To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/45sbJfo
DATE: October 5, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Mark Shea, Breanna Franzoni-RCSWD
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: GMNF – Schedule of Proposed Actions: C2
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 21, 2023 Regular Meeting
1.VT Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) – Wastewater Grants
2.Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF) – Schedule of Proposed Actions
1.Citizen Concern/Complaint – Dietch letter follow-up
2.Village Center Designation – Map Assignments
3.Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights)
4.Sand Shed – Final Reimbursement
5.FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser
6.Insurance – Unemployment Mandate information
7.Town Property – Town Office Litter Update
8.MERP – Town Office Audit Update
9.Financials – August Treasurer’s Report
1.Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) – Project Final Meeting
2.Budget – Hearing Schedule & Department Invitations
3.Town Meeting – Conflict with Primary Election
4.Events – Trunk or Treat Event
5.Town Property – Folding Chair sale
6.Town Property – Tree Trimming
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 19, 2023 @6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann presented Mark Shea, RCSWD’s District Manager and Breanna Franzoni ,RCSWD Progam mgr, who were here to present a close-out of the Outreach Program begun in April.
Ann made a motion to take NB1 out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
October 5, 2023
1. VT Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) – Wastewater Grants. Ann explained that there was money available for properties with water or wastewater issues not connected to the flood. This information will be posted.
2. Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF) – Schedule of Proposed Actions. Ann pointed out that there were only a few. The Telephone Gap project is still scoping, and the Forest-wide Open Management project is ongoing in all towns. No action taken.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Dietch letter follow-up. The Secretary said that the letter went out this week. A copy of the letter will be hand delivered to Erica Simister.
2. Village Center Designation – Map Assignments. Joyce and AJ both said that they still have some businesses to complete. It was decided to have them completed and turn in next week.
3. Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights). Ann said that Mike Juris was consulted about the town office emergency lighting and it was decided that 18 need replacing. He will further check the code for other requirements. He will also provide the cost of labor for the replacements. Ann said that the Town’s Amazon account could be used for the purchase of the fixtures. This could be compared with McKinnon’s cost estimate. The Town Hall and Town Office lights would be on separate bills. Ann said she met with Richard about the countertop. He said the whole countertop would be replaced. Discussion. Of concern were the Lister’s area and the location of the copier. The design should be simplified to save on costs. Also noted was the completion of the new steps on the gazebo. There was some discussion about funding for that project.
4. Sand Shed – Final Reimbursement. Ann said that she had reviewed the invoice and had questions regarding several items. Discussion. She has asked Trish for copies of the invoices.
5. FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser. Grant money for the appraiser has been received and letters to four appraisers have been sent. She will also contract two others. She noted that she and Trish have a meeting scheduled with State’s Hazard Mitigation on the next steps that need to be taken.
6. Insurance – Unemployment Mandate information. Ann said she is still waiting on Trish for this information.
7. Town Property – Town Office Litter Update. Joyce said she has spoken with several people and the suggestion of a trash can was presented. The Board is not in favor of that option. If it continues, a photo will be posted on the Town’s Facebook page. Joyce said she would post signage tomorrow.
8. MERP – Town Office Audit Update. Ann said she is waiting for TRORC to advise her of the name of a vendor and the date. It was noted that this cannot be done when the office is open.
9. Financials – August Treasurer’s Report. Ann pointed out a few things. Town Clerk fees are running ahead, interest has increased, and is the figure for the fire alarm for one or two buildings? She also wondered how the fuel prebuy fits into the budget. Also in question are the portable toilet cost, office supplies, and service charge. Some items in Highway were reviewed and discussed.
1. Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) – Project Final Meeting. Ann reviewed what the program was about. Mark presented a handout of the 2023 Extended Outreach Grant Program. It included a summary of Pittsfield’s participation which included an initial survey, a webinar, and
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
October 5, 2023
a concluding survey which would then permit the purchase at a reduced cost of a recycling bin or composter. He explained that direct mailings were used for the first time this year and emails were sent to those who had purchased permits. Town needs were identified, and tracking was discussed. A question that was raised was whether there has been a change in thinking regarding
trash, recycling, etc. and was distance a factor that prevented participation in the program. Mark presented Breanna who is the Program Manager, and she presented date information in the handout regarding recycling, composting, etc. In summary, Pittsfield’s participation was better than average over comparable towns. They were both thanked for attending tonight.
2. Budget – Hearing Schedule & Department Invitations. The schedule was discussed and to meet on the “off” Thursdays from regular meetings. The dates decided so far are November 9 and 30; December 14 and 21; and January 11 (if needed). All would be at 6pm. The Secretary was asked to send letters out to all departments requesting their proposed budget for FY2024-3025, their choice of dates to present their budget to the SB on Nov. 9, 30, or Dec. 14, what they have spent money on and what activities they have participated in, if any.
3. Town Meeting – Conflict with Primary Election. Ann said she would check with VLCT about holding the Town Meeting on a Saturday because of the Tuesday conflict.
4. Events – Trunk or Treat Event. Jordan Stevens has expressed an interest in organizing this event on Halloween. The Board approved Tuesday, October 31 from 5-7pm on the Green with set-up beginning at 4pm. Parking was discussed, traffic cones will be needed as well as traffic control. Information on the event will be posted on the Pittsfield and Stockbridge Facebook pages. The Board is happy to help in any way needed. Ann made a motion to allow the organizers to use the Village Green on October 31st for Trunk of Treat. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann also noted that the event will be included in the regional Halloween events.
5. Town Property – Folding Chair sale. Ann said that Steve Frankle has offered to sell folding chairs for $12 per chair. She brought one to the meeting to show the Board. She felt 100 chairs would be sufficient and offer $10/chair. Discussion. It was decided that the Board would think about it, and this was tabled for now.
6. Town Property – Tree Trimming. This project should be performed before the snow season. Currently there is enough money to do Heritage Heights, but the budget would have to be looked at to see if more money is available. Joyce suggested speaking with George. Ann said she would reach out to George.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 19, 2023 @6pm Town Hall
Ann asked if there was any further business to discuss. As there was none, Ann moved to close the meeting at 8:06pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 19, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/45sbJfo
DATE: October 5, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Mark Shea, Breanna Franzoni-RCSWD
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: GMNF – Schedule of Proposed Actions: C2
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 21, 2023 Regular Meeting
1.VT Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) – Wastewater Grants
2.Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF) – Schedule of Proposed Actions
1.Citizen Concern/Complaint – Dietch letter follow-up
2.Village Center Designation – Map Assignments
3.Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights)
4.Sand Shed – Final Reimbursement
5.FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser
6.Insurance – Unemployment Mandate information
7.Town Property – Town Office Litter Update
8.MERP – Town Office Audit Update
9.Financials – August Treasurer’s Report
1.Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) – Project Final Meeting
2.Budget – Hearing Schedule & Department Invitations
3.Town Meeting – Conflict with Primary Election
4.Events – Trunk or Treat Event
5.Town Property – Folding Chair sale
6.Town Property – Tree Trimming
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 19, 2023 @6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann presented Mark Shea, RCSWD’s District Manager and Breanna Franzoni ,RCSWD Progam mgr, who were here to present a close-out of the Outreach Program begun in April.
Ann made a motion to take NB1 out of order. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
October 5, 2023
1. VT Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) – Wastewater Grants. Ann explained that there was money available for properties with water or wastewater issues not connected to the flood. This information will be posted.
2. Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF) – Schedule of Proposed Actions. Ann pointed out that there were only a few. The Telephone Gap project is still scoping, and the Forest-wide Open Management project is ongoing in all towns. No action taken.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Dietch letter follow-up. The Secretary said that the letter went out this week. A copy of the letter will be hand delivered to Erica Simister.
2. Village Center Designation – Map Assignments. Joyce and AJ both said that they still have some businesses to complete. It was decided to have them completed and turn in next week.
3. Insurance – Loss Control Projects Update (Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights). Ann said that Mike Juris was consulted about the town office emergency lighting and it was decided that 18 need replacing. He will further check the code for other requirements. He will also provide the cost of labor for the replacements. Ann said that the Town’s Amazon account could be used for the purchase of the fixtures. This could be compared with McKinnon’s cost estimate. The Town Hall and Town Office lights would be on separate bills. Ann said she met with Richard about the countertop. He said the whole countertop would be replaced. Discussion. Of concern were the Lister’s area and the location of the copier. The design should be simplified to save on costs. Also noted was the completion of the new steps on the gazebo. There was some discussion about funding for that project.
4. Sand Shed – Final Reimbursement. Ann said that she had reviewed the invoice and had questions regarding several items. Discussion. She has asked Trish for copies of the invoices.
5. FEMA – Buy-out Appraiser. Grant money for the appraiser has been received and letters to four appraisers have been sent. She will also contract two others. She noted that she and Trish have a meeting scheduled with State’s Hazard Mitigation on the next steps that need to be taken.
6. Insurance – Unemployment Mandate information. Ann said she is still waiting on Trish for this information.
7. Town Property – Town Office Litter Update. Joyce said she has spoken with several people and the suggestion of a trash can was presented. The Board is not in favor of that option. If it continues, a photo will be posted on the Town’s Facebook page. Joyce said she would post signage tomorrow.
8. MERP – Town Office Audit Update. Ann said she is waiting for TRORC to advise her of the name of a vendor and the date. It was noted that this cannot be done when the office is open.
9. Financials – August Treasurer’s Report. Ann pointed out a few things. Town Clerk fees are running ahead, interest has increased, and is the figure for the fire alarm for one or two buildings? She also wondered how the fuel prebuy fits into the budget. Also in question are the portable toilet cost, office supplies, and service charge. Some items in Highway were reviewed and discussed.
1. Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) – Project Final Meeting. Ann reviewed what the program was about. Mark presented a handout of the 2023 Extended Outreach Grant Program. It included a summary of Pittsfield’s participation which included an initial survey, a webinar, and
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
October 5, 2023
a concluding survey which would then permit the purchase at a reduced cost of a recycling bin or composter. He explained that direct mailings were used for the first time this year and emails were sent to those who had purchased permits. Town needs were identified, and tracking was discussed. A question that was raised was whether there has been a change in thinking regarding
trash, recycling, etc. and was distance a factor that prevented participation in the program. Mark presented Breanna who is the Program Manager, and she presented date information in the handout regarding recycling, composting, etc. In summary, Pittsfield’s participation was better than average over comparable towns. They were both thanked for attending tonight.
2. Budget – Hearing Schedule & Department Invitations. The schedule was discussed and to meet on the “off” Thursdays from regular meetings. The dates decided so far are November 9 and 30; December 14 and 21; and January 11 (if needed). All would be at 6pm. The Secretary was asked to send letters out to all departments requesting their proposed budget for FY2024-3025, their choice of dates to present their budget to the SB on Nov. 9, 30, or Dec. 14, what they have spent money on and what activities they have participated in, if any.
3. Town Meeting – Conflict with Primary Election. Ann said she would check with VLCT about holding the Town Meeting on a Saturday because of the Tuesday conflict.
4. Events – Trunk or Treat Event. Jordan Stevens has expressed an interest in organizing this event on Halloween. The Board approved Tuesday, October 31 from 5-7pm on the Green with set-up beginning at 4pm. Parking was discussed, traffic cones will be needed as well as traffic control. Information on the event will be posted on the Pittsfield and Stockbridge Facebook pages. The Board is happy to help in any way needed. Ann made a motion to allow the organizers to use the Village Green on October 31st for Trunk of Treat. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann also noted that the event will be included in the regional Halloween events.
5. Town Property – Folding Chair sale. Ann said that Steve Frankle has offered to sell folding chairs for $12 per chair. She brought one to the meeting to show the Board. She felt 100 chairs would be sufficient and offer $10/chair. Discussion. It was decided that the Board would think about it, and this was tabled for now.
6. Town Property – Tree Trimming. This project should be performed before the snow season. Currently there is enough money to do Heritage Heights, but the budget would have to be looked at to see if more money is available. Joyce suggested speaking with George. Ann said she would reach out to George.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 19, 2023 @6pm Town Hall
Ann asked if there was any further business to discuss. As there was none, Ann moved to close the meeting at 8:06pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: October 19, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben