DATE: August 18, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: in person: Caleb Hawley; via TEAMS: David Larkin, Erica Simister, Carol Hinostroza, Zack Coffey, Brett Yates
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Citizens’ Complaints/Concerns - Simister Noise Complaint
2. VLCT - Government Finance Webinar
3. Resignation - Suana Rubin
1. PRPC - Report/Discuss additional project recommendations
2. Speed Signs - Speed Survey Data
3. Grants - Municipal Roads Grant Agreement
4. White River Valley Consortium - Representatives
1. PVF&R – Thermal Camera request
2. Town Roads – Town-wide tree trimming
3. Town Office/Town Hall – Generator Purchase Agreement
4. Town Hall – Insta-Hot Water Heater Agreement
5. Contractors – Warhol Independent Contractor Agreement
6. Treasurers Report – July Financials
NEXT MEETING DATES: Special Select Board Meeting Thursday, September 1, 2022 @ 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. She welcomed those attending in person and via TEAMS and asked those on TEAMS to identify themselves. Ann moved to take C#1, NB#1 and NB#2 out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the July 21, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
August 18, 2022
1. Citizens’ Complaints/Concerns - Simister Noise Complaint. A complaint was filed regarding loud music coming from the Morgan’s property late in the evening of 8/12. The State Police were notified, responded, and advised the party that excessive noise should be curtailed at 10pm by State Statute. The property was not being used as an Airbnb but by the owners’ son. The complainant, who said she lived about a mile away, was concerned about the excessive loudness and that this might happen again. Ann explained the process of creating a noise ordinance and said that communication between the people involved usually resolved most issues.
2. VLCT - Government Finance Webinar. Ann said that one was informative and noted that the Statute that addressed highway undesignated funds has been repealed.
3. Resignation - Suana Rubin. Joyce moved to accept Suana’s resignation from the RCSWD Board. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. PRPC - Report/Discuss additional project recommendations. The discussion was a continuation from the last meeting. Joyce obtained an estimate of $13,000.00 for the purchase of a sled which would be housed in the trailer. There was discussion regarding the expenditure of the ARPA funds, and it was agreed that there was an accounting issue and that they could not proceed any further until they knew how to properly expend the funds. Ann said she would get further clarification from VLCT.
2. Speed Signs - Speed Survey Data. The data was reviewed, and the next step would be to complete the permit application. Joyce moved to sign and send in the application. AJ seconded. All were in favor. The Board will wait until approval before purchasing the signs.
3. Grants - Municipal Roads Grant Agreement. This is the standard grant agreement for $12,500.00 which pays for culverts and labor. Ann noted that the Town annually pays a permit fee of $1,350.00. AJ moved and Joyce seconded to sign the agreement. All in favor.
4. White River Valley Consortium – Representatives. There was a question as to whether to formalize the appointments. Joyce said that her daughter Jordan has reached out several times with no response yet from Sarah. Joyce will follow up with Jordan.
1. PVF&R – Thermal Camera request. Caleb said that the department has looked at several different brands of cameras and various distributors has given them some to try out. He said that originally they considered one with a cost of around $9,000.00 but have since found one with a rechargeable battery they like that clip onto their jackets and frees up their hands for around $600.00. They are not opting to purchase two cameras for $1,200.00. Ann reviewed their Capital Funding Account. Caleb said that years ago he wrote a grant for new gear and would like to use the Equipment Fund for gear replacement. He requested approval for the purchase of one set of turnout gear (jacket
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
August 18, 2022
and pants) and two thermal imaging cameras. All tanks are in good shape and have recently been tested. Joyce moved to approve the purchase of one set of turnout gear and two cameras. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Joyce brought up the paving issue and is very discouraged with no response from Charlie Bowen. She would like to wait until next spring especially if an addition will be added to the front of the fire station.
Ann asked if the jersey barriers could be removed. Caleb noted that the jersey barriers have solved the parking problem but would like to see something replace them that wouldn’t need constate repair or replacement. He said he would love to have the Select Board approach the Fire Department to discuss some form of replacement taking into consideration that snow removal is a major concern. Perhaps ARPA funds could be used.
2. Town Roads – Town-wide tree trimming. Dave Larkin expressed concern about the tree canopy on the town roads especially areas where trees are leaning and could pose a danger of falling. Perhaps this maintenance could be performed on an ongoing revolving basis. He said he has spoken with George about this but wanted to bring this to the Board’s attention as well. There was no further discussion.
3. Town Office/Town Hall – Generator Purchase Agreement. The bid from BrookField Services is $24,610.00 and is a Briggs & Stratton 26,000kw unit. An iron snow stand is available for $385.00 and yearly maintenance is also $385.00. The company requires an $8,000 retainer and signed contract. Brookfield will dig a trench for the wiring and the gas line to the 1,000-gallon LP tank outside Town Offices. AJ moved to approve the bid and sign the contract including a check for the retainer. Ann seconded. All approved. The Board will wait for an invoice from CV Oil for $2,050.00.
4. Town Hall – Insta-Hot Water Heater Agreement. The bid from Paquette Plumbing was for $4,482.00. They require a 50% deposit. AJ moved and Ann seconded a motion to use Paquettte Plumbing for this project. All in favor.
5. Contractors – Warhol Independent Contractor Agreement. Ann moved to accept and approve this agreement. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Treasurers Report – July Financials. Ann brought up several questions she had regarding this report. Joyce was able to add more information regarding some of them.
NEXT MEETING DATES: Special Select Board Meeting Thursday, September 1, 2022 @ 6pm Town Hall
As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at7:38pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
August 18, 2022
Approved: September 1, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
DATE: August 18, 2022
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: in person: Caleb Hawley; via TEAMS: David Larkin, Erica Simister, Carol Hinostroza, Zack Coffey, Brett Yates
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
1. Citizens’ Complaints/Concerns - Simister Noise Complaint
2. VLCT - Government Finance Webinar
3. Resignation - Suana Rubin
1. PRPC - Report/Discuss additional project recommendations
2. Speed Signs - Speed Survey Data
3. Grants - Municipal Roads Grant Agreement
4. White River Valley Consortium - Representatives
1. PVF&R – Thermal Camera request
2. Town Roads – Town-wide tree trimming
3. Town Office/Town Hall – Generator Purchase Agreement
4. Town Hall – Insta-Hot Water Heater Agreement
5. Contractors – Warhol Independent Contractor Agreement
6. Treasurers Report – July Financials
NEXT MEETING DATES: Special Select Board Meeting Thursday, September 1, 2022 @ 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. She welcomed those attending in person and via TEAMS and asked those on TEAMS to identify themselves. Ann moved to take C#1, NB#1 and NB#2 out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the July 21, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
August 18, 2022
1. Citizens’ Complaints/Concerns - Simister Noise Complaint. A complaint was filed regarding loud music coming from the Morgan’s property late in the evening of 8/12. The State Police were notified, responded, and advised the party that excessive noise should be curtailed at 10pm by State Statute. The property was not being used as an Airbnb but by the owners’ son. The complainant, who said she lived about a mile away, was concerned about the excessive loudness and that this might happen again. Ann explained the process of creating a noise ordinance and said that communication between the people involved usually resolved most issues.
2. VLCT - Government Finance Webinar. Ann said that one was informative and noted that the Statute that addressed highway undesignated funds has been repealed.
3. Resignation - Suana Rubin. Joyce moved to accept Suana’s resignation from the RCSWD Board. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. PRPC - Report/Discuss additional project recommendations. The discussion was a continuation from the last meeting. Joyce obtained an estimate of $13,000.00 for the purchase of a sled which would be housed in the trailer. There was discussion regarding the expenditure of the ARPA funds, and it was agreed that there was an accounting issue and that they could not proceed any further until they knew how to properly expend the funds. Ann said she would get further clarification from VLCT.
2. Speed Signs - Speed Survey Data. The data was reviewed, and the next step would be to complete the permit application. Joyce moved to sign and send in the application. AJ seconded. All were in favor. The Board will wait until approval before purchasing the signs.
3. Grants - Municipal Roads Grant Agreement. This is the standard grant agreement for $12,500.00 which pays for culverts and labor. Ann noted that the Town annually pays a permit fee of $1,350.00. AJ moved and Joyce seconded to sign the agreement. All in favor.
4. White River Valley Consortium – Representatives. There was a question as to whether to formalize the appointments. Joyce said that her daughter Jordan has reached out several times with no response yet from Sarah. Joyce will follow up with Jordan.
1. PVF&R – Thermal Camera request. Caleb said that the department has looked at several different brands of cameras and various distributors has given them some to try out. He said that originally they considered one with a cost of around $9,000.00 but have since found one with a rechargeable battery they like that clip onto their jackets and frees up their hands for around $600.00. They are not opting to purchase two cameras for $1,200.00. Ann reviewed their Capital Funding Account. Caleb said that years ago he wrote a grant for new gear and would like to use the Equipment Fund for gear replacement. He requested approval for the purchase of one set of turnout gear (jacket
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
August 18, 2022
and pants) and two thermal imaging cameras. All tanks are in good shape and have recently been tested. Joyce moved to approve the purchase of one set of turnout gear and two cameras. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Joyce brought up the paving issue and is very discouraged with no response from Charlie Bowen. She would like to wait until next spring especially if an addition will be added to the front of the fire station.
Ann asked if the jersey barriers could be removed. Caleb noted that the jersey barriers have solved the parking problem but would like to see something replace them that wouldn’t need constate repair or replacement. He said he would love to have the Select Board approach the Fire Department to discuss some form of replacement taking into consideration that snow removal is a major concern. Perhaps ARPA funds could be used.
2. Town Roads – Town-wide tree trimming. Dave Larkin expressed concern about the tree canopy on the town roads especially areas where trees are leaning and could pose a danger of falling. Perhaps this maintenance could be performed on an ongoing revolving basis. He said he has spoken with George about this but wanted to bring this to the Board’s attention as well. There was no further discussion.
3. Town Office/Town Hall – Generator Purchase Agreement. The bid from BrookField Services is $24,610.00 and is a Briggs & Stratton 26,000kw unit. An iron snow stand is available for $385.00 and yearly maintenance is also $385.00. The company requires an $8,000 retainer and signed contract. Brookfield will dig a trench for the wiring and the gas line to the 1,000-gallon LP tank outside Town Offices. AJ moved to approve the bid and sign the contract including a check for the retainer. Ann seconded. All approved. The Board will wait for an invoice from CV Oil for $2,050.00.
4. Town Hall – Insta-Hot Water Heater Agreement. The bid from Paquette Plumbing was for $4,482.00. They require a 50% deposit. AJ moved and Ann seconded a motion to use Paquettte Plumbing for this project. All in favor.
5. Contractors – Warhol Independent Contractor Agreement. Ann moved to accept and approve this agreement. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Treasurers Report – July Financials. Ann brought up several questions she had regarding this report. Joyce was able to add more information regarding some of them.
NEXT MEETING DATES: Special Select Board Meeting Thursday, September 1, 2022 @ 6pm Town Hall
As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at7:38pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
August 18, 2022
Approved: September 1, 2022
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben