Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday March 3, 2020-Tuesday March 4, 2020
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 6:00 on Tuesday March 3, 2020, a motion was made by Select Board chair, Charles Piso to adjourn to a date a time certain, Wednesday March 4, 2020 6:00, seconded by Town Clerk, Tricia Fryer. Motion passed, meeting adjourned.
Moderator George Deblon called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 6:00pm. Approximately 111 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Federated Church. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Article 1. To elect a town moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon was nominated by Dave Colton, seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. George Deblon elected town moderator for the ensuing year.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning was acted upon at this time. (See separate minutes) The Town Meeting was reconvened at 6:15 and the articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article3. To receive the reports of the town officers for the year of 2019. Motion made by Greg Martin, seconded by Don Bass to accept this article. Motion to approve the article made by Jerry Drugonis, seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article4. To elect the following officers, as required by law, for the terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant: Motion made by Terry Manley, seconded by Erica Hurd to accept this article.
Article6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector by 5pm? A motion was made to accept this article by Tim Hunt and seconded Jennifer Howard. A motion was made to approve this article by Jennifer Howard and seconded. Voice Vote. Article passed.
Article7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000.00 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? A motion was made to accept this article by Charles Piso and seconded by Terry Manley. A motion was made to approve this article by Dave Colton and seconded by Greg Martin. Voice Vote. Article passed.
Article8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $4,000.00 to be placed in a reserve fund for SCBA Equipment? A motion was made to accept this article by Tim Hunt and seconded by Dave Colton. A motion was made to approve this article by Patty Haskins and seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $2,500.00 to be placed in a reserve fund for a Fire Truck? A motion was made to accept this article by Herb Kuendig and seconded by Sue Wuerthele. A question was raised by Mike Wuerthele, We just got finished paying $250,000.00 for a new fire truck is this enough money or in 6 or 10 years are we going to get hit with another big bill? Dave Colton responded saying they put $5,000.00 in the fund last year and the Select board reduced it this year to level out the taxes. Charles Piso spoke to clarify that is was not to reduce taxes it was because it is capital planning money and due to the April 15th flooding we had to spend down the Contingency Fund and we don’t have the excess monies this year. He explained what a Capital Fund is and how it works and that we didn’t have the funding to fulfill the entire request. A motion was made to approve this article by Patty Haskins and seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article10. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $30,000.00 for Phase One of the Town Hall Repairs as recommended by the Town Hall Committee? A motion was made to accept this article by Kris Sperber and seconded by Judy Hawley. A question was raised by Sue Wuerthele about the results of the survey, Ann Kuendig said they are posted on Town Hall website, she explained that this report was a condensed report. She read some of the results. A question was raised by Terry Manley about how many phases we are talking about. Charles responded that it was explained that it would be a 3 phase. Charles felt that the committee had moved towards one option and he feels the residents should have voted on the different options. Ann responded citing last year’s article and explained how they broke into two options. She explained the 3 recommendations and explained that the first recommendation was what was before the voters tonight. It was asked if there were any ideas of total cost for this project. Ann asked to recognize the members of the committee. She then went into an explanation about what the details of the project were, and said Phase one estimated $40,000.00. She was questioned on a price for Phase two. The response was in total approximately $83,800.00. Suana Rubin asked why they were only asking for $30,000.00 and Ann explained that we had $10,00.00 aside in the Town Hall Reserve Fund. Dave Larkin spoke to the Engineers report explaining that the numbers were a lot higher. Ann explained that the first estimates were from local contractors and donated design work. The Engineer report has historical contractors being used. Arline Drugonis spoke about it being a lot of money and Charles spoke about the expense being spread out over time. He cited the article from last year and asked if the group agreed on the report. It was answered that they all agreed and that knocking down would be the same amount of money, all options would be costly. We were informed that the survey results really agreed on repair and that it needs to be dealt with before it falls down on its own. It was suggested by Terry Manley to table and get bids, voice vote agreed no. Ann spoke about getting grants form Preservation Trust. Jerry Drugonis thought we should thank the committee for their efforts that was done. Charles asked if the building was historical and wanted clarification on cost of Phase one. Ann informed us that the building is not in the historical registry, and gave the different estimate amounts. Sarah Gallagher had spoken to how she did not see the new reports and wants to know how far off are the original estimates were, and are the $40,000.00 really enough. It was suggested by Kris Sperber and seconded by Judy Hawley that we approve the article. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article11. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? A motion was made to accept this article by Charles Piso, seconded by Erica Hurd. A motion was made to approve this article by Sarah Gallagher and seconded by Bryon Fryer. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article12. Shall the voters of Pittsfield prohibit the town constables from exercising any law enforcement authority, in accordance with 24.V.S.A§ 1936(a)(1)? A motion was made to accept this article by Erica Hurd, seconded by Charles Piso. It was asked why this is so. Charles responded; because they cannot enforce criminal statute but will enforce civil and dogs issues. They would have to go to academy if this was to be changed and it would be a significant expense that the Town, one that the Town has not wanted in the past.
Article13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? A motion was made to accept this article by Erica Hurd and seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article14. To discuss any non-binding business which may properly come before the meeting? A motion was made to accept this article by Sarah Gallagher and seconded by Charles Piso. George introduced Wayne Townsend and Kirk White who are running for Representative. It was asked what the time next year’s meeting was set for. Charles explained that the Select Board is able to set the time and that it was set by them this year and would remain at 6:00P.M.
The church was thanked for hosting us. Bruce spoke about how the Town Hall used to stand where the church now sits. Amanda Barrett suggested a microphone to assist the hard of hearing be taken into consideration. A question was raised about the delinquent taxes that are going up each year and it was explained that Janice was not present to remark. Charles thanked the Road Commissioner, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer and Patty Haskins for all the work that was done around the April Flood. It was asked when the next Tax Reappraisal was scheduled; Betty Warner explained that they would like to see it for the 2022 Grand List year.
With no further business to be discussed, Jerry Drugonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2020 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 7:46P.M.
Recorded by: s/Tricia L Fryer, Town Clerk
Approved by: s/Charles Piso, Select Board Chair; s/George Deblon, Moderator
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday March 3, 2020-Tuesday March 4, 2020
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 6:00 on Tuesday March 3, 2020, a motion was made by Select Board chair, Charles Piso to adjourn to a date a time certain, Wednesday March 4, 2020 6:00, seconded by Town Clerk, Tricia Fryer. Motion passed, meeting adjourned.
Moderator George Deblon called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 6:00pm. Approximately 111 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Federated Church. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Article 1. To elect a town moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon was nominated by Dave Colton, seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. George Deblon elected town moderator for the ensuing year.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning was acted upon at this time. (See separate minutes) The Town Meeting was reconvened at 6:15 and the articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article3. To receive the reports of the town officers for the year of 2019. Motion made by Greg Martin, seconded by Don Bass to accept this article. Motion to approve the article made by Jerry Drugonis, seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article4. To elect the following officers, as required by law, for the terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant: Motion made by Terry Manley, seconded by Erica Hurd to accept this article.
- Select Person for three years. A nomination for Charles Piso was made by Terry Manley and seconded by Jerry Drugonis. A nomination was made for Joyce Stevens by Don Bass, seconded by Andy Hawley. Motion made by Jerry Drugonis to close nominations, Patty Haskins asked for discussion, her question was she knew they (Charles and Trish) have been working together with the FEMA stuff and where were they with it all. Charles responded; Most in waiting period to be signed off, we have signed off on four projects and are waiting to be reimbursed on those. There are four outstanding projects Parmenter Pl., Tweed River Dr. the Cemetery and the removal of a temporary repair and installation of permanent repair on Upper Michigan by Mannings. Approval has gone through for Upper Michigan, we have received two grants for the Cemetery and Parmenter Pl. we are also in the process of getting a grant for Tweed River Dr. Spoke of work moving forward of signing off on remaining projects and amount of hours he has put in, 400, thinking at least ½ of that still to come, feels there needs to be dedication to the process for whomever takes the seat. Paper vote. Joyce Stevens voted Select Person, 67 votes to Charles Piso’s 42 votes. Joyce Stevens elected Select Board Member for three years.
- Lister for three years. A motion was made by Herb Kuendig, seconded by Erica Hurd to nominate Elizabeth Warner. Jerry Drugonis moved to close nominations and asked for the Clerk to cast 1 ballot, seconded by Charles Piso. Motion carried, clerk cast 1 ballot Elizabeth Warner elected Lister for 3 years.
- Lister for two years. A motion was made by Betty Warner and seconded by Erica Hurd to nominate Jeremy Rayner. Charles Piso moved to close nominations and asked for the Clerk to cast 1 ballot. Seconded. Motion carried, clerk cast 1 ballot, Jeremy Rayner elected Lister for 2 years.
- Auditor for three years. A motion was made by Charles Piso, seconded by Sue Wuerthele to nominate Rebecca Steward. Charles Piso moved to close nominations and asked for the Clerk to cast 1 ballot. Seconded. Voice vote. Motion carried, clerk cast 1 ballot, and Rebecca Steward elected Auditor for three years.
- Auditor for two years. A motion was made by Sue Wuerthele, seconded by Rebecca Steward to nominate Martha Beyersdorf. Charles Piso moved to close nominations and asked for the Clerk to cast 1 ballot, seconded by Patty Haskins. Voice vote. Motion carried, clerk cast 1 ballot, and Martha Beyersdorf elected Auditor for one year.
- Auditor for one year. A motion was made by Cynthia Bryant, seconded by Martha Beyersdorf to nominate Charles Piso. Terry Manley moved to close nominations and asked for the Clerk to cast 1 ballot, seconded by Sarah Gallagher. Voice vote. Motion carried, clerk cast 1 ballot, and Charles Piso elected Auditor for 2 years.
- Trustee of Public Funds for three years. A motion was made by Joyce and seconded to nominate Henry Hotckiss . Jerry Drugonis moved to close nominations, seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Motion carried and Henry Hotchkiss elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
- Trustee of Roger Clark Memorial Library for three years. A nomination was made by Amanda Barrett and seconded to nominate Erica Hurd. Voice vote. Motion carried and Erica Hurd elected Trustee of Roger Clark Memorial Library for three years.
- Second Constable for two years. A nomination was made and seconded by Charles Piso for Doug Mianulli. Voice Vote. Motion carried and Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for two years.
- Grand Juror for one year. A nomination was made by Suana Rubin and seconded by Erica Hurd for Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried and Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
- Town Agent for one year. A nomination was made by Matt Corron and seconded by Charles Piso for AJ Ruben. Voice vote. Motion carried and AJ Ruben elected Town Agent for one year.
- Cemetery Commissioner for three years. A nomination was made by Terry Manley and seconded by Charles Piso for George Deblon. Voice vote. Motion carried and George Deblon elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
- Cemetery Commissioner for three years. A nomination was made by Martha Beyersdorf and seconded by Tim Hunt for Marylee Stevens. Voice vote. Motion carried and Marylee Stevens elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
- Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. A nomination was made by Patty Haskins and seconded by Erica Hurd for Janice Stumpf. Voice vote. Motion carried and Janice Stumpf elected Collector of Delinquent Tax for one year.
- Town Clerk for three years. A nomination was made by Terry Manley and seconded by Charles Piso for Tricia Fryer. Voice vote. Motion carried and Tricia Fryer elected Town Clerk for three years.
- Town Treasurer for three years. A nomination was made by Terry Manley and seconded by Jerry Drugonis for Tricia Fryer. Voice vote. Motion carried and Tricia Fryer elected Town Treasurer for three years.
- Fire Chief for two years. A nomination was made by Don Bass and seconded by Greg Martin for Dave Colton. Voice vote. Motion carried and Dave Colton elected Fire Chief for three years.
Article6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector by 5pm? A motion was made to accept this article by Tim Hunt and seconded Jennifer Howard. A motion was made to approve this article by Jennifer Howard and seconded. Voice Vote. Article passed.
Article7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000.00 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? A motion was made to accept this article by Charles Piso and seconded by Terry Manley. A motion was made to approve this article by Dave Colton and seconded by Greg Martin. Voice Vote. Article passed.
Article8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $4,000.00 to be placed in a reserve fund for SCBA Equipment? A motion was made to accept this article by Tim Hunt and seconded by Dave Colton. A motion was made to approve this article by Patty Haskins and seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $2,500.00 to be placed in a reserve fund for a Fire Truck? A motion was made to accept this article by Herb Kuendig and seconded by Sue Wuerthele. A question was raised by Mike Wuerthele, We just got finished paying $250,000.00 for a new fire truck is this enough money or in 6 or 10 years are we going to get hit with another big bill? Dave Colton responded saying they put $5,000.00 in the fund last year and the Select board reduced it this year to level out the taxes. Charles Piso spoke to clarify that is was not to reduce taxes it was because it is capital planning money and due to the April 15th flooding we had to spend down the Contingency Fund and we don’t have the excess monies this year. He explained what a Capital Fund is and how it works and that we didn’t have the funding to fulfill the entire request. A motion was made to approve this article by Patty Haskins and seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article10. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $30,000.00 for Phase One of the Town Hall Repairs as recommended by the Town Hall Committee? A motion was made to accept this article by Kris Sperber and seconded by Judy Hawley. A question was raised by Sue Wuerthele about the results of the survey, Ann Kuendig said they are posted on Town Hall website, she explained that this report was a condensed report. She read some of the results. A question was raised by Terry Manley about how many phases we are talking about. Charles responded that it was explained that it would be a 3 phase. Charles felt that the committee had moved towards one option and he feels the residents should have voted on the different options. Ann responded citing last year’s article and explained how they broke into two options. She explained the 3 recommendations and explained that the first recommendation was what was before the voters tonight. It was asked if there were any ideas of total cost for this project. Ann asked to recognize the members of the committee. She then went into an explanation about what the details of the project were, and said Phase one estimated $40,000.00. She was questioned on a price for Phase two. The response was in total approximately $83,800.00. Suana Rubin asked why they were only asking for $30,000.00 and Ann explained that we had $10,00.00 aside in the Town Hall Reserve Fund. Dave Larkin spoke to the Engineers report explaining that the numbers were a lot higher. Ann explained that the first estimates were from local contractors and donated design work. The Engineer report has historical contractors being used. Arline Drugonis spoke about it being a lot of money and Charles spoke about the expense being spread out over time. He cited the article from last year and asked if the group agreed on the report. It was answered that they all agreed and that knocking down would be the same amount of money, all options would be costly. We were informed that the survey results really agreed on repair and that it needs to be dealt with before it falls down on its own. It was suggested by Terry Manley to table and get bids, voice vote agreed no. Ann spoke about getting grants form Preservation Trust. Jerry Drugonis thought we should thank the committee for their efforts that was done. Charles asked if the building was historical and wanted clarification on cost of Phase one. Ann informed us that the building is not in the historical registry, and gave the different estimate amounts. Sarah Gallagher had spoken to how she did not see the new reports and wants to know how far off are the original estimates were, and are the $40,000.00 really enough. It was suggested by Kris Sperber and seconded by Judy Hawley that we approve the article. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article11. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? A motion was made to accept this article by Charles Piso, seconded by Erica Hurd. A motion was made to approve this article by Sarah Gallagher and seconded by Bryon Fryer. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article12. Shall the voters of Pittsfield prohibit the town constables from exercising any law enforcement authority, in accordance with 24.V.S.A§ 1936(a)(1)? A motion was made to accept this article by Erica Hurd, seconded by Charles Piso. It was asked why this is so. Charles responded; because they cannot enforce criminal statute but will enforce civil and dogs issues. They would have to go to academy if this was to be changed and it would be a significant expense that the Town, one that the Town has not wanted in the past.
Article13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? A motion was made to accept this article by Erica Hurd and seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Article passed.
Article14. To discuss any non-binding business which may properly come before the meeting? A motion was made to accept this article by Sarah Gallagher and seconded by Charles Piso. George introduced Wayne Townsend and Kirk White who are running for Representative. It was asked what the time next year’s meeting was set for. Charles explained that the Select Board is able to set the time and that it was set by them this year and would remain at 6:00P.M.
The church was thanked for hosting us. Bruce spoke about how the Town Hall used to stand where the church now sits. Amanda Barrett suggested a microphone to assist the hard of hearing be taken into consideration. A question was raised about the delinquent taxes that are going up each year and it was explained that Janice was not present to remark. Charles thanked the Road Commissioner, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer and Patty Haskins for all the work that was done around the April Flood. It was asked when the next Tax Reappraisal was scheduled; Betty Warner explained that they would like to see it for the 2022 Grand List year.
With no further business to be discussed, Jerry Drugonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2020 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 7:46P.M.
Recorded by: s/Tricia L Fryer, Town Clerk
Approved by: s/Charles Piso, Select Board Chair; s/George Deblon, Moderator