To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/36kYDrX
DATE: March 17, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben. Not present: Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT: Chris Mattrick (in person), Brett Yates, Michele Gaberiau, Robert Leitch (via Teams)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Wilmot inquiry – C1; Town Office Lights – NB5
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 17, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. ARPA Rescue Plan – Committee Preparations
2. Grants – List
3. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies
4. Town Hall – Lift Roof follow-up
5. Town Office – Generator
6. Sand Shed – Bid Recommendations
1. US Forest Service – Telephone Gap discussion
2. Liquor License – Clear River Tavern
3. Treasurer Report – February
4. MRPG – Annual Report
5. Town Office - Lights
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, April 7, 2022 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Ann moved to accept the Agenda Modifications (see above). Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the March 3, 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Wilmot inquiry (email). This email from Chris Wilmot addresses his concern about a rental cabin in Pittsfield that has no running water or septic and if it is legal. The cabin he is referring to is called Shrek’s Mountain Top Stone Hut and is on privately owned land but is part of the Vermont Huts network. It became part of the network in 2019 and is accessible to the Green Mountain Trail System. There is a nightly rental fee. Pittsfield has no zoning, so
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
March 17, 2022
there is no involvement with the Town. A response will be sent to Chris by the Select Board Secretary on behalf of the Board.
1. ARPA Rescue Plan – Committee Preparations. Ann drafted an agenda for this meeting which will be held Thursday, March 24that 6pm in the Town Hall. Ann said that she sent out invitations and will send out a second set as well as posting on the website and FB page.
2. Grants – List. The Secretary prepared a timeline for grant opportunities. Some have been applied for. This listing provides the various deadlines for applications, etc. Additional grants will be added to the list when they become available.
3. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies. Current vacancies were reviewed. Ann said that several of the positions have been filled and at present a spot on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals are still open.
4. Town Hall – Lift Roof follow-up. Currently the Board is waiting for two written estimates. The Town Clerk has indicated that there is a $1,000 deductible on the insurance policy.
5. Town Office – Generator. Ann said that the Board has received an estimate from Brook Field Services and is waiting on one from Mike Juris, a local electrician who has indicated he is looking for additional suppliers. This information will eventually be turned over to AJ’s ARPA Committee.
6. Sand Shed – Bid Recommendations. DuBois & King, Inc. has stated that a bid was received on March 9th. The bid was reviewed and appeared to be in compliance with the bid documents. Their bid analysis and recommendation were outlined in a letter dated March 15, 2022. It was their opinion that the bid received by G&N Excavation of Bethel, Vermont should be accepted for the project. Their bid was for $340.678, 112.3% of the engineer’s (D&K) estimate. Lumber and concrete costs are the items causing the increase, primarily due to the pandemic. AJ made a motion to accept and sign the award tonight. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. The next step is to put a bid out for a Construction Inspector. Dubois & King have submitted a prequote. After discussion, AJ suggested accepting Dubois & King’s quote. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. If put out for bid, it would only delay the project.
1. US Forest Service – Telephone Gap discussion. Chris Mattrick was introduced and said he was present to discuss the Telephone Gap project and how it would affect Pittsfield. He also presented other projects not occurring in Pittsfield but could influence the Town. These included timber sales on Liberty Hill Road and Guernsey Brook. He added that the Forest Service had a 20’ x 18” culvert they would be willing to donate to the town to replace one further up Liberty Hill Road if the town would be willing to do the installation. This area has a perennial stream which would be handled by the culvert. Chris also presented information on trails which would connect the approved Velomont Trail with Green Mountain Trails and could be accessed via Upper Michigan Road. The Telephone Gap Integrated Resource Project is largely in Chittenden. Only a small portion is in Pittsfield. The project includes several proposals, but primarily vegetation management (timber clearing) would involve Pittsfield. The timber would be hauled out via Townsend and Upper Michigan Road. He said that a public comment period would be held in late April/early May.
2. Liquor License – Clear River Tavern. There are three license applications. Ann moved to approve and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
March 17, 2022
3. Treasurer Report – February. Several questions were raised noting that the actual expense was more that the budgeted amount. These included items in the Library, Highway, WRVA, and Town Office budgets. Ann said she would follow up with Trish.
4. MRPG – Annual Report. Ann said that this report was sent to George and Rita and can be submitted electronically. Ann moved to sign and file the Certificate of Annual Report. AJ seconded. All in favor. This report is filed annually by April 1stand a permit fee is paid later in the year..
5. Town Office – lights. Trish has indicated that they are too high up but when Mike Juris checked them recently, they all went on. He has suggested that the fluorescent bulbs be changed to LED lights, but that would require new fixtures, which he estimates to convert three will cost less than $600.00. The goal is to convert all lighting to LED. He will change the outside timer for the exterior lighting and skating rink and recommends changing the bulb. Ann said she will get a ladder and replace the bulb.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: April 7, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/36kYDrX
DATE: March 17, 2022
PRESENT:Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben. Not present: Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT: Chris Mattrick (in person), Brett Yates, Michele Gaberiau, Robert Leitch (via Teams)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Wilmot inquiry – C1; Town Office Lights – NB5
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 17, 2022 Regular Meeting
- Citizen Complaint/Concern – Wilmot inquiry (email)
1. ARPA Rescue Plan – Committee Preparations
2. Grants – List
3. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies
4. Town Hall – Lift Roof follow-up
5. Town Office – Generator
6. Sand Shed – Bid Recommendations
1. US Forest Service – Telephone Gap discussion
2. Liquor License – Clear River Tavern
3. Treasurer Report – February
4. MRPG – Annual Report
5. Town Office - Lights
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, April 7, 2022 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Ann moved to accept the Agenda Modifications (see above). Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the March 3, 2022 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Wilmot inquiry (email). This email from Chris Wilmot addresses his concern about a rental cabin in Pittsfield that has no running water or septic and if it is legal. The cabin he is referring to is called Shrek’s Mountain Top Stone Hut and is on privately owned land but is part of the Vermont Huts network. It became part of the network in 2019 and is accessible to the Green Mountain Trail System. There is a nightly rental fee. Pittsfield has no zoning, so
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
March 17, 2022
there is no involvement with the Town. A response will be sent to Chris by the Select Board Secretary on behalf of the Board.
1. ARPA Rescue Plan – Committee Preparations. Ann drafted an agenda for this meeting which will be held Thursday, March 24that 6pm in the Town Hall. Ann said that she sent out invitations and will send out a second set as well as posting on the website and FB page.
2. Grants – List. The Secretary prepared a timeline for grant opportunities. Some have been applied for. This listing provides the various deadlines for applications, etc. Additional grants will be added to the list when they become available.
3. Town Officials – Appointed/Elected Vacancies. Current vacancies were reviewed. Ann said that several of the positions have been filled and at present a spot on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals are still open.
4. Town Hall – Lift Roof follow-up. Currently the Board is waiting for two written estimates. The Town Clerk has indicated that there is a $1,000 deductible on the insurance policy.
5. Town Office – Generator. Ann said that the Board has received an estimate from Brook Field Services and is waiting on one from Mike Juris, a local electrician who has indicated he is looking for additional suppliers. This information will eventually be turned over to AJ’s ARPA Committee.
6. Sand Shed – Bid Recommendations. DuBois & King, Inc. has stated that a bid was received on March 9th. The bid was reviewed and appeared to be in compliance with the bid documents. Their bid analysis and recommendation were outlined in a letter dated March 15, 2022. It was their opinion that the bid received by G&N Excavation of Bethel, Vermont should be accepted for the project. Their bid was for $340.678, 112.3% of the engineer’s (D&K) estimate. Lumber and concrete costs are the items causing the increase, primarily due to the pandemic. AJ made a motion to accept and sign the award tonight. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. The next step is to put a bid out for a Construction Inspector. Dubois & King have submitted a prequote. After discussion, AJ suggested accepting Dubois & King’s quote. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. If put out for bid, it would only delay the project.
1. US Forest Service – Telephone Gap discussion. Chris Mattrick was introduced and said he was present to discuss the Telephone Gap project and how it would affect Pittsfield. He also presented other projects not occurring in Pittsfield but could influence the Town. These included timber sales on Liberty Hill Road and Guernsey Brook. He added that the Forest Service had a 20’ x 18” culvert they would be willing to donate to the town to replace one further up Liberty Hill Road if the town would be willing to do the installation. This area has a perennial stream which would be handled by the culvert. Chris also presented information on trails which would connect the approved Velomont Trail with Green Mountain Trails and could be accessed via Upper Michigan Road. The Telephone Gap Integrated Resource Project is largely in Chittenden. Only a small portion is in Pittsfield. The project includes several proposals, but primarily vegetation management (timber clearing) would involve Pittsfield. The timber would be hauled out via Townsend and Upper Michigan Road. He said that a public comment period would be held in late April/early May.
2. Liquor License – Clear River Tavern. There are three license applications. Ann moved to approve and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
March 17, 2022
3. Treasurer Report – February. Several questions were raised noting that the actual expense was more that the budgeted amount. These included items in the Library, Highway, WRVA, and Town Office budgets. Ann said she would follow up with Trish.
4. MRPG – Annual Report. Ann said that this report was sent to George and Rita and can be submitted electronically. Ann moved to sign and file the Certificate of Annual Report. AJ seconded. All in favor. This report is filed annually by April 1stand a permit fee is paid later in the year..
5. Town Office – lights. Trish has indicated that they are too high up but when Mike Juris checked them recently, they all went on. He has suggested that the fluorescent bulbs be changed to LED lights, but that would require new fixtures, which he estimates to convert three will cost less than $600.00. The goal is to convert all lighting to LED. He will change the outside timer for the exterior lighting and skating rink and recommends changing the bulb. Ann said she will get a ladder and replace the bulb.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: April 7, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben