To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3LEOlkZ
DATE: May 19, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Via Teams: Brett Yates
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 5, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Appointments – Planning Commission, Emergency Management Co-director
2. Village speed limit - update
1. 2022 Budget – Update
2. 2023 Budget – Schedule
3. Treasurer’s Report – April
4. Trustee of Public Funds – Nominations
5. Certificate of Compliance – Road & Bridge Standards
6. Library – Maintenance Projects
7. VT Efficiency – Tour Results
8. Quin-town Regional Board
9. PRPC – Timeline to Complete Work
10. Select Board – Summer Schedule
11. Select Board – 2022-3 Goals/Priorities
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: June 2, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the May 5, 2022 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Town Forest Webinar series. This series of webinars are on managing town forests and is presented by the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, UVM Extension. It does not pertain to Pittsfield. This will be forwarded to the Jeremy Rayner, Tree Warden.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
May 5, 2022
2. Vermont Adaptive – Charity Challenge. This is a courtesy notification. The Charity Challenge will be held on Saturday, June 18thand the cyclists will be going through Pittsfield for two races. It would be nice to post so that the community is aware. The Board thought it should be added to the website Trish will be asked to set that up and post this on the sandwich board. Ann also added that we do the same for the 100 on 100 race that will take place on August 13th.
1. Appointments –Emergency Management Co-director: Ann said she reached out to Bob Giolito regarding the Emergency Management Co-director position. He indicated that his first responsibility was to the State because of his job. Ann passed out his resume for the Board to review. Discussion. Joyce made a motion to appoint Bob as one of the Emergency Management Co-Directors. AJ seconded. All in favor. The Secretary will send out a letter of appointment.
Planning Commission: The Board continued to talk to people but other than Herb Kuendig, no one expressed a definite interest. Ann noted that the Planning Commission is winding down work on the Town Plan and it will be forwarded to the Select Board when complete at which time the Board will hold a public hearing before voting on its acceptance.
Energy Coordinator: Joyce said that Elizabeth Dietz had expressed an interest in serving the Town. Discussion. The Secretary was asked to contact her and see if she was interested. Ann said that Elizabeth could contact her for more information.
2. Village Speed Limit – Update. Ann said that she reached out to TRORC and spoke with Rita Seto who offered a contact. Ann reviewed what has transpired so far and said she sent an email to someone but has not heard back. Joyce asked how much one of the speed limit machines cost thinking that some of the ARPA funding could be used. Ann said she would follow up with her email.
1. 2022 Budget – Update. Ann said that there was an error in Town Report. The library budget did not make it into the correct place in the report. The money will need to come from Undesignated Funds.
2. 2023 Budget – Schedule. Ann said that the Y/E is June 30th, and they should have the 6-month figures. She felt the Board should start thinking about separating capital improvements, etc. The Secretary was asked to send a memo to the various departments asking them to present their capital improvement projects along with estimates and project details. If they need any assistance, they should be encouraged to reach out to the Board for help.
3. Treasurer’s Report – April. Ann moved to accept this report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Trustee of Public Funds – Nominations. Ann said that Kelly Ziegler has declined her position as a Trustee. Ann said that she researched what the position involves. There are two accounts involved: the Cemetery and the Jean Colver Sofield funds. Joyce said she would speak with Reed Wilcox and Mark Stugart. It was noted that VLCT has a model publication available.
5. Certificate of Compliance – Road & Bridge Standards. Ann read the Certification and moved to have the Board certify and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
6. Library Maintenance – Projects. Ann said she received an email from Coral asking where things stood regarding the floors. Ann said that she and Herb also looked at the windows that need repair and so far no one is available to work on them. It was suggested they reach out to Anderson Windows. Joyce asked if the windows could be opened from the top instead of raising the
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
May 19, 2022
bottom for liability reasons. Ann explained how the windows are designed and what would be involved in their repair. She said she would investigate further who could repair and the cost.
Painting the walls above the wainscotting was also discussed. The estimates previously received were reviewed. It wasn’t clear to the Board if the stairwell needed to be done or not. The order of the projects was discussed. Joyce said she would get together with Corey Novotny.
7. VT Efficiency – Tour Results. Ann said she toured the buildings with VT Efficiency. The lighting in the Town Office was the focus and it was decided to wait and switch over the bulbs after the balusters start to fail. The same applies to the Town Hall and Fire Department. Rebates for fixtures and bulbs was noted. The Garage definitely needs to have the fixtures replaced. George was asked to get estimates.
8. Quin-town Regional Board. This group made up of Select Board members of the towns meets once a month virtually. It was determined that the group needs to formalize and would function under the Open Meeting Law. An agenda will be available prior to the next meeting. One of the major concerns is filling position vacancies in the towns. It was brought up that perhaps one person could cover several towns in a particular position. This will be further investigated.
9. PRPC – Timeline to Complete Work. AJ updated the Board on what actions they have taken. The Board felt that they would like to hear more definite details in July and encouraged AJ to move things along.
10. Select Board – Summer Schedule. It was felt that two meetings would be held in July with the first held on July 7thto set the tax rate and the regular meeting held on the 21st. The August meeting would be scheduled for the 18thand September would go back to their regular schedule.
11. Select Board – 2022-3 Goals/Priorities. Ann encouraged the Board members to start thinking about goals and priorities. She proposed dealing with the functions of the Town Hall later in the year. These would also apply to the Gazebo. Some topics to consider would be various policies, recreation upgrades, paving and the skating rink.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: June 2, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: June 2. 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3LEOlkZ
DATE: May 19, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Via Teams: Brett Yates
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 5, 2022 Regular Meeting
- Town Forest Webinar series
- Vermont Adaptive – Charity Challenge
1. Appointments – Planning Commission, Emergency Management Co-director
2. Village speed limit - update
1. 2022 Budget – Update
2. 2023 Budget – Schedule
3. Treasurer’s Report – April
4. Trustee of Public Funds – Nominations
5. Certificate of Compliance – Road & Bridge Standards
6. Library – Maintenance Projects
7. VT Efficiency – Tour Results
8. Quin-town Regional Board
9. PRPC – Timeline to Complete Work
10. Select Board – Summer Schedule
11. Select Board – 2022-3 Goals/Priorities
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: June 2, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the May 5, 2022 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Town Forest Webinar series. This series of webinars are on managing town forests and is presented by the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, UVM Extension. It does not pertain to Pittsfield. This will be forwarded to the Jeremy Rayner, Tree Warden.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
May 5, 2022
2. Vermont Adaptive – Charity Challenge. This is a courtesy notification. The Charity Challenge will be held on Saturday, June 18thand the cyclists will be going through Pittsfield for two races. It would be nice to post so that the community is aware. The Board thought it should be added to the website Trish will be asked to set that up and post this on the sandwich board. Ann also added that we do the same for the 100 on 100 race that will take place on August 13th.
1. Appointments –Emergency Management Co-director: Ann said she reached out to Bob Giolito regarding the Emergency Management Co-director position. He indicated that his first responsibility was to the State because of his job. Ann passed out his resume for the Board to review. Discussion. Joyce made a motion to appoint Bob as one of the Emergency Management Co-Directors. AJ seconded. All in favor. The Secretary will send out a letter of appointment.
Planning Commission: The Board continued to talk to people but other than Herb Kuendig, no one expressed a definite interest. Ann noted that the Planning Commission is winding down work on the Town Plan and it will be forwarded to the Select Board when complete at which time the Board will hold a public hearing before voting on its acceptance.
Energy Coordinator: Joyce said that Elizabeth Dietz had expressed an interest in serving the Town. Discussion. The Secretary was asked to contact her and see if she was interested. Ann said that Elizabeth could contact her for more information.
2. Village Speed Limit – Update. Ann said that she reached out to TRORC and spoke with Rita Seto who offered a contact. Ann reviewed what has transpired so far and said she sent an email to someone but has not heard back. Joyce asked how much one of the speed limit machines cost thinking that some of the ARPA funding could be used. Ann said she would follow up with her email.
1. 2022 Budget – Update. Ann said that there was an error in Town Report. The library budget did not make it into the correct place in the report. The money will need to come from Undesignated Funds.
2. 2023 Budget – Schedule. Ann said that the Y/E is June 30th, and they should have the 6-month figures. She felt the Board should start thinking about separating capital improvements, etc. The Secretary was asked to send a memo to the various departments asking them to present their capital improvement projects along with estimates and project details. If they need any assistance, they should be encouraged to reach out to the Board for help.
3. Treasurer’s Report – April. Ann moved to accept this report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Trustee of Public Funds – Nominations. Ann said that Kelly Ziegler has declined her position as a Trustee. Ann said that she researched what the position involves. There are two accounts involved: the Cemetery and the Jean Colver Sofield funds. Joyce said she would speak with Reed Wilcox and Mark Stugart. It was noted that VLCT has a model publication available.
5. Certificate of Compliance – Road & Bridge Standards. Ann read the Certification and moved to have the Board certify and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
6. Library Maintenance – Projects. Ann said she received an email from Coral asking where things stood regarding the floors. Ann said that she and Herb also looked at the windows that need repair and so far no one is available to work on them. It was suggested they reach out to Anderson Windows. Joyce asked if the windows could be opened from the top instead of raising the
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
May 19, 2022
bottom for liability reasons. Ann explained how the windows are designed and what would be involved in their repair. She said she would investigate further who could repair and the cost.
Painting the walls above the wainscotting was also discussed. The estimates previously received were reviewed. It wasn’t clear to the Board if the stairwell needed to be done or not. The order of the projects was discussed. Joyce said she would get together with Corey Novotny.
7. VT Efficiency – Tour Results. Ann said she toured the buildings with VT Efficiency. The lighting in the Town Office was the focus and it was decided to wait and switch over the bulbs after the balusters start to fail. The same applies to the Town Hall and Fire Department. Rebates for fixtures and bulbs was noted. The Garage definitely needs to have the fixtures replaced. George was asked to get estimates.
8. Quin-town Regional Board. This group made up of Select Board members of the towns meets once a month virtually. It was determined that the group needs to formalize and would function under the Open Meeting Law. An agenda will be available prior to the next meeting. One of the major concerns is filling position vacancies in the towns. It was brought up that perhaps one person could cover several towns in a particular position. This will be further investigated.
9. PRPC – Timeline to Complete Work. AJ updated the Board on what actions they have taken. The Board felt that they would like to hear more definite details in July and encouraged AJ to move things along.
10. Select Board – Summer Schedule. It was felt that two meetings would be held in July with the first held on July 7thto set the tax rate and the regular meeting held on the 21st. The August meeting would be scheduled for the 18thand September would go back to their regular schedule.
11. Select Board – 2022-3 Goals/Priorities. Ann encouraged the Board members to start thinking about goals and priorities. She proposed dealing with the functions of the Town Hall later in the year. These would also apply to the Gazebo. Some topics to consider would be various policies, recreation upgrades, paving and the skating rink.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: June 2, 2002 at 6pm, Town Hall
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: June 2. 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben