Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 70 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon nominated by Jerry Drugonis. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. George Deblon elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. With no objections, the Town Meeting recessed at 10:07 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). The Town Meeting reconvened at 10:22 am and the articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2016. Terry Manley made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant:
a. Select Person for three years. Ann Kuendig nominated by Charles Piso. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. With no further nominations Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease and the clerk cast one ballot for Ann Kuendig. Seconded by Peter Borden. Voice vote. Ann Kuendig elected Select Person for three years.
b. Lister for three years. Herb Kuendig nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Matt Corron. Jerry Drugonis moved that nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Herb Kuendig. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. Voice vote. Herb Kuendig elected Lister for three years.
c. Auditor for three years. Amanda Barrett nominated by Caleb Hawley. Seconded by Dave Larkin. Jerry Drugonis motioned nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Amanda Barrett. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Voice vote. Amanda Barrett elected Auditor for three years.
d. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Sandy Begin nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
e. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for three years. Cynthia Bryant nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Matt Corron. Voice vote. Cynthia Bryant elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for three years.
ee. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for one year. Betty Warner nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Matt Corron. Voice vote. Betty Warner elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for one year.
f. Second Constable for two years. Doug Mianulli nominated by Jennifer Howard. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for two years.
g. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
h. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
i. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Chuck Colton nominated by Jerry Drugonis. Seconded by Caleb Hawley. Voice vote. Chuck Colton elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
j. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Steve Martin nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Caleb Hawley. Voice vote. Steve Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
k. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Janice Stumpf nominated by Matt Corron. Seconded by Betty Warner. Voice vote. Janice Stumpf elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
l. Fire Chief for two years. Dave Colton nominated by Greg Martin. Seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. Dave Colton elected Fire Chief for two years.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Erica Hurd moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $30,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to authorize $30,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Herb Kuendig. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $44,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed? Ann Kuendig made a motion to authorize $44,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed. Seconded by Herb Kuendig. Discussion. George Deblon detailed the condition of the sand shed. He stated that $30,000 had been put away in 2016 and 2017 for a total of $60,000+ in the reserve fund. He would like to repair the sand shed by re-using the roof, pouring new frost walls, new buttresses and a cement floor. This was estimated to be $104,700.
Herb Kuendig stated that new construction is usually figured at a rate of $125 per square foot so this would be a savings by repairing rather than replacing. Ray Colton asked voters to consider the effect on the budget of all articles being approved. Voters asked if we could back up and revote last article or use the equipment fund to pay for the sand shed. Patty Haskins stated that reconsideration is not possible after the next article has been put on the floor and acknowledged by the moderator. She also noted that the highway equipment fund could not be used for the sand shed unless it was properly warned and voted on at a town meeting. Dennis O’Brien stated that he had looked at the sand shed and it was not safe. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $5,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for the future repaving of the north end of the Village Green? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize $5,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for the future repaving of the north end of the Village Green. Seconded by Erica Hurd. This will be done in conjunction with the paving of Route 100. Ray Colton expressed his concern about the total burden on the tax rate if all of the articles are approved. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $5,000 to be placed in the Recreation Reserve Fund for recreation area maintenance? Herb Kuendig moved to authorize $5,000 to be placed in the Recreation Reserve Fund for recreation area maintenance. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Charles Piso stated that there are upgrades that are required by PACIF to make the playground safe. Discussion of whether to use Contingency Fund. Erica would like the money that has been fundraised for the basketball court to stay designated as basketball court money. Voice vote. Motion carried.
With no objections the town meeting was recessed at 11:05 am for Representative Sandy Haas to address the voters. Town meeting reconvened at 11:13 am.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $35,000 to be placed in a town reserve fund for the future purchase of a fire truck? Greg Martin made a motion to table Article 11 until after Article 12. Seconded by Dennis O’Brien. Voice vote. Article 11 tabled.
Article 12. Shall the voters of Pittsfield authorize the purchase of a Pumper/Tanker Fire Apparatus in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to be financed over a period not to exceed 5 years? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize the purchase of a Pumper/Tanker Fire Apparatus in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to be financed over a period not to exceed 5 years? Caleb Hawley made a presentation representing the Fire Department discussing the need for a new pumper/tanker. Discussion. Suana Rubin inquired as to how much they could get selling the old tanker. Caleb hoped $10,000 to $20,000 and said the proceeds would go toward the new truck. Questions were asked regarding other options that may be explored. Charles Piso explained that the Select Board is not against a fire truck but that the Select Board questions the fiscal responsibility of it at this time. They would rather start putting money in a reserve fund and delay the purchase a bit. The Board didn’t feel it was the right time to be tying the town down financially for the next five years with so many other uncertainties in the state and federal government. Discussion ensued regarding how this piece of equipment fit in with what the fire department already has, training for operating a new truck, bonding instead of borrowing, additional monies the fire department might be able to contribute. The moderator called for a paper ballot. A total of 56 ballots were cast: 34 Yes, 21 No, 1 Blank. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $35,000 to be placed in a town reserve fund for the future purchase of a fire truck? Dennis O’Brien moved to authorize $35,000 to be placed in a town reserve fund for the future purchase of fire truck? Seconded by Amanda Barrett. Charles Piso explained that this article was placed in the warning by the Select Board for capital planning purposes and was intended as an alternative to Article 12. Charlie recommends tabling this article. Cathy Capetta remarked that 70% of the calls for the fire department are for medical. She would like to see a more rounded look on both sides, not just for fire. Kris Sperber moved to table Article 11. Seconded by Ann Kuendig. Voice vote. Article 11 tabled.
Article 13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Town Hall Reserve Fund to be reallocated for weatherization and maintenance of the Town Hall? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to authorize the Town Hall Reserve Fund to be reallocated for weatherization and maintenance of the Town Hall. Seconded by Terry Manley. Matt Corron stated that the money had originally been reserved for exterior renovation, insulation and residing. Charlie Piso said there are now other more pressing issues that need to be addressed such as holes in the foundation and soffits. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 14. Shall the voters of Pittsfield prohibit the town constables from exercising any law enforcement authority, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 1936(a)(1)? Erica Hurd made a motion to prohibit the town constables from exercising any law enforcement authority, in accordance with 23 V.S. A. § 1936(a)(1). Seconded by Terry Manley. Patty Haskins pointed out that this is merely a housekeeping article. Pittsfield’s insurance only covers constables that have gone through formal police training. It does not reflect on our Town Constables in any way. Jerry Drugonis stated that the constables do civil process and to do otherwise would be a huge liability for the town without proper training. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 15. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. Ann Kuendig reminded voters that over $100,000 in revenue in one time funding was brought forward from the 2017 budget to help offset expenses in the 2018 budget. These funds will not be available next year. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 16. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 17. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Ray Rice thanked Patty Haskins and she received a standing ovation for her many years of service to the town. Erica Hurd invited everyone to stop in and visit the library and stated that they are looking for volunteers. The library now has high speed internet. They also have adult and kids snowshoes available to be checked out. Dennis O’Brien encouraged people to get involved by attending School Board, Select Board and Fire Department meetings so that everyone has an understanding of the issues. Charlie Piso thanked everyone who serves the town or volunteers their time to the town. He stated that Pittsfield is a blessed town and that although we may have different opinions, we are all on the same team.
With no further business to be discussed, Kris Sperber made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ann Kuendig. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2018 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 12:25pm.
Recorded by: Approved by:
s/Patricia S. Haskins, Town Clerk s/Matt Corron, Select Board
s/George Deblon, Moderator
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 70 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon nominated by Jerry Drugonis. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. George Deblon elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. With no objections, the Town Meeting recessed at 10:07 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). The Town Meeting reconvened at 10:22 am and the articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2016. Terry Manley made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant:
a. Select Person for three years. Ann Kuendig nominated by Charles Piso. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. With no further nominations Jerry Drugonis moved nominations cease and the clerk cast one ballot for Ann Kuendig. Seconded by Peter Borden. Voice vote. Ann Kuendig elected Select Person for three years.
b. Lister for three years. Herb Kuendig nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Matt Corron. Jerry Drugonis moved that nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Herb Kuendig. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. Voice vote. Herb Kuendig elected Lister for three years.
c. Auditor for three years. Amanda Barrett nominated by Caleb Hawley. Seconded by Dave Larkin. Jerry Drugonis motioned nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Amanda Barrett. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Voice vote. Amanda Barrett elected Auditor for three years.
d. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Sandy Begin nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
e. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for three years. Cynthia Bryant nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Matt Corron. Voice vote. Cynthia Bryant elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for three years.
ee. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for one year. Betty Warner nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Matt Corron. Voice vote. Betty Warner elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for one year.
f. Second Constable for two years. Doug Mianulli nominated by Jennifer Howard. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for two years.
g. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
h. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
i. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Chuck Colton nominated by Jerry Drugonis. Seconded by Caleb Hawley. Voice vote. Chuck Colton elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
j. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Steve Martin nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Caleb Hawley. Voice vote. Steve Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
k. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Janice Stumpf nominated by Matt Corron. Seconded by Betty Warner. Voice vote. Janice Stumpf elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
l. Fire Chief for two years. Dave Colton nominated by Greg Martin. Seconded by Charles Piso. Voice vote. Dave Colton elected Fire Chief for two years.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Erica Hurd moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector before 5 pm. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $30,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to authorize $30,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Herb Kuendig. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $44,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed? Ann Kuendig made a motion to authorize $44,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for replacement, repair or renovation of the town sand shed. Seconded by Herb Kuendig. Discussion. George Deblon detailed the condition of the sand shed. He stated that $30,000 had been put away in 2016 and 2017 for a total of $60,000+ in the reserve fund. He would like to repair the sand shed by re-using the roof, pouring new frost walls, new buttresses and a cement floor. This was estimated to be $104,700.
Herb Kuendig stated that new construction is usually figured at a rate of $125 per square foot so this would be a savings by repairing rather than replacing. Ray Colton asked voters to consider the effect on the budget of all articles being approved. Voters asked if we could back up and revote last article or use the equipment fund to pay for the sand shed. Patty Haskins stated that reconsideration is not possible after the next article has been put on the floor and acknowledged by the moderator. She also noted that the highway equipment fund could not be used for the sand shed unless it was properly warned and voted on at a town meeting. Dennis O’Brien stated that he had looked at the sand shed and it was not safe. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $5,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for the future repaving of the north end of the Village Green? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize $5,000 to be placed in a reserve fund for the future repaving of the north end of the Village Green. Seconded by Erica Hurd. This will be done in conjunction with the paving of Route 100. Ray Colton expressed his concern about the total burden on the tax rate if all of the articles are approved. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $5,000 to be placed in the Recreation Reserve Fund for recreation area maintenance? Herb Kuendig moved to authorize $5,000 to be placed in the Recreation Reserve Fund for recreation area maintenance. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Charles Piso stated that there are upgrades that are required by PACIF to make the playground safe. Discussion of whether to use Contingency Fund. Erica would like the money that has been fundraised for the basketball court to stay designated as basketball court money. Voice vote. Motion carried.
With no objections the town meeting was recessed at 11:05 am for Representative Sandy Haas to address the voters. Town meeting reconvened at 11:13 am.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $35,000 to be placed in a town reserve fund for the future purchase of a fire truck? Greg Martin made a motion to table Article 11 until after Article 12. Seconded by Dennis O’Brien. Voice vote. Article 11 tabled.
Article 12. Shall the voters of Pittsfield authorize the purchase of a Pumper/Tanker Fire Apparatus in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to be financed over a period not to exceed 5 years? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize the purchase of a Pumper/Tanker Fire Apparatus in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to be financed over a period not to exceed 5 years? Caleb Hawley made a presentation representing the Fire Department discussing the need for a new pumper/tanker. Discussion. Suana Rubin inquired as to how much they could get selling the old tanker. Caleb hoped $10,000 to $20,000 and said the proceeds would go toward the new truck. Questions were asked regarding other options that may be explored. Charles Piso explained that the Select Board is not against a fire truck but that the Select Board questions the fiscal responsibility of it at this time. They would rather start putting money in a reserve fund and delay the purchase a bit. The Board didn’t feel it was the right time to be tying the town down financially for the next five years with so many other uncertainties in the state and federal government. Discussion ensued regarding how this piece of equipment fit in with what the fire department already has, training for operating a new truck, bonding instead of borrowing, additional monies the fire department might be able to contribute. The moderator called for a paper ballot. A total of 56 ballots were cast: 34 Yes, 21 No, 1 Blank. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $35,000 to be placed in a town reserve fund for the future purchase of a fire truck? Dennis O’Brien moved to authorize $35,000 to be placed in a town reserve fund for the future purchase of fire truck? Seconded by Amanda Barrett. Charles Piso explained that this article was placed in the warning by the Select Board for capital planning purposes and was intended as an alternative to Article 12. Charlie recommends tabling this article. Cathy Capetta remarked that 70% of the calls for the fire department are for medical. She would like to see a more rounded look on both sides, not just for fire. Kris Sperber moved to table Article 11. Seconded by Ann Kuendig. Voice vote. Article 11 tabled.
Article 13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Town Hall Reserve Fund to be reallocated for weatherization and maintenance of the Town Hall? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to authorize the Town Hall Reserve Fund to be reallocated for weatherization and maintenance of the Town Hall. Seconded by Terry Manley. Matt Corron stated that the money had originally been reserved for exterior renovation, insulation and residing. Charlie Piso said there are now other more pressing issues that need to be addressed such as holes in the foundation and soffits. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 14. Shall the voters of Pittsfield prohibit the town constables from exercising any law enforcement authority, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 1936(a)(1)? Erica Hurd made a motion to prohibit the town constables from exercising any law enforcement authority, in accordance with 23 V.S. A. § 1936(a)(1). Seconded by Terry Manley. Patty Haskins pointed out that this is merely a housekeeping article. Pittsfield’s insurance only covers constables that have gone through formal police training. It does not reflect on our Town Constables in any way. Jerry Drugonis stated that the constables do civil process and to do otherwise would be a huge liability for the town without proper training. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 15. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Jerry Drugonis made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Jennifer Howard. Ann Kuendig reminded voters that over $100,000 in revenue in one time funding was brought forward from the 2017 budget to help offset expenses in the 2018 budget. These funds will not be available next year. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 16. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Jerry Drugonis moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 17. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Ray Rice thanked Patty Haskins and she received a standing ovation for her many years of service to the town. Erica Hurd invited everyone to stop in and visit the library and stated that they are looking for volunteers. The library now has high speed internet. They also have adult and kids snowshoes available to be checked out. Dennis O’Brien encouraged people to get involved by attending School Board, Select Board and Fire Department meetings so that everyone has an understanding of the issues. Charlie Piso thanked everyone who serves the town or volunteers their time to the town. He stated that Pittsfield is a blessed town and that although we may have different opinions, we are all on the same team.
With no further business to be discussed, Kris Sperber made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ann Kuendig. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2018 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 12:25pm.
Recorded by: Approved by:
s/Patricia S. Haskins, Town Clerk s/Matt Corron, Select Board
s/George Deblon, Moderator