Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The Special Town Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Moderator George Deblon with approximately 92 people in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and then gave instructions on procedure for participating in the meeting.
Article 1. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Sandy Begin made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Discussion. Joyce Stevens, Jen Howard, Angela Jackson, Lynda Colton, Meg Charlebois, Amanda Barrett, Don Ziegler, Joe Fuster, Pam Mutrie, Ray Colton, Don Bass, Clairetta Corron, Wendy Reese, Mike Wuerthele and Ellen Martin joined in a discussion regarding the salary of the Town Clerk and Treasurer position. Select Board members Matt Corron, Dave Larkin and Mona Colton answered voters’ questions.
Erica Hurd had concerns about the reduction in the Town Hall maintenance line. Jen Howard asked about the resident and non-resident education rate. Angela Jackson moved to vote on the budget. Seconded by Clairetta Corron. After some discussion on the proper procedure Angela Jackson withdrew her motion. Clairetta did not withdraw her second. Ray Colton asked if an amendment could be made. Joyce asked if we have to start over again if the budget was voted down. The Moderator ruled to continue discussion. Discussion continued with input from Mary Lee Stevens, Erica Hurd, Ray Colton, Don Bass, Dave Larkin, Clairetta Corron, Judy Manley and Barbara Wood. Moderator George Deblon explained reconsideration of an article in the event that the budget was voted down. Ellen Martin moved to decrease the Town Clerk line item and the Town Treasurer line item to $17,366 for each position. This would be an 8% pay increase from the 2015 budget amount. Seconded by Susie Martin. Vote by paper ballot. 87 votes cast: Yes 45. No 42. Amendment to decrease the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer line item to $17,366 for each position was carried.
Dennis O’Brien made a motion to vote on the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town with the approved amendment. Seconded by Meg Charlebois. The municipal total to be raised by taxes will be $481,869.00. The estimated tax rate will be $0.48. Vote by paper ballot. 85 votes cast. Yes 63. No 21. The proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town with the approved amendment was carried.
Article 2. To discuss any other non-binding business which may properly come before the meeting. Vermont Public Service Awards were presented to 14 Pittsfield officials who have served the Town of Pittsfield for 20 or more years. Pins and certificates were presented to the following officers for their service. Martha Beyersdorf 20 years, Tim Hunt 21 years, Kris Sperber 21 years, Suana Rubin 23 years, Pat Fuster 24 years, Patty Haskins 24 years, George Deblon 25 years, Sarah Gray 28 years, Mark Begin 29 years, Sandy Begin 35 years, Joe Fuster 37 years, Ray Colton 39 years and Mel Colton 56 years. Chuck and Dave Colton accepted the award for their late father, Mel Colton. Mel’s years of service were honored with a standing ovation. The service awards are sponsored by the Secretary of State’s Office. Everyone was invited to stay for refreshments.
With no further business to be discussed, Dennis O’Brien made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Terry Manley. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Recorded by:
Patricia S. Haskins, Town Clerk
Approved by:
George Deblon, Moderator
Matt Corron, Select Board Chair
Michael Wuerthele, Justice of the Peace
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The Special Town Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Moderator George Deblon with approximately 92 people in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and then gave instructions on procedure for participating in the meeting.
Article 1. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Sandy Begin made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Discussion. Joyce Stevens, Jen Howard, Angela Jackson, Lynda Colton, Meg Charlebois, Amanda Barrett, Don Ziegler, Joe Fuster, Pam Mutrie, Ray Colton, Don Bass, Clairetta Corron, Wendy Reese, Mike Wuerthele and Ellen Martin joined in a discussion regarding the salary of the Town Clerk and Treasurer position. Select Board members Matt Corron, Dave Larkin and Mona Colton answered voters’ questions.
Erica Hurd had concerns about the reduction in the Town Hall maintenance line. Jen Howard asked about the resident and non-resident education rate. Angela Jackson moved to vote on the budget. Seconded by Clairetta Corron. After some discussion on the proper procedure Angela Jackson withdrew her motion. Clairetta did not withdraw her second. Ray Colton asked if an amendment could be made. Joyce asked if we have to start over again if the budget was voted down. The Moderator ruled to continue discussion. Discussion continued with input from Mary Lee Stevens, Erica Hurd, Ray Colton, Don Bass, Dave Larkin, Clairetta Corron, Judy Manley and Barbara Wood. Moderator George Deblon explained reconsideration of an article in the event that the budget was voted down. Ellen Martin moved to decrease the Town Clerk line item and the Town Treasurer line item to $17,366 for each position. This would be an 8% pay increase from the 2015 budget amount. Seconded by Susie Martin. Vote by paper ballot. 87 votes cast: Yes 45. No 42. Amendment to decrease the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer line item to $17,366 for each position was carried.
Dennis O’Brien made a motion to vote on the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town with the approved amendment. Seconded by Meg Charlebois. The municipal total to be raised by taxes will be $481,869.00. The estimated tax rate will be $0.48. Vote by paper ballot. 85 votes cast. Yes 63. No 21. The proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town with the approved amendment was carried.
Article 2. To discuss any other non-binding business which may properly come before the meeting. Vermont Public Service Awards were presented to 14 Pittsfield officials who have served the Town of Pittsfield for 20 or more years. Pins and certificates were presented to the following officers for their service. Martha Beyersdorf 20 years, Tim Hunt 21 years, Kris Sperber 21 years, Suana Rubin 23 years, Pat Fuster 24 years, Patty Haskins 24 years, George Deblon 25 years, Sarah Gray 28 years, Mark Begin 29 years, Sandy Begin 35 years, Joe Fuster 37 years, Ray Colton 39 years and Mel Colton 56 years. Chuck and Dave Colton accepted the award for their late father, Mel Colton. Mel’s years of service were honored with a standing ovation. The service awards are sponsored by the Secretary of State’s Office. Everyone was invited to stay for refreshments.
With no further business to be discussed, Dennis O’Brien made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Terry Manley. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Recorded by:
Patricia S. Haskins, Town Clerk
Approved by:
George Deblon, Moderator
Matt Corron, Select Board Chair
Michael Wuerthele, Justice of the Peace