DATE: August 17, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#4 – Resignation: Coral Hawley
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 13, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Act 250 – Notice
2. WRVA – CPR Course
3. Grants – Municipal Planning Grants
4. Grants – By-Law Modernization Grants
5. Sand Shed – Final Change Order
1. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY23 Construction
2. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY24
3. Village Center Designation – Application
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report update
5. Events – Pittsfield Bazaar
6. Events – Village Green Concert
7. Grants – Aid to Firefighters
8. Buyout – FEMA 593 Route 100
9. Grants – MERP Grant Application
10. White River Valley Energy
1. Financials – June Treasurers Report; Final Financials
2. Office – Office Typewriter. The office has purchased a new typewriter.
3. Contractors – Waterman Independent Contractor paperwork. Ann moved to approve the paperwork for Richard Waterman. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Resignation – Library Trustee Coral Hawley. The Board accepted Coral’s resignation.
5. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. 313 (1) (E) potential for litigation
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the July 13, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. Ann presented an Agenda Modification (see above). Joyce moved to approve. AJ seconded. All in favor. Carl was here to discuss the gazebo steps
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that need replacing. Ann explained that the steps were part of the Loss Control Inspection Report (OB4).Ann moved to take OB#4 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Act 250 – Notice. This notice pertains to Vermont Ventures Equities, LLC, and their application to construct a covered entryway on the side of the building located at 3631 Route 100. No action is needed by the Board.
2. WRVA – CPR Course. WRVA is hosting a Heartsaver CPR/AED course for Town Office staff. Others are welcome to sign up as well. Cost: $60. Date: September 27th @ 3pm. If interested, email: [email protected]. This has been forwarded to all departments. The deadline for applying is August 24th.
3. Grants – Municipal Planning Grants. This is information pertaining to the annual grant procedure. Ann said that there is nothing planned at this point. No action taken.
4. Grants – By-Law Modernization Grants. This notice provides information regarding this grant and includes a program description. No action taken by the Board.
5. Sand Shed – Final Change Order. Ann said that we are just waiting for the last invoice which should arrive soon.
1. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY23 Construction. The deadline for any projects is September 30th. George said he has all the materials to complete the culvert job in time.
2. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY24. Ann moved to execute the state grant for fy24 which would provide up to $10,000 for ditching and culvert projects under the Municipal Roads General permit program. AJ Seconded. All in Favor.
3. Village Center Designation – Application. The map was reviewed and updated. Several items were noted including the need to note relevant locations, community events, infrastructure developments, and inventory of businesses with a brief description.
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report update. Carl advised the Board that he replaced the teeter totter. The invoice was $511.00 and $170.00 for labor. The steps were discussed, and Ann asked if he would prepare an estimate for the Board by the September 7th meeting. Another estimate has been received. There are projects noted in the report that need to be addressed. Some have been completed, others still need completion. Discussion. There are no High Priority items.
5. Events – Pittsfield Bazaar. The bazaar will be held on September 30th starting at 9am. Advertising will include music but not the Rusty Dewees concert. That will be advertised separately.
6. Events – Village Green Concert. It was pointed out that there won’t be any advertising of this concert by Rusty Dewees until after September 6th. He will also need to provide proof of insurance.
7. Grants – Aid to Firefighters. Ann said that Pittsfield was denied this due to a lack of communication. Some information was missing regarding the new truck. Ann said she would follow up.
8. Buyout – FEMA 593 Route 100. AJ said that he read the document over. Ann explained what is needed and her concerns. Discussion. It was felt there is plenty of time and moved to sign this. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
9. Grants – MERP Grant Application. Ann said that this is a follow up of the energy grant presented in person several months ago. Discussion. It was felt that the Town should apply for the mini grant and the MERP grant, which involves extensive paperwork. The application pertains to the Town Office Building.
Ann moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
10. White River Valley Energy. A lot of people have shown interest in this, and surveys have been done. More people are needed to be involved and attend meetings. Potential candidates were discussed.
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1. Financials – June Treasurers Report; Final Financials. The Board discussed some of the items including Town Hall Maintenance and some other budget items. Discussion. Ann expressed her confusion as to how Quick Books is handled.
2. Office – Office Typewriter. A new typewriter has been purchased for the Town Office.
3. Contractors – Waterman Independent Contractor paperwork. Ann moved to accept the paperwork submitted by Richard Waterman. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Resignation – Library Trustee Coral Hawley. Ann moved to accept Coral’s resignation. Micheline Bissell has accepted an appointment to the positions. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. 313 (1) (E) potential for litigation. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 7:24pm.
Ann moved to resume the public meeting at 7:36pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
DATE: August 17, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#4 – Resignation: Coral Hawley
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 13, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Act 250 – Notice
2. WRVA – CPR Course
3. Grants – Municipal Planning Grants
4. Grants – By-Law Modernization Grants
5. Sand Shed – Final Change Order
1. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY23 Construction
2. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY24
3. Village Center Designation – Application
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report update
5. Events – Pittsfield Bazaar
6. Events – Village Green Concert
7. Grants – Aid to Firefighters
8. Buyout – FEMA 593 Route 100
9. Grants – MERP Grant Application
10. White River Valley Energy
1. Financials – June Treasurers Report; Final Financials
2. Office – Office Typewriter. The office has purchased a new typewriter.
3. Contractors – Waterman Independent Contractor paperwork. Ann moved to approve the paperwork for Richard Waterman. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Resignation – Library Trustee Coral Hawley. The Board accepted Coral’s resignation.
5. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. 313 (1) (E) potential for litigation
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the July 13, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. Ann presented an Agenda Modification (see above). Joyce moved to approve. AJ seconded. All in favor. Carl was here to discuss the gazebo steps
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that need replacing. Ann explained that the steps were part of the Loss Control Inspection Report (OB4).Ann moved to take OB#4 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Act 250 – Notice. This notice pertains to Vermont Ventures Equities, LLC, and their application to construct a covered entryway on the side of the building located at 3631 Route 100. No action is needed by the Board.
2. WRVA – CPR Course. WRVA is hosting a Heartsaver CPR/AED course for Town Office staff. Others are welcome to sign up as well. Cost: $60. Date: September 27th @ 3pm. If interested, email: [email protected]. This has been forwarded to all departments. The deadline for applying is August 24th.
3. Grants – Municipal Planning Grants. This is information pertaining to the annual grant procedure. Ann said that there is nothing planned at this point. No action taken.
4. Grants – By-Law Modernization Grants. This notice provides information regarding this grant and includes a program description. No action taken by the Board.
5. Sand Shed – Final Change Order. Ann said that we are just waiting for the last invoice which should arrive soon.
1. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY23 Construction. The deadline for any projects is September 30th. George said he has all the materials to complete the culvert job in time.
2. Grants – MM Grants in Aid FY24. Ann moved to execute the state grant for fy24 which would provide up to $10,000 for ditching and culvert projects under the Municipal Roads General permit program. AJ Seconded. All in Favor.
3. Village Center Designation – Application. The map was reviewed and updated. Several items were noted including the need to note relevant locations, community events, infrastructure developments, and inventory of businesses with a brief description.
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report update. Carl advised the Board that he replaced the teeter totter. The invoice was $511.00 and $170.00 for labor. The steps were discussed, and Ann asked if he would prepare an estimate for the Board by the September 7th meeting. Another estimate has been received. There are projects noted in the report that need to be addressed. Some have been completed, others still need completion. Discussion. There are no High Priority items.
5. Events – Pittsfield Bazaar. The bazaar will be held on September 30th starting at 9am. Advertising will include music but not the Rusty Dewees concert. That will be advertised separately.
6. Events – Village Green Concert. It was pointed out that there won’t be any advertising of this concert by Rusty Dewees until after September 6th. He will also need to provide proof of insurance.
7. Grants – Aid to Firefighters. Ann said that Pittsfield was denied this due to a lack of communication. Some information was missing regarding the new truck. Ann said she would follow up.
8. Buyout – FEMA 593 Route 100. AJ said that he read the document over. Ann explained what is needed and her concerns. Discussion. It was felt there is plenty of time and moved to sign this. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
9. Grants – MERP Grant Application. Ann said that this is a follow up of the energy grant presented in person several months ago. Discussion. It was felt that the Town should apply for the mini grant and the MERP grant, which involves extensive paperwork. The application pertains to the Town Office Building.
Ann moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
10. White River Valley Energy. A lot of people have shown interest in this, and surveys have been done. More people are needed to be involved and attend meetings. Potential candidates were discussed.
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August 17, 2023
1. Financials – June Treasurers Report; Final Financials. The Board discussed some of the items including Town Hall Maintenance and some other budget items. Discussion. Ann expressed her confusion as to how Quick Books is handled.
2. Office – Office Typewriter. A new typewriter has been purchased for the Town Office.
3. Contractors – Waterman Independent Contractor paperwork. Ann moved to accept the paperwork submitted by Richard Waterman. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Resignation – Library Trustee Coral Hawley. Ann moved to accept Coral’s resignation. Micheline Bissell has accepted an appointment to the positions. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Executive Session 1 V.S.A. 313 (1) (E) potential for litigation. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 7:24pm.
Ann moved to resume the public meeting at 7:36pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben