Sunday, January 14, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with A.J. and Ray present.
Amendments to the Agenda: None.
Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
Action/Discussion Items:
• Old Business:
o 2018-19 Budget: After reviewing drafts from WCSU and reviewing student lists Kris proposes and Ray seconds the following 2018-2019 budget: $1,265,601. Approved unanimously.
o School District Warning: Kris moves we to have the proposed budget for the warning but because we do not have the percentage increase in spending or equalized per pupil spending at tonight’s meeting we approve the warning with the budget number and Kris and Patty will get the additional numbers added to the warning this Tuesday. Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
o Directors’ 2018 Report: A.J. moves to approve the report and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 7:45 p.m., Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
Sunday, January 14, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with A.J. and Ray present.
Amendments to the Agenda: None.
Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
Action/Discussion Items:
• Old Business:
o 2018-19 Budget: After reviewing drafts from WCSU and reviewing student lists Kris proposes and Ray seconds the following 2018-2019 budget: $1,265,601. Approved unanimously.
o School District Warning: Kris moves we to have the proposed budget for the warning but because we do not have the percentage increase in spending or equalized per pupil spending at tonight’s meeting we approve the warning with the budget number and Kris and Patty will get the additional numbers added to the warning this Tuesday. Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
o Directors’ 2018 Report: A.J. moves to approve the report and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 7:45 p.m., Ray seconds, approved unanimously.