Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 85 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and then read the names of residents that had passed away, asking for a moment of silence. With no objections George Deblon skipped to Article 2.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. The Town Meeting recessed at 10:05 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). The Town Meeting reconvened at 10:50 am and the articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon nominated by Jerry Drugonis. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Jerry Drugonis moved to close nominations. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. George Deblon elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2015. Jerry Drugonis made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Meg Charlebois asked if there were any plans for a reappraisal. Lister Martha Beyersdorf is hoping to get one started in the next couple of years. Voice vote. Carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant:
a. Select Person for two years. Matt Corron nominated by Wendy Reese. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Mona Colton nominated by Ray Colton. Seconded by Greg Martin. With no further nominations Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Paper Ballot: 77 Ballots cast. Matt Corron 32 and Mona Colton 44. Mona Colton elected Select Person for two years.
b. Select Person for three years. Matt Corron nominated by Jen Wall Howard. Seconded by Doug Johnstone. Cathy Cappetta nominated by Dave Hartman. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Greg Martin nominated by Ray Colton. Greg declined the nomination. Jen Wall Howard moved nominations close. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Paper Ballot: 77 ballots cast. Matt Corron 38 and Cathy Cappetta 32. Matt Corron elected Select Person for three years.
c. Lister for one year. Dennis O’Brien nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by A.J. Ruben. Jerry Drugonis moved that nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Dennis O’Brien. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Voice vote. Dennis O’Brien elected Lister for one year.
d. Lister for two years. Colleen Stevens nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Jerry Drugonis motioned nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Colleen Stevens. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Colleen Stevens elected Lister for two years.
e. Lister for three years. Martha Beyersdorf nominated by Dennis O’Brien. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. With no further nominations, Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Martha Beyersdorf elected Lister for three years.
f. Auditor for two years. Erica Hurd nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Jerry Drugonis made a motion nominations cease and the clerk cast one ballot for Erica Hurd. Seconded by Wendy Reese. Voice vote. Erica Hurd elected Auditor for two years.
g. Auditor for three years. Sue Wuerthele nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Sue Wuerthele. Seconded by Wendy Reese. Voice vote. Sue Wuerthele elected Auditor for three years.
h. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Kelly Ziegler nominated by Marion Abrams. Seconded by Ray Rice. Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Kelly Ziegler elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
i. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years. Martha Beyersdorf nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Karen Waterworth. Wendy Reese motioned to close nominations. Seconded by Jen Wall Howard. Voice vote. Martha Beyersdorf elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years.
j. Second Constable for two years. Doug Mianulli nominated by Karen Butterhof Waterworth. Seconded by Jen Wall Howard. Jerry Drugonis moved to close nominations. Seconded by Jen Wall Howard. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for two years.
k. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. With no further nominations voice vote taken. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
l. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Jen Wall Howard. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
m. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Connie Martin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Connie Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
n. Cemetery Commissioner for one year. Mary Lee Stevens nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Karen Waterworth. Voice vote. Mary Lee Stevens elected Cemetery Commissioner for one year.
o. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Janice Stumpf nominated by Gary Stumpf. Seconded by Wendy Reese. Voice vote. Janice Stumpf elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
p. Fire Chief for two years. David Colton nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Doug Johnstone. Voice vote. David Colton elected Fire Chief for two years.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Jerry Drugonis moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due before 3 pm, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November? Arline Drugonis made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due before 3 pm, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $20,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Discussion. George Deblon noted the two most likely things to need replacement next will be the loader or the 20+ year old truck. He noted that they were doing fine right now and that there is nothing in the works. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $10,000 to be placed in the Contingency Reserve Fund? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $10,000 to be placed in the contingency Reserve Fund. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Wendy Reese noted that there is currently $40,000 in the Contingency Fund and that the goal of the previous board was to bring that total up to $50,000. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $30,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $30,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed. Seconded by Wendy Reese. George Deblon had an estimate from about 10 years ago regarding the cost of repair of the sand shed. It had been inspected by an engineer at that time and they were told something needed to be done. A quote obtained from Chuck Adams of Bethel at that time estimated about $50,000 for a band aid and close to $100,000 for a complete fix. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize an increase in the veteran’s exemption from $10,000 to $40,000 of appraised value pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 3802(11) first effective for the April 1, 2016 tax year? Charlie Howard made a motion to authorize an increase in the veteran’s exemption from $10,000 to $40,000 of appraised value pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 3802(11) first effective for the April 1, 2016 tax year? Seconded by Clairetta Corron. Cathy Cappetta stood up as a disabled veteran and was recognized with a round of applause for her service to our country. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Discussion ensued, focusing mainly on pay increases for town employees and medical benefits for the town clerk and treasurer’s position. The board will clarify with VLCT the eligibility for medical benefits for town employees. Other budget items discussed included the change in the Town Hall insulation project in 2015 and the $10,000 line item for maintenance of the Town Hall in 2016, Town Office Building maintenance line item for 2016, paying someone for shoveling snow and custodial duties, and the Rutland county sheriff line item. Jen Howard motioned to vote the article. Seconded by Ray Rice. Paper Ballot: 63 ballots cast. 47 no and 16 yes. The proposed budget was defeated.
Article 12. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Angela Jackson moved to authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Karen Butterhof Waterworth. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 14. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Jerry Drugonis made a motion to get Article 14 on the floor. Seconded by Mark Begin. Marion Abrams discussed the importance of fiber optics for the future of Pittsfield and encouraged residents to sign up on-line at www.ecfiber.net/levelup to help ensure Pittsfield is included in the next build out of ECFiber. Wendy Reese presented Patty Haskins with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her service to Pittsfield. Karen Butterhof Waterworth reminded everyone of the upcoming movie and blood drive.
With no further business to be discussed, Jerry Drugonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2016 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 1:17 pm.
Recorded by: Approved by:
Patricia S. Haskins Matt Corron
Town Clerk Pittsfield Select Board
George Deblon
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 85 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and then read the names of residents that had passed away, asking for a moment of silence. With no objections George Deblon skipped to Article 2.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. The Town Meeting recessed at 10:05 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). The Town Meeting reconvened at 10:50 am and the articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon nominated by Jerry Drugonis. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Jerry Drugonis moved to close nominations. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. George Deblon elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2015. Jerry Drugonis made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Meg Charlebois asked if there were any plans for a reappraisal. Lister Martha Beyersdorf is hoping to get one started in the next couple of years. Voice vote. Carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant:
a. Select Person for two years. Matt Corron nominated by Wendy Reese. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Mona Colton nominated by Ray Colton. Seconded by Greg Martin. With no further nominations Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Paper Ballot: 77 Ballots cast. Matt Corron 32 and Mona Colton 44. Mona Colton elected Select Person for two years.
b. Select Person for three years. Matt Corron nominated by Jen Wall Howard. Seconded by Doug Johnstone. Cathy Cappetta nominated by Dave Hartman. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Greg Martin nominated by Ray Colton. Greg declined the nomination. Jen Wall Howard moved nominations close. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Paper Ballot: 77 ballots cast. Matt Corron 38 and Cathy Cappetta 32. Matt Corron elected Select Person for three years.
c. Lister for one year. Dennis O’Brien nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by A.J. Ruben. Jerry Drugonis moved that nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Dennis O’Brien. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Voice vote. Dennis O’Brien elected Lister for one year.
d. Lister for two years. Colleen Stevens nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Jerry Drugonis motioned nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Colleen Stevens. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Colleen Stevens elected Lister for two years.
e. Lister for three years. Martha Beyersdorf nominated by Dennis O’Brien. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. With no further nominations, Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Martha Beyersdorf elected Lister for three years.
f. Auditor for two years. Erica Hurd nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Jerry Drugonis made a motion nominations cease and the clerk cast one ballot for Erica Hurd. Seconded by Wendy Reese. Voice vote. Erica Hurd elected Auditor for two years.
g. Auditor for three years. Sue Wuerthele nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Sue Wuerthele. Seconded by Wendy Reese. Voice vote. Sue Wuerthele elected Auditor for three years.
h. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Kelly Ziegler nominated by Marion Abrams. Seconded by Ray Rice. Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Kelly Ziegler elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
i. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years. Martha Beyersdorf nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Karen Waterworth. Wendy Reese motioned to close nominations. Seconded by Jen Wall Howard. Voice vote. Martha Beyersdorf elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years.
j. Second Constable for two years. Doug Mianulli nominated by Karen Butterhof Waterworth. Seconded by Jen Wall Howard. Jerry Drugonis moved to close nominations. Seconded by Jen Wall Howard. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for two years.
k. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. With no further nominations voice vote taken. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
l. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Jen Wall Howard. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
m. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Connie Martin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Connie Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
n. Cemetery Commissioner for one year. Mary Lee Stevens nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Karen Waterworth. Voice vote. Mary Lee Stevens elected Cemetery Commissioner for one year.
o. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Janice Stumpf nominated by Gary Stumpf. Seconded by Wendy Reese. Voice vote. Janice Stumpf elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
p. Fire Chief for two years. David Colton nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Doug Johnstone. Voice vote. David Colton elected Fire Chief for two years.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Jerry Drugonis moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due before 3 pm, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November? Arline Drugonis made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due before 3 pm, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $20,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Discussion. George Deblon noted the two most likely things to need replacement next will be the loader or the 20+ year old truck. He noted that they were doing fine right now and that there is nothing in the works. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $10,000 to be placed in the Contingency Reserve Fund? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $10,000 to be placed in the contingency Reserve Fund. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Wendy Reese noted that there is currently $40,000 in the Contingency Fund and that the goal of the previous board was to bring that total up to $50,000. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $30,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $30,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed. Seconded by Wendy Reese. George Deblon had an estimate from about 10 years ago regarding the cost of repair of the sand shed. It had been inspected by an engineer at that time and they were told something needed to be done. A quote obtained from Chuck Adams of Bethel at that time estimated about $50,000 for a band aid and close to $100,000 for a complete fix. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize an increase in the veteran’s exemption from $10,000 to $40,000 of appraised value pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 3802(11) first effective for the April 1, 2016 tax year? Charlie Howard made a motion to authorize an increase in the veteran’s exemption from $10,000 to $40,000 of appraised value pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 3802(11) first effective for the April 1, 2016 tax year? Seconded by Clairetta Corron. Cathy Cappetta stood up as a disabled veteran and was recognized with a round of applause for her service to our country. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Discussion ensued, focusing mainly on pay increases for town employees and medical benefits for the town clerk and treasurer’s position. The board will clarify with VLCT the eligibility for medical benefits for town employees. Other budget items discussed included the change in the Town Hall insulation project in 2015 and the $10,000 line item for maintenance of the Town Hall in 2016, Town Office Building maintenance line item for 2016, paying someone for shoveling snow and custodial duties, and the Rutland county sheriff line item. Jen Howard motioned to vote the article. Seconded by Ray Rice. Paper Ballot: 63 ballots cast. 47 no and 16 yes. The proposed budget was defeated.
Article 12. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Angela Jackson moved to authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Karen Butterhof Waterworth. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 14. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Jerry Drugonis made a motion to get Article 14 on the floor. Seconded by Mark Begin. Marion Abrams discussed the importance of fiber optics for the future of Pittsfield and encouraged residents to sign up on-line at www.ecfiber.net/levelup to help ensure Pittsfield is included in the next build out of ECFiber. Wendy Reese presented Patty Haskins with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her service to Pittsfield. Karen Butterhof Waterworth reminded everyone of the upcoming movie and blood drive.
With no further business to be discussed, Jerry Drugonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Angela Jackson. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2016 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 1:17 pm.
Recorded by: Approved by:
Patricia S. Haskins Matt Corron
Town Clerk Pittsfield Select Board
George Deblon