Minutes of Pittsfield School Board Meeting Wednesday April 11, 2018
Meeting was, as always, at the Town Office building and started late this time at 7:10 p.m., Kris and A.J. present, Ray absent with leave (Good Luck Charlie at Copper Mountain!).
Minutes from last meeting not approved, tabled until next meeting.
No reports. No public input.
We discussed the meeting with Secretary of Education Holcombe, Brad James, and Donna Russo-Savage of AOE on March 20th. We emphasized our hope to join WMUUD as a 3:1 side by side and we are not sure if our concerns were fully acknowledged. Of note is that the Secretary resigned soon after our meeting. We await the AOE’s statewide plan for redistricting in order to learn what they will recommend happens to Pittsfield’s school district. Their plan is due by the end of June.
Payment Order #8: Rutland City schools 4th Qtr tuition and 504 expense $12,867.66; Hartford School Tuition $2,111.95 total of $14,979.61. Kris moves A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
Checkbook reconciliation. Kris moves and A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
Closed meeting at 735 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben
Approved May 9, 2018
By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice, AJ Ruben
Meeting was, as always, at the Town Office building and started late this time at 7:10 p.m., Kris and A.J. present, Ray absent with leave (Good Luck Charlie at Copper Mountain!).
Minutes from last meeting not approved, tabled until next meeting.
No reports. No public input.
We discussed the meeting with Secretary of Education Holcombe, Brad James, and Donna Russo-Savage of AOE on March 20th. We emphasized our hope to join WMUUD as a 3:1 side by side and we are not sure if our concerns were fully acknowledged. Of note is that the Secretary resigned soon after our meeting. We await the AOE’s statewide plan for redistricting in order to learn what they will recommend happens to Pittsfield’s school district. Their plan is due by the end of June.
Payment Order #8: Rutland City schools 4th Qtr tuition and 504 expense $12,867.66; Hartford School Tuition $2,111.95 total of $14,979.61. Kris moves A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
Checkbook reconciliation. Kris moves and A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
Closed meeting at 735 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben
Approved May 9, 2018
By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice, AJ Ruben