To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/409rOFH
Date: October 19, 2023
Agenda Modifications: MERP Agereement-NB#6; Historical Society-C#2
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-October 5, 2023
Present: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben ,Joyce Stevens (remotely TEAMS)
Public Present: George Deblon
- Governor VT Recreation Grants
- Historical Society
Old Business:
- Village Center Designation-Map Descriptions
- Loss Control Projects Update- Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights
- Sand Shed Final Reimbursement
- FEMA Buy-Out Appraiser Contract
- Unemployment Mandate Info
- Town Meeting Day Change
- Town Hall Chairs
New Business:
- MRGP Road Inventory Review
- Fire Warden Appointment
- Brookfield Service Agreement
- PACIF Insurance Change
- Treasurers Report-September Financials
- MERP Agreement
Next Meeting Dates: Regular- November 2, 2023
Budget- November 9, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann moved to add two items to the Agenda (see above) AJ seconded. All in favor.
AJ moved to accept the October 5, 2023 minutes. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Ann welcomed Pittsfield Road Commissioner George Deblon and moved to take NB1 MRGP road inventory out of order. AJ seconded. All in favor.
- Governor VT Recreation Grants-The state is making $6 million in grant money available to municipalities to develop recreation areas, either fund projects already planned or fund consultants to identify and develop plans. Applications open until December 15. AJ will take information and solicit consultants for estimates. Ann suggested contacting Rutland and Killington Recreation for leads.
- Historical Society-the Historical Society returned the $200 donation from the town and requested it instead be put in the Town Hall Reserve Fund. AJ moved to deposit the donation into the Town Hall fund. Ann seconded. All in favor.
Old Business:
- Village Center Designation-Map Descriptions-Ann edited the document of map descriptions and forwarded to Sydney at TRORC who will add this to the application to recertify the village center designation and submit to the Downtown Board by the November deadline.
- Loss Control Projects Update- Town Office Counter, Emergency Lights-the latest estimate to extend the Town Office countertop across the office came in only $30 less than the original estimate. Ann says the building committee will work with the contractor to redesign in an attempt to bring down the cost and see if Denny Veilleux or Eric Schambach will bid on the project. Mike Juris submitted an estimate to replace the emergency lights at Town Office and Town Hall upstairs and replace the GFI outlet outside Town Office. $1,750 for labor. Devices will be ordered on Amazon $373.97. Dave Mckinnon’s estimate came in at $2,725 and did not include three devices at town hall and the GFI outlet. AJ moved to accept the Juris estimate. Ann seconded. All in favor. All but $600 of the estimate will be paid out of the Town Office Reserve Fund. The $600 will be paid from the GF Town Hall maintenance.
- Sand Shed Final Reimbursement-All of the forms needed to submit for the final reimbursement of the Sand Shed grant have been completed. Ann moved to have the chair sign the requisition letter and certificate of completion. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann will submit to VTRANS October 20.
- FEMA Buy-Out Appraiser Contract-RFP ‘s went out to four appraisers. Only Sargeant Appraisers submitted a contract to appraise the property that is slated for a FEMA buyout. Ann moved to accept the contract which will cost $1,200. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann spoke with the state mitigation officer who is handling the buyout and she indicated that even though the contract is more than the $1,000 allocated for getting an appraisal, the state will pay the extra cost.
- Unemployment Mandate Info-Ann received information from VLCT that Pittsfield participates in their unemployment program as a reimbursable entity where there are more advantages to being in the pool rather than pay the state quarterly payments for unemployment insurance. The board would like the Clerk to clarify how the town gets notified if an employee files an unemployment insurance claim and if a claim can be contested.
- Town Meeting Day Change-Ann moved to change the date of Pittsfield Town Meeting to Saturday March 9, 2024 at 9am because of a conflict with the election primary which takes place on Town Meeting day. Joyce seconded. All in Favor. Special COVID legislation passed last year which expires July 1, 2024, gives local legislative boards the authority to delay town meeting.
- Town Hall Chairs-Steve Frankel is offering to sell the town 100 padded folding chairs for $1,200 and six new plastic 5-ft round tables for $75 apiece. Ann presented this as an opportunity for considerable savings knowing that in the next year or two, town hall chairs and tables will need to be replaced. The board decided not to purchase at this time.
New Business:
- MRGP Road Inventory Review-Ann provided an overview of the MRGP program to bring hydrologically connected road segments into compliance with state road standards to protect all water sources by the year 2036. The first assessment of Pittsfield’s roads was completed in 2017. George has worked with TRORC over the past three years to identify segments for remediation and submit invoices for reimbursement through the Better Roads grant program. Ann says the state is urging municipalities to take over all reporting that is required-applying for grant money, reviewing and updating the inventory and filing the annual report and permit fees every April. George says most of the remediation work requires filling ditches with gravel which makes cleanouts very difficult to maintain. The board asked George to work with Rita and Pete at TRORC to identify 14 segments that may only need crown or bank work and/or culverts to bring Pittsfield into compliance by the end of next year. The board will revisit this topic in January 2024.
- Fire Warden Appointment-Ray Colton was appointed Fire Warden with a term that expires June 30, 2027. This is a duplicate appointment as ANR never received the appointment form last October. Ann moved to appoint Colton. AJ seconded. All in favor.
- Brookfield Service Agreement-Ann moved to accept annual maintenance contract for the generator which covers one visit. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann will put the invoice in orders so it can be paid before November 1 for a discount.
- PACIF Insurance Change- Ann moved to have the Town Clerk DocuSign the PACIF directive on uninsured/underinsured vehicle coverage to indicate the Town wants the $250,000 coverage limits. AJ seconded. All in favor.
- Treasurers Report-September Financials-Ann pointed out that the Mack truck had more than $12,000 in repairs going over budget just three months into the fiscal year. Joyce asked about the $10,000 paving line item in the highway budget. Ann questioned why there were two charges for heat annual cleaning, (one for an oil burner) at the Fire Department. Joyce will find out what the oil charge was for. Ann moved to accept treasurers report for September as well as August. AJ seconded. All in favor.
- MERP Agreement- Ann moved to accept and sign the Memorandum of Acceptance for the MERP program energy audit that will be conducted at Town Office. Under the terms of the MERP grant, the state will pay the contractor directly for their services. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The board is waiting for a date to be scheduled but has requested a Monday or Friday as the office will have to be closed for at least four hours. In connection with the MERP program, Joyce asked Vaughn Micchie if he would be interested in attending the regional energy resilience meetings that 14 communities in the White River Valley are engaged in. Ann will send Vaughn background on the meetings and goals of the group to hire a regional coordinator to work with communities on developing and deploying energy saving projects and policies.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, November 2, 2023 @6pm Town Hall
Ann asked if there was any further business to discuss. As there was none, Ann moved to close the meeting at 8:02pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Kuendig
Approved: November 2, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben