Monday, August 6, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with Ray and A.J. in attendance. No SU representative nor member of the public.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: June 6, 2018. Kris moves to approve minutes and Ray seconds, June 6, 2018 minutes approved unanimously.
5. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
6. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: Payment Order #1 - Review Sharon Academy invoices (multiple) and Kris will follow up with TSA to clarify current balance owed. Payment Order #1 WCSU Liability Insurance$2,460, Audit (all FY17), Orange SW SU Tech Ctr $1,072.02: Total $3,732.02. Ray moves to approve, A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: None this month.
o Act 46 Update/SBE Meeting preparation. Discuss SBE meeting August 15th in the afternoon. Draft response to AOE recommendations on Section 9 proposal, plan to have memo attachments added and to SBE by deadline and PSB members will attend the SBE meeting.
7. Agenda Setting for September Meeting: SBE follow up, normal agenda items.
8. Adjournment: 8:35 Kris moves to adjourn and Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben.
Approved: September 12, 2018
By: Kristin Sperber, A.J. Ruben, Raymond Rice
Monday, August 6, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with Ray and A.J. in attendance. No SU representative nor member of the public.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: June 6, 2018. Kris moves to approve minutes and Ray seconds, June 6, 2018 minutes approved unanimously.
5. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
6. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: Payment Order #1 - Review Sharon Academy invoices (multiple) and Kris will follow up with TSA to clarify current balance owed. Payment Order #1 WCSU Liability Insurance$2,460, Audit (all FY17), Orange SW SU Tech Ctr $1,072.02: Total $3,732.02. Ray moves to approve, A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: None this month.
o Act 46 Update/SBE Meeting preparation. Discuss SBE meeting August 15th in the afternoon. Draft response to AOE recommendations on Section 9 proposal, plan to have memo attachments added and to SBE by deadline and PSB members will attend the SBE meeting.
7. Agenda Setting for September Meeting: SBE follow up, normal agenda items.
8. Adjournment: 8:35 Kris moves to adjourn and Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben.
Approved: September 12, 2018
By: Kristin Sperber, A.J. Ruben, Raymond Rice