the third Change Order. Ann asked Michele Gaberiau to explain the increase in crushed stone and concrete. Ann said she didn’t feel that this was a Town problem, and that the Town shouldn’t pay for the increase since a third Change Order was never received. These two issues will be addressed to the construction inspector DuBois & King. Michele asked where this left G & N as far as payment. Ann said she might need to consult with the Town’s attorney as to how to proceed. Joyce said that they didn’t have any issue with G & N, but the Board would withhold the payment for the increases. AJ moved to pay G & N everything except the contested amount of $10, 416 and moved to contact Dubois & King and include in the next meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Ann moved to sign the Certification of Substantial Completion. ….. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Pittsfield Rescue Plan – Projects for discussion and/or approval. Joyce provided a handout which listed
items involved in the renovation noting what was estimated, what was spent, and what still needs to be purchased. She explained that the Board has allocated nearly all the undesignated surplus money received so far. Ann questioned the hold-up on the 3rd ARPA payment which was supposed to be received by October. Trish will be asked to recheck the state account fund for the final deposit.
a. Speed Signs. AJ moved to authorize George to install the posts for the speed signs. Ann seconded. All in favor. Joyce said there is a 2–4-week lead time in receiving the signs.
b. Emergency Shelter – windows ($1,380) and framing labor ($2,025). Ann moved
c. Parks & Grounds – tractor. Joyce said the tractor was repaired instead of just preparing an estimate of the repair. Discussion of financing a new tractor and paying for the old. It was felt that it would be a good investment to have two mowers and make Parks & Grounds more efficient. Ann moved to approve the payment of $1,900 to repair the current 2006 tractor to be taken from the parks and rec equipment reserve account and take another $2,000 from the reserve account towards purchase of
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
October 20, 2022
a 2022 John Deere 750 w/deck, hitch, and rotary broom. $14,274.00 of the purchase will come from undesignated surplus funds Joyce seconded. All in favor.
d. Fire Station – fence. Not discussed.
3. Town Hall – Usage Policies. Tabled to November 3rd meeting.
4. E-911 – Update address discrepancies. Joyce spoke with Ray Colton and explained that he needed a 911 address. Ray said he would speak with his brother regarding a road name and let the Board know. E911 Representative Michelle Hunt provided an update on changes discussed at the September 1st meeting. She has contacted residents involved on Wilcox Peak Road. #345 will change to #146, the new driveway will be #324, and #129 will change to #325. Ann moved to accept the changes to Wilcox Peak Road. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
5. Grants – Municipal Roads Grant Project (MRGP) update. FY ’22 has been closed out and just waiting for payment. Ann said she brought Rita @ TRORC up to date on what has been done, etc.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Warner letter of concern. Betty had two letters she wanted to read into the record. As PCC Chair, Betty presented a concern of conflict which occurred at the September 24th event between members of the fire department and a food vendor. She felt this went against the State’s Declaration of Inclusion which the Town has adopted. Discussion. Several options to help resolve this issue were presented and Ann said she wanted them included in the record. These included: encourage and facilitate cooperation between organizations as a first step in setting up a face to face meeting; give opportunity for all to be heard; create a safe place for people to speak of their concerns about and hopes for Pittsfield; encourage dialog and cooperation between old-timers and newcomers young and old, workers of all types, singles and families, business owners and residents. It would give us an opportunity to review this Declaration of Inclusion and what it means. It was decided to have a meeting with the Fire Dept’s Dave Colton and Caleb Hawley and PCCVT’s Betty Warner and Ryan Thompson. Joyce said she would contact Caleb and offer the dates of November 2nd or 7th at 6:30pm. AJ has offered to facilitate the meeting. Joyce made a motion to include in the budget a line item for inclusivity training and investigate what kind of dollar amount should be included. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
2. Vital Communities – Listserv. Betty said that she felt it would be a good thing for Pittsfield to have a Listserv. She explained what it is to the Board and that it is different from Facebook and Front Porch Forum. Betty called Vital Communities as they provide this service. Privacy issues were expressed about using peoples’ emails and legal consequences. Betty explained that Pittsfield has a resource in a resident that will help with this enterprise. Discussion. The Board thanked Betty for her presentations.
3. Recreation – Plan. Ann announced that Pittsfield received the Building Communities Grant for $12,217 to resurface the basketball court, add the net equipment and make the court multifunctional. Also replace the fencing. Ann said she would sit with Trish to complete the follow up paperwork. Going forward in the grant process there will be follow-up paperwork. She questioned whether the Board should consider having someone other than Trish take on this role. Discussion. Trish could be the contact person but designate someone else to complete the forms. Joyce inquired about hiring someone to do this. Ann said she wants to book the fencing and paving companies for next spring. They briefly discussed what the skating rink would need.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
October 20, 2022
4. Contractors – Gary Christen Home Improvements Independent Contractor paperwork. Joyce moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Treasurer’s Report – September financials. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, November 3, 2022 Select Board Regular Meeting 6pm Town Office
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:59pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: November 3, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben