To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3AUO9vb
DATE: May 4, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Nicole Cyr (via Teams), Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C-4: Village Center Designation renewal reminder; C-5: FEMA public notice
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 20, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. White River Valley Consortium – Home Creators Expo 2023 information
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Isabelle Green correspondence
3. MRGP – Road Erosion Inventory update
4. Village Center Designation – renewal reminder
5. FEMA – public notice re: 593 Route 100 buy-out
1. Financials – CD Investments
2. Financials – Treasurer’s Report March
3. Construction Projects – Update
· Basketball Court
· Fire House paving
4. PVR&R New Pumper/Rescue Truck – purchase contract
1. Bethel Energy Committee – Discussion
2. Town Plan – 2023 Draft
3. Town Hall – Invoice for front door
4. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (A) Contracts
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2023 @ 6pm in the Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann presented two Agenda Modifications (see above). AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the April 20, 2023 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann welcomed Nicole Cyr, co-chair of the Bethel Energy Committee to the meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
May 4, 2023
1. White River Valley Consortium – Home Creators Expo 2023 information – This was sent by Sarah Damle. This expo will be held at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center on Saturday, May 6th. The topic will be Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and how these units can become affordable housing by adding on to existing homes or newly constructed on existing home properties. How these units can benefit our communities will also be discussed. This presentation is in partnership with the Town of Hartford, TRORC, and Vital Communities. This correspondence will be sent to Joyce to forward to Jordan as a White River Valley Consortium representative.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Isabelle Green correspondence. Ann wanted this to be put onto the record. Isabelle expressed concern regarding silt from Hawk Mountain Road and Upper Michigan Road collecting close to her property. Ann said that this was forwarded to George and Joyce said she would follow up with him as to what he might be planning to do. The Board will respond to Isabelle.
Joyce also said she would follow up with Greg Martin and Dave Colton about the Mt Wilcox Water issue.
3. MRGP – Road Erosion Inventory update. There is a deadline to update the implementation table database. Ann said she couldn’t determine this information. Discussion. Ann said she would send it to Joyce and George for possible action.
4. Village Center Designation – renewal reminder. Ann said this expires on November 6th. Ann reviewed an enclosed checklist of what needs to be done with the Board. She added that Peter Gregory at TRORC is happy to work with the town. Martha was asked to place this item on the Tickler File for June and July.
5. FEMA – public notice re: 593 Route 100 buy-out. Ann said we have received this from Brian McWalters. Attached is a public notice for the project which needs to be distributed to the local newspaper. This published notice then needs to be sent to FEMA, so they have it for their records. The public notice as a 15-day comment period after which FEMA will address any comments. Ann said she forwarded this to Trish.
1. Financials – CD Investments. Ann reviewed what had previously been decided. There was a question as to how much is covered by insurance and protected. Discussion. Trish received information from Mascoma Bank and forwarded it to the Board. Ann said that $219,000 would be placed in the Highway Equipment Fund, $163,000 for the PVR Truck Fund, and $63,000 for the Paving, Reappraisal and Record Preservation Funds. Interest would go back into the appropriate accounts. Ann moved to accept this proposed investment plan. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Financials – Treasurer’s Report March. Joyce said she had some questions on this report regarding overbudgeting on Highway: Administrative HRF fees and guard rails and Town Office Maintenance. Discussion. Joyce said she would follow up with Trish.
3. Construction Projects – Update
· Basketball Court. Joyce said she was able to contact Shayd Pecor with FreshCoat Paving and they have several projects ahead of us. Ann said the fencing is on stand-by. Someone has been found to paint the lines for the basketball/pickleball court. His estimate is between $500 and $800. As an aside Ann said the dumpster will be arriving next week and the parking blocked off for the town hall front exterior work.
· Fire House paving. Charlie Bowen was asked for an estimate. She also spoke with Charlie Bowen, and he can begin paving the Fire House driveway entrance in June. Dave Colton will be doing a lot of the work thus keeping the cost down.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
May 4, 2023
4. PVR&R New Pumper/Rescue Truck – purchase contract. The Board reviewed the contract. It was noted that the results of the grant should be available sometime this month. Ann looked over what needed to be signed. Ann moved to approve the investment plan. Joyce seconded. All in Favor.
1. Bethel Energy Committee – Discussion. Nicole Cyr has been meeting with the Vermont Council on Rural Development to work on the 2022 Energy Plan and made her presentation explaining what has been done over the years and who has been involved. Ann explained what Pittsfield has done on the subject, however she also stated that they haven’t been able to look further into various energy topics such as charging stations, etc. because of a lack of volunteers and resources. At present, the Town does not have an Energy Coordinator. A question was raised about possibly contacting TRORC to see if a municipal planning grant could be used to help with this. Discussion. Nicole was asked to send a schedule for the Bethel Energy Committee so that Pittsfield could decide how to move forward. Marsha also presented some information on things that have been done in the past. There was also some discussion on how Pittsfield energy rating is determined.
2. Town Plan – 2023 Draft. There was some discussion about adding a line under Natural Resources and what was the best way to add the statement about the maps not reflecting accurate private property boundaries. The land uses have not been changed in the Plan and the language used has been from TRORC with a few exceptions. Ann briefly mentioned the changes. AJ moved to approve and adopt the draft of 2023 Pittsfield Town Plan with one final revision. Joyce seconded. All in favor. It was also noted that the Title Page would be changed to reflect the year 2023.
3. Town Hall – Invoice for front door. The invoice for the door is $3,500.00. $1,000.00 has already been paid. Ann said she would put this in the folder for payment. Discussion about the lock and inside panic hardware. She added that the electrical and fire inspections have been completed. Ann moved to approve the final payment for the door. AJ seconded. All in favor.
4. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (A) Contracts. Ann adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:23pm and moved to enter into Executive Session. Ann moved to come out of Executive Session at 7:29pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2023 @ 6pm in the Town Hall
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: May 18, 2023
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3AUO9vb
DATE: May 4, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Nicole Cyr (via Teams), Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C-4: Village Center Designation renewal reminder; C-5: FEMA public notice
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 20, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. White River Valley Consortium – Home Creators Expo 2023 information
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Isabelle Green correspondence
3. MRGP – Road Erosion Inventory update
4. Village Center Designation – renewal reminder
5. FEMA – public notice re: 593 Route 100 buy-out
1. Financials – CD Investments
2. Financials – Treasurer’s Report March
3. Construction Projects – Update
· Basketball Court
· Fire House paving
4. PVR&R New Pumper/Rescue Truck – purchase contract
1. Bethel Energy Committee – Discussion
2. Town Plan – 2023 Draft
3. Town Hall – Invoice for front door
4. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (A) Contracts
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2023 @ 6pm in the Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann presented two Agenda Modifications (see above). AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the April 20, 2023 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann welcomed Nicole Cyr, co-chair of the Bethel Energy Committee to the meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
May 4, 2023
1. White River Valley Consortium – Home Creators Expo 2023 information – This was sent by Sarah Damle. This expo will be held at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center on Saturday, May 6th. The topic will be Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and how these units can become affordable housing by adding on to existing homes or newly constructed on existing home properties. How these units can benefit our communities will also be discussed. This presentation is in partnership with the Town of Hartford, TRORC, and Vital Communities. This correspondence will be sent to Joyce to forward to Jordan as a White River Valley Consortium representative.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Isabelle Green correspondence. Ann wanted this to be put onto the record. Isabelle expressed concern regarding silt from Hawk Mountain Road and Upper Michigan Road collecting close to her property. Ann said that this was forwarded to George and Joyce said she would follow up with him as to what he might be planning to do. The Board will respond to Isabelle.
Joyce also said she would follow up with Greg Martin and Dave Colton about the Mt Wilcox Water issue.
3. MRGP – Road Erosion Inventory update. There is a deadline to update the implementation table database. Ann said she couldn’t determine this information. Discussion. Ann said she would send it to Joyce and George for possible action.
4. Village Center Designation – renewal reminder. Ann said this expires on November 6th. Ann reviewed an enclosed checklist of what needs to be done with the Board. She added that Peter Gregory at TRORC is happy to work with the town. Martha was asked to place this item on the Tickler File for June and July.
5. FEMA – public notice re: 593 Route 100 buy-out. Ann said we have received this from Brian McWalters. Attached is a public notice for the project which needs to be distributed to the local newspaper. This published notice then needs to be sent to FEMA, so they have it for their records. The public notice as a 15-day comment period after which FEMA will address any comments. Ann said she forwarded this to Trish.
1. Financials – CD Investments. Ann reviewed what had previously been decided. There was a question as to how much is covered by insurance and protected. Discussion. Trish received information from Mascoma Bank and forwarded it to the Board. Ann said that $219,000 would be placed in the Highway Equipment Fund, $163,000 for the PVR Truck Fund, and $63,000 for the Paving, Reappraisal and Record Preservation Funds. Interest would go back into the appropriate accounts. Ann moved to accept this proposed investment plan. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Financials – Treasurer’s Report March. Joyce said she had some questions on this report regarding overbudgeting on Highway: Administrative HRF fees and guard rails and Town Office Maintenance. Discussion. Joyce said she would follow up with Trish.
3. Construction Projects – Update
· Basketball Court. Joyce said she was able to contact Shayd Pecor with FreshCoat Paving and they have several projects ahead of us. Ann said the fencing is on stand-by. Someone has been found to paint the lines for the basketball/pickleball court. His estimate is between $500 and $800. As an aside Ann said the dumpster will be arriving next week and the parking blocked off for the town hall front exterior work.
· Fire House paving. Charlie Bowen was asked for an estimate. She also spoke with Charlie Bowen, and he can begin paving the Fire House driveway entrance in June. Dave Colton will be doing a lot of the work thus keeping the cost down.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
May 4, 2023
4. PVR&R New Pumper/Rescue Truck – purchase contract. The Board reviewed the contract. It was noted that the results of the grant should be available sometime this month. Ann looked over what needed to be signed. Ann moved to approve the investment plan. Joyce seconded. All in Favor.
1. Bethel Energy Committee – Discussion. Nicole Cyr has been meeting with the Vermont Council on Rural Development to work on the 2022 Energy Plan and made her presentation explaining what has been done over the years and who has been involved. Ann explained what Pittsfield has done on the subject, however she also stated that they haven’t been able to look further into various energy topics such as charging stations, etc. because of a lack of volunteers and resources. At present, the Town does not have an Energy Coordinator. A question was raised about possibly contacting TRORC to see if a municipal planning grant could be used to help with this. Discussion. Nicole was asked to send a schedule for the Bethel Energy Committee so that Pittsfield could decide how to move forward. Marsha also presented some information on things that have been done in the past. There was also some discussion on how Pittsfield energy rating is determined.
2. Town Plan – 2023 Draft. There was some discussion about adding a line under Natural Resources and what was the best way to add the statement about the maps not reflecting accurate private property boundaries. The land uses have not been changed in the Plan and the language used has been from TRORC with a few exceptions. Ann briefly mentioned the changes. AJ moved to approve and adopt the draft of 2023 Pittsfield Town Plan with one final revision. Joyce seconded. All in favor. It was also noted that the Title Page would be changed to reflect the year 2023.
3. Town Hall – Invoice for front door. The invoice for the door is $3,500.00. $1,000.00 has already been paid. Ann said she would put this in the folder for payment. Discussion about the lock and inside panic hardware. She added that the electrical and fire inspections have been completed. Ann moved to approve the final payment for the door. AJ seconded. All in favor.
4. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (A) Contracts. Ann adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:23pm and moved to enter into Executive Session. Ann moved to come out of Executive Session at 7:29pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2023 @ 6pm in the Town Hall
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: May 18, 2023
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben