To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3NlU7th
DATE: May 5, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens; via Teams: AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Via Teams: Brett Yates, Mike Moran
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Town Officials – Appointments
2. Sand Shed – Construction update
3. Village Speed Limit - update
1. Select Board – organization
2. Select Board – Rules of Procedure
3. Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct
4. Select Board – Complaint Procedure
5. Select Board – Procurement Policy
6. Dogs – Corron dog hearing
7. Dogs – McGowan dog hearing
8. Town of Rochester – Congressional spending request
9. Playground – porta potty
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: May 19, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann requested to take OB1 and NB6 out of order. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the April 21, 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. VT Homeowner Assistance Plan – invitation to join. This program provides federal funds to VT homeowners needing assistance paying mortgage, property related charges and utility bills. They can provide assistance to the town in completing the onboarding process. Ann said she had a lot of questions.
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May 5, 2022
2. PACIF – building appraisals. PACIF would like to send appraisers to look at the Town Buildings (Town Office, Town Hall, Town Garage, Playground, and possibly Gazebo) between May 16thand the end of June. Ann explained that there was an issue with the appraisal five years ago, but it has been resolved. Joyce offered to go with them but wanted to look over copies of the appraisal on file. Ann moved to designate Joyce as the contact with the appraiser. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann will notify VLCT.
3. Webinar – AGR Invasive Pest. The VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets have extended an invitation to learn about the Spotted Lanternfly, which is an invasive insect that feeds on trees, crops, and excretes a substance that attracts stinging insects and sooty mold. It is not currently in Vermont. The webinar was held today. No action.
1. Town Officials – Appointments. The list of appointments is found as an attachment to these Minutes.
2. Sand Shed – Construction update. Ann said that the old sand shed has been removed. Concern has been noted about the availability of rebar, which needs certification by the US and not Russia. There is a bi-weekly meeting at 9:00AM every other Thursday (1stmeeting 5/12/22). Invoicing will be discussed with the larger invoices for cement and building supplies.
3. Village Speed Limit – update. Ann reviewed the research notes the Secretary had found in previous Minutes. A request had been made in February 2016. Discussion. It was felt that the electronic speed sign should be pursued. The Board questioned whether the Planning Commission should investigate the subject of speed control. Ann said she would speak with TRORC. Action tabled to the next meeting.
1. Select Board – organization. AJ was re-elected to the Board at Town Meeting. This year Ann will continue to serve as Chair and will also oversee Buildings (Joyce moved; AJ seconded). Joyce will continue to approve the weekly Orders (Ann moved; AJ seconded).
2. Select Board – Rules of Procedure. The subject of meetings was suggested to include Teams meetings. All meetings shall be offered to the public remotely through Microsoft Teams. The agenda will contain the phone number, meeting code and link to attend. All meetings will be recorded and posted in the Minutes. Ann said she would draft and circulate. Joyce made a motion to accept this change. AJ seconded. All approved. Ann said she would leave it in vestibule for everyone’s signature.
3. Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct. No changes proposed. Joyce moved to accept and sign. Ann seconded and will leave in the vestibule. All in favor.
4. Select Board – Complaint Procedure. No changes proposed. Joyce moved to accept and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Select Board – Procurement Policy. Discussion about whether it should be updated, or changes made to the monetary amount although no problems were noted. No action. It doesn’t need to be signed.
6. Dogs – Corron dog hearing. Ann reviewed the 2021 updated ordinance and said that certified letters were sent out on April 14 and 21 days brings it to May 5th. She noted that at the last meeting 31 unlicensed dogs, 22 have responded, 15 paid the waiver fee, leaving 9 still unlicensed. Matt explained why he hadn’t licensed his two dogs. He said that his family was dealing with a
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
May 5, 2022
personal issue, and it slipped their minds. Ann explained that since Covid, several ways of licensing have been offered in lieu of coming to the office. Discussion. AJ said he was open to negotiation. Ann moved to allow Matt to pay $25 for both dogs. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Trish will be notified.
7. Dogs – McGowan dog hearing. Sandra was not present. The Board opted to use her original letter as the basis for this hearing. Ann read the letter to the Board. The owner’s felt that the dog was old and its mobility minimal so she cannot get it in the car to go to the vet for updated rabies shot. AJ proposed a hardship exemption. The Board opted to give the owner a two-month waiver to obtain the shot. Perhaps a vet could make a house call. Ann moved to grant a two-month waiver to obtain a license and meet all the requirements for licensing. She would be subject to a $50 fine. This would be revisited in August. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Secretary will make a note in the Tickler File to revisit this. A letter will be sent to the owner giving her until July 7thto get this done. Ann said she would draft a letter and it will be sent out Certified.
Ann said that at present, 9 dogs remain unlicensed. According to Statute, the owners have thirty-five days from the original notice to pay the fine. Joyce proposed waiting on further discussion.
8. Town of Rochester – Congressional spending request. The Town of Rochester is applying to Senator Sanders’ Congressionally Directed Spending Request in the amount of $2,500,00 for the purpose of upgrading the former Rochester High School building into a multi-use facility. They are requesting a letter of support from the Town of Pittsfield’s Select Board. Ann moved that the Board sign a letter of support. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
9. Playground – porta potty. The current use of the porta potty is from May to September at $127.50 per month. The Clerk would like to know if the Board wants to extend it through October. Discussion. AJ moved to extend it to November. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Generator – update. Mike Moran from the Town Hall Building Committee went over the proposed generator issue reviewing what necessary services each building would need available in the event of a power outage. Mike said he would contact BrookField Services if they would be able to do the needed rewiring. Ann asked him to send her a list of the circuit discussed to forward to Mike Juris.
2. Appointment – Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mike accepted the appointment to this Board.
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May 5, 2022
On May 5. 2022, the following appointments were made by the Pittsfield Select Board:
Name Position Term
David Colton Civil Defense 2023
Greg Martin Civil Defense 2023
Michelle Hunt E911 Coordinator 2023
Elizabeth Warner EC Fibernet Governing Board Delegate 2023
Herb Kuendig EC Fibernet Governing Board Alternate 2023
Ryan Thompson Emergency Management Co-Director 2023
Vacant Emergency Management Co-Director 2023
Connie Martin Park Commissioner 2023
Jen Howard Planning & Zoning Commission 2024
Marsha Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission 2024
Ryan Thompson Planning & Zoning Commission 2024
Vacant Planning & Zoning Commission 2025
Vacant Planning & Zoning Commission 2025
George Deblon Road Commissioner 2023
Suana Bicek Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors 2023
Ann Kuendig Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors, Alternate 2023
Richard Gaston SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Herb Kuendig SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Jeremy Rayner SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Glenn Reinauer SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Mike Moran SB Building Advisory Board 2023
George Deblon TAC Representative 2023
Herb Kuendig Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Ray Colton Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Carl Oertel Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Glenn Reinauer Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Henry Haefner Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Mike Moran Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Jeremy Rayner Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Jeremy Rayner Tree Warden 2023
Sarah Gallagher TRORC Representative 2023
Tricia Fryer Unemployment Compensation
Representative 2023
Martha Beyersdorf WRVA Representative 2023
A.J. Ruben Zoning Administrator 2023
Don Bass Zoning Board of Adjustment 2023
Herb Kuendig Zoning Board of Adjustment 2024
David Larkin Zoning Board of Adjustment 2025
Ken Jarecki Zoning Board of Adjustment 2025
Mike Moran Zoning Board of Adjustment 2025
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: May 19, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:42pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: May 19, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3NlU7th
DATE: May 5, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens; via Teams: AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Via Teams: Brett Yates, Mike Moran
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
- VT Homeowner Assistance Plan – invitation to join
- PACIF – building appraisals
- Webinar – AGR Invasive Pest
1. Town Officials – Appointments
2. Sand Shed – Construction update
3. Village Speed Limit - update
1. Select Board – organization
2. Select Board – Rules of Procedure
3. Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct
4. Select Board – Complaint Procedure
5. Select Board – Procurement Policy
6. Dogs – Corron dog hearing
7. Dogs – McGowan dog hearing
8. Town of Rochester – Congressional spending request
9. Playground – porta potty
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: May 19, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann requested to take OB1 and NB6 out of order. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the April 21, 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. VT Homeowner Assistance Plan – invitation to join. This program provides federal funds to VT homeowners needing assistance paying mortgage, property related charges and utility bills. They can provide assistance to the town in completing the onboarding process. Ann said she had a lot of questions.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
May 5, 2022
2. PACIF – building appraisals. PACIF would like to send appraisers to look at the Town Buildings (Town Office, Town Hall, Town Garage, Playground, and possibly Gazebo) between May 16thand the end of June. Ann explained that there was an issue with the appraisal five years ago, but it has been resolved. Joyce offered to go with them but wanted to look over copies of the appraisal on file. Ann moved to designate Joyce as the contact with the appraiser. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann will notify VLCT.
3. Webinar – AGR Invasive Pest. The VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets have extended an invitation to learn about the Spotted Lanternfly, which is an invasive insect that feeds on trees, crops, and excretes a substance that attracts stinging insects and sooty mold. It is not currently in Vermont. The webinar was held today. No action.
1. Town Officials – Appointments. The list of appointments is found as an attachment to these Minutes.
2. Sand Shed – Construction update. Ann said that the old sand shed has been removed. Concern has been noted about the availability of rebar, which needs certification by the US and not Russia. There is a bi-weekly meeting at 9:00AM every other Thursday (1stmeeting 5/12/22). Invoicing will be discussed with the larger invoices for cement and building supplies.
3. Village Speed Limit – update. Ann reviewed the research notes the Secretary had found in previous Minutes. A request had been made in February 2016. Discussion. It was felt that the electronic speed sign should be pursued. The Board questioned whether the Planning Commission should investigate the subject of speed control. Ann said she would speak with TRORC. Action tabled to the next meeting.
1. Select Board – organization. AJ was re-elected to the Board at Town Meeting. This year Ann will continue to serve as Chair and will also oversee Buildings (Joyce moved; AJ seconded). Joyce will continue to approve the weekly Orders (Ann moved; AJ seconded).
2. Select Board – Rules of Procedure. The subject of meetings was suggested to include Teams meetings. All meetings shall be offered to the public remotely through Microsoft Teams. The agenda will contain the phone number, meeting code and link to attend. All meetings will be recorded and posted in the Minutes. Ann said she would draft and circulate. Joyce made a motion to accept this change. AJ seconded. All approved. Ann said she would leave it in vestibule for everyone’s signature.
3. Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct. No changes proposed. Joyce moved to accept and sign. Ann seconded and will leave in the vestibule. All in favor.
4. Select Board – Complaint Procedure. No changes proposed. Joyce moved to accept and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Select Board – Procurement Policy. Discussion about whether it should be updated, or changes made to the monetary amount although no problems were noted. No action. It doesn’t need to be signed.
6. Dogs – Corron dog hearing. Ann reviewed the 2021 updated ordinance and said that certified letters were sent out on April 14 and 21 days brings it to May 5th. She noted that at the last meeting 31 unlicensed dogs, 22 have responded, 15 paid the waiver fee, leaving 9 still unlicensed. Matt explained why he hadn’t licensed his two dogs. He said that his family was dealing with a
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
May 5, 2022
personal issue, and it slipped their minds. Ann explained that since Covid, several ways of licensing have been offered in lieu of coming to the office. Discussion. AJ said he was open to negotiation. Ann moved to allow Matt to pay $25 for both dogs. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Trish will be notified.
7. Dogs – McGowan dog hearing. Sandra was not present. The Board opted to use her original letter as the basis for this hearing. Ann read the letter to the Board. The owner’s felt that the dog was old and its mobility minimal so she cannot get it in the car to go to the vet for updated rabies shot. AJ proposed a hardship exemption. The Board opted to give the owner a two-month waiver to obtain the shot. Perhaps a vet could make a house call. Ann moved to grant a two-month waiver to obtain a license and meet all the requirements for licensing. She would be subject to a $50 fine. This would be revisited in August. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Secretary will make a note in the Tickler File to revisit this. A letter will be sent to the owner giving her until July 7thto get this done. Ann said she would draft a letter and it will be sent out Certified.
Ann said that at present, 9 dogs remain unlicensed. According to Statute, the owners have thirty-five days from the original notice to pay the fine. Joyce proposed waiting on further discussion.
8. Town of Rochester – Congressional spending request. The Town of Rochester is applying to Senator Sanders’ Congressionally Directed Spending Request in the amount of $2,500,00 for the purpose of upgrading the former Rochester High School building into a multi-use facility. They are requesting a letter of support from the Town of Pittsfield’s Select Board. Ann moved that the Board sign a letter of support. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
9. Playground – porta potty. The current use of the porta potty is from May to September at $127.50 per month. The Clerk would like to know if the Board wants to extend it through October. Discussion. AJ moved to extend it to November. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Generator – update. Mike Moran from the Town Hall Building Committee went over the proposed generator issue reviewing what necessary services each building would need available in the event of a power outage. Mike said he would contact BrookField Services if they would be able to do the needed rewiring. Ann asked him to send her a list of the circuit discussed to forward to Mike Juris.
2. Appointment – Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mike accepted the appointment to this Board.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
May 5, 2022
On May 5. 2022, the following appointments were made by the Pittsfield Select Board:
Name Position Term
David Colton Civil Defense 2023
Greg Martin Civil Defense 2023
Michelle Hunt E911 Coordinator 2023
Elizabeth Warner EC Fibernet Governing Board Delegate 2023
Herb Kuendig EC Fibernet Governing Board Alternate 2023
Ryan Thompson Emergency Management Co-Director 2023
Vacant Emergency Management Co-Director 2023
Connie Martin Park Commissioner 2023
Jen Howard Planning & Zoning Commission 2024
Marsha Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission 2024
Ryan Thompson Planning & Zoning Commission 2024
Vacant Planning & Zoning Commission 2025
Vacant Planning & Zoning Commission 2025
George Deblon Road Commissioner 2023
Suana Bicek Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors 2023
Ann Kuendig Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors, Alternate 2023
Richard Gaston SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Herb Kuendig SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Jeremy Rayner SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Glenn Reinauer SB Building Advisory Board 2023
Mike Moran SB Building Advisory Board 2023
George Deblon TAC Representative 2023
Herb Kuendig Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Ray Colton Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Carl Oertel Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Glenn Reinauer Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Henry Haefner Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Mike Moran Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Jeremy Rayner Town Hall Building Committee 2023
Jeremy Rayner Tree Warden 2023
Sarah Gallagher TRORC Representative 2023
Tricia Fryer Unemployment Compensation
Representative 2023
Martha Beyersdorf WRVA Representative 2023
A.J. Ruben Zoning Administrator 2023
Don Bass Zoning Board of Adjustment 2023
Herb Kuendig Zoning Board of Adjustment 2024
David Larkin Zoning Board of Adjustment 2025
Ken Jarecki Zoning Board of Adjustment 2025
Mike Moran Zoning Board of Adjustment 2025
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: May 19, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:42pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: May 19, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben