To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/47VAYJ4
DATE: December 7, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Scott Allen, Beth Stanton
MINUTES APPROVAL: November 16, 2023 Regular Meeting
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#4 – Scott Allen re: Townsend Brook Road Ext.
1.Appointment – TRORC Representative
2.Village Center – Designation
3.VT Attorney General – Contractor Registration
4.250th Anniversary Commission
5.VT Community Broadband – listening sessions
6.VT Climate Action – Public Forums
1.Grants – VOREC Grant update
2.WRV Energy Consortium – Coordinator Presentation
3.Town Hall – Rental Procedure
4.Financials – Treasurer’s Report October
5.Town Hall – Project Contract Closeout
1.Town Report – timeline
2.FEMA Buyout – appraisal
3.Insurance – Health Insurance renewal
4.Scott Allen – Townsend Brook Road Ext.
Budget – December 14, 2023
Regular – December 21, 2023
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 7, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:59pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann presented one Agenda Modification (see above) and moved to take it and Beth Stanton out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the November 16, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor.
1. Appointment – TRORC Representative. No replacement has been found for Sarah Gallagher. Ann asked that Joyce and AJ give some thought for a replacement. A notice will be put on the website.
2. Village Center – Designation. The Village Center application has been accepted. Ann expressed concern about the map as it is from 2015. She has asked TRORC to have an updated map to include in the business packet. The Board will revisit in the new year.
3. VT Attorney General – Contractor Registration. This is a notice that contractors with a project over $10,000 need to register with the Secretary of State. Joyce will post on the Swiss Farm Boards
4. 250th Anniversary Commission - This notice invites every community to participate in the statewide commemoration of the American Revolution. Events will be held between 2025-27.
The Commission would like every town to sign an anniversary resolution. Ann moved that the Board sign the resolution and send the information to the Historical Society. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. AJ asked to have the information posted on the website.
5. VT Community Broadband – listening sessions. This is an announcement that the next listening session will be held on December 14th at 6:30pm. They will also be going to be holding focus groups. Ann moved to post on the website. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
6. VT Climate Action – Public Forums. You can register to attend and learn about federal climate funding. It will be held December 11th and 12th via Zoom. Ann moved to have this posted on the boards. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Grants – VOREC Grant update. AJ said this is moving along and everything is working out. He said he has another meeting with Megan from TRORC and the application is basically written and they got some more letters of support. AJ said that if we get the grant before we contract with the SC Group, bids might have to be requested again.
2. WRV Energy Consortium – Coordinator Presentation. Ann passed out a handout outlining the presentation. The regional committee has produced a presentation to present to various Select Boards. Ann said they are looking for questions before they take a final vote. The Coordinator would be hired by TRORC. Pittsfield’s participation could be an Article in the Warning and let the Town decide. This is a professional position hosted by TRORC. Funding was briefly discussed. A formal vote will be scheduled for the next meeting.
3. Town Hall – Rental Procedure. Tabled.
4. Financials – Treasurer’s Report October. Ann moved to accept. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
5. Town Hall – Project Contract Closeout. Ann read the invoice and said she felt it should not be paid and explained why. A few parts of the contract were not done. It was decided to send a letter to Vermont Home Improvement Specialists noting that we are not paying. Discussion. AJ dictated a note for Ann to type up and mail. Ann moved to send it. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
December 7, 2023
1. Town Report – timeline. Beth, an Auditor, presented the timeline and it was reviewed. Ann said that she changed a few of the dates that didn’t pertain directly to the Auditors (date of Warn, last day to accept voter backed petition to Town Clerk, and date to mail). Beth asked when the final budget
might be ready. Joyce said she would like to see the end of December, but Ann felt the second meeting in January might be more realistic. Beth presented possible covers and was asked if she had received many reports. She was asked to send out reminder letters. Beth reviewed the printing bids with the Board and Ann moved to hire Spaulding Press to do this year’s report. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Beth was thanked for coming.
2. FEMA Buyout – appraisal. Ann said that the appraisal came to $125,000 which is considerably less than the current FEMA program appraisal. It has been sent to the owner. Ann moved to pay $1,200 for the service and direct the Town Treasurer to submit it and any other previous expenses to state mitigation office for reimbursement. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Insurance – Health Insurance renewal. Discussion. Ann moved to renew the health insurance for our employees at the new rate of $944.14, that we keep the HRA deposit the same at $2,000, and that the surplus money in the HRA account will go towards the premiums. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Scott Allen – Townsend Brook Road Ext. Ann held up a packet of correspondence from Facey Goss & McPhee, PC who Scott hired to do a land record search. Ann said the Board read it but wasn’t really sure what the problem was. Scott was invited to attend and clarify this. The Select Board in 2009 approved extending the Townsend Brook right of way to an ancient road. Scott explained that Richard Lunna did a survey in 2016 and determined that Scott owned the section of road in question. According to Scott, his land was made a Class 4 road, and it shouldn’t have been. The Forest Service is involved due to the Telephone Gap project and their needing potential access.for logging. It was determined that the Select Board will have to do research on how to decommission a town roadway. AJ offered to research statutes and Ann will look at regulations for class 4 policy and guidance. Further discussion to take place at the next budget meeting. It was noted that the law firm is also the Town’s Attorney, but it was felt there was no conflict of interest between what was done and what might need to be done. The common goal is to protect the road and possible solutions were noted. Scott was thanked for attending and clarifying what he wanted done.
Budget – December 14, 2023
Regular – December 21, 2023
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
December 7, 2023
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:49pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben