Town Meeting-20220503_180615-Meeting Recording
Draft-Minutes of Annual Town Meeting
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday May 3, 2022
Moderator George Deblon, called the Annual Town Meeting to order at 6:00 on Tuesday May 3, 2022. There were approximately 51 people in attendance at the Town Hall. George led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Article 1. To elect a town moderator for the ensuing year. Motion made to accept the article by Terry Manley. George Deblon nominated by Terry Manley, seconded. Voice vote, all in favor, George elected Moderator for 1 year.
Article 2. To elect the following officers, as required by law, for the terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant: Motion made to accept the article by Micheline Bissel, seconded.
Article 4. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector by 5pm? A motion was made by Terry Manley, seconded by Cindy Bryant to accept this article. A question was raised by Sue Wuerthele, wondering if it is governed by law as to when the tax will be collected or if it can be changed, spread out. Joyce Stevens replied they discussed possibly having 3 payments adding one in January. Tricia Fryer (Treasurer) suggested that we keep the two payments, possibly spreading them out more but asked for consideration in keeping the 2 installments. More discussion will take place at future Select Board Meeting. Sarah Gallagher moved to approve article, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $38,000 into the Pittsfield Town Hall Reserve Fund for renovation projects? A motion was made by Terry Manley, seconded by Dave Colton to accept this article. George invited someone from the committee to speak, Herb Kuendig spoke. He updated us on slowing down due to Covid and contractor availability. The beams were in stalled below the floor that we were holding the meeting on. He spoke about the monies that were left, approximately $29,000 to re-do the front of the building including the steps. The additional $38,000 ask is possibly for the basement or electrical and outside of the building, depending on funding from ARPA. A motion was made to approve by Dave Hunt and seconded by Marcy Dwyerlamlein. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $65,000 in the PVRF Truck Reserve Fund? A motion was made by Herb Kuendig and seconded by Mike Wuerthele to accept this article. Terry Manley stated last year we put in roughly $90,000 and this year going for another $65,000, he asked for some visibility as to where the money is going. Dave Colton answered by explaining about the next truck needing to be replaced. It will be approximately $350,000. This will be a more than a rescue truck, also pumper truck able to get up driveways to fight fires. The current one is a 2008, and the plan is to replace 2 trucks with 1. The department is asking for the monies in stages, so they do not need to take a loan out when the need arises. A motion was made to approve this article by Herb Kuendig, seconded by Sue Wuerthele. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000 to partially pave the parking lot of the Pittsfield Fire Station? A motion was made to accept this article by Ann Kuendig, seconded by Joyce Stevens. A question was asked, why are we partially paving? Caleb Hawley explained about the drainage problem and the grade of driveway which causes the water to go under the doors, there was an incident with the doors freezing. He also went onto explain it will help with vehicle maintenance and cleaning as well as training. He spoke also about guiding lines to assist with backing up being painted on the new pavement. The department does not feel the need for the whole lot to be paved, they want to keep the cost down so would like to do approximately 40 feet. This would include prep work and drainage work. A motion was made to accept the article by Herb Kuendig, seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Voice vote, article passed.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed 12 -month budget beginning July 1, 2022, to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? A motion was made to accept this article by Terry Manley, seconded by Jen Howard. Sue Wuerthele asked for a quick summary. Ann asked Trish if she would like to take the question and Trish replied that she felt Ann should take it as the Select Board oversaw creating the budget and had final say.
Ann went on to explain that reducing expenses was concentrated on by going line by line. She spoke about how we converted to a fiscal year, not needing a cushion any longer. We created a 6mo, 12mo, and a regular 12mo budget in case needed by looking at each department including adding a 5year capitol plan. By using leftover un earmarked monies we were able to fund a lot of the articles, also putting some of the capitol funds right into the department’s budgets. A motion was made to accept this article by Sue Wuerthele and seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? A motion was made by Terry to accept this article, seconded by Jen Howard. No discussion, a motion was made by Terry Manley to approve this article, seconded by Elizabeth Dietz. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 10. To discuss any non-binding business which may come before the meeting? A motion was made by Ann Kuendig to accept this article, seconded by Sue Wuerthele. George gave the details for Green Up Day, Saturday May 7th 8-11 am, the new site for pick up/drop off will be Town Garage. At 1pm on Saturday May 7th, PCC will be hosing a Dream on the Green event, sharing ice cream and baked goods. Learn about Pretty Up Pittsfield, bring your ideas. Herb Kuendig gave a shout out to Ann Kuendig for all the work she has done to make the Sand Shed replacement a reality. George spoke about how the shed is now down and it was in worst shape than they thought, it was built in 1985. Dave Colton spoke about the new Wild Land Fire Unit with trailer which was on display out front. It was purchased with all donated and fundraised monies. Ann spoke about the effort of the ARPA committee and how people could submit ideas. Linda Colton then explained the makeup of the committee and the suggestions that were currently made. The suggestions were broken down and given criteria to help pass the suggestions forward to the Select Board. Suggestions deadline is June 1st. See flyer that was passed on, there is room for 1 more person on the committee and all are welcome to attend. Coral Hawley informed everyone of a fishing derby to be held on May 21st at 9am at Ron Colton’s Pond, no fishing allowed at his pond after the derby.
With no further business to discuss George moved to adjourn the 2022 Town meeting and open the School meeting at 6:54pm.
Recorded by s/Tricia L Fryer
Approved by s/Ann Kuendig, Select Board Chair
s/George Deblon, Moderator
Minutes of the Annual School Meeting
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday May 3, 2022
Article 1. To elect a Moderator for the year ensuing. A motion was made by Sue Wuerthele to accept this article and seconded by Jen Howard. A motion was made and seconded for George Deblon. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 2. To hear and act upon the auditor’s report. A motion was made by Sarah Gallagher, to accept this article, seconded by Terry Manley. No discussion. A motion was made by Cindy Bryant and seconded by Terry Manley to approve this article. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 3. To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the Town. A motion was made by Terry Manley to accept this article, seconded by Cindy Bryant. No Discussion. A motion was made to approve this article by Sarah Gallagher, seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 4. To hear reports of the School Directors. A motion was made by Terry Manley to accept this article, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Kris asked if everyone received the handouts, they were then passed out. There were some things amended. A motion was made by Sarah Gallagher to approve this article, seconded by Dave Hunt. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 5. Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of $943,108 for the 2021-22 school year. It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education spending of $14,184 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 7% lower that spending for the current year.
A motion was made to accept this article by Terry Manley, seconded by Jen Howard.
Kris wanted the article amended to say the year of the “2022-23” school year and as a result the changes that are on the handouts, “$13,392” per equalized pupil. The amendment was voted on by voice vote, so approved.
Kris explained about the budget sheet saying they were able to increase the surplus to help pay down the taxes by about $45,000 to about $120,000. She explained about our tuitions and what the real equalized cost per pupil is. Special Ed costs were down, and less students. These factors make the current homestead tax rate $1.03. This will not be accurate because the Grand List is yet to be determined. A motion was made by Jen Howard to approve the article, seconded by Betty Warner. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 6. To elect a School Director for a three-year term. A motion was made to approve this article by Terry Manley, seconded by Cindy Bryant. A motion was made by Kris Sperber for Peter Dubois, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Peter DuBois, seconded by Cindy Bryant. Voice vote, article passed.
Article 7. To do any other proper or necessary business. A motion was made to accept this article by Sarah Gallagher and seconded by Sue Wuerthele. George remembered that Marsha wanted everyone to know that the Planning Commission is looking for new members. The Town is looking for a new Health Officer, and an Energy Coordinator. Kris shared that Ray Rice received a new hip today and he wanted everyone to recognize State Alpine GS winner, Abby Massillo!
With no other business the 2022 School meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.
Recorded by s/Tricia L Fryer
Approved by s/Kris Sperber
s/George Deblon
Draft-Minutes of Annual Town Meeting
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday May 3, 2022
Moderator George Deblon, called the Annual Town Meeting to order at 6:00 on Tuesday May 3, 2022. There were approximately 51 people in attendance at the Town Hall. George led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Article 1. To elect a town moderator for the ensuing year. Motion made to accept the article by Terry Manley. George Deblon nominated by Terry Manley, seconded. Voice vote, all in favor, George elected Moderator for 1 year.
Article 2. To elect the following officers, as required by law, for the terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant: Motion made to accept the article by Micheline Bissel, seconded.
- Select Person for three years. A nomination was made and seconded for AJ Ruben. Terry Manley moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for AJ Ruben, seconded. Voice vote, all in favor. AJ Ruben Select Person for 3 years.
- Lister for three years. A nomination was made by Herb Kuendig and seconded by Terry Manley for Jeremy Rayner. Jen Howard moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Jeremy Rayner, seconded by Cindy Bryant. Voice vote, all in favor, Jeremy Rayner Lister for 3 years.
- Auditor for three years. A nomination was made by Cindy Bryant and seconded by Joyce Stevens for Beth Stanton. Ann Kuendig moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Beth Stanton, seconded by Sue Wuerthele. Voice vote, all in favor, Beth Stanton Auditor for 3 years.
- Auditor for 1 year. A nomination was made by Ann Kuendig and seconded by Cindy Bryant for Ann Muller. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Ann Muller seconded by Sue Wuerthele. Voice vote, all in favor, Ann Muller Auditor for 1 year.
- Fire Chief for 2 years. A nomination was made by Cindy Bryant and seconded by Herb Kuendig for Dave Colton. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Dave Colton, seconded by Elizabeth Dietz. Voice vote, all in favor, Dave Colton Fire Chief for 2 years.
- Collector of Delinquent Tax for 1 year. A nomination was made by Herb Kuendig, seconded by Don Bass for Janice Stumpf. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Janice Stumpf seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote, all in favor, Janice Stumpf Collector of Delinquent Tax for 1 year. Dave Colton recognized what a great job Janice has done and that the delinquent number is very good.
- Trustee of Public Funds for 3 years. A nomination was made by Kris Sperber and seconded by Joyce Stevens for Kelly Ziegler. Ann moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Kelly Ziegler, seconded by Cindy Bryant. Voice vote, all in favor, Kelly Ziegler Trustee of Public Funds for 3 years.
- Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library for 3 years. A nomination was made by a Cindy Bryant and seconded by Joyce Stevens for Coral Hawley. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Coral Hawley, seconded by Ann Kuendig. Voice vote, all in favor, Coral Hawley Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library for 3 years.
- Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library for 3 years. A nomination was made by Cindy Bryant and seconded by Jeremy Rayner for Betty Warner. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Betty Warner, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote, all in favor, Betty Warner, Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library for 3 years.
- Cemetery Commissioner for 3 years. A nomination was made by Dave Colton and seconded by Terry Manley for Connie Martin. Linda moved that the nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Connie Martin, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote, all in favor, Connie Martin Cemetery Commissioner for 3 years.
- Second Constable for 2 years. A nomination was made by Greg Martin and seconded by Terry Manley for Doug Mianulli. There was a question if Doug had resigned, Ann answered that he had resigned from Emergency Management Director. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and clerk cast 1 ballot for Doug Mianulli, seconded by Herb Kuendig. Voice vote, all in favor, Doug Mianulli Second Constable for 2 years.
Article 4. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, on or before the third Thursday of August and the third Thursday of November, by physical delivery to the tax collector by 5pm? A motion was made by Terry Manley, seconded by Cindy Bryant to accept this article. A question was raised by Sue Wuerthele, wondering if it is governed by law as to when the tax will be collected or if it can be changed, spread out. Joyce Stevens replied they discussed possibly having 3 payments adding one in January. Tricia Fryer (Treasurer) suggested that we keep the two payments, possibly spreading them out more but asked for consideration in keeping the 2 installments. More discussion will take place at future Select Board Meeting. Sarah Gallagher moved to approve article, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $38,000 into the Pittsfield Town Hall Reserve Fund for renovation projects? A motion was made by Terry Manley, seconded by Dave Colton to accept this article. George invited someone from the committee to speak, Herb Kuendig spoke. He updated us on slowing down due to Covid and contractor availability. The beams were in stalled below the floor that we were holding the meeting on. He spoke about the monies that were left, approximately $29,000 to re-do the front of the building including the steps. The additional $38,000 ask is possibly for the basement or electrical and outside of the building, depending on funding from ARPA. A motion was made to approve by Dave Hunt and seconded by Marcy Dwyerlamlein. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield deposit $65,000 in the PVRF Truck Reserve Fund? A motion was made by Herb Kuendig and seconded by Mike Wuerthele to accept this article. Terry Manley stated last year we put in roughly $90,000 and this year going for another $65,000, he asked for some visibility as to where the money is going. Dave Colton answered by explaining about the next truck needing to be replaced. It will be approximately $350,000. This will be a more than a rescue truck, also pumper truck able to get up driveways to fight fires. The current one is a 2008, and the plan is to replace 2 trucks with 1. The department is asking for the monies in stages, so they do not need to take a loan out when the need arises. A motion was made to approve this article by Herb Kuendig, seconded by Sue Wuerthele. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000 to partially pave the parking lot of the Pittsfield Fire Station? A motion was made to accept this article by Ann Kuendig, seconded by Joyce Stevens. A question was asked, why are we partially paving? Caleb Hawley explained about the drainage problem and the grade of driveway which causes the water to go under the doors, there was an incident with the doors freezing. He also went onto explain it will help with vehicle maintenance and cleaning as well as training. He spoke also about guiding lines to assist with backing up being painted on the new pavement. The department does not feel the need for the whole lot to be paved, they want to keep the cost down so would like to do approximately 40 feet. This would include prep work and drainage work. A motion was made to accept the article by Herb Kuendig, seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Voice vote, article passed.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed 12 -month budget beginning July 1, 2022, to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? A motion was made to accept this article by Terry Manley, seconded by Jen Howard. Sue Wuerthele asked for a quick summary. Ann asked Trish if she would like to take the question and Trish replied that she felt Ann should take it as the Select Board oversaw creating the budget and had final say.
Ann went on to explain that reducing expenses was concentrated on by going line by line. She spoke about how we converted to a fiscal year, not needing a cushion any longer. We created a 6mo, 12mo, and a regular 12mo budget in case needed by looking at each department including adding a 5year capitol plan. By using leftover un earmarked monies we were able to fund a lot of the articles, also putting some of the capitol funds right into the department’s budgets. A motion was made to accept this article by Sue Wuerthele and seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? A motion was made by Terry to accept this article, seconded by Jen Howard. No discussion, a motion was made by Terry Manley to approve this article, seconded by Elizabeth Dietz. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 10. To discuss any non-binding business which may come before the meeting? A motion was made by Ann Kuendig to accept this article, seconded by Sue Wuerthele. George gave the details for Green Up Day, Saturday May 7th 8-11 am, the new site for pick up/drop off will be Town Garage. At 1pm on Saturday May 7th, PCC will be hosing a Dream on the Green event, sharing ice cream and baked goods. Learn about Pretty Up Pittsfield, bring your ideas. Herb Kuendig gave a shout out to Ann Kuendig for all the work she has done to make the Sand Shed replacement a reality. George spoke about how the shed is now down and it was in worst shape than they thought, it was built in 1985. Dave Colton spoke about the new Wild Land Fire Unit with trailer which was on display out front. It was purchased with all donated and fundraised monies. Ann spoke about the effort of the ARPA committee and how people could submit ideas. Linda Colton then explained the makeup of the committee and the suggestions that were currently made. The suggestions were broken down and given criteria to help pass the suggestions forward to the Select Board. Suggestions deadline is June 1st. See flyer that was passed on, there is room for 1 more person on the committee and all are welcome to attend. Coral Hawley informed everyone of a fishing derby to be held on May 21st at 9am at Ron Colton’s Pond, no fishing allowed at his pond after the derby.
With no further business to discuss George moved to adjourn the 2022 Town meeting and open the School meeting at 6:54pm.
Recorded by s/Tricia L Fryer
Approved by s/Ann Kuendig, Select Board Chair
s/George Deblon, Moderator
Minutes of the Annual School Meeting
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday May 3, 2022
Article 1. To elect a Moderator for the year ensuing. A motion was made by Sue Wuerthele to accept this article and seconded by Jen Howard. A motion was made and seconded for George Deblon. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 2. To hear and act upon the auditor’s report. A motion was made by Sarah Gallagher, to accept this article, seconded by Terry Manley. No discussion. A motion was made by Cindy Bryant and seconded by Terry Manley to approve this article. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 3. To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the Town. A motion was made by Terry Manley to accept this article, seconded by Cindy Bryant. No Discussion. A motion was made to approve this article by Sarah Gallagher, seconded by Mike Wuerthele. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 4. To hear reports of the School Directors. A motion was made by Terry Manley to accept this article, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Kris asked if everyone received the handouts, they were then passed out. There were some things amended. A motion was made by Sarah Gallagher to approve this article, seconded by Dave Hunt. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 5. Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of $943,108 for the 2021-22 school year. It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education spending of $14,184 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 7% lower that spending for the current year.
A motion was made to accept this article by Terry Manley, seconded by Jen Howard.
Kris wanted the article amended to say the year of the “2022-23” school year and as a result the changes that are on the handouts, “$13,392” per equalized pupil. The amendment was voted on by voice vote, so approved.
Kris explained about the budget sheet saying they were able to increase the surplus to help pay down the taxes by about $45,000 to about $120,000. She explained about our tuitions and what the real equalized cost per pupil is. Special Ed costs were down, and less students. These factors make the current homestead tax rate $1.03. This will not be accurate because the Grand List is yet to be determined. A motion was made by Jen Howard to approve the article, seconded by Betty Warner. Voice vote, article approved.
Article 6. To elect a School Director for a three-year term. A motion was made to approve this article by Terry Manley, seconded by Cindy Bryant. A motion was made by Kris Sperber for Peter Dubois, seconded by Joyce Stevens. Linda Colton moved that nominations be closed, and the clerk cast 1 ballot for Peter DuBois, seconded by Cindy Bryant. Voice vote, article passed.
Article 7. To do any other proper or necessary business. A motion was made to accept this article by Sarah Gallagher and seconded by Sue Wuerthele. George remembered that Marsha wanted everyone to know that the Planning Commission is looking for new members. The Town is looking for a new Health Officer, and an Energy Coordinator. Kris shared that Ray Rice received a new hip today and he wanted everyone to recognize State Alpine GS winner, Abby Massillo!
With no other business the 2022 School meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.
Recorded by s/Tricia L Fryer
Approved by s/Kris Sperber
s/George Deblon