To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3JnXmRe
DATE: June 15, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Herb Kuendig, Ron & Lynda Colton, Mike Moran, Richard Gaston, Katie Styles; Brett Yates (via Teams)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#1 – invitation from Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation ; NB#9 – Independent Contractor Paperwork for Hooker Plumbing
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 1, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation - invitation
1. Village Green – Use Policy
2. Village Center Designation – modification
3. Insurance – Speed Signs
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection
5. Sand Shed – Reappraisal
6. Sand Shed – Closeout Update
1. Town Hall – Renovation Project Update & Funding
2. VT Agency of Transportation – Certificate of Completion
3. Permits & Licenses – Original General Store Liquor License
4. Town Office – Septic Tank Maintenance
5. Town Office, Town Hall – Window Cleaning
6. Financials – Treasurer’s Report May
7. Village Green – Summer/Fall Concert
8. Dogs – Delinquent Dog Owners
9. Contractors - Hooker Plumbing Independent Contractor paperwork
10. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (F) Attorney – Client Communications
NEXT MEETING DATE: July 13, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented the following Agenda Modifications: C#1 – an invitation from the Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation; NB#9 – Independent Contractor Paperwork for Hooker Plumbing. This would move the Executive Session
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June 15, 2023
to NB#10. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of the June 1, 2023 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann acknowledged the presence of the Town Hall Building Committee and Pittsfield Rescue Plan Committee . Joyce made a motion to move NB#1 to the top of the agenda. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – An invitation to their Member Appreciation and Annual Meeting was received. It will be held on June 27, from 5-7pm. There will be a presentation on Big Ideas for Business, Housing, and Childcare.
1. Village Green – Use Policy. Ann said she followed up with VLCT and had downloaded templates from their website. She’s like to put together a generic facility use policy similar to an ordinance. She said she has put together a packet and asked the Board to read through it to discuss further at the next meeting. Discussion. AJ said he would create a document that could be used by the Fire Department for their September event as well as anyone wanting to hold an event on the Green. Joyce pointed out that no waivers have been used in any of the last two years. Discussion.
2. Village Center Designation – modification. Ann said she has been thinking about the boundary extension and wondered what this would do to businesses? They would get tax breaks and credits. Any explanation would need a new application. AJ felt this should be done by the Planning Commission. Ann explained what is still needed for the renewal with a deadline of September 6th. It was felt that the Town Plan would have most of the information needed. A possible Resolution was discussed. AJ moved to approve a Resolution to renew the application for the village center designation. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Board reviewed the map and said it would need to be updated with business names. Ann thought that 1-2 Planning Commission members should attend the next two Select Board meetings.
3. Insurance – Speed Signs. These have been added to the Town’s insurance.
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection. Joyce reported that the Gazebo stairs need to be replaced. They are too steep and need a handrail. There are some rotten boards that need replacing. The structure is currently insured for $39,000 and the insurance inspector felt it should be more. The Fire Department needs some ceiling GFIs where the trucks plug in. Also needed are smoke detectors. The turnout gear should not be older than ten years and there is an LP gas container that needs to be removed. It was noticed that in the Town Office Building, none of the safety lights worked. AJ suggested adding this to the maintenance list. It was thought that they were hard-wired and not batteries. This will be looked into. The fire alarm company will also be contacted if needed.. It was felt by the inspector that the counter extension would be a safety issue and grant funds might be available to pay for it. There are grants available but only up to $1,500. The elevator is okay, but old windows stored in the heating unit closet need to be removed from a room in the basement as it is a fire hazard. Ann said that there have been no loss control reports since 2018. Joyce said the inspector will send a report.
5. Sand Shed – Reappraisal. Joyce said the inspection was short. It can only be insured for the construction costs. As it stands now it is $250,000, will wait for appraisal report.
6. Sand Shed – Closeout Update. Ann said there was a meeting on May 12th and an agreement had been reached over the third change order. Discussion. Ann will check with VTRANS to determine if there is a deadline for filing reimbursements for the project.
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June 15, 2023
1. Town Hall – Renovation Project Update & Funding. Herb passed out copies of the Town Hall Renovation Project Budget and provided some background to the project. Their focus was on creating a shelter for the Town. The handout explained the projects and funds needed to obtain an occupancy permit and pay
any outstanding invoices. A total of $42,000 is needed to finish the building. They are looking for an additional $30,000. Herb explained the items that were unexpected or had cost increases and results of the fire inspection. Additional funding was not expected. They are asking to have the Select Board allocate additional Undesignated funds originating from ARPA federal funding. The Rescue Plan Committee had previously said they could have some of that money. Joyce asked for specifics. Herb said he would like to complete the building while funding is available. Joyce felt there were other projects that could use the money. AJ wanted to know how much could be saved if not all the items are completed, to just do the fixable items and not the aesthetics. Discussion. It was felt it was better to complete everything now while the contractors are available. It was pointed out that in regard to the generator, the Building Committee should be responsible for half of the cost of the generator (total cost was $27,430). It was brought to everyone’s attention that $10,000 is available in the ’23-’24 budget. There is also the availability of the Begin Fund. Herb said he would like to save the $10,000 budgeted amount for improvements upstairs. He said the Building Committee would do their best to whittle down bids, etc. to save money. AJ made a motion that the Board agree to allocate up to $20,000 out of the Undesignated funds to cover the costs presented by the Building Committee today. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. VT Agency of Transportation – Certificate of Completion. This arrived as part of a grant package and the certificate should have been sent in in February. Ann checked with George, and we don’t qualify for the grant. Ann said she would get it to the State. Ann moved that the Board sign this in anticipation of George giving us a yes or no. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
3. Permits & Licenses – Original General Store Liquor License. There was a question as to what type of license they wanted. Katie Stiles said that they are changing business operations and need a license to serve beer and wine in the store. She said they hope to open a revenue stream which would allow an increase in staffing, increased hours, etc. Ann moved to approve the application. Joyce seconded. All agreed.
4. Town Office – Septic Tank Maintenance. Ann said she had plans for the septic field and tank, but no maintenance files have been kept on this. Hubbards can do this for $350. Ann moved to have Trish contact Hubbards. AJ seconded All in favor.
5. Town Office, Town Hall – Window Cleaning. Ann said she has been having people look at the windows. One said it would cost between $300 and $600 for both buildings with the windows taken apart. She said she is still waiting for another quote. It may be possible to use Eric’s lift. The cleaning should be done every year.
6. Financials – Treasurer’s Report May. Ann said that she looked at the Income/Expenses in relation to the budget and noted that some line items don’t account for reimbursements or insurance claims. She added that she doesn’t know how Quick Books is set up, but wondered if the Treasurer reports could note some of these inconsistencies so the Board can more accurately monitor expenditures. This will be discussed with Trish. Ann moved to accept the May report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
7. Village Green – Summer/Fall Concert. AJ said he spoke with Rusty DeWees who explained how he would handle the event. He said he would have a flat bed with a bucket requesting $20. This would be on the honor system. He has his own insurance. It would be held on a Friday or Saturday, and he would do his own advertising. The Town could also advertise. The Board felt that Saturday might not be a good
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day as Killington has their own music event throughout the summer. AJ will respond to Rusty with the Board’s thoughts.
8. Dogs – Delinquent Dog Owners. There are currently two dog owners that still haven’t renewed licenses: Colby Shaw and Mike Menard. Colby has been sent two letters, Menard only one. Ann moved to authorize the Town Clerk to send Mike Menard the second letter as thirty-five days has expired. AJ seconded. All in favor.
9. Contractors – Ann moved to accept the Independent Contractors paperwork for Hooker Plumbing. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
10. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (F) Attorney – Client Communications. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 8:12pm.
Ann moved to resume the public meeting at 8:20pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm. Joyce seconded All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, July 13, 2023 @ 6pm Town Hal.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: July 13, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3JnXmRe
DATE: June 15, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Herb Kuendig, Ron & Lynda Colton, Mike Moran, Richard Gaston, Katie Styles; Brett Yates (via Teams)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#1 – invitation from Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation ; NB#9 – Independent Contractor Paperwork for Hooker Plumbing
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 1, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation - invitation
1. Village Green – Use Policy
2. Village Center Designation – modification
3. Insurance – Speed Signs
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection
5. Sand Shed – Reappraisal
6. Sand Shed – Closeout Update
1. Town Hall – Renovation Project Update & Funding
2. VT Agency of Transportation – Certificate of Completion
3. Permits & Licenses – Original General Store Liquor License
4. Town Office – Septic Tank Maintenance
5. Town Office, Town Hall – Window Cleaning
6. Financials – Treasurer’s Report May
7. Village Green – Summer/Fall Concert
8. Dogs – Delinquent Dog Owners
9. Contractors - Hooker Plumbing Independent Contractor paperwork
10. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (F) Attorney – Client Communications
NEXT MEETING DATE: July 13, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented the following Agenda Modifications: C#1 – an invitation from the Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation; NB#9 – Independent Contractor Paperwork for Hooker Plumbing. This would move the Executive Session
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June 15, 2023
to NB#10. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of the June 1, 2023 Regular Meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann acknowledged the presence of the Town Hall Building Committee and Pittsfield Rescue Plan Committee . Joyce made a motion to move NB#1 to the top of the agenda. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – An invitation to their Member Appreciation and Annual Meeting was received. It will be held on June 27, from 5-7pm. There will be a presentation on Big Ideas for Business, Housing, and Childcare.
1. Village Green – Use Policy. Ann said she followed up with VLCT and had downloaded templates from their website. She’s like to put together a generic facility use policy similar to an ordinance. She said she has put together a packet and asked the Board to read through it to discuss further at the next meeting. Discussion. AJ said he would create a document that could be used by the Fire Department for their September event as well as anyone wanting to hold an event on the Green. Joyce pointed out that no waivers have been used in any of the last two years. Discussion.
2. Village Center Designation – modification. Ann said she has been thinking about the boundary extension and wondered what this would do to businesses? They would get tax breaks and credits. Any explanation would need a new application. AJ felt this should be done by the Planning Commission. Ann explained what is still needed for the renewal with a deadline of September 6th. It was felt that the Town Plan would have most of the information needed. A possible Resolution was discussed. AJ moved to approve a Resolution to renew the application for the village center designation. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The Board reviewed the map and said it would need to be updated with business names. Ann thought that 1-2 Planning Commission members should attend the next two Select Board meetings.
3. Insurance – Speed Signs. These have been added to the Town’s insurance.
4. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection. Joyce reported that the Gazebo stairs need to be replaced. They are too steep and need a handrail. There are some rotten boards that need replacing. The structure is currently insured for $39,000 and the insurance inspector felt it should be more. The Fire Department needs some ceiling GFIs where the trucks plug in. Also needed are smoke detectors. The turnout gear should not be older than ten years and there is an LP gas container that needs to be removed. It was noticed that in the Town Office Building, none of the safety lights worked. AJ suggested adding this to the maintenance list. It was thought that they were hard-wired and not batteries. This will be looked into. The fire alarm company will also be contacted if needed.. It was felt by the inspector that the counter extension would be a safety issue and grant funds might be available to pay for it. There are grants available but only up to $1,500. The elevator is okay, but old windows stored in the heating unit closet need to be removed from a room in the basement as it is a fire hazard. Ann said that there have been no loss control reports since 2018. Joyce said the inspector will send a report.
5. Sand Shed – Reappraisal. Joyce said the inspection was short. It can only be insured for the construction costs. As it stands now it is $250,000, will wait for appraisal report.
6. Sand Shed – Closeout Update. Ann said there was a meeting on May 12th and an agreement had been reached over the third change order. Discussion. Ann will check with VTRANS to determine if there is a deadline for filing reimbursements for the project.
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June 15, 2023
1. Town Hall – Renovation Project Update & Funding. Herb passed out copies of the Town Hall Renovation Project Budget and provided some background to the project. Their focus was on creating a shelter for the Town. The handout explained the projects and funds needed to obtain an occupancy permit and pay
any outstanding invoices. A total of $42,000 is needed to finish the building. They are looking for an additional $30,000. Herb explained the items that were unexpected or had cost increases and results of the fire inspection. Additional funding was not expected. They are asking to have the Select Board allocate additional Undesignated funds originating from ARPA federal funding. The Rescue Plan Committee had previously said they could have some of that money. Joyce asked for specifics. Herb said he would like to complete the building while funding is available. Joyce felt there were other projects that could use the money. AJ wanted to know how much could be saved if not all the items are completed, to just do the fixable items and not the aesthetics. Discussion. It was felt it was better to complete everything now while the contractors are available. It was pointed out that in regard to the generator, the Building Committee should be responsible for half of the cost of the generator (total cost was $27,430). It was brought to everyone’s attention that $10,000 is available in the ’23-’24 budget. There is also the availability of the Begin Fund. Herb said he would like to save the $10,000 budgeted amount for improvements upstairs. He said the Building Committee would do their best to whittle down bids, etc. to save money. AJ made a motion that the Board agree to allocate up to $20,000 out of the Undesignated funds to cover the costs presented by the Building Committee today. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. VT Agency of Transportation – Certificate of Completion. This arrived as part of a grant package and the certificate should have been sent in in February. Ann checked with George, and we don’t qualify for the grant. Ann said she would get it to the State. Ann moved that the Board sign this in anticipation of George giving us a yes or no. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
3. Permits & Licenses – Original General Store Liquor License. There was a question as to what type of license they wanted. Katie Stiles said that they are changing business operations and need a license to serve beer and wine in the store. She said they hope to open a revenue stream which would allow an increase in staffing, increased hours, etc. Ann moved to approve the application. Joyce seconded. All agreed.
4. Town Office – Septic Tank Maintenance. Ann said she had plans for the septic field and tank, but no maintenance files have been kept on this. Hubbards can do this for $350. Ann moved to have Trish contact Hubbards. AJ seconded All in favor.
5. Town Office, Town Hall – Window Cleaning. Ann said she has been having people look at the windows. One said it would cost between $300 and $600 for both buildings with the windows taken apart. She said she is still waiting for another quote. It may be possible to use Eric’s lift. The cleaning should be done every year.
6. Financials – Treasurer’s Report May. Ann said that she looked at the Income/Expenses in relation to the budget and noted that some line items don’t account for reimbursements or insurance claims. She added that she doesn’t know how Quick Books is set up, but wondered if the Treasurer reports could note some of these inconsistencies so the Board can more accurately monitor expenditures. This will be discussed with Trish. Ann moved to accept the May report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
7. Village Green – Summer/Fall Concert. AJ said he spoke with Rusty DeWees who explained how he would handle the event. He said he would have a flat bed with a bucket requesting $20. This would be on the honor system. He has his own insurance. It would be held on a Friday or Saturday, and he would do his own advertising. The Town could also advertise. The Board felt that Saturday might not be a good
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June 15, 2023
day as Killington has their own music event throughout the summer. AJ will respond to Rusty with the Board’s thoughts.
8. Dogs – Delinquent Dog Owners. There are currently two dog owners that still haven’t renewed licenses: Colby Shaw and Mike Menard. Colby has been sent two letters, Menard only one. Ann moved to authorize the Town Clerk to send Mike Menard the second letter as thirty-five days has expired. AJ seconded. All in favor.
9. Contractors – Ann moved to accept the Independent Contractors paperwork for Hooker Plumbing. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
10. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313-(1) (F) Attorney – Client Communications. Ann moved to enter into Executive Session at 8:12pm.
Ann moved to resume the public meeting at 8:20pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm. Joyce seconded All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, July 13, 2023 @ 6pm Town Hal.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: July 13, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben