Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with Ray and A.J. present.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: A.J. moves to add discussion of Windsor Central Unified District (WCUD) meeting.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 6th minutes reviewed, Ray moves to approve and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
5. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
6. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: #2 Killington Mtn School ½ tuition for 5 2nd students $39,045; WCSU FY 18 prior year expenses (3 bills for admin costs @ $6k each) $18,000; SPED WSCU same back bill situation $21,000; Sharon Academy FY 18 prior year tuition $13,800, FY 19 ½ tuition 3 2ds $23,427: Total $115,272. A.J. moves to approve, Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: not available, put on agenda for next.
o Act 46 Update: Kris reports on her and A.J. going to Montpelier to testify at the SBE hearing Aug15th. At the hearing Kris testified that PSB had contacted AOE and determined that AOE had not changed its recommendation to leave PSB as it is in terms of SU and District. Kris offered to answer any questions or concerns the SBE might have if they were not going to agree with the AOE position. The SBE had no questions and our testimony ended pretty quickly.
o SBE Follow-Up: See above.
o Ray discusses Windsor Central Unified District (WCUD) meeting, including discussion that Pittsfield situation vis-a-vis side by side status still to be determined by State Board of Ed. Lots of great information including data on impact of intra WCUD choice and status of infrastructure. Minutes of the WCUD meeting are available through WCUD board/WSCU.
7. Agenda Setting for October Meeting: SBE update, Checkbook Reconciliation.
8. Adjournment: Ray moves to adjourn at 7:40 and Kris seconds and adjourned unanimously.
Approved: October 10, 2018
s/Kristin Sperber
s/Ray Rice
Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with Ray and A.J. present.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: A.J. moves to add discussion of Windsor Central Unified District (WCUD) meeting.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 6th minutes reviewed, Ray moves to approve and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
5. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
6. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: #2 Killington Mtn School ½ tuition for 5 2nd students $39,045; WCSU FY 18 prior year expenses (3 bills for admin costs @ $6k each) $18,000; SPED WSCU same back bill situation $21,000; Sharon Academy FY 18 prior year tuition $13,800, FY 19 ½ tuition 3 2ds $23,427: Total $115,272. A.J. moves to approve, Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: not available, put on agenda for next.
o Act 46 Update: Kris reports on her and A.J. going to Montpelier to testify at the SBE hearing Aug15th. At the hearing Kris testified that PSB had contacted AOE and determined that AOE had not changed its recommendation to leave PSB as it is in terms of SU and District. Kris offered to answer any questions or concerns the SBE might have if they were not going to agree with the AOE position. The SBE had no questions and our testimony ended pretty quickly.
o SBE Follow-Up: See above.
o Ray discusses Windsor Central Unified District (WCUD) meeting, including discussion that Pittsfield situation vis-a-vis side by side status still to be determined by State Board of Ed. Lots of great information including data on impact of intra WCUD choice and status of infrastructure. Minutes of the WCUD meeting are available through WCUD board/WSCU.
7. Agenda Setting for October Meeting: SBE update, Checkbook Reconciliation.
8. Adjournment: Ray moves to adjourn at 7:40 and Kris seconds and adjourned unanimously.
Approved: October 10, 2018
s/Kristin Sperber
s/Ray Rice