To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3PxlQtp
DATE: September 21, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Trish Abbondelo
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 7, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Tax Sale – Hummel communication
2. VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development – Performance Report
3. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Municipal Day
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Simister complaint draft letter
2. Village Center Designation – Application update
3. Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Tree Trimming, Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights)
4. Sand Shed – Final Payment
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint update
6. Finance – Employee Compensation Policy
7. FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser
8. Regional Energy Committee – update
9. Financials – Treasurer’s Report July
1. Financials - Treasurer's Report August
2. Town Office – Land Record Digitization Project
3. Finance – Unemployment Mandate
4. Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit for Olsen
5. Town Property – Town Office Lot & Playground Litter
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. There were no Agenda Modifications. Ann said that Trish has requested that her topic be tabled to the next meeting. AJ had a question about an item in the Minutes of the last meeting regarding employee benefits. Ann said the discussion was about merit raises. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the September 7, 2023 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor.
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September 21, 2023
Betty Warner was not on the Agenda but had stopped by to present free copies of a book to each Board member on behalf of Vermont Reads. She briefly explained the program and encouraged them to read the book. She added that additional copies of the book were available in the Library.
1. Tax Sale – Hummel communication. Ann explained that this was in regard to the Cahill tax sale and a notice about a late transfer tax penalty that was due. The date on the return was incorrect and the closing attorney requested a new date. No action is needed by the Board.
2. VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development – Performance Report. This is a review of their programs and request for comments. Ann moved to have Trish post on the bulletin boards. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Municipal Day. This is a notification about an event where governments cooperate and participate in a day of workshops on October 20th. Ann noted that most of the workshops deal with the flood. No action is needed by the Board.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Simister complaint draft letter. AJ sent members the draft of the letter to send to Brad Dietz. Ann said that she had made some suggestions. Ann moved to have the secretary send it to Brad with a copy to the Simisters. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Village Center Designation – Application update. Ann said that she sent the latest version of locations. Further correspondence from Sydney requests a sentence or two describing each of the locations listed and its value to the town. Discussion. The list was reviewed, and each Board member will comment on three to four locations each. This will be due at the next meeting.
3. Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Tree Trimming, Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights). It was noted that great progress has been made on the gazebo steps. The tree trimming refers to low lying limbs on the Green and limbs that hang over village Green scraping the school busses. It was decided to have George and Connie identify the limbs, then have Trees, Inc. come and remove them. The emergency lighting in the Town Office contain back-up batteries. Since they were all installed at the same time, they all need replacing at the same time. Discussion. It was suggested that since the replacement batteries are no longer made, the entire light fixture should be replaced with LEDS . There was some discussion on the cost that 4- Security provided. Ann noted that Amazon carried the fixtures and are a bit less expensive. Ann said she would also contact Mike Juris for an estimate. Joyce questioned the number of lights needed as a few were installed in spaces that didn’t really need them. It was noted that to custom laminate the new countertop in the Office would be expensive Ann suggested sending Richard Waterman to Home Depot for an estimate. She also noted that he tends to overestimate material costs. Don Marshall has provided an estimate for painting the Office. The counter-top project will be revisited when a new estimate is obtained. The boiler inspection was discussed, and it was determined that the State is responsible for inspecting it every two years at no cost to the Town. Four of the old windows have been set aside for Trish. She wants to create a barrier over the new counter between her and customers. Joyce asked about which fund was going to pay for the new gazebo stairs. Discussion. It was decided to look at all the funds to see what is available for projects. Ann said that she has submitted the application for the $1,500 PACIF grant to pay for the stairs. She said they should get an answer next week.
4. Sand Shed – Final Payment. Ann moved to approve the final payment of $3,989.58 and add it to next week’s orders. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann noted that the reimbursement process is a lot of work
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September 21, 2023
and explained what is needed for documentation. She is submitting $13,347 and expects reimbursement to be $10.678. Ann moved to sign the document. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint update. Ann reviewed what has been done so far and noted that Beth Stanton has been appointed as the Town’s Health Officer, but her term doesn’t begin until October 1st. Discussion. It was felt that Beth should not attempt to visit the property citing safety concerns. She should however have all the documentation on the complaint and what’s been done so far to bring her up to date. It was decided to have a Board member follow up with the complainant and see if they were able to contact the VT Department of Environmental Conservation.
6. Finance – Employee Compensation Policy. Ann said that conversation on this was just beginning. She explained the responses she received when she asked about this at a seminar. AJ felt that only using COLA and nothing else was the best option. Ann talked about COLA and a bonus policy. It was decided to review the VLCT annual survey when doing budget deliberations this fall. No action.
7. FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser. Ann said they have received an award for the hiring of an appraiser and noted that the latest reappraisal figure would not be accepted. It was also noted that the house needs to be vacant when the Town takes possession. Ann moved to send a request to three companies. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
8. Regional Energy Committee – update. Ann said that she has been attending the regional meetings. They are attempting to put together a job description for a Regional Energy Resilience Coordinator that would work for all of the 14 towns. They have also come up with three financial plans. Each town except for two has received $4,000 in MERP grants to fund this. It would be a one-year contract. She outlined the duties and responsibilities of this position. Joyce was asked if she would speak with Vaughn to see if he would be willing to represent the Town at the meetings.
9. Financials – Treasurer’s Report July. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Financials - Treasurer's Report August. Ann questioned two items. This was tabled until the next meeting.
2. Town Office – Land Record Digitization Project. This was tabled.
3. Finance – Unemployment Mandate. This is a taxable or reimbursable entity. It was asked how this would be paid. Ann would like to know how unemployment works. Joyce will ask Trish for an explanation.
4. Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit for Olsen. This is located at 219 Heritage Heights. Ann moved to accept George’s recommendation and approve the permit. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Town Property – Town Office Lot & Playground Litter. There was discussion about ways to deter the issue from happening again: a sign, a sand bucket, and/or speak with the person. It was decided to start with signage and Joyce was asked to make one up.
OTHER: Joyce said that Jordan would like to organize a Trunk or Treat on the Green for Halloween. Ann said she would add it to the next meeting’s agenda. Additionally, there needs to be some follow-up with Denis Veilleux regarding siding and independent contractor paperwork.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6pm Town Hall
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September 21, 2023
Ann asked if there was any further business to discuss. As there was none, Ann moved to close the meeting at 7:54pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 5, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3PxlQtp
DATE: September 21, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Trish Abbondelo
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 7, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Tax Sale – Hummel communication
2. VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development – Performance Report
3. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Municipal Day
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Simister complaint draft letter
2. Village Center Designation – Application update
3. Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Tree Trimming, Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights)
4. Sand Shed – Final Payment
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint update
6. Finance – Employee Compensation Policy
7. FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser
8. Regional Energy Committee – update
9. Financials – Treasurer’s Report July
1. Financials - Treasurer's Report August
2. Town Office – Land Record Digitization Project
3. Finance – Unemployment Mandate
4. Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit for Olsen
5. Town Property – Town Office Lot & Playground Litter
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. There were no Agenda Modifications. Ann said that Trish has requested that her topic be tabled to the next meeting. AJ had a question about an item in the Minutes of the last meeting regarding employee benefits. Ann said the discussion was about merit raises. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the September 7, 2023 Regular Meeting. Ann seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
September 21, 2023
Betty Warner was not on the Agenda but had stopped by to present free copies of a book to each Board member on behalf of Vermont Reads. She briefly explained the program and encouraged them to read the book. She added that additional copies of the book were available in the Library.
1. Tax Sale – Hummel communication. Ann explained that this was in regard to the Cahill tax sale and a notice about a late transfer tax penalty that was due. The date on the return was incorrect and the closing attorney requested a new date. No action is needed by the Board.
2. VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development – Performance Report. This is a review of their programs and request for comments. Ann moved to have Trish post on the bulletin boards. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Municipal Day. This is a notification about an event where governments cooperate and participate in a day of workshops on October 20th. Ann noted that most of the workshops deal with the flood. No action is needed by the Board.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Simister complaint draft letter. AJ sent members the draft of the letter to send to Brad Dietz. Ann said that she had made some suggestions. Ann moved to have the secretary send it to Brad with a copy to the Simisters. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Village Center Designation – Application update. Ann said that she sent the latest version of locations. Further correspondence from Sydney requests a sentence or two describing each of the locations listed and its value to the town. Discussion. The list was reviewed, and each Board member will comment on three to four locations each. This will be due at the next meeting.
3. Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Tree Trimming, Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights). It was noted that great progress has been made on the gazebo steps. The tree trimming refers to low lying limbs on the Green and limbs that hang over village Green scraping the school busses. It was decided to have George and Connie identify the limbs, then have Trees, Inc. come and remove them. The emergency lighting in the Town Office contain back-up batteries. Since they were all installed at the same time, they all need replacing at the same time. Discussion. It was suggested that since the replacement batteries are no longer made, the entire light fixture should be replaced with LEDS . There was some discussion on the cost that 4- Security provided. Ann noted that Amazon carried the fixtures and are a bit less expensive. Ann said she would also contact Mike Juris for an estimate. Joyce questioned the number of lights needed as a few were installed in spaces that didn’t really need them. It was noted that to custom laminate the new countertop in the Office would be expensive Ann suggested sending Richard Waterman to Home Depot for an estimate. She also noted that he tends to overestimate material costs. Don Marshall has provided an estimate for painting the Office. The counter-top project will be revisited when a new estimate is obtained. The boiler inspection was discussed, and it was determined that the State is responsible for inspecting it every two years at no cost to the Town. Four of the old windows have been set aside for Trish. She wants to create a barrier over the new counter between her and customers. Joyce asked about which fund was going to pay for the new gazebo stairs. Discussion. It was decided to look at all the funds to see what is available for projects. Ann said that she has submitted the application for the $1,500 PACIF grant to pay for the stairs. She said they should get an answer next week.
4. Sand Shed – Final Payment. Ann moved to approve the final payment of $3,989.58 and add it to next week’s orders. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann noted that the reimbursement process is a lot of work
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September 21, 2023
and explained what is needed for documentation. She is submitting $13,347 and expects reimbursement to be $10.678. Ann moved to sign the document. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint update. Ann reviewed what has been done so far and noted that Beth Stanton has been appointed as the Town’s Health Officer, but her term doesn’t begin until October 1st. Discussion. It was felt that Beth should not attempt to visit the property citing safety concerns. She should however have all the documentation on the complaint and what’s been done so far to bring her up to date. It was decided to have a Board member follow up with the complainant and see if they were able to contact the VT Department of Environmental Conservation.
6. Finance – Employee Compensation Policy. Ann said that conversation on this was just beginning. She explained the responses she received when she asked about this at a seminar. AJ felt that only using COLA and nothing else was the best option. Ann talked about COLA and a bonus policy. It was decided to review the VLCT annual survey when doing budget deliberations this fall. No action.
7. FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser. Ann said they have received an award for the hiring of an appraiser and noted that the latest reappraisal figure would not be accepted. It was also noted that the house needs to be vacant when the Town takes possession. Ann moved to send a request to three companies. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
8. Regional Energy Committee – update. Ann said that she has been attending the regional meetings. They are attempting to put together a job description for a Regional Energy Resilience Coordinator that would work for all of the 14 towns. They have also come up with three financial plans. Each town except for two has received $4,000 in MERP grants to fund this. It would be a one-year contract. She outlined the duties and responsibilities of this position. Joyce was asked if she would speak with Vaughn to see if he would be willing to represent the Town at the meetings.
9. Financials – Treasurer’s Report July. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Financials - Treasurer's Report August. Ann questioned two items. This was tabled until the next meeting.
2. Town Office – Land Record Digitization Project. This was tabled.
3. Finance – Unemployment Mandate. This is a taxable or reimbursable entity. It was asked how this would be paid. Ann would like to know how unemployment works. Joyce will ask Trish for an explanation.
4. Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit for Olsen. This is located at 219 Heritage Heights. Ann moved to accept George’s recommendation and approve the permit. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Town Property – Town Office Lot & Playground Litter. There was discussion about ways to deter the issue from happening again: a sign, a sand bucket, and/or speak with the person. It was decided to start with signage and Joyce was asked to make one up.
OTHER: Joyce said that Jordan would like to organize a Trunk or Treat on the Green for Halloween. Ann said she would add it to the next meeting’s agenda. Additionally, there needs to be some follow-up with Denis Veilleux regarding siding and independent contractor paperwork.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6pm Town Hall
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September 21, 2023
Ann asked if there was any further business to discuss. As there was none, Ann moved to close the meeting at 7:54pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 5, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben