March 6, 2018
Pittsfield Town Hall
The meeting commenced at approximately 10:05 a.m.
Article 1. Moderator: Jerry Drugonis moved to open the question, Charles Piso seconded. Jerry Drugonis nominates George Deblon as Moderator, seconded by Peter Border. Nominations closed and unanimous vote for George Deblon.
Article 2. Auditor’s Report: Caleb Hawley moved to open the question, Terry Manley seconded. Peter Borden moves to accept the report, seconded by Herb Kuendig, approved unanimously.
Article 3. Vote to Pay Taxes: Dennis O’Brien moves to open the question and Jerry Drugonis seconds. Peter Borden moves to accept the Article, Jerry Drugonis seconds, approved unanimously.
Article 4. School Directors’ Report: Charlie Piso moves to open the question, Ann Keulig seconds. Caleb Hawley asks how Act 46 impacts school choice in Pittsfield. Kris Sperber explains that under current law only the town can vote to do away with school choice, and that Act 46 involves merging school districts that have the same types of governance, ie choice or union school districts. Kris explains how the PSB attempted to satisfy Act 46 with a 3:1 proposal that would have linked us with the new WMUUD but allowed us to retain choice. We discuss the SBE rejection of this proposal for unspecified reasons and the upcoming AOE meeting the PSB will attend on this issue. Jeremy Rainer asks why the number of students keeps going down but the costs keep going up. Kris explains that costs associated with SPED and staff health insurance are main drivers. Ann Kuelig asks about options for different governmental structures and Kris notes the SBE seemed interested in having Pittsfield join with Granville and Hancock , both choice towns, to form one, larger, full choice district. The PSB studied that option and rejected it as not in our kids’ or budget’s best interest. Peter Borden moves to accept the directors’ report, Mike Wuerthele seconds, approved unanimously.
Article 5 Budget vote: Jerry Drugonis moves to open the question, Charles Piso seconds. Proposed budget for FY 18-19 is $1,290,559. Jerry Rainer asks again why costs up but students down and Kris reiterates the SPED and health insurance. Kris notes that KES increased their tuition costs this year and that PSB. Ray notes that we should thank Jen Iannantuoni, on the Killington School Board who argued to keep the increase in KES costs as low as possible to protect Pittsfield taxpayers. Matt Corron moves to approve budget, Peter Borden seconds, approved unanimously.
Article 6. School Director: Jerry Drugonis moves to open the question, Peter Borden seconds. Ray Rice nominate Kris Sperber for another term, Terry Manley seconds. Nominations closed, Jerry Drugonis moves to vote, Terry Manley seconds, Kris Sperber elected to another term unanimously.
Article 7. Other Business: Kris notes we need to find new Board members as A.J. is retiring next year.
Peter Borden moves to close the meeting, Mike Wuerthele seconds. Meeting closed unanimously at 10:24 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben
Approved: March 14, 2018
By: Kris Sperber, A. J. Ruben
March 6, 2018
Pittsfield Town Hall
The meeting commenced at approximately 10:05 a.m.
Article 1. Moderator: Jerry Drugonis moved to open the question, Charles Piso seconded. Jerry Drugonis nominates George Deblon as Moderator, seconded by Peter Border. Nominations closed and unanimous vote for George Deblon.
Article 2. Auditor’s Report: Caleb Hawley moved to open the question, Terry Manley seconded. Peter Borden moves to accept the report, seconded by Herb Kuendig, approved unanimously.
Article 3. Vote to Pay Taxes: Dennis O’Brien moves to open the question and Jerry Drugonis seconds. Peter Borden moves to accept the Article, Jerry Drugonis seconds, approved unanimously.
Article 4. School Directors’ Report: Charlie Piso moves to open the question, Ann Keulig seconds. Caleb Hawley asks how Act 46 impacts school choice in Pittsfield. Kris Sperber explains that under current law only the town can vote to do away with school choice, and that Act 46 involves merging school districts that have the same types of governance, ie choice or union school districts. Kris explains how the PSB attempted to satisfy Act 46 with a 3:1 proposal that would have linked us with the new WMUUD but allowed us to retain choice. We discuss the SBE rejection of this proposal for unspecified reasons and the upcoming AOE meeting the PSB will attend on this issue. Jeremy Rainer asks why the number of students keeps going down but the costs keep going up. Kris explains that costs associated with SPED and staff health insurance are main drivers. Ann Kuelig asks about options for different governmental structures and Kris notes the SBE seemed interested in having Pittsfield join with Granville and Hancock , both choice towns, to form one, larger, full choice district. The PSB studied that option and rejected it as not in our kids’ or budget’s best interest. Peter Borden moves to accept the directors’ report, Mike Wuerthele seconds, approved unanimously.
Article 5 Budget vote: Jerry Drugonis moves to open the question, Charles Piso seconds. Proposed budget for FY 18-19 is $1,290,559. Jerry Rainer asks again why costs up but students down and Kris reiterates the SPED and health insurance. Kris notes that KES increased their tuition costs this year and that PSB. Ray notes that we should thank Jen Iannantuoni, on the Killington School Board who argued to keep the increase in KES costs as low as possible to protect Pittsfield taxpayers. Matt Corron moves to approve budget, Peter Borden seconds, approved unanimously.
Article 6. School Director: Jerry Drugonis moves to open the question, Peter Borden seconds. Ray Rice nominate Kris Sperber for another term, Terry Manley seconds. Nominations closed, Jerry Drugonis moves to vote, Terry Manley seconds, Kris Sperber elected to another term unanimously.
Article 7. Other Business: Kris notes we need to find new Board members as A.J. is retiring next year.
Peter Borden moves to close the meeting, Mike Wuerthele seconds. Meeting closed unanimously at 10:24 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben
Approved: March 14, 2018
By: Kris Sperber, A. J. Ruben